PROPOSED REPEAL TO: REG 02.50.06: University Highest Ranking Scholars

Rationale: We propose repeal of this REG as it is redundant with the current REG 02.30.01. We are moving to simply recognize students for Latin Honors as outlined in the revision to REG 02.30.01.

Consultation Process (provide date of review):

10/15/18 Mike Mullen, Vice Chancellor and Dean, DASA, authorizes transmittal of PRR for review


10/18/18 Betsy Lanzen,OGC, General Counsel review (10/18/18)

10/15/18 Mike Mullen, Vice Chancellor and Dean, DASA, Executive Officer with delegated authority to

review the PRR (10.15.2018)

10/30/18 Chancellor’s Cabinet Meeting review/notification (PRR Administrator will complete)

1/14/19 University Council (notification), if applicable (PRR Administrator will complete)

N/A Board of Trustees (approval/notification), if applicable (PRR Administrator will complete)

| [pic] |Authority |

|Policies, Regulations and Rules |Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor |

| |Title |

| |University Highest Ranking Scholars |

| |Classification |

| |REG02.50.06 |

| |PRR Subject |

| |Academic Affairs |

| |Contact Info |

| |Vice Chancellor and Dean of Academic and Student Affairs (919-515-3037) |

History: First Issued: August 11, 2003. Endorsed by Deans Council on February 27, 2003; and Executive Officers on March 25, 2003.


1. To be eligible for recognition as “university highest ranking scholars” at the university commencement exercise undergraduate students must have earned a 4.00 cumulative grade point average (with no grade lower than “A-“) and received at least 100 academic credits at NC State (including credit by examination, advanced placement credit, and S/U courses). These 100 credits may include no more than 20 transfer credits through programs officially sponsored by NC State. Specifically, these programs are Cooperating Raleigh Colleges, National Student Exchange, International Student Exchange and NC State sponsored study abroad programs.

2. All students whose accumulated grade point averages, based on all courses attempted at NC State as specified above, make them eligible for this honor shall be so recognized.

Recommend dropping this REG. It is redundant with REG 02.30.01 and valedictorian status. We are removing valedictorian from our REG.


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