Military Glossary - UMSL

Military Glossary

Army Troop Organization

Squad -- The smallest military unit, it usually consists of 10 to 11 soldiers.

Platoon -- A platoon is usually four squads. Platoons are usually led by lieutenants, with sergeants serving as their second-in-command.

Company -- Companies consist of four platoons, a headquarters and some logistical staff. They are normally commanded by captains.

Battalion -- A battalion is usually made up of four to five companies, including a support company and a headquarters company.

Brigade -- A brigade is a collection of battalions, usually 2,000 to 3,000 troops. Brigades are most often commanded by a colonel.

Division -- There are at least three brigades in a division. They are usually commanded by a major general.

Corps -- Made up of two to five divisions, corps are the largest tactical units in the U.S. Army.

Marine Organization

The Marine Corps, a branch of the Navy, has some unit classifications that are unique.

Marine Expeditionary Force -- An expeditionary force is made up of two or three divisions of Marines. The force is usually deployed on helicopter carriers or amphibious assault ships. Its equipment and weaponry includes tanks, artillery, Harrier jump jets and attack helicopters.

Marine Expeditionary Unit -- Each marine division is known separately as a Marine Expeditionary Unit. The unit usually includes a battalion landing team, helicopter squadron and support unit.

Military Slang And Jargon

APC -- Armored personnel carrier, a tanklike vehicle that carries troops

BDUs -- Battle Dress Uniforms, what soldiers and marines wear on the battlefield

CO -- Commanding Officer

Frag, Fragging -- To murder a fellow soldier. From 'fragmentation grenade.'

GPS -- Global Positioning System. A satellite triangulated 'compass' that gives the GPS's location

Humvee -- High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle, the military's current version of the Jeep. Also called a 'hummer.'

Kevlar -- Protective material capable of stopping small caliber bullets and shrapnel. Troops wear Kevlar vests with a ceramic front plate capable of stopping larger caliber rifle rounds. Military helmets are also lined with Kevlar.

LZ -- Landing zone, where troops are deposited by helicopter or land after parachuting from a plane.

MRE -- Meals Ready to Eat, packaged food carried by troops for their own consumption.

NBC -- Nuclear, Biological, Chemical. Often used to describe equipment and training related to those battlefield threats.

NCO -- Non-Commissioned Officer, usually refers to sergeants.

OPSEC -- Operational Security.

POW -- Prisoner Of War.

PsyOps -- Psychological Operations. The production and distribution of media in native languages with the intent of informing the locals of American actions, desires and views, usually with the hope of producing a desired action.

RPG -- Rocket-Propelled Grenade.

SAW -- Squad Automatic Weapon, a light machine gun

SOP -- Standard Operating Precedure

TOW -- A heavy antitank missile. Its name is derived from its description as a Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided missile.

XO -- Executive Officer. The second-highest ranking soldier in a unit.

|Enlisted Rank |

|Army |Navy |Marines |Air Force |

|Private |Seaman Recruit |Private |Airman Basic |

|Private E-2 |Seaman Apprentice |Private First Class |Airman |

|Private First Class |Seaman |Lance Corporal |Airman First Class |

|Corporal | Specialist |Petty Officer Third Class |Corporal |Senior Airman |

|Sergeant |Petty Officer Second Class |Sergeant |Staff Sergeant |

|Staff Sergeant |Petty Officer First Class |Staff Sergeant |Technical Sergeant |

|Sergeant First Class |Chief Petty Officer |Gunnery Sergeant |Master Sergeant | First Sergeant |

|Master Sergeant | First |Senior Chief Petty Officer |Master Sergeant | First |Senior Master Sergeant | First |

|Sergeant | |Sergeant |Sergeant |

|Sergeant Major |Master Chief Petty Officer |Sergeant Major |Chief Master Sergeant |

|Warrant Officer |Warrant Officer (no longer in |Warrant Officer |N/A |

| |use) | | |

|Chief Warrant Officer |Chief Warrant Officer |Chief Warrant Officer |N/A |

|Second Lieutenant |Ensign |Second Lieutenant |Second Lieutenant |

|First Lieutenant |Lieutenant Junior Grade |First Lieutenant |First Lieutenant |

|Captain |Lieutenant |Captain |Captain |

|Major |Lieutenant Commander |Major |Major |

|Lieutenant Colonel |Commander |Lieutenant Colonel |Lieutenant Colonel |

|Colonel |Captain |Colonel |Colonel |

|Brigadier General |Rear Admiral Lower Half |Brigadier General |Brigadier General |

|Major General |Rear Admiral Upper Half |Major General |Major General |

|Lieutenant General |Vice Admiral |Lieutenant General |Lieutenant General |

|General |Admiral |General |General |


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