P2 Describe the influence of the media on a selected sport ...

PAIGNTON COMMUNITY & SPORTS COLLEGE2012 - 2013BTEC FIRST SPORT- LEVEL 3Unit 12: Current Issues In Sport-219075-2286005124450-285750NameTeacherHand-out DateAssignment 1 – Development, Organisation and the Influences of Media and Technology.Scenario:You have decided to apply for a job as a Development Officer for your favourite sport and to your delight, you have been granted an interview. For your interview, you are required to demonstrate your knowledge of your sport from how it has been developed and organised through the years right up to present day. Grading Criteria Attempt:Date:Attempt 1Attempt 2P1 Describe the development and organisation of a selected sport in the UKP2 Describe the influence of the media on a selected sport in the UKP3 Describe the effect that technology has on a selected sportM1 Explain the development andorganisation of a selectedsport in the UKM2 Explain the influence of the media on a selected sport in the UKM3 Explain the effect that technology has on a selected sportCURRENT/ FINAL GRADENotice to CandidateThe work you submit for assessment must be your own. If you copy from someone else or allow another candidate to copy from you, or if you cheat in any other way, you may be disqualified from at least the subject concerned.Declaration by candidate: I have read and understood the Notice to Candidate (above). I have produced the attached work without any help apart from that which has been stated on this sheet.SIGNED: DATE:38100-362267500P1/M1The Development and Organisation of Sport in the UK Describe / Explain the development and organisation of a selected sport in the UKDevelopmentOrganisationP1 ACHIEVED?Y / NM1 ACHIEVED?Y / NP2/M2The Influence of the MediaDescribe / Explain the influence of the media on a selected sport in the UK.P2 ACHIEVED?Y / NM2 ACHIEVED?Y / NP3/M3The Effects of Technology on SportDescribe / Explain the effect that technology has on a selected sport.P3 ACHIEVED?Y / NM3 ACHIEVED?Y / NBTEC SPORTINTERNAL VERIFICATION – ASSESSMENT DECISIONSAwardAssessorUnitAssessment titleLearner’s nameWhich unit/criteria has the assessor awarded?Is there valid evidence against the criteria that the assessment covered?Y/NdetailsHas the learner work been assessed accurately?Y/NdetailsIs the feedback to the learner:Constructive Linked to relevant criteria or outcomesLinked to opportunities for improved performanceShowing actionsY/NDetailsDoes the assessment decision need to be revised?Y/NdetailsInternal verifierSignaturedate*internal verifier should recommend remedial action. Confirmation of remedial action should be completed.Confirmation of remedial actionAssessorDateInternal verifierdate ................

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