Joint Standing, Mission & Pastoral and Finance Committee ...

Deanery of the Isle of WightTransitional Deanery Council Minutes of the meeting held 14th April 2016 St Mark’s Wootton Apologies had been received from Veronica Brown and Mary Strange.PresentDavid Isaac, Peter Sutton, David Bennison, Hilary Spurgeon, Graham Salter, Randal Cross, Graham Morris, Hugh Wright, Peter Blake, Tony Richardson, Allie Kerr and Christine Westmore (sec.)1.Minutes of meeting held 3rd February 2016Item 8 – Should read Drucilla DennisThe minutes were then agreed as a record of the meeting.2.Deanery Synod – May 11th 2016 at Newport Minster Recognition that the Council is acting as a transitional body until ratification is given at the first formal meeting of the Synod on May 11th.Draft Agenda David presented a draft agenda to the council for discussion. The minutes of the September 2015 Joint Synod will also need to be agreed at this Initial meeting of the single deanery synod, which will also include an Act of Worship. TimetableIt was hoped that the voting papers for the election of officers and members of the Deanery Council would be sent out week beginning 18th April. Council members were asked to advise the secretary if they knew of any changes to Synod membership. Hugh Wright advised those present that Norman Jackson MBE (Synod representative for Holy Trinity, Ventnor) had passed away in February.Papers:Nomination papers to be circulated to Synod members for election of:Honorary OfficersLay Chair of Deanery SynodChair of Finance Advisory GroupTreasurerSecretary Officers will serve initially until the formation of a new synod after the triennial elections. (Deputies for the Chair and Finance Chair will be chosen by the Deanery Council from within its membership.) Members of Deanery CouncilConstitution to be presented for agreement, as discussed at earlier meeting of Deanery Council. It was requested that a brief job description should accompany the nomination forms and voting papers. Members of the council were asked to encourage people to think deeply about getting nominations. It would be ideal if all nominations could be in prior to the 11th May.Finance items:Financial updates for both 2015 and 2016/17 to be provided to members prior to Synod. Annual accounts 2015 will need to be agreed, as will the 2016/2017 budgets. The 2015 Accounts of the former East and West Wight Deaneries will be presented for agreement by the Synod.3. Transitional Finance Advisory Group – report from meeting held 15th March 2016.Minutes had been distributed prior to the meeting. Amendment required on page 2 paragraph 3 – should read ?337,00 and not ?1,000,000.Discussion continuing as to whether the formation of a trust-like framework for the deanery would be useful in the long-term.Discussion around future use of funds currently held in the deanery account for Ghana link support. GM to report further on whether these funds still needed by David Tamcken.Funds currently available in the deanery account will be sufficient to meet budget expenditure for 2016. Parishes to be advised (after Deanery Synod) of the precept level for 2016 and that, although this will not be required to be paid in 2016, there will be a precept levy in 2017, as recommended to and agreed by the Deanery Synod.The balance of funds available beyond those required to meet 2016 budget expenditure to be redistributed amongst parishes in proportional ratio to the precept share previously requested and paid.4. Archdeacon’s Visitation – 25th MayIntention that this year will have an increased focus on working within clusters. Invitations extended this year to PCC secretaries, Safeguarding reps., Ride and Stride Reps., Treasurers, Stewardship Secretaries as well as Church Wardens, to attend for a series of workshops with contributions from: Amanda Bloor and Nigel Porter – vocations and trainingRita Tuschling - Spirituality Advisor Emma Lincoln - Health and Wellbeing Development officer for Age UK. Mary Daisy - Safeguarding Victoria James - Stewardship Due to the numbers invited other sites such as the Methodist and Congregational churches may be used as venues for the event, in order to enable quieter discussion groups. All delegates will come together for the worship elements of the event.PCC secretaries had been asked to distribute invitations and they will also be sent to all groups of participantsIt was noted that there are now 5 Clusters, rather than 6, to be known as Ryde, Sandown, South, Medina and West.5. Mission & Pastoral itemsVacanciesBrading with YaverlandSandown – Christchurch, St John, St Blasius, St Paul (pending): Good Shepherd, St SaviourBrightstone, Brook, Mottistone, Shorwell/ West Wight Cluster planSt Paul’s, BartonThe Archdeacon outlined current proposals about the future provision of ministry around the Island. Following Drucilla Dennis’s retirement the parishes of Brading and Yaverland had been supported to enable a predictable pattern of services on Sunday to be maintained.The churches in the Sandown Bay area are also maintaining a good level of service provision despite the long period of vacancies. The current proposal is to appoint 2 priests to the area and a date is being sought for a meeting with all 6 PCC’s to explore this further. Some discussion took place around provision of accommodation for new appointments and where it would be practicable for incumbents to be based.Helen O’Sullivan has now left her post and David Bevington is due to retire in the summer. Proposal being considered to appoint 1 priest and one administrator for the West area, alongside the current ministers serving in Freshwater and Totland. The churches in the Brightstone group have an excellent record in developing a lay ministry team.Barton – discussion taking place about a possible interest in the combined post of priest-in-charge and area dean.The Review of the Minster – this has been completed, although needs further preparation prior to a general distribution.Mission Opportunities fund. There had been two applications put forward for support from churches in the Medina Cluster. Synod support is required prior to their being discussed by the grant committee. Following discussion around the nature of the requests, both of which were felt to be excellent projects, it was agreed to refer the Barton project to the Synod for consideration and to invite the Archdeacon to discuss the Minster project further with the Mission Opportunities Group.6. DevelopmentCluster programme 3 dates have been set: Members may attend any of these events20th June at All Saints’ Ryde; 23rd June at Christchurch, Sandown 27th June at the Minster..Stewardship programme. Victoria James will be speaking on May 3rd with aim of further developing the Island Stewardship programme.Vocations. Amanda Bloor is meeting with a number of inquirers interested in exploring their vocation to ministry. Nine curates will be preaching in Island churches this coming Vocation Sunday (17th), to talk to congregations about their vocational journey. Training programme.The third training cohort of Lay Pastoral Assistants has now begun training and the second commissioning of assistants is due to take place on April 19th. It was noted how beneficial the creation of Pastoral Ministry teams had been, and that key to this is the appointment of mentors. Nigel Porter has now completed the first draft of material for the training course on ‘Leading Worship, which will be launched in the autumn. Dates of Next MeetingsDeanery Synod 11th May 2016, 1900 Newport Minster Deanery Council 2nd September 2016, 1900 St Marks’, WoottonDeanery Synod 29th September 2016, 1900 Newchurch ................

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