San Juan Unified School District

San Juan Unified School District

Course of Study

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|Course Title |3. Subject Area |

|Introduction to Culinary Arts | |

| |History / Social Science |

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| |English |

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| |Mathematics |

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| |Science |

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| |Language other than English |

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| |Visual & Performing Arts |

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| |X Career / Technology Education |

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| |Physical Education |

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| |Elective |

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|2. School: San Juan High School | |

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|School Contact Name: Sandi Coulter | |

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|Title/Position: Instructor | |

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|Phone: 971-5176 cell 203-6727 | |

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|FAX: 971-5111 | |

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|eMail: | |

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|4. Grade Level(s): 10 | |

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| |5. Prerequisites: none |

|6. Unit Value: |

|5 (Semester Equivalent) |

|X 10 (One Year Equivalent) |

1. Course Description (brief paragraph)

Introduction to Culinary Arts is an introductory competency based course that will prepare students to enter the Foodservice and Hospitality pathway. The course is designed to give students classroom instruction and applied practice in kitchen safety and sanitation, food preparation techniques, nutrition, and cuisines of the world. Students will develop skills through the use of authentic application of industry standards.

2. Course Goals

• To develop entry level food production skills including safety and sanitation, understanding recipes and measurement

• To demonstrate an understanding of nutrition concepts and their application

• To understand how to organize and structure work individually and in teams for effective time management, performance and attainment of goals

• To develop an appreciation of diversity through the exploration of world cuisines

3. Objectives/Standards

California CTE Standards

Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Industry Sector (HTR)

Knowledge and Performance Anchor Standards

1.0 Academics

Students will analyze and apply academic standards required for successful industry sector pathway completion leading to postsecondary education and employment.

2.0 Communications

Students will acquire and accurately use Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation sector terminology and protocols at the career and college readiness level for communicating effectively in oral, written, and multimedia formats.

3.0 Career Planning and Management

Students will integrate multiple sources of career information from diverse formats to make informed career decisions, solve problems, and mange personal career plans.

4.0 Technology

Students will use existing and emerging technology, to investigate, research, and produce products and services, including new information, as required in the Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation sector workplace environment.

5.0 Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

Students will conduct short, as well as sustained, research to create alternative solutions to answer a question or solve a problem unique to the Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation, using critical and creative thinking; logical reasoning, analysis, inquiry, and problem-solving techniques.

6.0 Health and Safety

Students will demonstrate health and safety procedures, regulations, and personal health practices and determine the meaning of symbols, key terms and domain-specific words and phrases as related to the Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation sector workplace environment.

7.0 Responsibility and Flexibility

Students will initiate, and participate in, a range of collaborations demonstrating behaviors that reflect personal and professional responsibility, flexibility, and respect in the Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation sector workplace environment and community settings.

8.0 Ethics and Legal Responsibilities

Students will practice professional, ethical, and legal behavior, responding thoughtfully to diverse perspectives and resolving contradictions when possible, consistent with applicable laws, regulations, and organizational norms.

9.0 Leadership and Teamwork

Students will work with peers to promote divergent and creative ` perspectives, effective leadership, group dynamics, team and individual decision making, benefits of workforce diversity, and conflict resolution as practiced in the career technical student organization (FHA-HERO, the California Affiliate of FCCLA).

10.0 Technical Knowledge and Skills

Students will apply essential technical knowledge and skills common to all pathways in the Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation sector, following procedures when carrying out experiments or performing technical tasks.

11.0 Demonstration and Application

Students will demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills contained in the Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation anchor standards, pathway standards and performance indicators in classroom, laboratory and workplace settings, and through the career technical student organization (FHA-HERO, the California Affiliate of FCCLA).

4. Course Outline

Unit 1 Culinary Basics

This unit begins developing the work habits that are required in the food service and hospitality industry. Topics covered include: safety and sanitation, knife skills, tools and equipment, kitchen design, reading recipes, measurement, food preparation techniques, dining etiquette, and shopping for food.

Unit 2 Nutrition Basics

This unit is will explore nutrition concepts and their application. The nutrients, digestion, metabolism, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, MyPlate, menu planning, nutrition through the life cycle, eating disorders and special diets are among the topics covered.

Unit 3 American Regional Cuisine

This unit will focus on the regional cuisines and specific cookery methods and ingredients of the United States.

Unit 4 World Cuisines This unit will develop food preparation skills and cultural awareness through the study of the cuisines of the world.

5. Key Assignments

Unit 1 Culinary Basics

Students will develop food preparation skills through precision knife cut fabrications, following recipes and applying measuring techniques during food production.

Students will develop a menu and table display based on the FHA-HERO Competitive Recognition Event theme.

Unit 2 Nutrition Basics

Students will research a current nutrition topic and present an oral presentation with a visual aid.

Students will create a personalized nutritional analysis using MyPlate.

Unit 3 American Regional Cuisine

Students will research the cuisine of a specific region of the United States, compare the unique similarities and differences in American cuisine, explain the importance of the immigration phenomena in the shaping of American cuisine, produce regional cuisine dishes, which employ standard principles, concepts, and quality, write a report discussing their findings, prepare a presentation handout and make an oral presentation with visual aids.

Unit 4 World Cuisines

Students will develop a world cuisine travelogue research project, visual display, cuisine sample and oral presentation.

13. Texts & Supplemental Instructional Materials

Food For Today, Glencoe (2010), ISBN: 978-0-07-888366-8

Guide to Good Food, Velda L. Largen and Deborah L. Bence, The Goodheart-Wilcox Company, Inc. (2008),

ISBN-13: 978-1-59070-690-9, ISBN-10: 1-59070-690-0

Assorted instructional videos and video clips

FHA-HERO Competitive Recognition Event Guide

14. Instructional Methods and/or Strategies

• Lecture

• Student teacher question and answer

• Interviews

• Guest speakers

• Instructional videos

• Filed trips

• Scenarios and role play

• Cooperative learning

• Academic Discourse-group and class discussion

• Oral presentations

• Written scenario writing prompts

• Internet research and development of multimedia presentations

• Project Based Learning

• Demonstration

• Labs and applied production practice

• Community classroom

15. Assessment Methods and/or Tools

• Tests and quizzes

• Instructor and peer review

• Self-reflection

• Lab Evaluations

• Work performance review

• Profitable Balance Sheet

• Professional Portfolio


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Date of School Board Approval _____________________


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