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The following paid resources are also available (click on the link to take you to the list of titles for each):American Association for Cancer ResearchAmerican Chemical Society PublicationsAmerican Medical Association : JAMA and the archivesAmerican Society for MicrobiologyBMJ GroupCochrane Library Informa HealthcareMedical LetterNature Publishing GroupNew England Journal of MedicineOxford University PressScience Direct (Elsevier) Stat RefWiley-Blackwell InterscienceAmerican Association for Cancer ResearchCancer DiscoveryCancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and PreventionCancer Prevention Journals PortalCancer Prevention ResearchCancer ResearchCancer Reviews OnlineCell growth and differentiation Clinical Cancer ResearchMolecular Cancer ResearchAmerican Chemical Society PublicationsAccounts of chemical researchACS Applied Materials and InterfacesACS CatalysisACS Chemical BiologyACS Chemical NeuroscienceACS Combinatorial ScienceACS Medicinal Chemistry LettersACS NanoAnalytical chemistryBiochemistryBioconjugate chemistryBiomacromoleculesBiotechnology ProgressChemical innovationChemical research in toxicologyChemical reviewsChemistry of materialsCrystal growth and designEnvironmental Science and TechnologyEnvironmental Science and Technology News and Research NotesI and EC product research and developmentIandEC FundamentalsIndustrial and Engineering ChemistryIndustrial and Engineering Chemistry Analytical EditionIndustrial and Engineering Chemistry Chemical and Engineering Data SeriesIndustrial and Engineering Chemistry FundamentalsIndustrial and Engineering chemistry News editionIndustrial and Engineering Chemistry Process Design and DevelopmentIndustrial and Engineering Chemistry Product Research and DevelopmentIndustrial and engineering chemistry researchInorganic chemistryJournal of agricultural and food chemistryJournal of Chemical and Engineering DataJournal of chemical documentationJournal of Chemical EducationJournal of Chemical Information and Computer SciencesJournal of chemical information and modelingJournal of chemical theory and computationJournal of combinatorial chemistryJournal of Industrial and Engineering ChemistryJournal of medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistryJournal of medicinal chemistryJournal of Natural ProductsJournal of organic chemistryJournal of Physical and Colloid ChemistryJournal of Physical ChemistryJournal of physical chemistry Ajournal of physical chemistry BJournal of Physical Chemistry CJournal of physical chemistry lettersJournal of proteome researchJournal of the American Chemical SocietyLangmuirMacromoleculesModern drug discoveryMolecular pharmaceuticsNano lettersOrganic lettersOrganic Process Research and DevelopmentOrganometallicsAmerican Medical Association : JAMA and the archivesAmerican Journal of Diseases of Children New seriesAmerican Journal of Diseases of Children Old seriesArchives of dermatologyArchives of facial plastic surgeryArchives of general psychiatryArchives of Internal MedicineArchives of neurologyArchives of ophthalmologyArchives of otolaryngology head and neck surgeryArchives of pediatrics and adolescent medicineArchives of surgeryJAMA DermatologyJAMA Facial Plastic SurgeryJAMA Internal MedicineJAMA Journal of the American Medical AssociationJAMA NeurologyJAMA OphthalmologyJAMA Otolaryngology Head and Neck SurgeryJAMA PediatricsJAMA PsychiatryJAMA SurgeryJournal of the American Medical AssociationAmerican Society for MicrobiologyAntimicrobial agents and chemotherapyApplied and environmental microbiologyASM Jounals Minireview CollectionsClinical and Vaccine ImmunologyClinical microbiology reviewsEukaryotic cellInfection and immunityJournal of BacteriologyJournal of clinical microbiologyJournal of virologymBioMicrobiology and Molecular Biology ReviewsMolecular and Cellular BiologyBMJ GroupAnnals of the Rheumatic DiseasesArchives of disease in childhoodArchives of Disease in Childhood ADC Education and Practice EditionArchives of Disease in Childhood Fetal and Neonatal EditionBritish heart journalBritish Journal of OphthalmologyBritish Journal of Sports MedicineEvidence based medicineEvidence based mental healthEvidence based nursingGutHeartInjury PreventionJournal of Clinical PathologyJournal of Epidemiology and Community Health 1979Journal of Medical EthicsJournal of Medical GeneticsJournal of Neurointerventional SurgeryJournal of Neurology Neurosurgery and PsychiatryMedical HumanitiesOccupational and Environmental MedicinePostgraduate medical journalPractical NeurologyQuality and safety in health careSexually transmitted infectionsStudent BMJThoraxTobacco ControlThe Cochrane Library The Cochrane Library is a collection of six databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making, and a seventh database that provides information about Cochrane groups. Informa HealthcareActa OncologicaActa orthopaedicaAdvances in physiotherapyAmyotrophic Lateral SclerosisAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal DegenerationsAnnals of Human BiologyAnnals of MedicineClinical toxicology the official journal of the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology and European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical ToxicologistsCritical reviews in biotechnologyCritical reviews in microbiologyCurrent eye researchDrug metabolism reviewsExperimental lung researchInternational Journal of Food Sciences and NutritionIssues in comprehensive pediatric nursingIssues in Mental Health NursingJournal of Medical Engineering and TechnologyJournal of neurovirologyJournal of Pain and Palliative Care PharmacotherapyJournal of pharmaceutical care in pain and symptom controlLeukemia and lymphomaMitochondrial DNAMolecular membrane biologyOphthalmic epidemiologyScandinavian journal of gastroenterologyScandinavian journal of infectious diseasesSomatosensory and Motor ResearchSubstance use and misuseSystems Biology in Reproductive MedicineToxicology Mechanisms and MethodsToxin reviewsNature Publishing GroupAmerican Journal of GastroenterologyBone marrow transplantationBritish Dental JournalBritish Journal of CancerCancer gene therapyCell death and differentiationEyeGene TherapyGenes and immunityGenetics in MedicineHeredityImmunology and Cell BiologyInternational journal of obesity journal of the International Association for the Study of ObesityJournal of Cerebral Blood Flow and MetabolismJournal of Human GeneticsJournal of Investigative DermatologyJournal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium ProceedingsJournal of PerinatologyKidney internationalLaboratory investigationLeukemiaMolecular PsychiatryMolecular Therapy The Journal of the American Society of Gene TherapyMucosal immunologyNatureNature biotechnologyNature cell biologyNature chemical biologyNature ChemistryNature CommunicationsNature geneticsNature GeoscienceNature immunologyNature materialsNature medicineNature methodsNature NanotechnologyNature neurosciencenature newsNature PhotonicsNature physicsNature ProtocolsNature Reviews CancerNature Reviews CardiologyNature Reviews Clinical OncologyNature Reviews Drug DiscoveryNature Reviews EndocrinologyNature Reviews Gastroenterology and HepatologyNature Reviews GeneticsNature Reviews ImmunologyNature reviews MicrobiologyNature reviews Molecular cell biologyNature Reviews NephrologyNature Reviews NeurologyNature reviews NeuroscienceNature Reviews RheumatologyNature Reviews UrologyNature Structural and Molecular BiologyNeuropsychopharmacologyOncogenePolymer JournalVitalOxford University PressAge and AgeingAlcohol and AlcoholismAmerican journal of epidemiologyAnnals of BotanyAnnals of Occupational HygieneAnnals of oncology official journal of the European Society for Medical OncologyApplied LinguisticsArchives of Clinical NeuropsychologyBioinformaticsBiometrikaBiostatisticsBrain a journal of neurologyBriefings in BioinformaticsBriefings in Functional GenomicsBritish Journal for the Philosophy of ScienceBritish journal of anaesthesia BJABritish Journal of CriminologyBritish medical bulletinBulletin of the London Mathematical SocietyCarcinogenesisCardiovascular researchCerebral Cortex New York NYChemical sensesChristian bioethicsClinical Infectious DiseasesCommunity Development JournalComputer JournalContinuing Education in Anaesthesia Critical Care and PainDNA Research An International Journal for Rapid Publication of Reports on Genes and GenomesEP EuropaceEpidemiologic reviewsESHRE MonographsEuropean heart journalEuropean heart journal supplements Journal of the European Society of CardiologyEuropean Journal of Cardio Thoracic SurgeryEuropean Journal of EchocardiographyEuropean journal of international lawEuropean Journal of Public HealthFamily practiceGenome Biology and EvolutionGerontologistGlycobiologyHealth education researchHealth policy and planningHealth promotion internationalHolocaust and Genocide StudiesHuman molecular geneticsHuman Reproduction Oxford EnglandHuman reproduction updateHuman rights law reviewIMA Journal of Applied MathematicsIMA Journal of Numerical AnalysisIntegrative and comparative biologyInternational immunologyInternational Journal for Quality in Health CareInternational journal of epidemiologyInternational Journal of Law Policy and the FamilyInternational Journal of Public Opinion ResearchInternational Journal of Refugee LawJapanese journal of clinical oncologyJNCI Online formerly JNCI Cancer SpecturmJournal of Antimicrobial ChemotherapyJournal of BiochemistryJournal of Church and StateJournal of Conflict and Security LawJournal of Deaf Studies and Deaf EducationJournal of Electron MicroscopyJournal of Environmental LawJournal of experimental botanyJournal of HeredityJournal of Hindu StudiesJournal of Infectious Diseases Official Publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of AmericaJournal of Islamic StudiesJournal of Law Economics and OrganizationJournal of Medicine and PhilosophyJournal of Molluscan StudiesJournal of pediatric psychologyJournal of Plankton ResearchJournal of Public Administration Research and Theory J PARTJournal of Public HealthJournal of Semitic StudiesJournal of the American Academy of ReligionJournal of the History of Medicine and Allied SciencesJournal of the London Mathematical SocietyJournal of the National Cancer Institute JNCIJournal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs JNCIJournal of Theological StudiesJournals of Gerontology Series A Biological Sciences and Medical SciencesJournals of Gerontology Series B Psychological Sciences and Social SciencesLibraryMathematical Medicine and Biology A Journal of the IMAMedical Law ReviewMindMolecular biology and evolutionMolecular Human Reproduction MHR Basic science of reproductive medicineMutagenesisNDT PlusNephrology dialysis transplantation official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association European Renal AssociationNeuro oncologyNicotine and Tobacco ResearchNucleic acids symposium seriesOccupational medicineOral History ReviewOxford Journal of Legal StudiesParliamentary AffairsPast and PresentPlant and Cell PhysiologyPolitical analysisProceedings of the London Mathematical SocietyProtein Engineering Design and Selection PEDSPublic Health EthicsPublic Opinion QuarterlyPublius Journal of FederalismQJM An International Journal of MedicineQuarterly Journal of MathematicsQuarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied MathematicsRefugee Survey QuarterlyRheumatologySchizophrenia bulletinSocial Cognitive and Affective NeuroscienceSocial History of MedicineSocial PoliticsSociology of ReligionStatute law reviewSystematic BiologyToxicological SciencesScience Direct??? This system provides access to the electronic versions of the Elsevier journals and books that we subscribe to. Current issues and back files are included. Currently, it includes more than 2,500 journals. The full text collection contains over 1.5 million articles and book chapters from 1995 to present across all fields of science. Analysis and PreventionAccident and Emergency NursingActa astronauticaActa biomaterialiaActa MaterialiaActa oecologicaActa psychologicaActa tropicaAddictive behaviorsAdvanced drug delivery reviewsAdvances in Chronic Kidney DiseaseAdvances in colloid and interface scienceAdvances in enzyme regulationAdvances in neuroimmunologyAgeing research reviewsAggression and violent behaviorAir Medical JournalAlcoholAmerican Heart JournalAmerican Journal of CardiologyAmerican Journal of Emergency MedicineAmerican Journal of Human GeneticsAmerican Journal of Infection ControlAmerican Journal of MedicineAmerican Journal of Obstetrics and GynecologyAmerican Journal of OphthalmologyAmerican Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Medicine and SurgeryAmerican Journal of PathologyAmerican Journal of Preventive MedicineAmerican Journal of SurgeryAnaerobeAnalysis and Intervention in Developmental DisabilitiesAnalytica chimica actaAnalytical biochemistryAnimal BehaviourAnimal reproduction scienceAnnals of Allergy Asthma and ImmunologyAnnals of Emergency MedicineAnnals of epidemiologyAnnals of nuclear energyAnnals of physicsAnnals of pure and applied logicAnnals of Thoracic SurgeryAnnals of Vascular SurgeryAnnual reviews in controlAntiviral researchAORN JournalAppetiteApplied animal behaviour scienceApplied Animal EthologyApplied CatalysisApplied Catalysis A GeneralApplied Catalysis B EnvironmentalApplied ergonomicsApplied mathematical modellingApplied mathematics and computationApplied Nursing ResearchApplied research in mental retardationApplied surface scienceAquacultureAquatic toxicologyArchives of biochemistry and biophysicsArchives of Clinical Neuropsychology ElsevierArchives of gerontology and geriatricsArchives of physical medicine and rehabilitationArchives of psychiatric nursing Science DirectArt PsychotherapyArthropod structure and developmentArthroscopy The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related SurgeryArtificial intelligenceArts in PsychotherapyAtherosclerosisAtherosclerosis supplementsAtmospheric environmentAtmospheric researchAtomic Data and Nuclear Data TablesAutonomic NeuroscienceBaillieres clinical haematologyBaillieres clinical obstetrics and gynaecologyBasic and applied ecologyBehavior TherapyBehaviour research and therapyBehavioural brain researchBehavioural processesBest Practice and Research Clinical Endocrinology and MetabolismBest Practice and Research Clinical HaematologyBest Practice and Research Clinical Obstetrics and GynaecologyBiochemical and biophysical research communicationsBiochemical and molecular medicineBiochemical engineering journalBiochemical medicineBiochemical medicine and metabolic biologyBiochemical pharmacologyBiochemical systematics and ecologyBiochimica et Biophysica ActaBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA BioenergeticsBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA BiomembranesBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Biophysics including PhotosynthesisBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA EnzymologyBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Enzymology and Biological OxidationBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Gene Regulatory MechanismsBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Gene Structure and ExpressionBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA General SubjectsBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Lipids and Lipid MetabolismBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Molecular and Cell Biology of LipidsBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Molecular Basis of DiseaseBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Molecular Cell ResearchBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Mucoproteins and MucopolysaccharidesBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Nucleic Acids and Protein SynthesisBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Protein StructureBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Protein Structure and Molecular EnzymologyBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Proteins and ProteomicsBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Reviews on BioenergeticsBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Reviews on BiomembranesBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Reviews on CancerBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Specialized Section on Biophysical SubjectsBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Specialized Section on Enzymological SubjectsBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Specialized Section on Lipids and Related SubjectsBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Specialized Section on Mucoproteins and MucopolysaccharidesBiochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA Specialized Section on Nucleic Acids and Related SubjectsBiochimieBioelectrochemistryBioelectrochemistry and bioenergeticsBioinorganic chemistryBiological conservationBiological ControlBiological psychiatryBiological psychologyBiological wastesBiologicalsBiology of blood and marrow transplantationBiology of the CellBiomass and bioenergyBiomaterialsBiomedicine and pharmacotherapyBiomolecular engineeringBioorganic and medicinal chemistryBioorganic and medicinal chemistry lettersBioorganic chemistryBiophysical chemistryBiophysical JournalBioresource technologyBiosensors and bioelectronicsBiosystems engineeringBiotechnology advancesBlood Cells Molecules and DiseasesBody imageBoneBotanical Journal of the Linnean Society ElsevierBrain and cognitionBrain and DevelopmentBrain and LanguageBrain behavior and immunityBrain ResearchBrain research bulletinBrain Research Cognitive brain researchBrain Research ProtocolsBrain research reviewsBritish Journal of Animal BehaviourBritish Journal of Diseases of the ChestBritish Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryBritish Journal of Oral SurgeryBritish journal of plastic surgeryBritish Journal of TuberculosisBritish Journal of Tuberculosis and Diseases of the ChestBulletin de Llnstitut PasteurBulletin of Mathematical BiologyBurnsCancer CellCancer Detection and PreventionCancer EpidemiologyCancer GeneticsCancer Genetics and CytogeneticsCancer LettersCancer Treatment ReviewsCarbohydrate polymersCarbohydrate researchCarbonCardiovascular PathologyCatalysis todayCellCell Biology InternationalCell biology internationalCell Biology International ReportsCell calciumCell differentiationCell differentiation and developmentCell host microbeCell MetabolismCell stem cellCellular ImmunologyCellular signallingCeramics internationalChaos Solitons and FractalsChemical Engineering and Processing Process IntensificationChemical engineering journalChemical Engineering Journalchemical engineering journal and the biochemical engineering journalChemical engineering scienceChemical physicsChemical physics lettersChemico biological interactionsChemistry and biologyChemistry and physics of lipidsChemosphereChemosphere Global Change ScienceChild Abuse and NeglectChild and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North AmericaChildren and youth services reviewCIRP Annals Manufacturing TechnologyCladisticsClinical and Diagnostic VirologyClinical biochemistryClinical biomechanicsClinical Breast CancerClinical Colorectal CancerClinical Genitourinary CancerClinical ImagingClinical ImmunologyClinical immunology and immunopathologyClinical Lung CancerClinical Lymphoma Myeloma and LeukemiaClinical neurology and neurosurgeryClinical NeurophysiologyClinical NutritionClinical Nutrition SupplementsClinical OncologyClinical Ovarian CancerClinical Pediatric Emergency MedicineClinical positron imagingClinical Psychology ReviewClinical RadiologyClinical radiology extraClinical therapeuticsClinics in Endocrinology and MetabolismClinics in Sports MedicineCognitionCognitive brain researchCognitive developmentCognitive psychologyCognitive ScienceColloids and SurfacesColloids and Surfaces A Physicochemical and Engineering AspectsColloids and Surfaces B BiointerfacesCombinatorial Chemistry An Online JournalCommunist and post communist studiesComparative biochemistry and physiologyComparative biochemistry and physiology B comparative biochemistryComparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A Molecular and Integrative PhysiologyComparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A PhysiologyComparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyComparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C Comparative PharmacologyComparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C Pharmacology Toxicology and EndocrinologyComparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C Toxicology and PharmacologyComparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D Genomics and ProteomicsComparative immunology microbiology and infectious diseasesComplementary Therapies in Clinical PracticeComplementary therapies in nursing and midwiferyComposite StructuresComposites science and technologyComptes rendus biologiesComputational biology and chemistryComputational statistics and data analysisComputer Aided DesignComputer methods and programs in biomedicineComputer networksComputer physics communicationsComputer programs in biomedicineComputer speech and languageComputer standards and interfacesComputer vision and image understandingComputerized radiologyComputerized tomographyComputers and biomedical researchComputers and chemical engineeringComputers and chemistryComputers and fluidsComputers and graphicsComputers and Mathematics with ApplicationsComputers and operations researchComputers and securityComputers environment and urban systemsComputers in biology and medicineComputers in human behaviorConsciousness and CognitionContemporary Clinical TrialsContemporary educational psychologyContraceptionControl engineering practiceControlled Clinical TrialsCoordination chemistry reviewsCorrosion scienceCritical reviews in oncology hematologyCryobiologyCurrent Biology ScienceDirectCurrent opinion in biotechnologyCurrent Opinion in Cell BiologyCurrent opinion in chemical biologyCurrent opinion in colloid and interface scienceCurrent Opinion in Genetics and DevelopmentCurrent opinion in immunologyCurrent opinion in microbiologyCurrent opinion in neurobiologyCurrent opinion in pharmacologyCurrent opinion in plant biologyCurrent opinion in solid state and materials scienceCurrent opinion in structural biologyCurrent Problems in SurgeryCurrent surgeryCytokineCytokine and growth factor reviewsData and knowledge engineeringDecision support systemsDental materialsDesalinationDevelopmental and Comparative ImmunologyDevelopmental Biology An official journal of the Society for Developmental BiologyDevelopmental Brain ResearchDevelopmental CellDiabetes research and clinical practiceDiagnostic Microbiology and Infectious DiseaseDiamond and related materialsDifferential geometry and its applicationsDifferentiationDigital signal processingDiscrete applied mathematicsDiscrete Mathematics ElsevierDisease a MonthDNA repairDomestic Animal EndocrinologyDrug and alcohol dependenceDrug discovery todayEarly Childhood Research QuarterlyEarly human developmentEating behaviorsEcological indicatorsEcological modellingElectrochemistry communicationsElectrochimica actaElectroencephalography and clinical neurophysiologyElectroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology Evoked Potentials SectionElectroencephalography and Clinical NeurophysiologyElectromyography and Motor ControlEngineering applications of artificial intelligenceEnglish for specific purposesEnvironment internationalEnvironmental and experimental botanyEnvironmental impact assessment reviewEnvironmental Modelling and SoftwareEnvironmental pollutionEnvironmental Pollution 1970Environmental Pollution Series A Ecological and BiologicalEnvironmental Pollution Series B Chemical and PhysicalEnvironmental researchEnvironmental science and policyEnvironmental toxicology and pharmacologyEnzyme and microbial technologyEpilepsy and behaviorEpilepsy researchEstuarine coastal and shelf scienceEuropean Journal of CancerEuropean Journal of Cancer and Clinical OncologyEuropean Journal of Cancer Part B Oral OncologyEuropean journal of cancer supplementsEuropean journal of cell biologyEuropean journal of combinatoricsEuropean journal of mechanics A SolidsEuropean journal of mechanics B FluidsEuropean Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive BiologyEuropean journal of operational researchEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciencesEuropean journal of pharmacologyEuropean Journal of Pharmacology Environmental Toxicology and PharmacologyEuropean Journal of Pharmacology Molecular PharmacologyEuropean Journal of RadiologyEuropean journal of radiology extraEuropean journal of soil biologyEuropean Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryEuropean Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery ExtraEuropean Journal of Vascular SurgeryEuropean NeuropsychopharmacologyEuropean polymer journalEvaluation and program planningEvidence Based OncologyEvolution and human behaviorExperimental and molecular pathologyExperimental Cell ResearchExperimental Eye ResearchExperimental gerontologyExperimental HematologyExperimental mycologyExperimental neurologyExperimental parasitologyExperimental thermal and fluid scienceExpert systems with applicationsFEBS lettersFEMS Immunology and Medical MicrobiologyFEMS Microbiology EcologyFEMS Microbiology LettersFEMS Microbiology ReviewsFEMS Yeast ResearchFertility and sterilityFiltration and separationFinite elements in analysis and designFinite fields and their applicationsFish and Shellfish ImmunologyFluid Dynamics Research ElsevierFluid phase equilibriaFolding and DesignFood and Chemical ToxicologyFood and cosmetics toxicologyFood chemistryFood controlFood hydrocolloidsFood microbiologyFood policyFood quality and preferenceFood research internationalFoot and Ankle ClinicsForensic science internationalForensic Science International GeneticsForensic Science International Genetics Supplement SeriesForensic Science International Supplement SeriesFree Radical Biology and MedicineFrontiers in neuroendocrinologyFundamental and Applied ToxicologyFungal BiologyFungal Biology ReviewsFungal EcologyFungal Genetics and BiologyFuture Generation Computer SystemsFuzzy sets and systemsGait and PostureGames and economic behaviorGas separation and purificationGastroenterologyGeneGene Analysis TechniquesGene expression patternsGeneral and comparative endocrinologyGeneral Hospital PsychiatryGeneral Pharmacology The Vascular SystemGenetic analysis biomolecular engineeringGenetic AnalysisTechniques and ApplicationsGenomicsGeriatric NursingGlobal and planetary changeGlobal Environmental Change Human and Policy DimensionsGlobal Environmental Change Part B Environmental HazardsGovernment Information QuarterlyGraphical modelsGrowth Hormone and IGF ResearchGynecologic OncologyHandHand ClinicsHealth and PlaceHealth policyHearing researchHeart and Lung The Journal of Acute and Critical CareHOMO Journal of Comparative Human BiologyHormones and behaviorHuman immunologyHuman movement scienceHuman PathologyHuman Resource Management ReviewIcarusImage and vision computingImmunityImmuno analyse and Biologie SpecialiseeImmunobiologyImmunology lettersImmunology TodayImmunopharmacologyImmunotechnologyInfant Behavior and DevelopmentInfectious Diseases NewsletterInformation and organizationInformation processing and managementInformation processing lettersInformation sciencesInformation systemsInjuryInjury extraInnovative Food Science and Emerging TechnologiesInorganica chimica actaInsect biochemistryInsect biochemistry and molecular biologyIntelligenceIntensive and Critical Care Nursing The Official Journal of the British Association of Critical Care NursesInteracting with computersInternational biodeterioration and biodegradationInternational dairy journalInternational Emergency NursingInternational immunopharmacologyInternational journal for parasitologyInternational journal of adhesion and adhesivesInternational journal of antimicrobial agentsInternational journal of bio medical computingInternational Journal of BiochemistryInternational Journal of Biochemistry and Cell BiologyInternational journal of biological macromoleculesInternational journal of cardiologyInternational Journal of Developmental NeuroscienceInternational Journal of Drug PolicyInternational journal of educational developmentInternational Journal of Engineering ScienceInternational journal of fatigueInternational journal of food microbiologyInternational Journal of Gynecology and ObstetricsInternational journal of heat and mass transferInternational Journal of High Technology CeramicsInternational journal of human computer studiesInternational journal of hydrogen energyInternational journal of immunopharmacologyInternational journal of impact engineeringInternational journal of industrial ergonomicsInternational journal of information managementInternational journal of insect morphology and embryologyInternational journal of intercultural relationsInternational Journal of Law and PsychiatryInternational journal of mass spectrometryInternational journal of mass spectrometry and ion processesInternational journal of mechanical sciencesInternational journal of medical informaticsInternational Journal of NeuropharmacologyInternational journal of non linear mechanicsInternational Journal of Nuclear Medicine and BiologyInternational Journal of Nursing StudiesInternational Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryInternational journal of oral surgeryInternational journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngologyInternational journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology extraInternational journal of plasticityInternational Journal of Project ManagementInternational Journal of PsychophysiologyInternational Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation Part B Nuclear Medicine and BiologyInternational Journal of Radiation OncologyBiologyPhysicsInternational journal of solids and structuresInternational Journal of Surgery Case ReportsInternational journal of thermal sciencesInternet and Higher EducationJACC Cardiovascular ImagingJACC Cardiovascular InterventionsJACC Heart FailureJACEP Journal of the American College of Emergency PhysiciansJournal of AAPOS the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and StrabismusJournal of Academic LibrarianshipJournal of AdolescenceJournal of Adolescent HealthJournal of Adolescent Health CareJournal of aerosol scienceJournal of affective disordersJournal of Air Medical TransportJournal of AlgorithmsJournal of Allergy and Clinical ImmunologyJournal of alloys and compoundsJournal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and StrabismusJournal of analytical and applied pyrolysisJournal of anxiety disordersJournal of applied developmental psychologyJournal of Approximation TheoryJournal of arid environmentsJournal of ArthroplastyJournal of autoimmunityJournal of Behavior therapy and Experimental PsychiatryJournal of biochemical and biophysical methodsJournal of Biological StandardizationJournal of biomechanicsJournal of biomedical informaticsJournal of Bioscience and BioengineeringJournal of biotechnologyJournal of Cardiac FailureJournal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular AnesthesiaJournal of CatalysisJournal of Cataract and Refractive SurgeryJournal of Cereal ScienceJournal of chemical neuroanatomyJournal of chromatography AJournal of chromatography B Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life SciencesJournal of chromatography B biomedical sciences and applicationsJournal of Chronic DiseasesJournal of Clinical AnesthesiaJournal of Clinical EpidemiologyJournal of clinical forensic medicineJournal of Clinical NeuroscienceJournal of clinical virologyJournal of colloid and interface scienceJournal of Colloid ScienceJournal of Combinatorial Theory Series AJournal of Combinatorial Theory Series BJournal of communication disordersJournal of comparative pathologyJournal of ComplexityJournal of computational and applied mathematicsJournal of computational physicsJournal of Computed TomographyJournal of computer and system sciencesJournal of Consumer Psychology The Official Journal of the Society for Consumer PsychologyJournal of contaminant hydrologyJournal of Controlled ReleaseJournal of criminal justiceJournal of crystal growthJournal of dermatological scienceJournal of Diabetes and Its ComplicationsJournal of Diabetic ComplicationsJournal of differential equationsJournal of electroanalytical chemistryJournal of electrocardiologyJournal of Electromyography and KinesiologyJournal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomenaJournal of Emergency MedicineJournal of Emergency NursingJournal of environmental managementJournal of environmental psychologyJournal of environmental radioactivityJournal of epilepsyJournal of ethnopharmacologyJournal of experimental child psychologyJournal of experimental marine biology and ecologyJournal of experimental social psychologyJournal of fermentation and bioengineeringJournal of Fermentation TechnologyJournal of fluency disordersJournal of fluids and structuresJournal of fluorine chemistryJournal of food composition and analysisJournal of food engineeringJournal of Forensic and Legal MedicineJournal of functional analysisJournal of geometry and physicsJournal of government informationJournal of Hand SurgeryJournal of hazardous materialsJournal of health economicsJournal of Heart and Lung TransplantationJournal of HepatologyJournal of Hospital InfectionJournal of human evolutionJournal of immunological methodsJournal of InfectionJournal of inorganic biochemistryJournal of insect physiologyJournal of invertebrate pathologyJournal of Laboratory and Clinical MedicineJournal of lipid mediators and cell signallingJournal of luminescenceJournal of Magnetic ResonanceJournal of Magnetic ResonanceJournal of Magnetic Resonance Series AJournal of Magnetic Resonance Series BJournal of magnetism and magnetic materialsJournal of Manipulative and Physiological TherapeuticsJournal of materials processing technologyJournal of mathematical analysis and applicationsJournal of maxillofacial surgeryJournal of membrane scienceJournal of memory and languageJournal of microbiological methodsJournal of minimally invasive gynecologyJournal of molecular and cellular cardiologyJournal of molecular biologyJournal of Molecular CatalysisJournal of Molecular Catalysis A ChemicalJournal of Molecular Diagnostics JMDJournal of molecular graphicsJournal of molecular graphics and modellingJournal of molecular liquidsJournal of molecular spectroscopyJournal of molecular structureJournal of Molecular Structure THEOCHEMJournal of multivariate analysisJournal of network and computer applicationsJournal of neuroimmunologyJournal of neurolinguisticsJournal of neuroscience methodsJournal of non crystalline solidsJournal of non Newtonian fluid mechanicsJournal of nuclear materialsJournal of number theoryJournal of nurse midwiferyJournal of Nutrition Education and BehaviorJournal of Nutritional BiochemistryJournal of occupational accidentsJournal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryJournal of organometallic chemistryJournal of orthopaedic nursingJournal of PainJournal of Pain and Symptom ManagementJournal of parallel and distributed computingJournal of Pediatric and Adolescent GynecologyJournal of Pediatric Health CareJournal of Pediatric Nursing Science DirectJournal of Pediatric SurgeryJournal of PediatricsJournal of pharmacological and toxicological methodsJournal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A ChemistryJournal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B BiologyJournal of physics and chemistry of solidsJournal of Physiology ParisJournal of plant physiologyJournal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic SurgeryJournal of power sourcesJournal of professional nursing official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Science DirectJournal of proteomicsJournal of psychiatric researchJournal of psychosomatic researchJournal of pure and applied algebraJournal of quantitative spectroscopy and radiative transferJournal of Reproductive ImmunologyJournal of research in personalityJournal of Rural StudiesJournal of Safety ResearchJournal of school psychologyJournal of Shoulder and Elbow SurgeryJournal of Socio EconomicsJournal of solid state chemistryJournal of sound and vibrationJournal of Statistical Planning and InferenceJournal of Steroid Biochemistryjournal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biologyJournal of structural biologyJournal of substance abuseJournal of Substance Abuse Treatmentjournal of supercritical fluidsJournal of Surgical EducationJournal of surgical researchJournal of Systems and SoftwareJournal of the AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and StrabismusJournal of the American Academy of DermatologyJournal of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and StrabismusJournal of the American Association of Gynecologic LaparoscopistsJournal of the American College of Cardiology JACCJournal of the American Dietetic AssociationJournal of the American Medical Directors AssociationJournal of the American Society for Mass SpectrometryJournal of the American Society for Surgery of the HandJournal of the autonomic nervous systemJournal of the European Ceramic SocietyJournal of the Faculty of RadiologistsJournal of the Less Common MetalsJournal of the mechanics and physics of solidsJournal of the neurological sciencesJournal of theoretical biologyJournal of thermal biologyJournal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeryJournal of Ultrastructure and Molecular Structure ResearchJournal of ultrastructure researchJournal of UrologyJournal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology JVIRJournal of Vascular NursingJournal of vascular surgeryJournal of virological methodsJournal of visual communication and image representationJournal of visual languages and computingJournal of vocational behaviorKneeKnowledge based systemsLancetLancet Infectious DiseasesLancet NeurologyLancet Oncology Science DirectLanguage and communicationLeadership QuarterlyLearning and instructionLegal medicineLeukemia ResearchLibrary Acquisitions Practice and TheoryLibrary and information science researchLibrary Collections Acquisitions and Technical ServicesLife sciencesLinear algebra and its applicationsLong Range Planning LRPLung CancerLWT Food Science and Technology Lebensmittel Wissenschaft IE Und Technologie Science Technologie AlimentaireMagnetic Resonance ImagingMammalian Biology Zeitschrift fur SaugetierkundeManual TherapyMarine chemistryMarine environmental researchMarine pollution bulletinMaterials and DesignMaterials characterizationMaterials chemistry and physicsMaterials lettersMaterials research bulletinMaterials Science and EngineeringMaterials Science and Engineering AMaterials Science and Engineering BMaterials Science and Engineering CMaterials Science and Engineering R ReportsMaterials Science ReportsMaterials todayMathematical BiosciencesMathematical social sciencesMathematics and Computers in SimulationMatrix BiologyMaturitasMechanical Systems and Signal ProcessingMechanics of MaterialsMechanisms of Ageing and DevelopmentMechanisms of developmentMechatronicsMedecine et Maladies InfectieusesMedical Engineering and PhysicsMedical HypothesesMembrane TechnologyMetabolic EngineeringMetabolism Clinical and ExperimentalMetallographyMethodsMicrobes and InfectionMicrobial pathogenesisMicrochemical JournalMicroelectronic EngineeringMicroelectronics JournalMicroelectronics ReliabilityMicronMicroporous and Mesoporous MaterialsMicroporous MaterialsMicroprocessors and MicrosystemsMicrovascular researchMidwiferyMitochondrionMolecular and Biochemical ParasitologyMolecular and Cellular EndocrinologyMolecular and Cellular NeurosciencesMolecular and Cellular ProbesMolecular Aspects of MedicineMolecular Brain ResearchMolecular CellMolecular Cell Biology Research CommunicationsMolecular Genetics and MetabolismMolecular Imaging and BiologyMolecular Imaging and Biology ElsevierMolecular ImmunologyMolecular medicine todayMolecular Phylogenetics and EvolutionMutation research DNA repairMutation research DNA repair reportsMutation Research Environmental Mutagenesis and Related SubjectsMutation Research Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of MutagenesisMutation Research Genetic ToxicologyMutation Research Genetic Toxicology and Environmental MutagenesisMutation Research LettersMutation Research Mutation Research GenomicsMutation Research Reviews in Genetic ToxicologyMutation ResearchDNAgingMutation ResearchReviews in Mutation ResearchMycological ResearchMycologistNanomedicine Nanotechnology Biology and MedicineNanostructured MaterialsNDT and E InternationalNDT InternationalNetwork securityNeural NetworksNeurobiology of agingNeurobiology of DiseaseNeurobiology of Learning and MemoryNeurochemistry InternationalNeurocomputingNeurodegenerationNeuroImageNeurologic ClinicsNeuromuscular DisordersNeuron Science DirectNeuropharmacologyNeurophysiologie CliniqueClinical NeurophysiologyNeuroprotocolsNeuropsychologiaNeuroscienceNeuroscience and Biobehavioral ReviewsNeuroscience LettersNeuroscience ResearchNeuroToxicologyNeurotoxicology and TeratologyNew BiotechnologyNew Ideas in PsychologyNew Scientist ScienceDirectNitric OxideNonlinear Analysis Hybrid SystemsNonlinear Analysis Real World ApplicationsNonlinear analysis theory methods and applicationsNuclear Engineering and DesignNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated EquipmentNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B Beam Interactions with Materials and AtomsNurse Education in PracticeNurse Education TodayNursing Clinics of North AmericaNursing outlook Science DirectNutritionNutrition ResearchOcean EngineeringOmegaOperations Research LettersOperative Techniques in Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryOperative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery A Comparative AtlasOphthalmologyOptical Fiber TechnologyOptical MaterialsOptics and Laser TechnologyOptics and Lasers in EngineeringOptics CommunicationsOral OncologyOral Oncology ExtraOral Oncology SupplementOral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral PathologyOrbis A Journal of World AffairsOrganic ElectronicsOrganizational behavior and human decision processesOrganizational DynamicsOsteoarthritis and CartilageOtolaryngology Head 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(2013)Kaplan & Sadock's Synopsis Of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/clinical Psychiatry - 11th Ed. (2015)Learn Emg: An Interactive Quiz Approach To Electrodiagnostic Interpretation (2014)Lippincott Manual Of Nursing Practice - 10th Ed. (2014)Lippincott's: Nursing Procedures - 6th Ed. (2013)Manual Of Clinical Microbiology - 10th Ed. (2011)Medical-surgical Nursing Care - 3rd Ed. (2011)The Merck Manual Of Diagnosis And Therapy - 19th Ed. (2011)Neurology Video Textbook (2013)Nursing Care Plans: Transitional Patient & Family Centered Care - 6th Ed. (2014)Sparks & Taylor's Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual - 9th Ed. (2014)Olds' Maternal-newborn Nursing & Women's Health Across The Lifespan - 9th Ed. (2012)Oxford Textbook Of Palliative Nursing - 4th Ed. (2015)Red Book?: 2012 Report Of The Committee On Infectious Diseases - 29th Ed. (2012)Scientific American MedicineScientific American SurgeryTaber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary??Wiley-Blackwell Interscience publishes one of the largest online collections of peer-reviewed scientific, technical, medical and scholarly research in the world. It contains over 3.5 million articles from some 1500 journals and 8000 online books, reference works, book series, handbooks and dictionaries. The site also features leading chemistry and medical databases, such as the Cochrane Library. Penn State subscribes to 500 journal titles. 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Environmental Cleanup Costs Technologies and TechniquesReproduction in domestic animals ZuchthygieneResearch in Nursing and HealthRespirologyRestoration EcologyReview of Policy ResearchReview of Urban and Regional Development StudiesReviews in Medical VirologyReviews in Religion and TheologyRisk Analysis An Official Publication of the Society for Risk AnalysisRiver Research and ApplicationsRural SociologyRussian ReviewScandinavian Journal of Caring SciencesScandinavian Journal of ImmunologyScandinavian journal of medicine and science in sportsScandinavian journal of psychologyScanningSeminars in dialysisSignal Transduction Receptors Mediators and GenesSignificanceSkin Research and TechnologySleep and biological rhythmsSmallSocial developmentSocial Issues and Policy ReviewSocial Policy and AdministrationSocial Science QuarterlySociological ForumSociological inquirySociological QuarterlySociological ReviewSociology of health and illnessSoftware Practice and ExperienceSoftware testing verification and reliability STVRSoutheastern political reviewSpecial Care in DentistrySpirituality and Health InternationalStarch StarkeStatistica neerlandicaStatistics in MedicineStem cellsStrainStrategic ChangeStrategic management journalStress and healthStress MedicineStructural Control and Health MonitoringStudies in applied mathematicsStudies in Ethnicity and NationalismStudies in Family PlanningSupport for learningSurface and Interface AnalysisSurgical practiceSustainable DevelopmentSynapseSystem Dynamics ReviewSystematic entomologySystems EngineeringSystems Research and Behavioral ScienceTeratologyTheoria A Swedish Journal of PhilosophyTherapeutic Apheresis and DialysisTissue antigensTopics in Cognitive ScienceTrafficTransboundary and Emerging DiseasesTransfusionTransfusion Alternatives in Transfusion MedicineTransfusion Medicine Official Journal of the British Blood Transfusion SocietyTransplant infectious disease an official journal of the Transplantation SocietyTransplant InternationalTrends in Urology Gynaecology and Sexual HealthTropical Medicine and International Health TM IHUltrasound in obstetrics and gynecology the official journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology BlackwellVeterinary anaesthesia and analgesiaVeterinary Clinical PathologyVeterinary DermatologyVeterinary ophthalmologyVeterinary Radiology and UltrasoundVeterinary surgeryVox SanguinisWater and environment journalWiener Medizinische WochenschriftWireless Communications and Mobile ComputingWorking USAWorld Medical and Health PolicyWorldviews on Evidence Based NursingWound Repair and Regeneration Official Publication of the Wound Healing Society and the European Tissue Repair SocietyX Ray SpectrometryXenotransplantationYeastZeitschrift fur anorganische und allgemeine ChemieZoo biologyZoologica ScriptaZoological Journal of the Linnean SocietyZoonoses and Public HealthZygon????? ................

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