ELE 754 - Ryerson University

EE8407 Power Converter Systems

Project 1

12-pulse Series-type Diode Rectifier

• Objectives

To investigate the performance of series-type 12-pulse diode rectifier

• Exercise (3%)

Verify the waveforms and THD of a six-pulse diode rectifier shown in Fig. 3.2-7.

• System Parameters

Rated Supply Voltage: 4160V (rms, line-to-line)

Rated DC Output Power: 1MW

Diode Rectifiers: Ideal (no power losses, no voltage drop)

DC Filter Capacitor: [pic] (dc voltage is ripple free)

Line Inductance: 0.05pu (Between the transformer and supply)

• Phase Shifting Transformer

Magnetising Inductance: Very High ([pic])

Winding Resistance: Negligible

Primary Leakage Inductance: 0.03pu

Leakage Inductance of Each

Secondary Winding: 0.03pu (Hint: Use a per unit system for the secondary windings)

• Project Requirements (12%)

1) Calculate the base values of the rectifier system, and the values of all inductances (in mH);

2) Find the line current THD of the rectifier with the fundamental line current [pic](rms) from 0.1pu to 1.0pu (10 sets of data);

3) Represent your results obtained from 2) with a graph (similar to Fig. 3.3-5); and

4) Include a set of current waveforms ([pic]) at [pic] and their harmonic spectrum (0 – 2kHz).

• Project Report

1) Cover page (including course/lab title, your name, student ID, date)

2) Abstract (a paragraph of about 200 words)

3) Introduction

4) Theoretical analysis

5) Calculations, simulation results and discussions/explanations.

6) Conclusions (about 300 words)

7) Appendix: Simulink models

Project 2

Space Vector Modulation Schemes for Two-Level

Voltage Source Inverter

• Objectives

1) To understand the principle of space vector modulation; and

2) To investigate the harmonic performance of the two-level voltage source inverter.

• Suggested Simulation Software


• System Specifications

Inverter Topology: Two-level voltage source inverter as shown in Fig. 6.1-1

Rated Inverter Output Power: 1MVA

Rated Inverter Output Voltage: 4160V (fundamental line-to-line voltage, rms)

Rated Inverter Output Current: 138.8A (fundamental, rms)

Rated dc Input Voltage: Constant dc (to be determined)

Load: RL load with a per-phase resistance of 0.95pu and inductance of 0.31pu, which gives the load impedance of 1.0pu with a lagging power factor of 0.95. Note that the RL load is fixed for the inverter operating under various conditions.

Switching Devices: Ideal switch (no power losses or forward voltage drops)

• Project Requirements

Part A

A.1 Determine the dc input voltage [pic] that can produce a fundamental line-to-line voltage of 4160V (rms) at the modulation index of [pic].

A.2 Determine the value of load resistance ([pic]) and inductance (mH).

Part B

Develop a simulation program for the conventional SVM scheme using the seven-segment switching sequence given in Table 6.3-4. Run your simulation program for the tasks given in the Table 1.

B.1 For each of the above tasks, draw waveforms (two cycles each) for the inverter line-to-line voltage [pic] (V) and inverter output current [pic] (A).

B.2 Plot the harmonic spectrum (0 to 60th harmonics) of [pic] normalized to the dc voltage [pic] and [pic] normalized to its rated fundamental component [pic](138.8A). Find the THD of [pic] and [pic], and complete Table 1.

B.3 Analyze your simulation results and draw conclusions.

Table 1 Simulation tasks for the conventional SVM scheme

|Simulation |[pic] |[pic] |THD (%) |THD (%) |

|Task | | |[pic] |[pic] |

|T.1 |30 |0.4 |146% |16% |

|T.2 |30 |0.8 |77% |10% |

|T.3 |60 |0.4 |152% |17% |

|T.4 |60 |0.8 |81% |11% |

|Sampling Period: [pic] |

Part C

Modify your simulation program developed in Part B such that even-order harmonics in [pic] can be eliminated. Use the switching sequence given in Table 6.3-5. Run your simulation program for the tasks given in Table 2.

Table 2 Simulation tasks for the modified SVM scheme

with even-order harmonic elimination

|Simulation |[pic] |[pic] |THD (%) |THD (%) |

|Task | | |[pic] |[pic] |

|T.5 |30 |0.8 |77% |10% |

|T.6 |60 |0.8 |81% |11% |

|Sampling period: [pic] |

C.1 For each of the above tasks, draw the waveforms for [pic] and [pic].

C.2 Calculate harmonic spectrum and THD of [pic] and [pic], and complete Table 2.

C.3 Find harmonic content of [pic] versus [pic] for the inverter operating at [pic] and [pic].

C.4 Analyze your simulation results and draw conclusions.

• Project Report

See instructions given in Project 1.

Project 3

Control of Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters

• Objectives

To investigate carrier based PWM schemes for multilevel cascaded H-bridge inverters.

• Inverter Specifications

Inverter Configuration: Seven-level cascaded H-bridge inverter

Rated Inverter Output Voltage: 2300V (rms fundamental line-to-line voltage)

Rated Inverter Output Power: 2MVA (three phase)

Rated Inverter Output Frequency: 60Hz

DC link voltage of H-bridges: Constant, ripple free. DC voltage: To be determined.

Inverter load: Three-phase balanced RL load with a lagging power factor

of 0.9 at the rated frequency of 60Hz. Note: once the load

impedance is determined, it is fixed for the inverter

operating at various frequencies or modulation indices.

• Project Requirements

1) Determine the value of dc link voltage E of each H-bridge such that the fundamental line-to-line voltage (rms) of the seven-level cascaded inverter is 2300V at [pic]

2) Use phase-shifted PWM scheme for the seven-level CHB inverter under the following operating conditions:[pic] and [pic].

Show voltage waveforms ([pic] and [pic]) and their harmonic spectrum. Refer to Fig. 7.4-2 in the textbook as an example for your plots.

3) Repeat Item 2) with [pic].

4) Use level-shifted PWM scheme (IPD) for the seven-level CHB inverter under the following conditions: [pic] and [pic].

Show voltage waveforms ([pic] and [pic]) and their harmonic spectrum. Refer to Fig. 7.4-6 in the textbook as an example for your plots.

5) Repeat Item 4) with [pic].

6) Compare the results by both modulation schemes and make your conclusions.

• Project Report

See instructions given in Project 1.

Project 4

IPD and APOD Modulation Schemes for

Multilevel Diode Clamped Inverters

• Objectives

To investigate the performance of multilevel diode clamped inverters with carrier based modulation schemes.

• Inverter Specifications

Inverter Configuration: Three- and four-level diode clamped inverters

Rated Inverter Output Voltage: 6.6KV (rms fundamental line-to-line voltage)

Rated Inverter Output Power: 5MVA (three-phase)

Rated Inverter Output Frequency: 60Hz

dc link voltage: Constant, ripple free.

Total dc link voltage: To be determined.

Use two identical dc voltage sources for the three-level

inverter and three identical dc voltage sources for

the four level inverter.

Inverter load: Three-phase balanced RL load with a lagging power factor

of 0.9 at the rated frequency of 60Hz. Note: once the load

impedance is determined, it is fixed for the inverter

operating at various frequencies or modulation indices.

• Project Requirements

1) Determine the value of total dc link voltage such that the fundamental line-to-line voltage (rms) of the inverter is 6.6KV at [pic]

2) Design switching pattern for the three-level inverter

Use in-phase disposition (IPD) modulation scheme to control the inverter under the following operating conditions:

2.1) [pic] and [pic].0

2.2) [pic] and [pic]

Show simulated waveforms ([pic] and [pic]) and the harmonic spectra of [pic] and [pic]. Arrange your waveforms and harmonic spectra in a same format as that of Fig. 8.6-2 in textbook.

3) Repeat 2) with alternative phase opposition disposition (APOD) modulation scheme. Compare your simulation results and make conclusions.

4) Design switching pattern for the four-level inverter

Use IPD scheme to control the inverter operating at [pic] and [pic]. Show simulated waveforms ([pic] and [pic]) and their harmonic spectra. Compare your simulation results with those in 2.1) and make conclusions.

• Project Report

See instructions given in Project 1.

Project 5

PWM Current Source Converters

• Objectives

To investigate the operation and performance of current source inverter and rectifier modulated by SHE schemes.

Part A Single-bridge Current Source Inverter (CSI)

• Inverter Specifications

Inverter Configuration: Single-bridge current source inverter (refer to Fig. 5-1).

Assumption: ideal inverter, no power loss.

Inverter dc Link Current: [pic]

Inverter Output Frequency: 70Hz

Output Filter Capacitor: 66 [pic]

Inverter load: Three-phase balanced RL load, [pic] with

[pic]in series per phase.


Fig. 5-1 Single-bridge current source inverter.

• Project Requirements

1) Build Simulink model for the single-bridge CSI.

2) Develop SHE switching pattern with 5th, 7th and 11th harmonic elimination (no bypass pulses).

3) Show waveforms of [pic], [pic] and [pic].

4) Determine harmonic content by 1) completing Table 5-1 and plotting the spectrum of [pic] and [pic] up to the 47th harmonic. Make your conclusions.

Table 5-1 Fundamental and dominant harmonics in [pic], [pic] and[pic]

| |Fundamental |13th |17th |19th |23rd |THD |

| |(rms) |(rms) |(rms) |(rms) |(rms) |(%) |

|[pic] | | | | | | |

|[pic] | | | | | | |

|[pic] | | | | | | |

Part B Dual-Bridge Current Source Rectifier (CSR)

• Rectifier Specifications

Rectifier Configuration: Dual-bridge current source rectifier as shown in Fig. 5-2.

Assumption: Ideal rectifier, no power loss.

Rated DC Output Power: 1.5MW (total power of the two single-bridge rectifiers)

Rated Utility Voltage: 3000V (rms, line-to-line), 60Hz

Phase-shifting Transformer: Represented by leakage inductances, no power loss.

Rated Secondary Voltage: 1500V (rms, line-to-line)

Total Leakage Inductance [pic]: 0.07pu (primary and secondary leakages, both referred

to the secondary side)

Filter Capacitor [pic]: 0.4pu

Base Values for [pic] and [pic]: Use the rated values of each secondary winding for

the calculation of [pic] and [pic].

Line (source) inductance [pic]: [pic] (0.05pu)

DC Choke [pic] : [pic] (3pu. In practice, [pic] is in the range of 0.5 to 1pu. The

high value of 3pu is used here to reduce the dc current ripple,

which will increase the accuracy of the line/PWM current THD


DC Load Resistance: [pic]


Fig. 5-2 Dual-bridge current source rectifier.

• Project Requirements

1) Build Simulink model for the dual-bridge CSR.

2) Develop SHE switching pattern with 11th and 13th harmonic elimination at [pic] (refer to Table 2 on Page 248 of the textbook).

3) Use delay angle of [pic] (with respect to the transformer secondary voltage instead of capacitor voltage).

4) Show waveforms of [pic], [pic] and [pic].

5) Determine harmonic content by 1) completing Table 5-2 and plotting the spectrum of [pic], [pic] and [pic] up to the 47th harmonic. Make your conclusions.

Table 5-2 Fundamental and dominant harmonics in [pic], [pic] and [pic]


(rms) |5th

(rms) |7th

(rms) |11th

(rms) |13th

(rms) |17th

(rms) |19th

(rms) |THD

(%) | |[pic] | | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | | |

Note: In case of LC resonances, add a three-phase damping resistance in parallel with [pic]. You should select your damping resistance such that the LC resonance can be effectively damped out and in the meantime the power loss on the damping resistor is minimized. Give the value of the damping resistance.

• Project Report

See instructions given in Project 1.


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