Current Events - Lake Stevens School District

Current Events

A.P. Government

Mr. Hayman

We will be studying current events every day. First, it is important to know what is going on in the world around you. After all, in a few months, all of you will be eligible to vote and it is important to be an informed voter.

Current Events will be a group responsibility. Each week, one group will be responsible for posting one current event on the Current Event board for every day. We will start each day briefly discussing the current event for the day and how it relates to the United States. By the end of a five day week, will have ten current events posted. On the last day of the week, we will have a quiz over the posted current events for that week. You can study these current events off of the board or I will post the titles of the articles on the calendar on my website.

Each day, the person who is responsible for posting a current event will do three things:

1) Post a hard copy of the CE on the board in class

2) Email me a link to the exact CE that you posted in class

3) Email me three questions, with answers, that you created from in the information covered in the article.

The types of current events I am expecting are the news articles that cover big, important events from around the country or the world and that you are able to connect to our studies. Articles must fit into one of the nine areas of APGOV that we will be studying (listed below).

AP Gov Areas of Study

➢ Constitutional Underpinnings

➢ Institutions of the National Government

o Congress

o Executive

o Judicial

o National Bureaucracy

➢ Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

➢ Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Mass Media in Politics

➢ Political Beliefs and Behaviors

➢ Public Policy


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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