1. First step: Choose an article from one of the following topics: (teacher will provide seven to eight article choices for you to choose from).

• What is Social Security?

• Is Social Security really in crisis?

• What are some of the suggested reform strategies to “fix” the program?

• What is the current political debate about Social Security? What do today’s politicians have to say about this hot button issue?

2. Highlight key points (use a highlighter… I’ve got extras). Talk to the text. Use the reading organizer {What I Saw / What I Thought} to organize and record your thoughts as you read the article. You will turn these in for points!

3. Open up Microsoft Word and write a short article review following this format:



By: Author’s Name

Student name

Write at least three paragraphs:

Paragraph one: Introduce the article and summarize the main ideas in your own words. What was your article about? Your summary should show that you’ve read and understood the author’s main point!

Paragraph two: Analyze the article. Give your opinion and feedback on what the article said. Tell me your reactions to the article. What did you learn? Were there parts that surprised you? Are there parts where you agreed or disagreed with what they were saying? Be specific and provide examples or quotes.

Paragraph three: Sum it up. Ultimately, what have you learned from reading this article? How does this article apply to you or your family? What are your takeaways? Give your closing thoughts and summarize what you’ve learned in a meaningful way.

4. Once you’re finished – go back and read it again. Proofread carefully!

5. Lastly: turn in your paper! Staple your article to the back!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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