Department of Mathematics and Statistics


January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019

NAME: _______________________


A. List regular assignments in the following table:

|Semester |  |Course Number |  |Section Number |  |Class Average on Common Finals (if |

| | | | | | |applicable) |

|Spring 2019 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

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|Summer 2019 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

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|Fall 2019 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

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In the following, please delete any section in which you have no activity to report, or alternatively, highlight your activities with red color. You are welcome to use your own template so long as you report your activities in the order given here.

B. Extracurricular teaching and educational responsibilities.

Graduate Student Activities

1.) Ph.D. Program

a. Number of students supervised, names of the students, and their progress.

b. Number of Ph.D. students who graduated under your supervision during the year (include the name an the title of the thesis for each student).

c. Number of Independent Studies offered (include course names and course numbers, number of credit hours, number of students) for each semester. Give number of contact hours for each of these courses.

d. List and describe any Course materials/curriculum proposals developed during the year in support of the Ph.D. program.

2.) Master’s Program

a. Number of students supervised, names of the students, and their progress.

b. Number of Master’s theses/projects completed under your supervision (include the category, project or thesis, name and title for each student).

c. Number of Independent Studies offered (include course names and course numbers, number of credit hours, number of students) for each semester. Give number of contact hours for each of these courses.

d. List and describe any Course materials/curriculum proposals developed during the year in support of the Master’s programs.



3.) Describe any other activities of teaching/educational training not covered above (e.g., author/reader/grader of any Ph.D. Preliminary Exams, member on any Master’s/Ph.D. student’s Oral/Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Committee) during the year.

4.) Describe any of the above activities done outside the Math Department (give names of outside departments and list the activities) during the year.

Undergraduate Student Activities

1.) Number of senior projects/senior honors these supervised (include the name of each student, title of each project/thesis supervised) for each semester.

2.) Number of Independent Studies offered (include course names and course numbers, number of credit hours, number of students) for each semester. Give number of contact hours per week for each of these courses.

3.) List any other activities of teaching/educational nature (e.g., coaching/training students for Putnam, Math Modeling, Math competition etc.). Include the number of students and the nature of the activity

4.) List if you were an author or reader for any common Final Exams for each semester and describe your relative contribution.

5.) Describe any of the above activities done outside the Math Department (give names of outside departments and list the activities) during the year.

6.) List and describe any Course materials/curriculum proposals developed during the year in support of our undergraduate programs.

C. List any special activities directed toward instructional materials (e.g., software, calculus lab assignments, distance learning, etc.) during the year.

D. List any graduate teaching assistant (GTA) supervision, classroom visitations, or GTA training workshop conducted for each semester.

E. List any peer reviews of nontenure faculty (include the name of the faculty members) done for each semester.

F. List the number of Math Majors advised for each semester.

G. List and describe any unusual advising or mentoring of faculty/students.

H. List any awards, honors, or special recognitions received for excellence in teaching, (e.g., Nation Bank Award for Excellence in Teaching, Bonnie E. Cone Distinguished Professorship, distinguished teaching award by any professional association, etc.)


A. List awards, honors, or special achievements received (e.g., The First Union Research Award, election to major professional societies, receipt of scholarship, fellowship or prizes indicative of professional recognition such as Fullbright, etc.).

B. Seminar Activity

1) Which seminars in the Department (or outside) did you participate in. Give names. Also indicate whether you gave presentations.

2) Number of hours per semester you attended seminars but did not lecture.

3) Number of hours per semester you lectured in seminars.

C. Conferences or sessions in conferences organized (include period and venue of the conference, title, number of participants, and sponsorship if any).

D. Publications

1.) Published Works

In this section list all publications actually appearing during this review period. References for publication items should be complete. Including the title of the manuscript, name of the journal volume, coauthors, year, and page numbers. Please indicate with an "R" those published articles that have been refereed. This section will become a part of the Department’s annual report to the Dean as well as for various other purposes. Also give the date of acceptance and DO NOT list in the “accepted” section if it was published this year (so long as you remember to give the accepted date as this year).

a. Books/Monographs/Conference Proceedings.

i) Books/Monographs/Conference Proceeding authored.

ii) Books/Monographs/Conference Proceeding edited

iii) Chapters authored in books/Monographs/Conference Proceeding. (Indicate with "R" if refereed.)

b. Articles authored. (Indicate referred articles with "R".)

c. Book/Monograph/Conference Proceedings reviews.

d. Other (e.g., software, lecture notes, translations, etc.)

2.) Accepted works. (Include the number of manuscript pages and date of acceptance!!. Do not list works that were listed above.)

a) Books/Monographs/Conference Proceedings

i) Books/Monographs/Conference Proceedings authored.

ii) Books/Monographs/Conference Proceeding edited.

iii) Chapters authored in books/Monographs/Conference Proceeding. (Indicate with an "R" if refereed.)

b) Articles authored. (Indicate refereed articles with an "R".)

c) Book/Monographs/Conference Proceeding reviews.

d) Other (e.g., software, lecture notes, translations, etc.).

3) Submitted works. (Include month and year of submission and number of manuscript pages.)

a) Books/Monographs/Conference Proceedings.

i) Books/Monographs/Conference Proceeding authored.

ii) Books/Monographs/Conference Proceeding edited.

iii) Chapters authored in Books/Monographs/Conference Proceedings.

b) Articles authored.

c) Book/Monographs/Conference Proceedings reviews.

d) Other (e.g., software, lecture notes, translations, etc.).

4) Works in progress. (Be as precise as you can.)

a) Books/Monographs/Conference Proceedings authored/edited/reviews.

b) Articles authored.

c) Other (e.g., software, lecture notes, translations, etc.).

5) Other scholarly endeavors not in any category above.

6) Briefly describe research planned for the near future.

E. Grants

This information will be a part of the Department’s annual report.

1) List any grants or contracts held during the year from outside agencies. List funding agency and expiration date. List nature of each grant or contract (Principal investigator, Co-principal investigator, research grant or educational grant, travel grant, equipment grant, student support, etc.). List other participants of any shared grants.

2) Describe any sponsored research workshops or short term courses conducted on current research topics.

3) Describe any sponsored research activities not covered above.

4) List any grant proposal submitted during the year from outside agencies. List funding agency and number of years requested. List nature of each grant (Principal investigator, Co-principal investigator, research grant or educational grant, travel grant, equipment grant, student support, etc.). List other participants of any shared grants.

5) List any UNC Charlotte grants awarded during the year.

F. List professional research meetings attended and papers presented during the year. Include titles and duration of the talks. Indicate with "P" poster presentations, with "C" contributed presentations, and with "I" invited presentations. Do not include the presentations by coauthors, or colloquium talks (see G). This information will be a part of the Department’s annual report.

G. List colloquium talks given during the year. Include titles and venue of the talks. This information will be a part of the Department’s annual report.


A. Professional Service on or off campus.

1) List all journals edited and served on editorial boards during the year.

2) Describe reviewing and refereeing done during the year for journals, conference proceedings, granting agencies, etc.

3) Describe any committee and/or consulting (including OSAM sponsored) work for professional societies, industries or foundations. Indicate paid and non-paid consulting activities.

4) Describe any workshops or short term courses conducted for on or off campus community (e.g., a short-term course in Applied Statistics for a company, a workshop for area schools’ teachers or community colleges’ teachers).

5) Indicate by title and date all major talks given to academic and professional audiences. Do not include research talks.

B. Community Service or outreach.

List any participation in local schools, colleges, etc. (e.g., judge at science fair, math club). Also list any participation in local, state, or national civic activities and organizations

C. Administrative duties or Committee work done.

1) Describe committee or other administrative work done in the Department during the past year.

2) Describe committee or other administrative work done (outside the Department of Mathematics) in the College of Arts and Sciences during the past year

3) Describe committee or other administrative work done (outside the College of Arts and Sciences) in the University during the past year.

D. Describe what you feel are the 2 or 3 most valuable contributions that you have made to the Department and/or the profession during the past year.

E. Additional comments (optional) [untenured faculty on the tenure track should discuss their perceived progress to tenure or reappointment and attach an up to date complete publication list].


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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