Periodically you will be collecting, summarizing and presenting current Earth Science related articles. The following is an outline of what is expected of students. Please do not lose this paper!


The articles you find should be scientific in nature and come from a reputable source. If you are unsure as to whether or not the source is reputable, it probably is not. The articles can come from the internet, magazines, scientific journals, or newspapers. A copy of the article must be provided when turning in your current event (include URL and date when printing from internet resources).

The articles must be:

-From 2015 or later

-Dealing with an earth science topic

-Be of appropriate length (use common sense)

-More than someone’s opinion

-The article must be about an event


The following is the basic outline of what is expected in your summary. Deviation from this outline is acceptable but must be approved by Mr. Luhmann.

Page setup:

-12 point font

-1” top and bottom margins, 1.25” left and right margins

-Double spaced

-Approximately 1 page in length


-A summary of the information given in the article (DO NOT REWRITE THE ARTICLE)

-An explanation as to how it relates to Earth Science class

-Why you found the article intriguing

-Where you could find more information on the topic


All students in the class will be presenting their articles a few times throughout the year. I will be asking half of the class to present on a rotating basis so that all students will present the same number of times. The basic format I expect for the presentation is as follows:

-At least 3 and no more than 5 minutes in length

-Scientific in nature

-Information relayed should go beyond what is in the article

-Must include the use of a visual aid via PowerPoint or similar program.

-You will be graded on accuracy, preparedness, visual aid, and presentation habits

-If you are absent your assigned presentation day, you will be expected to present on

the following day. Failure to present will result in a zero!

***Make sure you ask questions BEFORE the due date of your assignment.

*** If you do not have access to a computer and printer plan ahead and use the school’s resources. (Late is late, no excuses)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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