Inventory Dataforms for Mountain Beaver,

Bushy-tailed Woodrat & Porcupine

Standards for Components of

British Columbia's Biodiversity No. 27 [Forms]

Prepared by

Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks

Resources Inventory Branch

for the Terrestrial Ecosystem Task Force

Resources Inventory Committee

October 1998

Version 2.0

Table 1. Types of inventory surveys, the data forms needed, and the level of intensity of the survey.

|Survey Type |Forms Needed |*Intensity |

|Physical Sign |Wildlife Inventory Project Description Form |PN |

| |Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form - General |RA (for Mt. Beaver & |

| |Animal Observation Form- Mountain Beaver, Bushy-tailed Woodrat, & Porcupine Physical Sign |Porcupine) |

| |Ecosystem Field Form | |

|Mark-release / Recapture |Wildlife Inventory Project Description Form |AA |

| |Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form - General | |

|Mt. Beaver & Bushy-tailed |Capture Form - Mountain Beaver & Bushy-tailed Woodrat [For more detailed capture information, please use Animal Handling Form - Capture: Medium to | |

|Woodrat |Large Animals (Manual No. 5)] | |

| |Animal Observation Form- Mountain Beaver & Bushy-tailed Woodrat Capture | |

| |Ecosystem Field Form | |

|Mark-release / Recapture |Wildlife Inventory Project Description Form |AA |

| |Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form - General | |

|Porcupine |Animal Handling Form - Capture: Medium to Large Animals (Manual No. 5) | |

| |Animal Observation Form - Location by Radio-telemetry (Manual No. 5) | |

|Any Survey Type |Wildlife Inventory Survey Collection Label - is used whenever a voucher specimen is collected. | |

*PN = presence/not detected (possible); RA = relative abundance; AA = absolute abundance

Using RIC Dataforms:

* See Table 1 to determine what forms are necessary for the survey type chosen.

* Ensure forms are filled out correctly by checking the coding instructions provided with each form (it will also indicate which fields are mandatory and which are optional). Dataforms and codes that are generic to all surveys are found in the Species Inventory Fundamentals No. 1 [Forms] (previously referred to as the Dataform Appendix).

* Some forms have more than one part (e.g. A and B). All sections of a form must be filled out. In many cases, forms will be double-sided and both sides will be the same.

* Computer Buttons that appear next to groups of fields correlate to the Data Form Hierarchy and are used to assist Digital Data Entry.



= Design Component Section


= Design Component Visit Section

= Observation Section

Animal Observation Form - Mountain Beaver, Bushy-tailed Woodrat & Porcupine Physical Sign Page ___/___

Project _________________________________ Survey ________________________________ Study Area ________________________________


Search Unit Label __________ Stratum __________ BEU ______ UTM ____/________/_________ OR

Transect Label __________ Stratum __________ BEU ______ Trans Comment ________________________________________________________

Trans: Width __________ Lgth _______ Bearing ________ UTM: Start _____/________/________ End _____/________/________


|Obs Date _______/____/____ |Obs Day |Time |CC |Wind |Temp |Precip |Snow Depth |Snow Cover |

| |Start | | | | | | | |

| |End | | | | | |Days since 5 cm Snow ____ |

Surveyors ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________


|Obs # |Spp |Activity /Sign |Des |No |Sex |Vis |UTM |

| | | | | | | |Zone / East / North |

| |

| |

| |

|Capt Sess Label |Set-up Date |Capt Mech / # |Capt Mech / # |Prebait |Bait |Comments |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

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| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

Capture Form - Mountain Beaver, & Bushy-tailed Woodrat Capture - Grid / Array Layout Page __ /__

Project _________________________________ Survey ________________________________ Study Area ________________________________


Search Unit Label _________ Stratum ________ BEU _____ UTM ____/________/_________ Grid [pic] / Array [pic]

*Record Grid/Array information including all the associated Capture Session information in each section.


|Grid/Array Label |Stratum |Ecosystems Form Type|Grid /Array UTM |Grid Dim |Intersta Dist|# of Sta |Surveyors |

| | |/ # | | | | | |

| |

| |

| |

|Capt Sess Label |Set-up Date |Capt Mech / # |Capt Mech / # |Prebait |Bait |Comments |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

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| | | | | | | | | |

Animal Observation Form - Mountain Beaver & Bushy-tailed Woodrat Capture

Project _________________________________ Survey ________________________________ Study Area _________________________________



Grid [pic] / Array [pic] : Label __________ Capt Sess Label _________


Nights Trapped (since last visit) _____ Tot # Spr: (for this visit, listed by Capt Mech): _____/_____; _____/_____; _____/_____

Previous Night: Date _______/____/____ CC _______ Wind _______ Precip _______ Temp _______

|Obs Date _______/____/____ |Obs Day |Time |CC |Wind |Precip |Temp |

| |Start | | | | | |Marking Method _______ |

| |End | | | | | |

Surveyors ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




|Capt Sta |Capt Mech |# Spr |Obs # |Spp |Prev Mark / Mark ID |Sex |

|Label | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

Morphometric Measurements

|Body Weight | |Ear Length | |

|Chest Girth | |Hind Foot Length | |

|Total Length | | | |

|Tail Length | | | |

|Shoulder Height | | | |

Animal Condition

|Tooth Wear (min, mod, heavy) | |

|Vulva Condition (normal, slightly swollen, swollen) | |

|Evidence of Nursing (rubbed, lactating, normal) | |

Pelage/Fur Colour __________________ Pelage/Fur Condition _____________________ Scarring _____________________


Wildlife Immobilization Data Form -Animals (Part B)

Immobilization & Reversal Information*

|Drug |Vial # |Exp Date |Conc (mg/ml) |Vol (ml) |Time |Hit / Miss |Range |Injection site |Method |Comments |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

**The time should be noted, and observations made: at capture (if physical capture is used); at injection; when the animal is affected by drug (down); periodically while the animal is down; when treatment or reversal drugs are administered (if used); when the animal recovers (head up, standing up, fully recovered); and time of release.

Biological Samples Collected

Tooth [pic]

Blood [pic]

Other [pic]

Fecal [pic]

Parasites [pic]

Animal Observation Form - Location by Radio-telemetry Page ___/___


Project _________________________________ Survey ________________________________ Study Area ________________________________

Block [pic] / Transect [pic] / Other [pic] : Label ______________ Stratum _____________


Obs Date _______/____/____ Time: Start _______ End _______ Surveyors ______________________________________________________________

Ground [pic] / Air [pic] ; Remote Y [pic] /N [pic] # Marked Animals Available (in Study Area) ______ ; Total Marked Animals ______


|Obs # |Spp |Grp # |

|Project (Name) |The name of the project as it has been specified on the Wildlife Inventory|Mandatory |

| |Project Description Form (freeform text). | |

|Survey (Name) |The name of the survey as it has been specified on the Wildlife Inventory |Mandatory |

| |Survey Description Form (freeform text). | |

|Study Area (Name) |The name of the Study Area as it has been specified on the Wildlife |Mandatory |

| |Inventory Survey Description Form (freeform text). | |

|Search Unit Label |The label of the search unit (specific portions of the Study Area on which|Mandatory |

| |search effort was focused based on expected occurrence of the target | |

| |species). Search units must be labelled so that each search unit is unique| |

| |within a project. A reused search unit within a project takes the original| |

| |label given to that search unit, (regardless whether it is used for the | |

| |same survey or not). | |

|Stratum |The name of the stratum (from the list on the Wildlife Inventory Survey |Mandatory if Design Component|

| |Description Form) in which the Design Component is established. |stratified. |

|BEU |The Broad Ecosystem Unit within which the Design Component is located. |Mandatory |

| |Codes: refer to “Broad Ecosystem Units of British Columbia” (by Lea et | |

| |al.) available on the FTP site; | |

| | | |

|UTM |The UTM grid location at the center of the Design Component. Record UTM as|Mandatory |

| |zone, easting, and northing (NAD83). A map (and/or aerial photograph) | |

| |delineating the Design Component must accompany this data form. | |

|Transect Label |The label of the transect within which animal observations are made. |Mandatory |

| |Transects must be labelled so that each transect is unique within a | |

| |project. A reused transect within a project takes the original label given| |

| |to that transect, (regardless whether it is used for the same survey or | |

| |not). | |

|Stratum |The name of the stratum (from the list on the Wildlife Inventory Survey |Mandatory if Design Component|

| |Description Form) in which the Design Component is established. |stratified. |

|BEU |The Broad Ecosystem Unit within which the Design Component is located. |Mandatory |

| |Codes: refer to “Broad Ecosystem Units of British Columbia” (by Lea et | |

| |al.) available on the FTP site; | |

| | | |

|Trans Comment |A description of the area in which the transect occurs (freeform text). |Mandatory |

| |e.g. road; railroad; seismic line. | |

|Trans Width [m] |The fixed-width of the transect being sampled (m). |Mandatory for RA |

|Trans Lgth [km] |The distance from the start to the end point of the transect (km). |Mandatory |

|Trans Bearing |The orientation of the transect (degrees, values 0 to 360). |Mandatory if transect is a |

| | |straight line. |

|Transect UTM: Start/End |The start/end location of the transect using UTM grid location. Record UTM|Mandatory |

| |as zone, easting, and northing (NAD83). A map (and/or aerial photograph) | |

| |showing the transects delineated must accompany this data form. | |

|Obs Date |The year/month/day (YYYY/MM/DD) on which the data on the form were |Mandatory |

| |gathered in the field. e.g. 1995/04/17. | |

|Time Start/End |The time at which surveying the specified Design Component commences and |Mandatory |

| |finishes. Use the 24 hour clock. | |

|CC |The extent of cloud cover at the start and end of the survey. Codes: 1 = |Mandatory |

| |clear; 2 = scattered clouds (50%); 4 = | |

| |unbroken clouds. | |

|Wind |The strength of wind at the start of the survey using the Beaufort Scale. |Mandatory |

| |Codes: 0 = calm (< 2 km/h); 1 = light air (2-5 km/h); 2 = light breeze, | |

| |leaves rustle (6- 12 km/h); 3 = gentle breeze, leaves and twigs constantly| |

| |move 13- 19 km/h); 4 = moderate breeze, small branches move, dust rises | |

| |(20-29 km/h); 5 = fresh breeze, small trees sway (30-39 km/h); 6 = strong | |

| |breeze, large branches moving, wind whistling (40-50 km/h). | |

|Precip |The type of precipitation at the start and end of the survey. Codes: N = |Mandatory |

| |None; F = Fog; M = Misty drizzle; D = Drizzle; LR = Light Rain; HR = Hard | |

| |Rain; S = Snow. | |

|Temp |The temperature at the start and end of the survey (degrees Celsius). |Mandatory |

|Snow Cover |The percentage of ground covered by snow. |Mandatory |

| |Codes: 1 = 0%; 2 = 1-5%; 3 = 6-25%; 4 = 26-50%; | |

| |5 = 51-75%; 6 = 76-100%. | |

|Snow Depth |The depth of the snow. Codes: 1 = 0 cm; 2 = 1-5 cm; 3 = 6-25 cm; 4 = 26-50|Mandatory |

| |cm; 5 = 51-75 cm; 6 = 76-100 cm; 7 = 101-150 cm; 8 = >150 cm. | |

|Days Since 5 cm Snow |The length of time between the census period and the last snowfall that |Mandatory |

| |was significant enough to obscure old tracks. Codes: 1 = ................

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