Modern World Studies


Mr. Flores

Sociology in the News

An integral part of this sociology course is following what is currently happening in our society. We are living in an era of drastic change and it is key to stay informed of current issues in order to be more effective global citizens and sociologists. We will continually look at the sociological issues facing our global society we live in, and will be making significant contribution to in the future.

Students will be expected to complete the “sociology in the news” assignment from time to time. Students may use local or national newspapers, news magazines or news websites (please be conscious of credible sources). Students will type up a brief summary of the article answering the following questions:

1. Who? (Who is the article about; Who is involved)

2. What? (What is the main sociological issue discussed in the article)

3. Where? When? (Is it a Global issue? Societal issue?; Occurring now/last month/over time?)

4. Why? (Importance; Synthesis of the article and its relationship to sociology)

2. Bibliographic Information (Author, “Title of Article,” Media Source, Date)

Summaries should be typed, double-spaced, 12 pt font with your name at the top. They must be at least a half a page long and in paragraph form. You should include your own thoughts on the article and information you read. Each summary will be worth 15 points.

Sociological Topics that can be explored:

--Cultural Issues

--Social Deviance



--Social Structure/Class




--Medicine and Health


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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