Jordan University of Science and Technology

Jordan University of Science and Technology | |

|Faculty of Dentistry |

|Department of Restorative Dentistry |

|Year: 2006 |Semester: 1 |

|Course Information |

|Course Title |Current Topics in Endodontics |

|Course Number |Dent 744 |

|Prerequisites |N.A |

|Course Website |Not available |

|Instructor |Dr M.Maslamani |

|Office Location |N.A |

|Office Phone |N.A |

|Office Hours |N.A |

|E-mail |mmaslamani@ |

|Teaching Assistant |N.A |

|Text Book |

|Title |Pathways of the Pulp (1) |

|Authors |Stephen Cohen, Richard C. Burns |

|Publisher |Mosby |

|Year |2002 |

|Edition |8th |

|Book Website |N.A |

|References |International endodontic Journal issues (2), Journal of endodontics (3), Endoodntic topics|

| |journal (4) and Handouts (5). Any other related article from other journals will be |

| |submitted to the students e.g. British Dental Journal (6) |

|Assessment policy |

|Assessment Type |Expected Due Date |Weight |

|First exam |2.11.2006 |25 |

|Second exam |Through out the semester consist of project assessment |25 |

|Final exam |According to Registration Department |50 |

|Total | |100 |

|The Goal |

|Provide a comprehensive review of the current topics in Endodontics in the current literature |

|Course Objectives |Weight |

|Provide the students with basic current and update information in the art and science of modern |50% |

|Endodontics. | |

| | |

|Understand the concept of evidence-based dentistry and understand the hierarchy of the available | |

|evidence |10% |

| | |

|Learn how to critically analyze a scientific paper | |

| | |

|Know how to write a comprehensive literature review |30% |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |10% |

|Learning outcomes: |

|Upon the completion of this course the students should: |

|Related objective |The expected achieved outcome |Reference/s |

|1.1 |Know how to manage each patient |5 |

|1.2 |Be familiar with instruments needed in specialized endodontic clinic |5 |

|1.3 |Know how to schedule patients appointments |5 |

|2.1 |Know the available moisture control techniques special emphasis on |1, 2, 5, 6 |

| |rubber dam | |

|2.2 |Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each technique |1, 2, 5, 6 |

|2.3 |Know the equipments needed for rubber dam application |1, 2, 5, 6 |

|2.4 |Describe techniques for application of rubber dam in single tooth |1, 2, 5, 6 |

| |isolation | |

|2.5 |Describe techniques for application of rubber dam in multiple teeth |1, 2, 5, 6 |

| |isolation | |

|2.6 |Describe surgical techniques used as adjunctive measure to attain |1, 2, 5 |

| |isolation | |

|3.1 |Understand the importance of radiographs in endodontic diagnosis and |1, 5 |

| |treatment | |

|3.2 |Know the limitations of the radiograph in endodontics |1, 5 |

|3.3 |Identify normal anatomic features in the maxilla and mandible on |1, 5 |

| |radiographs | |

|3.4 |Be familiar with radiographic interpretation in endodontics and its |1,5 |

| |limitations | |

|3.5 |Be familiar with the new technologies in endodontic radiography |1,2,5 |

|3.6 |Be familiar with the available types of digital radiography |1,5 |

|3.7 |Understand the advantages and disadvantages of digital radiography |1,5 |

|4 |Be familiar with all anesthtic technique to control pain during |1, 5 |

| |endodontic treatment | |

|5.1 |Be familiar with all the modern rotary NiTi system available |1, 2,3, 5 |

|5.2 |Be familiar with the technique, advantages and disadvantages of each |2, 3, 5 |

| |system | |

|7.1 |Be familiar with all new root filling materials, and sealers |2, 3, 5 |

|7.2 |Be familiar with the new root filling techniques |2, 3, 5 |

|8.1 |Know the available sterilization techniques for endodontic files |1, 2 |

|8.2 |Describe the effect of sterilization on endodontic files mainly rotary |2 |

| |NiTi files | |

|9.1 |Understand the importance of magnification in endodontics |1, 5 |

|9.2 |Describe the available magnification devices used in endodontics |1, 5 |

|10 |Understand the concept of endodontic success in comparison of success |2, 3, 5 |

| |of dental implants | |

|12.1 |Classify periradicular lesions of pulpal origin |1 |

|12.2 |Identify and distinguish between histologic features and clinical signs|1 |

| |and symptoms of each periradicular condition | |

|13 |Understand the advantages and disadvantages and limitations of apex |2, 3, 4 |

| |locaters | |

|14.1 |Be familiar with root filling removal techniques |2, 3, 4 |

|14.2 |Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each technique (hand vs.|2, 3 |

| |rotary NiTi) | |

|15.1 |Describe the difference between dense invaginatus and dense evaginatus |3 |

|15.2 |Describe the clinical importance of these conditions |3 |

|15.3 |Know the clinical manifestations of these conditions |3 |

|15.4 |Know the treatment of these dental anomalies |3 |

Course contents

|Week |Date |Subject |Reference |

|1 |28/10/06 |Management of Endodontic clinic |Handouts |

|2 |5/10/06 |Moisture control techniques in endodontics |BDJ 2004 (Vol 197), IEJ July |

| | | |2006 |

|3 |12/10/06 |Radiography in endodontics |IEJ April 2006 |

|4 |19//10/06 |Anaesthesia in endodontics |IEJ Oct 2006 |

|5 |26/10/06 |Advances in Rotary NiTi systems |IEJ Sep 2006 |

|6 |2/11/06 |First exam | |

|7 |9/11/06 |- Review of the new root filling materials |IEJ August 2006 |

|8 |16/11/06 |Sterilization of endodontics files |IEJ , Sep & Oct 2006 |

|9 |23/11/06 |Magnification in Endodontics |Handouts |

|10 |30/11/06 |Endodontic treatment vs implant |O O O June 2006 |

|11 |7/12/06 | Second exam | |

|12 |14/12/06 |Histopathology of periradicualr lesions |IEJ may 2006 |

|13 |21/12/06 |Electronic Apex locators |IEJ May 2006 |

|14 |28/12/06 |Endodontic re-treatment techniques (hand vs. rotary files)|IEJ July & Oct 2006 |

|15 |4/1/07 |Dens evaginatus, dense invaginatus |JOE Jan 2006, O.O.O 2006 |

|16 |- |Final exam | |

|Teaching and Learning methods |

|Each lecture will include two parts: first hour a student presents the assigned topic according to the time table. The second |

|hour all students are expected to discuss the related current literature given to them one week before. |

|Class lectures, homework assignments, handouts and presentations are designed to achieve the course objectives |

|You should read the assigned materials before class, complete assignments on time, and participate in class |

|The students are responsible of the material covered during the course |

|Any difficulty or concern during the course should be passed to the course coordinator |

|Additional Notes |

|Home works |Each student must submit a hard copy of the next assigned topic at the end of each lecture |

| |Late home works will not be accepted |

|Exams |They are likely to be (but Not always) in the form of MCQs, short essay questions |

|Makeup Exams |It is applicable when an acceptable and valid excuse is presented at the applicable time |

|Drop Date |Last date to drop the course is before the (12th) week of the current semester |

|Cheating |It is unethical and illegal by any means |

| |JUST regulations will be applicable |

| |The work should be your own, otherwise it will scored zero |

|Attendance |It is mandatory for all lectures |

| |JUST regulations will be applied when you exceed 10% of an excused absence |

|Workload |The average work is about 2 hours /student |

|Graded Exams |Exam papers will be graded and returned to students not after the week after the exam date. The|

| |answers will be discussed in the class |

|Participation |All students are highly encouraged to participate in the classes |

|Project |Each student is expected to submit a hard copy of the assigned topic |

| |Each student is expected to do oral presentation of the assigned topic |

|Finally |All Students are highly encouraged to finish all the requirements of this course in due time |

| |Being a positive party during this course will be helpful |

| |Never be shy to participate during this course |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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