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About Student and Family Engagement.................................. 4 Registered Student Organizations at UTC............................... 5 Fraternity & Sorority Life Regulations...................................... 12 MocSync........................................................................................... 21 Use of University Spaces............................................................. 22 Campus Policies............................................................................ 24 Additional Policies........................................................................ 30 Appendix I: On-Campus Contacts to Know........................... 34 Appendix II: Running Successful Meetings............................ 36 Appendix III: Motivation & Recognition.................................. 38 Appendix IV: Icebreakers & Teambuilding Activities......... 40 Appendix V: Tabling Like a Pro.................................................. 41 Appendix VI: Program Planning Step by Step.......................43 Appendix VII: Program Checklist.............................................. 46 Appendix VIII: Student Organizations' Sample

Constitutions & Bylaws.............................................................. 47

NOTICE: The policies and procedures published in this manual may not be the most current version. Please check with the Office of Student and Family Engagement for the most current version. If you have questions about a policy or procedure, you may need to contact the office or department that oversees the content.

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is a comprehensive, community-engaged campus of the University of Tennessee System. The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is an equal employment opportunity/ affirmative action/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institution. E040205005-001-20



The Office of Student and Family Engagement promotes campus involvement as an integral part of the university experience through inclusive opportunities that contribute to the vibrancy of campus life. We connect, enhance and support the experience of students, parents and guardians while at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Our office includes the following units and programs: ? Fraternity & Sorority Life ? Homecoming ? Registered Student Organizations ? UTC Parent & Family Association ? Student Media ? Welcome Week

(423) 425-2321 utc.edu/student-engagement



The purpose of student organizations at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) is to provide opportunities for students to connect to campus, develop leadership skills and have fun!

Students have the opportunity to develop social and leadership skills through a variety of organizations ranging from fraternities and sororities to academic interest clubs and student media groups. With an expansive list of student organizations to choose from, the ability for a student to find a niche is possible! If a group of students wishes to start their own organization, the Student Government Association (SGA) and the Office of Student and Family Engagement are ready and willing to assist in the development and formation of an organization to guarantee its future success.

Registered Student Organizations (RSO) at UTC must be made up of and started by current and enrolled UTC students and may not be started by alumni, affiliate members, community members or UTC faculty/staff. Any groups seeking recognition as an RSO must complete the formal registration process facilitated by the Student Government Association as outlined later in this document. Recognition from the University does not mean endorsement of the purposes or activities of any organization by faculty, staff or University leadership. It means only that the organization has met the minimum requirements set for all RSOs. These stipulations apply to all groups, including, but not limited to fraternities, sororities, student media organizations, club sports, affinity groups and campus ministries.

If faculty or staff members are interested in creating an organization to fit a particular need on campus, they should speak with currently enrolled students to discuss their interest and allow the students, if they choose to proceed, to complete the registration process. Outside organizations, like national academic/service honor societies or organizations, should work with academic departments to gain interest before approaching staff from the Office of Student and Family Engagement.

Creating a New Registered Student Organization

Starting a student organization may seem intimidating, but we promise it is not. The steps below will help you understand the process to start a new group. If you have questions, please reach out to the SGA Parliamentarian or a staff member from the Office of Student and Family Engagement. Organizations seeking recognition must complete all of the steps listed below, with the exception of social fraternities and sororities. If you are looking to start a fraternity or sorority on campus, please contact the respective council adviser in which the organization would be a member for further guidance before beginning this process.

Step 1: Ensure the Organization Does Not Already Exist

We have a variety of active student organizations. Sometimes what you are looking for is called something a little different from what



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