Homogenization and Assimilation (pg 57) - Social Studies 10

Globalization’s Influence on Identity

Unit Major Assignment

This assignment is in the format of a menu. You will be asked to choose an appetizer (you get to choose which issue and case study you would like to look at), everyone will have the same main course (a 2 page personal response), and it is up to you if you would like dessert (bonus marks).


Choose one of the following issues created by globalization and a case study (1 issue, 1 case study)

|Issues Created by Globalization |Case Studies |

|Homogenization and Assimilation (pg 57) |Case Study: Franco-Albertans (pg 58) |

|Accomodation and Integration (pg 66) |Case Study: Metis (pg 66-68) |

|Marginalization (pg 61) |Case Study: Inuit (pg 62-64) or Yanomami (pg 65) |

|Accomodation, Integration and Acculturation |Case Study: Urbanization (pg 74) or Opportunities (pg 75-76) |

|(pg 73) | |

|Affirmation of Identity (pg 78) |Case Study: the Acadians (pg 78-80) or Francophone Schools (pg 81) or Chinese Canadians (pg 83) or |

| |African Languages (pg 84) |

You will need to:

• define the issue by summarizing what the textbook has said about it. You can do this by writing a paragraph, creating point form notes, or creating a brainstorm web.

• explain the case study and how it relates to the issue. You can do this in a variety of ways, including writing a paragraph, creating a cartoon, writing a song, etc. Make sure that you show the link between the case study and the issue being presented

• answer the following questions by using what you have learned from your issue and case study:

o What opportunities does globalization provide for identity to be preserved and expressed?

o What challenges does globalization pose to individual and collective identity?

o What should we do, or how should we respond to the challenges and opportunities provided by globalization?


• Definition of Issue (quality of summary) /3

• Explanation of Case Study (quality of explanation) /3

• Case Study Creativity (level of effort and creativity in explanation) /2

• Answers to questions /3

• Overall effort /1

*quality includes the clarity of the answer and the quality of details included.


Main Course

Now we dig into the big part of the assignment (just like the main course at dinner). You are expected to write a 2 page personal response to the main question of this unit:

Should globalization shape identity?

(in other words, how has globalization changed individual and collective identities, and should we allow these changes to continue, or should we try to prevent global influences on our identity?)



• Use the case studies we have looked at throughout this unit to provide examples to support your ideas

• Use the chapter questions to help you organize your thoughts:

1. To what extent does globalization influence my life?

2. How does increased global interaction affect our individual and collective identities?

3. To what extent do communications technologies and media shape our identities?

4. How should we respond to the challenges that globalization poses to identity?

5. How should we respond to the opportunities that globalization provides for identity?

6. How should we respond to globalization’s impact on our languages and cultures?

Your response should be double spaced, with an introduction, a body and a conclusion.

• Introduction: basic background information (what are we talking about in this unit and why)

Your thesis (what is your answer to the question)

Your reasons (why did you choose that answer to the question?)

• Body paragraph(s)

Explain your reasons in detail

Give examples to illustrate (better explain your reasons)

*the difference between a reason and an example is that an example is an event or person, while a reason is an idea

• Conclusion: restate your introduction (say the same thing, but use different words)

*conclusions are important because it is the final chance you have to remind the reader of your opinion

Evaluation: Social Studies Position Paper Marking Guide


And finally…Dessert (Only when you have completed your appetizer and main course will you be able to have dessert. Remember, this is optional, if you would like to skip dessert, that’s up to you; it’s a bonus.)

Choose one of the following:

1. Conduct a survey in your school to find out how people in your school define their identities. Here is a sample question you can ask: do you see yourself as an individual, a youth, a Canadian, and Albertan, a global citizen?

a. Take your survey information and present the results in graphic form (like a pie graph or line graph)

b. What conclusions can you draw from this data about global influences on your identity?

2. Choose a current news story of world importance and see how it is reported by different international television news organizations, including BBC World News, CBC Newsworld, CNN.

a. Examine how each network reports the story – use a graphic organizer to compare the similarities and the differences

b. Do you think each news station is better suited for their home audiences; in other words, did the story appeal more to British (BBC), Canadian (CBC) or American (CNN) viewers?

c. Based on what you have learned, discuss whether or not it is important for a culture or community to have more local news presentations.

3. A mosaic is an art form that is a picture or design created by shaping similarly sized pieces or “tiles” and assembling them into a unified whole

a. Cut out an appropriate background from construction paper, such as a silhouette of a well-known local landmark.

b. Select magazine photos and headlines that show the diversity and global influences in your community, and cut them into “tiles”. Create a mosaic by gluing these “tiles” to your background. This mosaic can then show how your society is diverse, yet integrated, just like the tiles.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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