Attachment 2 - Holmesglen

CourseBachelor of Early Childhood TeachingCourse CodeBECT16Location and Commencement DateWaverly CampusCity – St Kilda Road CampusContactHanan Sukkar, Course Leader: Holmesglen: bh 23-Dec-2016 Q:\Projects\Higher Ed Reporting\B_H\WEBSITES\HIT WEBSITE\Degree Curriculum Maps\Bach of Early Child Teaching - Curriculum Map.docxSummary of Course Curriculum by YearYear 1, Semester 1Theme strandThe Child in FocusCurriculum, Pedagogy and LearningCurriculum, Pedagogy and LearningProfessional PracticePracticumSubject TitleThe Child in FocusCommunication to Support Children’s Learning and WellbeingChild ObservationIntroduction to Professional PracticePracticum 1Subject CodeECT1101ECT1102ECT1103ECT1104ECT1105Credit Points36663EFTSL0.06250.1250.1250.1250.0625Core/electiveCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreSubject ObjectiveIntroduction to the study of children and childhood from a socio-historical perspective with an understanding that childhood is socially constructed and experienced in specific time and place contexts that vary widely.This subject provides an understanding of the theory and diverse practices of appropriate communication skills and strategies that support the learning and wellbeing of young children from birth to eight years.The introduction of the knowledge and skills required to analyse the individual child, and the child in interaction with groups of children, through ethical observation, information collecting and recording and the appropriate use of this information in the development, implementation and review of educational programs.The provision of foundational knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of early childhood education professionals upon which an understanding of self as a future early childhood education professional can be developed.The application of theory based learning for the development of skills in relation to child development, communication, observation and professional practice in a 3-5 year setting.Learning OutcomesDescribe own concept of childhood, and discuss social and cultural influences.Describe and discuss childhood as socially constructed, with historical variations in conceptualising or ‘seeing’ children and childhood.Describe and discuss a range of philosophical and theoretical contributors to current concepts of childhood and specific examples of how concepts of childhood shape the consequent care, management and education of young children.Discuss the concept of discourse as it relates to the study of children and childhood.Explain theoretical approaches to and practices of appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication strategies when working as a teacher with young children.Identify, discuss and develop communication methods and strategies tha engage children tot support their learning in developing positive relationships in a range of contexts.Explain and demonstrate differing modes of communication with children such as story-telling, drama, music, rhyme, puppetry and mime.Observe, record, describe and explain verbal, social, expressive, creative, physical and cultural forms of communication used by young children and appropriate teacher responses to foster children’s learning, development and wellbeing.Discuss the primary historical and contemporary theories that underpin the practice of child observation and how current curriculum documents impact on observation processes.Outline a number of contemporary national and international methods currently used in early childhood education environments to observe, record and analyse information relating to a child’s individual development.Discuss the ethical implications and considerations related to child observation, including potential difficulties associated with child observation.Explain how observations and information collected to understand the child are applied to program planning, evaluation and assessment tasks and more formal early curriculum concepts.Explain perceptions of what a teacher is and their roles and responsibilities are in an early childhood setting.Outline the professional, legal and ethical responsibilities of the early childhood professional as presented in relevant current professional bodies’ codes of practice.Discuss planning documents in current use in Early Childhood or Primary School settings.Explain the importance of critical thinking, reflective practice and research, including the researcher, in the context of ‘evidence- based practice’ and ‘best practice’.Demonstrate appropriate positive communication strategies with children and adults.Demonstrate the ability to work as a team member.Begin to apply observation methods to gather and record information about children’s behaviour and development from primary and secondary sources.Model the professional behaviours used by their early childhood teacher when working with children.Identify the varied roles of the early childhood teacher, including their roles with families.Act in accordance with relevant legal, regulatory and professional requirements.Demonstrate a beginning ability to critically evaluate their own teaching practice, communicate these reflections appropriately and identify areas for improvement.Review the policies and procedures of the centre and identify implications for professional practice.Average weekly contact3 hours4 hours3 hours4 hours10 days (75 hours)Average weekly independent learning4 hours10 hours11 hours10 hoursTOTAL HOURS(Semester)77 hours(11 weeks)154 hours(11 weeks)154 hours(11 weeks)154 hours(11 weeks)75 hours(2 weeks)AssessmentTask 1: Reflective essay(part 1 &2) 2500 words – 60%Task 2: Examination, closed book, 2 hours – 40%Task 1. Paper and Presentation 2500 words – 50%Task 2. Obsevation Report, 2500words – 50%Task 1. Assignment, 2000 words –40%Task 2. Scenario/case-basedassignment, 2500 words – 60%Tas k 1. Essay, 2500 words – 50%Task 2. Examination, closed book, 2 hours – 50%270 degree multi-source assessment (MSA) – 100%Hurdle Requirement: Practicum folderCo-/Pre- requisitesnilCo-requisite: ECT1105nilnilPrerequisite: WWCCPre/Co-requisites: ECT1101, ECT1102, ECT1103, ECT1104Year 1, Semester 2ThemeThe Child in FocusCurriculum, Pedagogy and LearningCurriculum, Pedagogy and LearningProfessional PracticePracticumSubject TitleChild DevelopmentPlay as an Educational MediumChildren’s ArtChild Health and SafetyPracticum 2Subject CodeECT1201ECT1202ECT1203ECT1204ECT1205Credit Points66633EFTSL0.1250.1250.1250.06250.0625Core/electiveCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreSubject ObjectiveThe development of knowledge and understanding of the physical, social and cognitive development of children birth to eight years of age and approaches to teaching and learning which cater for the diverse needs of young children.The review of historical and contemporary pedagogical assumptions, theories, perspectives and practice related to play and the development of skills in planning, implementing and evaluating play-based activities for the learning and development of young children.The development of knowledge and understanding of children’s art development and processes used by children with a variety of artistic media, and how to utilise this in planning appropriate and effective art programmes for children.The provision of knowledge and understanding of the establishment and maintenance of safe environments, quality practice and relevant legislative accountabilities in early childhood education settings.The provision of practice-based experience in the 2-3 years setting, with a particular focus on promoting children’s health, wellbeing and safety, implementing play-based and technology-assisted teaching and learning interactions for children and the further development of skills in observation, planning, evaluation and making connections between observation and learning.Learning OutcomesUnderstand major developmental and learning theories and theoretical perspectives that underpin the development and learning of young children.Identify and evaluate the impact of social, cultural, family and life experiences on the development of young children.Understand and evaluate assessment tools, observation techniques and appropriate documentation to plan and evaluate children’s learning and development.Understand factors such as Australian indigenous culture, socio-economic contexts, English as an additional language and particular learning requirements that impact on children’s development.Explain the fundamental role of play in children’s learning and development and explore and contrast the notion of play in a variety of socio-cultural contexts.Critically analyse and explain current and historical practices, perspectives and pedagogical assumptions in play.Apply observation and program planning skills to develop play-based educational experiences for individual children and groups of children.Develop play based activities that foster children’s learning and development, in areas including language, literacy, numeracy and science.Understand the connections between Art, meaning making and the acquisition of literacy skills.Articulate the important role of Art in holistic learning and as a means of cultural, emotional, physical and aesthetic expression.Plan and present art experiences using a range of resources to assist the development of children’s artistic skills and their appreciation of Visual Arts.Implement processes and teaching strategies to create Media Arts works using ICT, particularly digital technology, to expand learning opportunities for students within Arts curricula.Outline the guidelines for the establishment, and maintenance of a clean, safe and hygienic environment for children and babies/infants with links to regulatory requirements.Outline the procedures and guidelines for infection control and the safe administration of medication and recognise signs of potential illness, threats of danger, emergencies and accidents and coordinate response.Explain the key considerations and responsibilities for the early childhood teacher in relation to monitoring travel and excursions.Develop children’s understanding of their own physical needs and establish an environment that encourages the growing child to complete tasks themselves.Demonstrate appropriate positive communication strategies with children and adults.Demonstrate the ability to work as a team member.Begin to apply a variety of appropriate observation methods to gather and record information about children’s behaviour and development from primary and secondary sources.Utilise information gathered to plan play-based and technology-assisted learning experiences for individual and groups of children.Identify and maintain an environment that ensures the health and wellbeing of children and staff.Average weekly contact4 hours4 hours4 hours3 hours15 days (113 hours)Average weekly independent learning10 hours10 hours10 hours4 hoursTOTAL HOURS(Semester)154 hours(11 weeks)154 hours(11 weeks)154 hours(11 weeks)77 hours(11 weeks)113 hours(3 weeks)AssessmentTask 1. Essay, 1500 words – 40%Task 2. Folio, 3000 words – 60%Task 1. Play Based Project A, 2500 words – 50%Task 2. Play Based Project B and Presentation, 2500 words – 50%Task 1. Essay, 1500 words – 40%Task 2. Teaching Resource, 3000words – 60%Task 1. Case scenario, 2000 words – 50%Task 2. Examination, closed book, 2 hours – 50%270 degree multi-source assessment (MSA) – 100%Hurdle Requirement: Practicum folderCo-/Pre- requisitesnilPre-requisite: ECT1103nilnilPrerequisite: ECT1105 Pre/Co-requisites: ECT1201,ECT1202, ECT1203, ECT1204Year 2, Semester 1ThemeThe Child in FocusCurriculum, Pedagogy and LearningCurriculum, Pedagogy and LearningProfessional PracticePracticumSubject TitleAustralian Families: Past and PresentLiteracy I:Developing LiteracyCurriculum TheoryEarly Childhood Teaching and Learning 1Practicum 3Subject CodeECT2102ECT2102ECT2103ECT 2104ECT2105Credit Points36663EFTSL0.06250.1250.1250.1250.0625Core/electiveCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreSubject ObjectiveAn investigation of the diversity of Australian families past and present including migrant, refugee and Australian Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander peoples; analysing family and social change, economic, political, geographical and cultural factors that are influenced by socio- cultural and ecological systems, and impact on childhood teaching and learning. The development of knowledge and understanding of history as a fundamental characteristic to understanding self and others, including the importance of social inclusion.The development of knowledge and understanding of theoretical perspectives and pedagogical strategies related to the teaching and learning of language and literacy in a range of early childhood settings with a focus on children from birth to five years. Development of personal literacy through integrated approaches across reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing.The development of an understanding of curriculum, the factors that affect and shape it, and the interrelationships of curriculum theory, policy and curriculum decision-making in early childhood settings.An exploration of the variety of teaching and learning suited to early childhood education and primary school teaching and assessment and evaluation of programs in the early learning setting.The provision of practice-based experience in a pre-school setting for the continuing development of early childhood teacher skills, knowledge and practices, with a particular focus on the development of skills, and the application of theory-based knowledge, of the development of relationships with children, families and community so that children with the early childhood service are located within their socio-cultural contexts.Learning OutcomesExamine and apply historical, sociological and ecological systems theories as a lens for understanding the lived realities of families past and presentAnalyse teaching and learning considerations when planning and implementing curriculum in the humanities to ensure that the particular needs of children affected by socio- economic disadvantage, geographic factors and displacement and grief are addressedExamine modern societies, social change and the implications for inclusion within early childhood teaching environmentsInvestigate a range of family support agencies and strategies to assist children and families experiencing historical and socially constructed disadvantage.Explain and critique the theoretical perspectives which underpin the teaching and learning of language and literacy in the early years.Develop personal knowledge, understanding and skills in English and literacy focusing on reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing a range of multimodal texts.Design and critically analyse literacy-rich environments for young children in a range of early childhood settings.Design and develop literacy teaching and learning experiences for children from birth to five years.Develop familiarity with quality traditional and contemporary children’s literature that enriches and extends young children’s learning and development.Understand curriculum and the factors that shape it.Define and differentiate between ‘curriculum’ and ‘pedagogy’ and their implications in practice.Critically analyse a range of different theoretical and practical perspectives in relation to early childhood learning and development and practice.Examine the interrelationships of curriculum theory, policy statements and curriculum decision making of teachers and caregivers within early childhood settings.Review , contemporary learning theory and the implications for practical implementation for teachers in prior to school and primary school settings as they apply to children across early childhood and school based settingsDemonstrate a range of teaching techniques and their implications for the learning of prior to school and primary school childrenDescribe a range of assessment processes for example , formative, summative, learner-led, diagnostic and their strengths and weaknesses for prior to school and primary children’s learning .Critically reflect upon evaluation and improvement processes, focussing on using data to inform future learning and teaching to determine the achievement of the goals of a prior to school or primary schoolsettingDemonstrate appropriate communication strategies in developing positive relationships with children, colleagues and families.Demonstrate the ability to work as a team member.Apply appropriate observation and discussion methods to gather and record information about children’s behaviour and development to produce comprehensive profiles of two focus children.Utilise information gathered to plan learning experiences for individual and small groups of children that focus on language and cognitive development.Implement and evaluate planned learning experiences for individual and small groups of children.Identify and maintain an environment that ensures the health and wellbeing of children and staff.Act in accordance with relevant legal, regulatory and professional requirements and identify the legal and ethical implications of professional practice.Demonstrate a beginning ability to critically evaluate their own teaching practice, communicate these reflections appropriately and identify areas for improvement.Average weekly contact3 hours4 hours4 hours4 hours15 days (113 hours)Average weekly independent learning4 hours10 hours10 hours10 hoursTOTAL HOURS(Semester)77 hours(11 weeks)154 hours(11 weeks)154 hours(11 weeks)154 hours(11 weeks)113 hours(3 weeks)AssessmentTask 1. Essay, 1500 words – 40%Task 2. Annotated Folio, 2000words – 60%Task 1. Scenario-based Task, 2500 words – 60%Task 2. Examination, closed book, 2 hours – 40%Task 1. Essay, 2000 words – 40%Task 2. Case Scenario, 3000words – 60%Task 1: Group task and individual essay, 2500 words - 50%Task 2: Essay and practical task – 50%270 degree multi-source assessment (MSA) – 100%Hurdle Requirement: Practicum folderCo-/Pre- requisitesnilnilCo- Requisite ECT 2104Pre-requisites: ECT1103 Child Observation and Assessment and ECT1104 Introduction to Professional PracticePrerequisite: ECT1205 Pre/Co-requisites: ECT2102, ECT2103, ECT2104Year 2, Semester 2ThemeThe Child in FocusCurriculum, Pedagogy and LearningCurriculum, Pedagogy and LearningProfessional PracticePracticumSubject TitleIndigenous PerspectivesMathematics 1:Developing Mathematical UnderstandingEarly Learning and Teaching 2Contemporary Issues in Prior to School and Primary School TeachingPracticum 4Subject CodeECT2201ECT2202ECT2203ECT2204ECT2205Credit Points36663EFTSL0.06250.1250.1250.1250.0625Core/electiveCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreSubject ObjectivesAustralian Indigenous history and culture with a focus on Indigenous Australians’ perspectives of issues in contemporary Australian society. This will include an understanding of Indigenous people’s connection to country (land, sea, waterways and, sky) and Indigenous ways of learning. Pre-service teachers will develop a broad knowledge and understanding of the impact of culture, cultural identity and linguistic backgrounds on the education of students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait backgrounds.s.Review and development by students of their own mathematical content knowledge as well as understanding of how young children develop mathematical knowledge from infancy, through to the beginnings of formal schooling.The provision of knowledge about meeting the challenges of attaining best practice in infant and toddler programs that include routines, quality interactions and varied play experiences, while being aware and respectful of cultural diversity.An exploration of current social, political, developmental and educational issues impacting on early childhood services and the provision of quality early childhood programs (with a particular focus on the early years prior to school) and the significance of educational research and its implications for ‘evidence based’ practice and ongoing professional learning and development.The provision of practice-based experience in the education and care of children from birth to two years of age, including the daily routines of feeding, sleeping, nappy changing and toileting, with particular attention to health, safety and learning considerations during these activities, attention to the associations between attachment and early years’ learning and the development of appropriate communication strategies to develop positive relationships to facilitate a nurturing environment.Learning OutcomesIdentify historical perspectives of Australian settlement and the impact on Indigenous Australians.Apply socio-cultural theory as a lens to identify and understand lived realities of Indigenous Australian families and children in contemporary pare and contrast Eurocentric views of knowledge with Indigenous Australian views of knowledge that impact on Indigenous Australian children’s learning in educational setting.Demonstrate a broad knowledge and understanding of the impact of culture, cultural identity and linguistic backgrounds on the education of students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds.Demonstrate developing understanding and personal competence with mathematical content knowledge.Explain current theoretical frameworks that support the early mathematical development and learning of children from infancy through to the beginning of formal schooling.Demonstrate understanding of mathematical pedagogical knowledge suited to the early development of working mathematically, number, data and pre-algebra concepts and skills.Examine the connections between home, community and early learning of mathematics in prior to school settings.Examine current national and international research on best practice models of mathematical learning in diverse early childhood contexts.Explain the role of primary care in infant and toddler settings in the context of attachment theory and the concept of attachment based learning.Analyse the collaborative partnerships between early childhood care- givers/teachers and the families of infants and toddlers that are respectful of their cultural context.Discuss strategies for effective routines including feeding, sleeping, changing nappies and toileting as part of the early learning experience.Identify best practice curriculum and pedagogy that promotes neurological development in a play based environment for infants and toddlers with an emphasis on the safety, play and development of each individual child.Critically analyse the major professional, educational, philosophical and curricular issues that impact on the work of contemporary teachers with reference to the Australian Professional standards for teachersCompare and contrast contemporary primary practices and policy guidelines with those of the prior-to-school contextReflect on the implications of critical contemporary issues in a range of prior to school and primary contextsReview the impact of current technologies on teaching practice and discuss strategies available to support the safe and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching.Explain and evaluate theoretical perspectives on behaviour guidance in educational contextsDevelop positive behaviour plans that support individual children with diverse needs and groups of children within different educational settingsDemonstrate appropriate communication strategies in developing positive relationships with children, colleagues and families.Demonstrate the ability to work as a team member.Apply appropriate observation and discussion methods to gather and record information about children’s behaviour and development to produce profiles of two infants as individuals and as part of a group.Utilise information gathered to plan, implement and evaluate learning experiences for individual and small groups of children with a focus on play- based, sensory-motor and artistic experiences.Demonstrate appropriate, effective and safe implementation of care routines including settling, feeding, sleeping, nappy changing and toileting practices.Maintain an environment that ensures the health and wellbeing of children and staff.Act in accordance with relevant legal, regulatory and professional requirements.Reflect on the roles and practices of early childhood professionals in supporting families.9.Demonstrate a growing capacity for critical evaluation of their own teaching practice, communicate these reflections appropriately and identify areas for improvement.Average weekly contact3 hours4 hours4 hours4 hours15 days (113 hours)Average weekly independent learning4 hours10 hours10 hours10 hoursTOTAL HOURS(Semester)77 hours(11 weeks)154 hours(11 weeks)154 hours(11 weeks)154 hours(11 weeks)113 hours(3 weeks)AssessmentEssay, 1500 words – 50%Resource Collection and Teaching and Learning Experiences, 2000 words – 50%Task 1 Essay, 2000 words – 50%Task 2 Mathematical Tasks, 1000– 10%Task 3 Examination – 40%Resource Folio, 2000 words – 40%Learning Plan and Report, 3000 words – 60%Literature Review, 1500 words – 30%Essay, 2500 words – 50%Classroom Management Plan, 1000 words – 20%270 degree multi-source assessment (MSA) – 100%Hurdle Requirement: Practicum folderCo-/Pre- requisitesPre-requisite: ECT2101nilPre-requisites: ECT1204Pre-requisite: ECT1104Prerequisite: ECT2105 Pre/Co-requisites: ECT2202, ECT2203, ECT2204Year 3, Semester 1ThemeThe Child in FocusCurriculum, Pedagogy and LearningCurriculum, Pedagogy and LearningProfessional PracticePracticumSubject TitleMulticultural and Multilingual PerspectivesPerforming ArtsCurriculum in ActionFamily, Community and Professional PartnershipsPracticum 5Subject CodeECT3101ECT3102ECT3103ECT3104ECT3105Credit Points36663EFTSL0.06250.1250.1250.06250.125Core/electiveCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreSubject ObjectiveAn exploration of multicultural and multilingual history and perspectives in contemporary Australian society, with a focus on cultural, ethnic, linguistic, religious and racial diversity and equity issues. This subject will emphasise the need for developing awareness of this history and its impact on current life experiences.Drawing on knowledge of Australian perspectives, values and identity for all children and families, the subject will explore the places from which immiigrants have originated and develop understanding and empathy across and within different cultures.The development of the requisite knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities to prepare and implement a range of appropriate, effective Performing Arts learning experiences and teaching strategies for children.The development of knowledge and skills to interpret and apply early childhood curricular principles, curriculum approaches and models to quality programme delivery within key learning areas.Theoretical knowledge and practical methods to develop and maintain professional and positive relationships with children, families professionals and communities . An understanding of the changing nature and diversity of the modern family, factors affecting families and communities that impact on parenting, the legal and ethical responsibilities of the early childhood teacher (including their advocacy role) and the resources and agencies available to support practitioners and families..The provision of practice-based experience in a pre-school setting to consolidate knowledge and skills in relation to observation, planning, evaluation and assessment for pre- school aged children and the application of theory into practice- based curriculum planning and implementation according to relevant frameworks is directed towards the key learning areas of: numeracy; visual arts; language and literacy; music and movement; dramatic and imaginative play and; science and technology.Learning OutcomesDiscuss historical perspectives relating to Australian cultural identity and values and the history of Multiculturalism in Australia, including immigrant place of origin.Apply socio-cultural theory as a lens to identify and understand the diverse issues and challenges for multicultural, multilingual and recently arrived migrant and refugee families living in contemporary Australia.Identify and explain the varying factors that impact on multicultural and multilingual and recently arrived migrant and refugee children and develop effective strategies and resources to support these children and their families in an educational environment that supports cultural, ethnic, linguistic, religious and racial diversity and inclusion..Develop strategies and resources to support the learning and development of children’s acquisition that English as a second or additional language in early childhood and school settings..Identify and articulate key underlying principles of Performing Arts as modes of expression and the role of the Performing Arts in early childhood education, including in the teaching of literacy and numeracy skills and conceptsInvestigate Performing Arts elements, techniques, props, materials and equipment to explore learning potential and explain possibilities for children.Plan and implement a range of Performing Arts learning experiences suitable for children from birth to 12 years.Appraise the knowledge and skills required for providing Drama, Music, Movement, Dance, Storytelling and Puppetry experiences in early childhood settingsDemonstrate knowledge and understanding of the impact of culture, cultural identity and linguistic background on the Performing Arts education and practice of students from diverse backgrounds including from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds.Examine philosophies and theories regarding curriculum development and application as it applies to early years teaching and learning.Develop and design programs for children in early years learning environments to foster creative, stimulating and authentic learning and development.Plan integrated units of work for a range of ages within early childhood.Discuss methods of assessing and evaluating programs and reporting to students and parents in relation to expected learning outcomes.Identify the characteristics, strategies, practices and outcomes of effective partnerships and discuss the importance of working effectively and cooperatively with all families, in organisations and as the member of a professional community.Explain essential skills and qualities the early childhood professional uses to develop partnerships with children, families and other stakeholders in educational communitiesAnalyse a range of factors that enhance and challenge teaching and learning partnerships using current and emerging theoryExamine a range of factors that may put children at risk of harm, identify indicators of abuse and possible harm and strategies for practice that support the protection of childrenDefine the scope of a range of services in Victoria that provide support for all young children, their families and communities across a range of needs.Demonstrate culturally and socially respectful communication strategies in developing positive relationships with children, colleagues and families.Demonstrate the ability to work as a team member.Apply appropriate observation and discussion methods to gather and record information about children’s behaviour and development to produce profiles of two infants as individuals and as part of a group.Utilise information gathered to plan, implement and evaluate integrated experiences for individual and small groups of children that are responsive to children’s interests and socio-cultural contexts across the key curriculum areas of visual arts; literacy and numeracy; music and movement; dramatic and imaginative play, science and technology.Evaluate and reflect on children’s responses to planned and spontaneous experiences to identify future planning needs and teaching and learning opportunities.Maintain an environment that ensures the health and wellbeing of children, staff and visitors.Act in accordance with relevant legal, regulatory and professional requirements act in accordance with relevant legal, regulatory and professional requirements.Reflect on the roles and practices of early childhood professionals in supporting indigenous families and those from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds and ensuring inclusive educational practices.Demonstrate a developing ability to critically evaluate their own teaching practice, communicate these reflections appropriately and identify areas for improvement.Average weekly contact3 hours4 hours4 hours6 hours20 days (150 hours)Average weekly independent learning4.5 hours11.5 hours11.5 hours11.5 hoursTOTAL HOURS(Semester)75 hours(10 weeks)155 hours(10 weeks)155 hours(10 weeks)155 hours(10 weeks)150 hours(4 weeks)AssessmentEssay, 1500 words – 50%Report, 1500 words – 50%Performing Arts Experience and paper, 5-8 min performance and 500 word explanation – 40%Folio, 3000 words – 60%Children’s Experience Resource File, 2500 word equivalent – 50%Curriculum and Planning Portfolio, 2500 word equivalent – 50%Essay, 2000 words – 40%Annotated Resource Folio, 2000 – 40%Online Reflective Journal, 1000 words – 20%270 degree multi-source assessment (MSA) – 100%Hurdle Requirement: Practicum folderCo-/Pre- requisitesPre-requisite: ECT2101Pre-requisites: ECT2104Pre-requisite: ECT2103Pre-requisites: ECT2101Prerequisite: ECT2205 Pre/Co-requisites: ECT3102, ECT3103, ECT3104Year 3, Semester 2ThemeThe Child in FocusCurriculum, Pedagogy and LearningCurriculum, Pedagogy and LearningProfessional PracticePracticumSubject TitleDesign, Creativity and TechnologyMathematics 2: Primary School TeachingPhysical Development and MovementLiteracy 2Practicum 6Subject CodeECT3201ECT3202ECT3203ECT3204ECT3205Credit Points36663EFTSL0.06250.1250.1250.1250.0625Core/electiveCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreSubject ObjectiveThis subject introduces students to design thinking and technologies to develop creative and innovative solutions to meet authentic needs for sustainable futures. Students will develop the knowledge and skills to plan, implement and evaluate appropriate learning experiences for children in the early, middle and/or senior sections of the of primary school.Development and exploration of the range of mathematical knowledge and skills required to effectively plan, implement, assess and evaluate sequential mathematical learning experiences for children from five to eight using appropriate state and national government guidelines, including awareness of best practice research related to primary school mathematics teaching and learning.The development of knowledge and understanding of the role of physical development and movement in children from birth to eight years of age and teaching guidelines, strategies and approaches that can be used to create positive, holistic and inclusive learning environments in teaching physical education and exploring health and safety issues.The development of knowledge and understanding of theoretical perspectives and pedagogical strategies related to the teaching and learning of language and literacy in a range of early childhood settings with a focus on the early years of school.The provision of practice-based experience in a primary setting to orient the student to the junior primary school environment with a particular focus on applying theory into practice-based literacy and numeracy teaching and to develop new skills and apply existing and further knowledge in relation to children at the Foundation level.Learning OutcomesExplain and demonstrate technology knowledge and the design process with technology suited to primary school.Develop a sequence of lessons and an appropriate assessment tool focussed on the design process.Demonstrate knowledge of the following design contexts; engineering principles and systems, food and fibre production, food specialisation and materials and technologies specialisationExplain and demonstrate the knowledge and practical implementation of Design, Creativity and Technology from the state and national curriculum subject guides suited to children across the early middle and senior sections of primary schoolDemonstrate knowledge of current research and policy related to the Design, Creativity and Technology curriculumExplain how children construct mathematical knowledge.Plan and assess numeracy experiences appropriate for young children in Prep-3 classrooms using relevant state and national curriculum documents.Review tasks for their mathematical knowledge and appropriateness for children’s learning.Demonstrate pedagogical and mathematical content knowledge.Apply their knowledge of current research in mathematics to maximize the mathematical learning in Prep-3 classrooms.Adapt mathematical experiences to enhance outcomes for children from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds.Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of child development, principles of human movement and the benefits of physical activity to health and wellbeing.Develop teaching strategies for providing a holistic, inclusive and supportive approach to physical education in the early years and devise comprehensive teaching programs, including units of work and lesson plans based on the Victorian curriculum.Explain the principles of effective teaching (including evaluation) and assessment practices in physical education, including catering for different learning styles.Identify the safety issues in teaching physical education programs and classes, and demonstrate risk management principles.Build on knowledge and understanding of language and literacy development in early childhood programs and how this links with curriculum in the primary schoolIdentify how key literacy concepts are practised in settings such as homes, community, preschool and primary schoolIncrease knowledge and understanding of how teachers can ensure that children enjoy and respond meaningfully to the literature they hear and readUnderstand and appraise the use of a range of ICT and other technologies which support and engage students in their learning.Design and develop differentiated teaching and learning experiences to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities in an early year’s primary classroom (Foundation to Year Two).Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of the impact of culture, cultural identity and linguistic background on the education of students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds.Demonstrate effective communication skills with the school community.Demonstrate the ability to work as a team member.Observe, analyse and apply strategies used by teachers in routine teaching tasks such as instructing and directing, questioning, generating and managing discussions and establishing and monitoring behaviour expectations.Cooperatively plan and implement teaching and learning interactions that focus on key learning domains related to literacy and numeracy and science.Reflect on children’s responses to teaching and learning interactions and samples of children’s work to identify future planning needs and teaching and learning opportunities.Maintain an environment that ensures the health and wellbeing of children, staff.Act in accordance with relevant legal, regulatory and professional requirements.Reflect on the roles and practices of primary teachers in and out of the classroom and the impact of research, inquiry and literature on teaching practice.Demonstrate a consolidating ability to critically evaluate their own teaching practice, communicate these reflections appropriately and identify areas for improvement.10. Review the policies and procedures of the primary school and its connections to the broader community and identify implications for professional practice and continuing professional development.Average weekly contact3 hours4 hours4 hours4 hours20 days (150 hours)Average weekly independent learning4.5 hours11.5 hours11.5 hours11.5 hoursTOTAL HOURS(Semester)75 hours(10 weeks)155 hours(10 weeks)155 hours(10 weeks)155 hours(10 weeks)150 hours(4 weeks)AssessmentEssay,1000 -40%Teaching Plan, 2000 – 60%Practical Task, 2000 – 40%Reading Tasks, 1000 – 20% Examination, closed book, 2 hours– 40%Unit of work, 2000 – 70%Practical Assessment and Evaluation ,1000 – 30%Portfolio, 3000 words – 60%Examination, closed book, 2 hours– 40%270 degree multi-source assessment (MSA) – 100%Hurdle Requirement: Practicum folderCo-/Pre- requisitesPre-requisite: ECT3102Pre-requisite: ECT3102Pre-requisites: ECT1204,ECT1201Pre-requisite: ECT2102Prerequisite: ECT3105 Pre/Co-requisites: ECT3202, ECT3203, ECT3204Year 4, Semester 1ThemeThe Child in FocusCurriculum, Pedagogy and LearningCurriculum, Pedagogy and LearningProfessional PracticePracticumSubject TitleAbilities Based Learning and TeachingMathematics 3Curriculum DesignLiteracy 3Practicum 7Subject CodeECT4101ECT4102ECT 4103ECT 4104ECT4105Credit Points36663EFTSL0.06250.1250.1250.1250.0625Core/electiveCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreSubject ObjectiveAn explorationthe concepts and theories regarding the provision of abilities based strategies including; assessment, planning, teaching and referral for specialist intervention within an integrated educational program for the child, and information and support for the family and the development of knowledge and skills for teaching young children with demonstrated giftedness and exceptional ability in one or more areas of their development and learning.Further development of the mathematical content knowledge and skills required to effectively plan, implement, assess and evaluate sequential and differentiated mathematical learning experiences for children across the early, middle and senior primary school.The design, and development and critique of an integrated curriculum unit, suited to a Primary school contextThe development of knowledge and understanding of theoretical perspectives and pedagogical strategies related to the teaching and learning of language and literacy in the primary years of schoolThe demonstrationof readiness and ability to accept the responsibilities of an independent graduate teacher in a primary school, with sustained teaching sessions including 15 days of control and the provision of experience in years 3 to 6 in the primary school environment.Learning OutcomesAnalyse the concepts of giftedness and exceptional ability, according to a range of models and theoretical approaches.Explain the pedagogical implications and approaches for working with children identified as gifted, or with exceptional abilities and relate the role of structured and unstructured play experiences for supporting the learning and development of these children.Analyse the impact of exceptional abilities on the child, the family, and the educational service related to the inclusion of children with exceptional abilities in mainstream educational services, and describe the range of potential policy issues, current policy and programs, and organisations available in Victoria to support these children and their families.In the context of the educational rights of gifted children and their families, articulate a clear philosophy and rationale for meeting the needs of exceptional children in early childhood educational programs and determine effective strategies for a teacher working in partnership with families and allied professionals to enhance the learning and development of these children.Explain within current theoretical thinking how children construct and further develop their mathematical knowledge including the impact of culture, cultural identity and linguistic backgrounds on the education of students from Aboriginal and Torres Stait Islander backgroundsPlan, implement and assess sequential and differentiated mathematical lessons appropriate for children iacross the early, middle and/or senior primary school.Demonstrate the ability to plan (including individual learning plans) for differentiated teaching in mathematics to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilitiesDemonstrate understanding and application of relevant state and national government curriculum guidelines related to the teaching,learning and assessment of mathematicsFurther develop and apply pedagogical and mathematical content knowledge in number, algebra, measurement, shape and spatial relationships, data, problem posing, solving and mathematical reasoning.Apply knowledge of current research on best practice in mathematics teaching,learning and assessment practices for the primary school contextAdapt mathematical experiences to enhance outcomes for children across the full range of abilities and from diverse linguistic, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds.Develop a contextualised integrated curriculum unit that specifies learning, teaching and assessment strategies and tools appropriate to the global and lesson learning outcomesDevelop skills in the use of a curriculum audit tool such as backwards by designConduct an evaluation of an integrated curriculum unitConduct a learning environment auditDemonstrate the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in integrated unit plans.Demonstrate knowledge of curriculum content and appropriate pedagogy related to the curriculum areas of design, creativity and technology and sustainability.Evaluate theories of literacy learning and teaching and their application in the primary school setting (Foundation to Year Six).Explain the connection between literacy theory, contemporary issues and pedagogical practice.Appraise a range of technologies to support and engage students in their learning.Design and develop differentiated teaching and learning experiences to meet the needs of all learners in the primary classroom.Demonstrate effective communication skills and the ability to establish positive and respectful working relationships with children, family members and colleagues.Plan, document, implement, assess and evaluate integrated and inclusive classroom curriculum for students in years 1 and 2 across the key learning domains.Independently plan, implement and evaluate sustained teaching and learning interactions.Maintain an environment that ensures the safety and wellbeing of children and staff.Act in accordance with relevant legal, regulatory and professional requirements.Develop appropriate responses to challenging behaviours and support children to self-regulate behaviour using the resources of the school and other relevant services.Critically evaluate their professional practice and knowledge and identify areas and strategies for improvement and development as a beginning practitioner.Analyse leadership and management functions and practices related to a key change/issue being implemented in the primary education environment.Articulate their personal stance on the role of the teacher and effective educational practice.Undertake administrative and professional duties expected of teachers in the primary school environment.Average weekly contact3 hours4 hours4 hours4 hours26 days (195 hours)Average weekly independent learning4.5 hours11.5 hours11.5 hours11.5 hoursTOTAL HOURS(Semester)75 hours(10 weeks)155 hour(10 weeks)155 hour(10 weeks)155 hour(10 weeks)195 hours(5 weeks)AssessmentPresentation and Paper, 1000 words + Presentation and Class Handout – 40%Report, 1700 words – 60%Lesson Plan, 2000 – 40%Reading Tasks, 1000 – 20% Examination, closed book, 2 hours– 40%Essay(evaluation and audit), 2500 words – 50%Curriculum Unit, 3000 words – 50%Portfolio, 3000- 60%Examination, closed book, 2 hours– 40%270 degree multi-source assessment (MSA) – 100%Hurdle Requirement: Practicum folderCo-/Pre- requisitesPre-requisite: ECT3104Pre-requisite: ECT3202Pre-requisite: ECT 3103ECT 3204Prerequisite: ECT3205 Pre/Co-requisites: ECT4102, ECT4103, ECT4104Year 4, Semester 2ThemeThe Child in FocusCurriculum, Pedagogy and LearningCurriculum, Pedagogy and LearningProfessional PracticePracticumSubject TitleDisability and Additional NeedsScienceLeadership and ManagementPractice-based researchPracticum 8Subject CodeECT4201ECT4202ECT4203ECT4204ECT4205Credit Points36636EFTSL0.06250.1250.1250.06250.125Core/electiveCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreSubject ObjectiveThe development of a broad and coherent body of knowledge of diversity and inclusion of children who experience disability or developmental delay and the development of an understanding of the assessment; referral and development and implementation of relevant and effective evidence- based resources and support appropriate for young children prior to school and during tjier primary school years..The development of the scientific knowledge and skills required to teach Science to young children and an understanding of pedagogy, curriculum knowledge, current educational theories and research as it relates to the teaching of Science Studies to children in the early years.The development of an understanding of leadership and management structures, roles and responsibilities in early childhood education and care settings.Demonstrate understanding of primary research skills, with a focus on practice-based action research processes to pursue specific areas of interest within the field of early childhood teaching and learning and the development of a detailed action research plan..The provision of practice-based experience to consolidate and extend the core teaching functions of observation, planning, implementation, assessment and evaluation in a preferred, self- chosen early childhood education setting and age group.Learning Outcomes1, Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of legislative requirements that support participation and learning of students with disability. This includes government policy and the concept, function and application of inclusive educational practice for children with additional/specific needs and their families.Analyse support systems for children with a disability or additional needs in Victoria and the importance of adopting a strengths-based model of practice and support, in ways that enhance parental capacity and not undermine it, including processes and strategies for effective transitions in collaboration with families and other key support professionals .Acquire and apply knowledge about a range of disabilities and identify a typical range of specific and particular needs of an individual child or student; and develop an effective abilities- based learning and educational support program that responds to the child’s capabilities and functional needs, and addresses family priorities in prior to school and primary school environments.Explicate the needs of families of children with a disability or additional needs and discuss a range of strategies in relation to working effectively as a teacher in partnership with families and other specialist and mainstream practitioners to achieve a ’team around the child’ that results in effective intervention and educational and learning support.Set learning goals that provide achievable challenges for all students with a disability of varying abilities and characteristics, and demonstrate an understanding of using diagnostic approaches to assess student learning.Explain how young children acquire scientific knowledge, skills, and values.Demonstrate a sound knowledge and use of scientific knowledge, skills, processes and literacy and how it translates to effective pedagogy.Analyse contemporary educational trends as they relate to teaching young children Science Studies.Plan and explain the sequencing, assessment and evaluation of scientific experiences appropriate for young children within the Early Childhood Education setting.Critique leadership theories, models, approaches and styles within early childhood education and care contexts.Critically analyze approaches to leadership in a broad range of contexts both in the prior to school years and primary school settings.Evaluate the importance and impact of effective change management in dynamic educational environmentsExamine social, cultural and political factors which impact upon the role of the leader in early childhood education and care settings.Display knowledge of action research approaches and methods relevant to an identified curriculum issueDevelop an action research plan in a curriculum area of choice within the field of early childhood teaching and learningReflect on the process of developing an action research plan.Demonstrate effective communication skills and the ability to establish positive and respectful working relationships with children, family members, colleagues and the wider communityPlan, document, implement, assess and evaluate integrated and inclusive curriculum for multiple groups of children in early childhood/school programs across the key learning domainsIndependently plan, implement and evaluate sustained teaching and learning interactionsMaintain a challenging educational environment that ensures the safety and wellbeing of children, staff and visitorsAct in accordance with relevant legal, regulatory and professional requirementsDevelop appropriate responses to challenging behaviours and support children to self-regulate behaviourCritically evaluate their professional practice and knowledge and identify strengths and strategies for improvement and development as a beginning pre-school teacherArticulate their emerging philosophy of teaching and learning in relation to their work specifically and the role of teachers more generally within prior to school educational environments9.Undertake administrative and professional duties expected of practicing teachers in the early childhood/school environment.Average weekly contact3 hours4 hours4 hours4 hours20 days (150 hours)Average weekly independent learning4.5 hours11.5 hours11.5 hours11.5 hoursTOTAL HOURS(Semester)75 hour(10 weeks)155 hour(10 weeks)155 hour(10 weeks)155 hour(10 weeks)150 hours(4 weeks)AssessmentEssay, 1500 words – 50%Educational support programme, 1500 words – 50%Essay, 2000 – 40%Unit of Work, 3000, 60%Assignment, 2000 words – 60%Business Plan, 1500 words – 40%Task 1: Research plan overview, 750 words, 20%Task 2: Action research plan, 2500 words (eqv.), 70%Task 3: Reflection, 1000 words,10%270 degree multi-source assessment (MSA) – 100%Hurdle Requirement: Practicum folderCo-/Pre- requisitesPre-requisites: ECT3104Pre-requisites: ECT3104Pre-requisites: ECT 2204 and ECT 3104Co-requisite: ECT4205Pre-requisites: ECT3103 Co-requisite: ECT4205Prerequisite: ECT4105 Pre/Co-requisites: ECT4202, ECT4203, ECT4204 ................

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