Assessment Scavenger Hunt

Assessment Scavenger Hunt!

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to get you familiar with different

types of assessments you may use in your class room.

What you Need:

• Your text book and have READ Chapter 13

• Computer with internet

Directions: Follow the steps to complete each step of the scavenger hunt.

Assessments can serve many purposes in the classroom. Teachers can use assessments to:

• Compare how a student(s) are performing compared to other students

• Compare how student(s) perform on specific criteria

• Determine if student(s) mastered a certain concept or standard

• Determine if student(s) made progress on a certain concept or standard.

• Collect data on a student’s progress over a period of time

• Inform instruction.

Different assessments serve different purposes. This scavenger hunt will allow you to learn about the different types of assessment and how you may want to use them in your classroom.

1. Re-read Pages 293-294 in your textbook.

a. Then, fill in the blanks:

_________________ means that all students take a test under the same conditions and results. These tests can be either norm-referenced or criterion referenced tests. A norm referenced test means that students scores are compared to _________________________________________________. In criterion referenced tests, performance is compared to ___________________________________.

b. Give an example of a norm referenced test (not used in the book). You may want to look online. __________________________________________________

i. What is the purpose of the test? ____________________________________

c. Give an example of a criterion referenced test (not used in the book). ______________________________________________________________

i. What is the purpose of the test? __________________________________

d. List 3 accommodations students with disabilities may need in order to be more successful on tests (p.296):




e. List 2 reasons why students with disabilities may not perform well on norm referenced tests (p.295-296):



2. Summative vs. Formative Assessments

a. In your own words describe the difference between summative and formative assessment:

b. In your (future) classroom, describe when you when/why you would use a formative assessment?

c. Describe when/why you would use a summative assessment.

3. Curriculum Based ASSESSMENT & Curriculum Based MEASUREMENT

The difference between curriculum based assessment and curriculum based measurement can be confusing. Here’s (in Sara’s opinion) an easy way to distinguish between the two:

a. Curriculum Based Assessment: This is what teachers use to ASSESS how students are performing (or mastering or progressing) on a particular topic. For example, if you are a science teacher, you could use a curriculum based assessment based on the scientific method. This could be a formative assessment to see how well students are progressing and to inform your instruction OR it could be an summative assessment at the end of the term to assess a students mastery on the concept.

b. Curriculum Based Measurement: You can think of this as a temperature check. It is a way to measure a student’s progress on the same material (i.e. core competencies) frequently. By using curriculum based measurement, teachers can take a “measure” of how students are progressing towards a certain competencies. Usually, teachers will measure things like reading fluency, comprehension, math skills over the course of a year.

i. Would you say that curriculum based measurement is formative or summative? Explain: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________________

c. There are websites that provide teachers with different curriculum based measurements (CBM).

i. Go to

ii. Find and PRINT (or save to a pdf so you can turn in) a curriculum based measurement that would be appropriate for your class. The CBM websites focus on reading, math and writing skills (and really is for students in elementary and middle school-CBM research in the high school is relatively a new concept and materials are not readily available).

1. So if you are teaching science you may want to choose a math CBM that focuses on math skills students may need.

2. If you are teaching social studies, you may choose reading or writing.

3. If you are teaching a foreign language, you can input your own passage in and assess reading fluency.

iii. Explain why you chose that particular assessment:

4. Performance Assessment:

a. What are the 3 elements of a performance assessment:




b. How could you use performance assessment in your future class?


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