Problem Based Curriculum Development

Problem Based Curriculum Development

A Case Study

- Implementing robotics as a vehicle for real-world student learning –

bob raguette


The following case study is an actual scenario where a middle school is implementing a problem based curriculum utilizing collaborative strategies designed to develop a classroom learning community where students work together to resolve authentic problems while supporting each others learning.

Teachers reviewing this case will recognize: a sequential process of gaining an understanding of student needs and prerequisites; developing an effective problem designed to generate student interest, motivation and deep understanding; determining resource requirements and classroom configurations; the establishment of effective goals and objectives directed toward the mission of developing life long learners and the necessary social skills to succeed in the real world; an assessment strategy that extends the lesson to other related topics thereby ensuring transfer; and as a culminating exercise a thorough analysis of outcomes designed to support curriculum adjustments.


Mission statement:

The primary focus of the technology education program is the application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems for the purpose of developing students who through the study and resolution of real world problems will become independent life long learners contributing to a collaborative community of learning.

NY State Standards:

• Engineering design is an iterative process involving modeling and optimization used to develop technological solutions to problems within given constraints.

• Computers, as tools for design, modeling, information processing, communication, and system control, have greatly increased human productivity and knowledge

• Technological systems are designed to achieve specific results and produce outputs, such as products, structures, services, energy, or other systems

Curriculum development team:

The following teachers and staff are members of the development team focusing on the creation and implementation of this problem based curriculum with its goals and objectives set against those established by the NY State Education Department standards for technology, mathematics and science (MST).

|Educators: |Administrative Staff: |

|Technology Education Teacher |Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum |

|Certifications: |Certifications: |

|Technology Ed |SDA |

|Business and Distributive Ed |English |

|Mathematics Extension |Education K-12 |

|Science Extension | |

|Technology Education Teacher |Director of Educational Technology |

|Certification: |Certifications: |

|Technology Ed |SDA |

| |Educational Technology |

| |Education K-12 |

|Technology Education Teacher |Educational Technologist |

|Certification: |Certification: |

|Technology Ed |Educational Technologist |

|Technology Education Teacher |Educational Technologist |

|Certifications: |Certifications: |

|Biology |Chemistry |

|Educational technology |Educational Technologist |

Needs analysis:

Grasping a clear understanding of student’s abilities in all areas is necessary to determine if the knowledge attained is adequate to meet the minimum level of prerequisites to support the new curriculum. In the review of the available data the designer must take into the consideration the dynamic of the students at the middle level. At this level technology education is a state mandated course requiring a minimum of 1 unit (1 year) between 6th and 8th grades. Therefore any curriculum must be able to accommodate all learning styles, interests, preexisting knowledge and a diverse set of abilities. Using the data collected from a student survey taken the year prior, students have given a clear indication that robotics is of great interest.

Using collected information regarding the 8th grade students current level in mathematics and science from teachers and state exam data over the past several years, and the dynamic of physical and mental abilities of the entire student population (IEP’s – 504’s – grade averages) provides a basis for determining program level at which students can participate, be stretched, and succeed. Having a handle on the expected level of knowledge it becomes easier to determine the hardware and software configurations that will be a best fit.

Additional analysis:

• Review of similar implementations in other educational organizations:

Today much of the information regarding the implementation of robotics in secondary levels is readily available on line. Many schools provide details regarding their program; some include lessons with expected and actual outcomes. The review of this data is one of the basis upon which the selection of hardware and software was determined.

• Review of an existing internal program:

About one year after my initial proposition a mathematics teacher in our high school applied for a grant to implement a computer science program and circumvent the internal process for acquiring funding. That program has now been underway for a full semester and has provided very positive feedback demonstrating outcomes beyond initial expectations and established objectives. The level of device selected however was beyond the abilities of the majority of students within the 8th grade program.

There are two issues that stand out as major concerns with the high school program: First, it is an elective course and second, the program was initially established as a computer science course focusing on learning programming and the robot simply provided a platform through which students could easily observe program test results.

The actual vs. expected outcomes of the course was its redeeming factor. Students perceived the course as something beyond learning programming and began to consider other factors such as the mathematics and physics associated with the function of the device. This outcome was in support of my initial premise for the implementation of a robotics program at the middle level.


• Implement robotics as a vehicle through which students may apply mathematics and science to solve real world problems. (Students must learn to think across disciplines, since that's where most new breakthroughs are made. Its interdisciplinary combinations--design and technology, mathematics and art--"that produce YouTube and Google," says Thomas Friedman, the best-selling author of The World Is Flat.)

• Create an environment where students will:

o use mathematics, science, and logic to engender deep thought in response to real world problems

o develop a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity

o transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies

o Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning


Students will –

• Describe the application of simple machines in the mechanics of robotics

o Describe how the two primary simple machines are applied in all mechanical devices

o Demonstrate mechanical advantage

o Demonstrate application of simple machines as force and/or distance multipliers

o Calculate the force required to balance a lever knowing the weight on one end of the lever arm and the position of the fulcrum or solve for any unknown

o Determine the force required to balance, lift or move a load using a pulley assembly, wheel and axle, or gears or solve for any unknown

o Determine the length of an incline plane necessary to raise a known load to a given height or solve for any unknown

• Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation

• Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or a complete project

• Demonstrate the application of appropriate mathematical and scientific methods in the development of a resolution to a real world problem

• Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and make informed decisions

o Plot points in polar coordinates

o Compare graphs to determine differences and similarities

o Analyze results of testing to and apply output graphically

o Apply and describe the various points of experimental procedure:

▪ Experimental hypothesis

▪ Measurement technique

▪ Multiple trials

o Come to a conclusion that summarizes the lessons learned in the Investigation

• Describe and apply the use and function of all robotic components:

o Demonstrate the function and application of sensors in enabling a robot to navigate and/or investigate its environment

▪ Describe the electronic function of sensors

▪ Describe how the logic responds to sensor stimulus

o Servo motors

▪ Motor function

▪ Function when integrated with logic

o Program (object oriented and/or coding)

o Mechanical parts:

▪ Gears

▪ Belts

▪ Wheels

▪ Busses

o Logical unit(s)

▪ Processors (IC chips)

• Construct a functioning robot using proper mechanical construction and object oriented programming techniques designed to meet a student determined; problem based set of specifications intended to resolve specific real world problems

o Create programs to enable the robot to function logically

o Test the programs to make sure that they work properly

o Analyze/debug programs

• Analyze and describe:

o Outcomes vs. expectations (objectives vs. actual)

o Production process (extracted from daily log data)

o Application of learning to other scenarios (student developed real-world scenarios)

o Students will describe their underlying thinking and method of generating ideas during the project (metacognition)

Note: Curriculum mapping will be modified based upon the expected outcomes of these goals and objectives. The district maintains an open to the public curriculum map that provides the purpose of a course of study, its goals and objectives, expected outcomes, course activities, and essential questions. These maps are similar in intent as those designed by Gagné except that information is presented without the flowchart appearance.

Sample Curriculum Map:

Objective - Demonstrate the application of appropriate mathematical and scientific methods in the development of a resolution to a real world problem.

In this objective we look for students to use a combination of prerequisite and new knowledge to derive a solution. This constructivist approach will foster the understanding that students must continue to learn in order to develop new knowledge to resolve new problems. Due to the general nature of the undetermined problem a broad approach is applied to the map created below. It is likely that the student will combine topics like physics and mathematics to realize a resolution.

Objective considerations:

• The objectives presented above are sequential allowing students to master prerequisite material prior to moving forward

• They are not designed to restrict students from performing above expectations and therefore should not be all that the students would achieve

• They serve as a guide for the development of curriculum appropriate unit lessons which should at a minimum cover the material described

• Flexibility and room to modify them as necessary provides latitude for the teacher to pursue student generated ideas and goals reflecting their interests and extensions to existing thought

Determining student prerequisites:

As indicated in the needs analysis section, student achievement in essential areas is measured to ensure that the selection of the robotic device and the units of study that can be created are appropriate to their ability level. Supportive prerequisites have been determined through the student survey where students were asked about their level of familiarity with the robotics and the products available, interest in robotics in general, desire to learn object oriented programming or detailed coding (learning a programming language), and their attitude toward investing class time to investigate and design solutions to real world problems using robotics. Realizing that the implementation of this curriculum, or any other, will inevitably not be a perfect fit for all students we will strive to meet the needs of the majority and diversify as necessary for the students with special needs as well as those that are more advanced (those located at either end of the bell curve).

Resource requirements:

• Lego NXT robotics kit – one per 2 students – 8th grade

• Paralax kit – 1 unit per 2 students - 7th grade

• Laptop computer – one per two students:

o NXT programming software

o Teacher and student supplementary informational & planning software

o Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.)

o Wireless network

• Digital projector and screen for direct teaching and student presentations

• Total cost to the district $85,000.00

Classroom configuration:

It is essential that the design of the curriculum take into consideration the environment in which the learning will take place. Will the available physical plant, hardware and software necessary to support the student project(s) be made available?

Making use of existing facilities the technology classrooms are sufficiently large enough to support a full compliment of students, laptop computers, robotic kits, and storage cabinets for both. The rooms already contain workbenches and power outlets for charging the computers and robots. Floor space will be utilized for testing robotic function providing sufficient room to move about freely thereby creating a more casual atmosphere.

The outstanding requirements are the wireless network to support the laptops and provide freedom of student movement, drawings to clearly define the redeployment and/or reconfiguration of the existing layout for the network and custodial crews to work from, and the requisition of the new robotic product and storage units.

The financial support for this endeavor will be taken from current year funds and post implementation outcomes must demonstrate support of the Board of Educations mission and goals for students in the district.

Assessments, Analysis, and Transfer:

In this section the designer of the curriculum decides how to assess student performance on objectives. The application of authentic assessments is essential to the determination of student learning through performance and object referenced tests employing a criterion referenced interpretation provide a means to determine whether students have mastered an objective, early detection of a failure to learn, and data for curriculum improvement. Both of these methods are integrated within the assessment scheme.

Assessments in this curriculum will follow along with the underlying concepts expected to be learned taking the form of a mixture of traditional written assessment(s), research, presentation, design and development of a product that emulates real world solutions to problems, and testing of that product followed by a detailed analysis. Traditional testing would be used to check for understanding of the basic terminology or the common language of robotics along with applied mathematics and science. The tests however will be based on the research work begun in the first unit lesson where students will demonstrate their knowledge through the use of a presentation designed to teach the balance of the class. The presentation culminates in a student designed assessment that they will administer. Specific guidelines and a review process will exist that allows for teacher validation prior to administration of the assessment.

Post the research phase and during the second unit lesson the expectation is that students will perform the necessary calculations and record transactions following a standard scientific method to collect and analyze data. Tracking the data and maintaining a daily log provides the information necessary for students to perform a complete analysis of the project as a culminating assessment. Students are expected to be able to determine what modifications they should perform in order to improve their original design as if they would have to construct another device. This will engage students in the practice of metacognition a skill necessary for the enhancement of student thought processes. This becomes a "portable skill"--critical thinking, making connections between ideas and knowing how to keep on learning. To further assess student performance and the success of the unit lesson students should be able to demonstrate transfer of the new knowledge to other related or similar problems.

There will be several ongoing assessments achieved through class discussion, teacher questioning which will aid in maintaining student focus while providing timely information regarding the status of student learning, and student demonstration of effective social skills. Social skills are critical in the real world students must also demonstrate their ability to function well as a team. Teaming - working together in an effective, efficient and gracious manner using the 7C’s: communicate, collaborate, cooperate, compromise, courteous, caring, & compassionate (Raguette, 2003).

Project configuration:

The use of cooperative groups promotes a realistic, social, and supportive organized team through which students may achieve. Individual members will support each other by filling the knowledge gaps through contributions by each individuals skill set. To develop successful learning teams teachers will need to gain an in-depth knowledge of student attributes that would provide the ability to establish an effective mix of current skills and aptitude. This understanding may be ascertained through the review of student documentation and conversations with other educators.

Students will be assigned to small cooperative groups blending skill level and gender as well as possible based on familiarity with: student profiles, IEP’s, 504’s, previous engagement, state exam history, and teacher discussion (see needs analysis). Students will own their operation and determine student team member roles during the various components of a particular project (research, presentation, design, construction, testing, and analysis).

To promote student focus it is advisable to have the groups assign specific task responsibilities to team members. Some suggested titles listed in the following table are designed to deliver the desired motivation while being clearly descriptive of the task.

|Student roles may consist of (but not limited to): |

|Scribe |8. Inventory control |

|Researcher |Materials manager |

|Presentation coordinator |Test manager |

|Discussion facilitator |11. Data collection |

|Designer |12. Test observer & recorder |

|Designer coordinator |Analysis manager |

|Construction manager |Log editor |

These lines of responsibility will provide the ability to assess students individually in a group context so long as the students are aware that this does not relinquish liability for a group members’ participation in the team’s overall success. It does encourage the social skills of working with peers through the sharing of ideas following the 7C’s approach (see assessment) and developing leadership through acceptance. The latter is essentially indicative of persons who lead because they have the ability to work well in a group situation where each member has the same level of authority but depend upon the individual skills of each to achieve a common goal. Through this setting each student may have the opportunity to lead, learn and practice project management skills.

The project will be problem based utilizing a real-world scenario to spawn student interest while promoting the development of student generated ideas for resolution. Imbedding economics, health, safety, and/or research as the reason behind the specifications of the project builds a sense of reality. Subsequently the roles above are only a list of suggestions that may aid the students in developing their own to fill a particular need.

Individual lesson configuration and sequence:

Gagné proposes a fundamental sequential lesson configuration that simplifies the planning process:

1. Gaining attention –

2. Inform the learner of the lesson objective –

3. Stimulating recall of prior learning –

4. Present stimulus material –

5. Provide learning guidance –

6. Elicit performance –

7. Provide feedback –

8. Assess performance –

9. Enhance retention and transfer –

Although these steps appear to ignore resource requirements they in fact allow for diverse variations contingent upon actual resource availability.

Justification for methodology:

In constructing the problem based unit lesson framework an overriding question of significant relevance to the student, in an authentic setting, using real-world scenarios must be developed in order to give credence to the learning thereby creating interest and subsequent motivation. At this time the teacher would build the unit lessons around this essential question, weaving the unit objectives throughout the various lessons and related activities. Listed below, an excerpt from an article by Phyllis Blumfeld and Joseph Krajcik (2006), is a succinct listing of attributes of an effective problem based project. The development of unit lessons should reflect the intent of the five key features:

Problem based learning environments have five key features (Blumfeld et al., 1991; Krajcik, et al., 1994; Krajcik, Czerniak, & Berger, 2002):

1. They start with a driving question, a problem to be solved

Driving question features (Krajcik et al., 2002):

a. Feasible

b. Worthwhile – Content aligns with standards

c. Contextualized – Real-world and non trivial

d. Meaningful – Interesting and exciting to the learners

e. Ethical – Do no harm

2. Students explore the driving question by participating in authentic, situated inquiry – processes of problem solving that are central to expert performance in the discipline. As students explore the driving question, they learn and apply important ideas in the discipline.

3. Students, teachers, and community members engage in collaborative activities to fid solutions to the driving question. This mirrors the complex social situation of expert problem solving. The classroom becomes a community of learners.

4. While engaged in the inquiry process, students are scaffold with learning technologies that help them participate in the activities. (Edelson, 2001) offers three reasons for the use of technology in schools:

a. Align with the practice of science

b. Present information in dynamic and interactive formats

c. Moves teaching away from a transmission-and-acquisition model of instruction

5. Students create a set of tangible products that address the driving question. These are shared artifacts, publicly accessible external representations of the class’s learning:

a. Physical representations (models)

b. Videos

c. Presentations

d. Reports

e. Drawings

f. Games

g. Plays

We build on four major learning sciences ideas (Bradford, Brown, and Cocking, 1999):

1. Active construction - Deep understanding occurs when a learner actively constructs meaning based on his or her experiences and interaction in the world

2. Situated learning – Authentic , real-world context : designing investigations, making explanations, modeling, and presenting ideas to others

3. Social interactions – students, teachers, and community members work together in a situated activity to construct shared understanding (sharing, using, & debating ideas)

4. Cognitive tools – Amplify and expand what students can learn:

a. Graphs/charts

b. Learning technologies:

• Accessing and collecting data

• Providing visualizations and data analysis tools

• Allowing for collaboration

• Planning building an testing models

• Developing multimedia documents that illustrate student understanding


Unit Plans:

8th Grade Concepts in Engineering

(Unit Lesson 1 of 5)

Teacher Introduction:

In this initial unit lesson students will be introduced to the concept of simple machines as standalone devices and their application in robotics. Videos specifically related to simple machines will be displayed demonstrating how the devices work followed by discussion related to their application in robotics.

Students will then perform research of various materials (videos, articles) from multiple sources (library, in house videos, Internet) regarding the six simple machines. Student groups will be assigned (random selection) a specific simple machine to study and present to the class. The Power Point presentation will contain an active model and all of the associated mathematics related to the devices basic physics. Students will fill the role of teacher and share their knowledge with each other group. The culmination of the lesson will be a student developed quiz/test that will be administered following each presentation.

The teacher’s roles throughout the lesson will continually change from that of facilitator introducing the lesson, to moderator of class level discussion, consultant when students require steering in the appropriate direction and negotiator if groups reach a deadlock. In this first lesson the teacher will review and approve the student developed presentations and assessments to ensure the lesson objectives are covered.

Project Title: Robotics – Learning Simple Machines

State Standards: See page 1 of this document

Unit Timeline:

1. Research - Learn simple machines with presentation and assessments integrating small group collaboration (5 classes)

2. Problem development – students design a real world problem – small group collaboration (3 classes)

3. Design of a problem resolution – presentations (5 classes)

4. Construction of the design (5 classes)

5. Testing and analysis of the completed device (5 classes)

Lesson Name: Learning Simple Machines with Presentation and Assessment

Targeted Intelligence: Visual/Spatial, Logical/Mathematical

Supporting Intelligences: Logical, Kinesthetic and Interpersonal

Objectives: For the complete unit objectives see page 3 and 4 of this document.

Students will be able to –

• Describe the application of simple machines in the mechanics of robotics

o Describe how the two primary simple machines are applied in all mechanical devices

o Demonstrate mechanical advantage

o Demonstrate application of simple machines as force and/or distance multipliers

o Calculate the force required to balance a lever knowing the weight on one end of the lever arm and the position of the fulcrum or solve for any unknown

o Determine the force required to balance, lift or move a load using a pulley assembly, wheel and axle, or gears or solve for any unknown

o Determine the length of an incline plane necessary to raise a known load to a given height or solve for any unknown

Media Literacy Objectives:

Students will be able to -

• Use communications & computing technologies to locate information efficiently

• Use productivity tools & peripherals to support group collaboration

Thinking Skills: Students will view videos regarding simple machines and real robots, observe the roles that they play in various scenarios and determine how to integrate concepts into their own design (lesson 3).

Social Skills: Working in a small team of 2 students will need to utilize the 7C’s approach to understand another’s point of view and be open to sharing personal ideas and knowledge with others (Teaming and the 7 C’s, Scoring and Grading – page TBD – excerpt below).

• Teaming - working together in an effective, efficient and gracious manner using the 7C’s: communicate, collaborate, cooperate, compromise, courteous, caring, & compassionate. (20 points)

Content Focus: The study of the application of various simple machines devices through observation and hands on testing

Materials: The introductory lesson requires:

- Video of simple machines

- Video equipment – Computer, projector, screen, and audio hardware

Post the introductory lesson:

- Computer lab (in-house)

- Simple machines packet

- Laser printer for student assessment output

Accessing Previous Knowledge:

Through the stimulus of the introductory videos previously described, students will relate new information to previous knowledge. To fully access this preexisting understanding students are guided through relevant questioning leading to discussion.

Scope and Sequence:

• Task Focus: Students will view videos, perform research, Objective: Perform research and develop presentations/lessons followed by authentic assessments presented to the class that are designed to determine the success of their work (a community view).

• Product or Output: Knowledge of simple machines and their application through the construction of robotic components using specific learned construction methods.

• Problem: What simple machine devices are used in the reviewed robots and what role do they play in its function? (analysis)

• Activity: Students will observe video, models and previous student work samples, take notes, share responses to questions, create tests, and share information.


- Continual questioning at regular intervals with discussion using these techniques; no particular order intended here:

▪ Lead-ins

▪ TTYPA – (Turn to your partner and……….)

- Student developed assessments – one per group to be administered to the balance of the class thereby determining the success of the presentation and student learning.

Transfer: Students will demonstrate the application of the simple machines to various hypothetical robotic devices in diverse situations.


Rubric for Robotics and Simple Machines Research Project and Presentation

| |A |B |C |D |

|Power Point presentation |Contains models or a clear drawing |Contains a model or a clear |Contains a model or a clear|Contains a weak drawing or |

|4 points |demonstrating a simple or detailed version|drawing with a weak |drawing with mistakes in |missing description and/or |

| |of the assigned device with an accurate |description of the device |the description of its |multiple missing or |

| |description of its function, application |or any part of the total |function, and missing or |incomplete requirements |

| |in real world situations and any |requirements. |incomplete requirements | |

| |associated mathematics. | | | |

|Model Demonstration |Contains a detailed typed description of |Contains a typed description |Contains multiple errors or|Demonstrates no understanding|

|1 point |the how the device functions with a |of the function with only a |is incomplete and or the |of the device function and |

| |functional demonstration |simple error and/or the |device functions poorly. |the model is incorrect or |

| | |device functions well. | |doesn’t work. |

|Presentation |The student must demonstrate in depth |The student will be |The student will |The student will not |

|Depth of Research |understanding of the devices, their |knowledgeable with minor |demonstrate weak |understand the device, its |

|4 points |function, application in real-world |exception but will understand|understanding with multiple|application, or the |

| |scenarios, and all associated mathematics.|all associated mathematics. |errors and/or missing |associated mathematics. |

| | | |mathematics | |

|Bibliography |Cite all Sources of information |Most sources cited |Many sources not cited |No citations |

|1 point | | | | |

|Timeliness minus points – 2 |Completed in 3 days max |1 day late |2 days late |3 days late |

|per day | | | | |


8th Grade Concepts in Engineering

(Unit Lesson 2 of 5)

Teacher Introduction:

In this second unit lesson students will perform research of various robots through videos, news stories, and manufacturing demos from multiple sources such as the library and the Internet in order to ascertain the underlying question that motivated the creation of the demonstrated robotic design. In a class discussion format students will be invited to contribute their thoughts regarding the language that need be used to meet the lesson criteria for the development of the driving design question that underpins the researched scenarios.

Using the guidelines from the Project Configuration section on page 7, students will self govern and make the determination of student roles and lines of responsibility. Throughout the project students will move in and out of roles as the need arises. These cooperative groups will engage in active research, sharing information and making decisions through discussion which they will initiate in their small group settings. The output from this interaction will be the teams driving question.

The teacher’s roles throughout the lesson will continually change from that of facilitator introducing the lesson, to moderator of class level discussion, consultant when students require steering in the appropriate direction and negotiator if groups reach a deadlock. The teacher will need to review the student developed driving question and facilitate a class level discussion regarding its viability. Students will challenge and provide constructive criticism to the presented question. The outcome from these discussions may drive potential modifications or complete redesigns of the driving question. The lesson will demonstrate the need for a clear statement of purpose, goals and objectives prior to the development of a design.

Project Title: Robotics – Developing a real-world problem and a driving question

State Standards: See page 1 of this document

Unit Timeline:

1. Research - Learn simple machines with presentation and assessments integrating small group collaboration (5 classes)

2. Problem development – students design a real world problem – small group collaboration (3 classes)

3. Design of a problem resolution – w/presentations (5 classes)

4. Construction of the design (5 classes)

5. Testing and analysis of the completed device (5 classes)

Lesson Name: Problem development – students design a real world problem

Targeted Intelligence: Visual/Spatial, Logical/Mathematical

Supporting Intelligences: Logical, Kinesthetic and Interpersonal

Objectives: For the complete unit objectives see page 3 and 4 of this document.

Students will be able to –

1. Recognize the need for a real world problem (driving question)

2. Describe the features of the driving question

Driving question features (Krajcik et al., 2002):

a. Feasible

b. Worthwhile – Content aligns with standards

c. Contextualized – Real-world and non trivial

d. Meaningful – Interesting and exciting to the learners

e. Ethical – Do no harm

3. Develop a driving question/problem that individual student groups will use as the basis for their project

4. Develop a set of goals and objectives that will be used as the basis for the robotic design

Media Literacy Objectives:

Students will be able to -

• Use communications & computing technologies to locate information efficiently

• Use productivity tools & peripherals to support group collaboration

Thinking Skills: Students will perform Internet research regarding robotic applications, observe the roles robots they play in various scenarios in order to determine the relationship between the driving question/problem and their design (lesson 3). This may take the form of a needs analysis.

Social Skills: Working in a small team of 2 students will need to utilize the 7C’s approach to understand another’s point of view and be open to sharing personal ideas and knowledge with others (Teaming and the 7 C’s, Scoring and Grading – page TBD – excerpt below).

• Teaming - working together in an effective, efficient and gracious manner using the 7C’s: communicate, collaborate, cooperate, compromise, courteous, caring, & compassionate. (20 points)

Content Focus: The study of the premise upon which the design and construction of various robotic devices is based through the determination of the driving question/problem.


- Videos of robotic devices

- Video equipment – Computer, projector, screen, and audio hardware

- Computer lab (in-house)

- Internet access

- Laser printer for student assessment output

- NXT Engineering 1 CD

Accessing Previous Knowledge:

Students will analyze robotic videos through engaging in a class discussion. Students can bring any previous experience to the table and construct new knowledge through the analysis.

Scope and Sequence:

• Task Focus: Students will view videos regarding various robotic applications, perform research for real world scenarios where robots could have been used to accomplish a task and develop a viable driving question upon which their designs will be based.

• Product or Output: A driving question/problem that meets the requirements presented in the lesson objective above (page 12).

• Problem: What viable real world problem will require the application of a robot for resolution?

• Activity: Students will observe videos, models and view previous student work samples, take notes as required, share responses to student developed questions within the cooperative group, and share information to balance group understanding.


- Continual questioning at regular intervals with discussion as necessary.

- Approval of each groups driving question based upon student provided evidence meeting the criteria listed in the lesson objectives

Transfer: Students will demonstrate the application of the skill of developing a driving question in other hypothetical scenarios.


8th Grade Concepts in Engineering

(Unit Lesson 3 of 5)

Teacher Introduction:

In this third unit lesson students will design a resolution to the assigned problem based on the established driving question. The design phase of the unit will require the creation of minor assemblies and the programming to accommodate their function. At this point students will study the integration of the mechanics and the integration of the functional processor.

Using the guidelines from the Project Configuration section on page 7, students will self govern and make the determination of student roles and lines of responsibility. Throughout the project students will move in and out of roles as the need arises. These cooperative groups will engage in sharing information and making decisions through discussion which they will initiate in their small group settings. The output from this interaction will be the team’s design of a robotic device that will be constructed in the next lesson.

The teacher’s roles throughout the lesson will continually change from that of facilitator introducing the lesson, to moderator of class level discussion, consultant when students require steering in the appropriate direction and negotiator if groups reach a deadlock. In this unit the teacher will play the role of technical consultant steering students to the appropriate method for selection of components and programs to achieve the student’s objectives.

Project Title: Robotics – Designing for problem resolution

State Standards: See page 1 of this document

Unit Timeline:

1. Research - Learn simple machines with presentation and assessments integrating small group collaboration (5 classes)

2. Problem development – students design a real world problem – small group collaboration (3 classes)

3. Design of a problem resolution – w/presentations (5 classes)

4. Construction of the design (5 classes)

5. Testing and analysis of the completed device (5 classes)

Lesson Name: Design of a problem resolution – w/presentations (5 classes)

Targeted Intelligence: Visual/Spatial, Logical/Mathematical

Supporting Intelligences: Logical, Kinesthetic and Interpersonal

Objectives: For the complete unit objectives see page 3 and 4 of this document.

Students will be able to –

• Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or a complete project

• Demonstrate the application of appropriate mathematical and scientific methods in the development of a resolution to a real world problem

• Describe and apply the use and function of all robotic components:

o Demonstrate the function and application of sensors in enabling a robot to navigate and/or investigate its environment

▪ Describe the electronic function of sensors

▪ Describe how the logic responds to sensor stimulus

o Servo motors

▪ Motor function

▪ Function when integrated with logic

o Program (object oriented and/or coding)

o Mechanical parts:

▪ Gears

▪ Belts

▪ Wheels

▪ Busses

o Logical unit(s)

▪ Processors (IC chips)

Media Literacy Objectives:

Students will be able to -

• Use communications & computing technologies to locate information efficiently

• Use productivity tools & peripherals to support group collaboration

Thinking Skills: Students will apply simple machines devices, via robotic components, identify appropriate programming techniques and learn the application of sensors, servo motors and other components and the role they play in allowing the robot to respond to its environment.

Social Skills: Working in a small team of 2 students will need to utilize the 7C’s approach to understand another’s point of view and be open to sharing personal ideas and knowledge with others (Teaming and the 7 C’s, Scoring and Grading – page TBD – excerpt below).

• Teaming - working together in an effective, efficient and gracious manner using the 7C’s: communicate, collaborate, cooperate, compromise, courteous, caring, & compassionate. (20 points)

Content Focus: Designing a robotic product that is developed by its driving question to resolve a specific problem.


- Computer lab (in-house)

- NXT Engineering 1 CD

- NXT Robotic Kit

Accessing Previous Knowledge: Students who have worked with mechanical devices and/or programming will recognize the application of their previous experience to the current lesson.

Scope and Sequence:

• Task Focus: Students will review the Engineering 1 CD learning the function of the various hardware and software components of the NXT unit and their relationship to total robotic function.

• Product or Output: Students will develop a written design explicitly demonstrating expected functional outcomes.

• Problem: Does the design allow the robot to resolve the problem?

• Activity: Students will view previous student work samples, take notes as required, share responses to student developed questions within the cooperative group, and share information to balance group understanding.


- Continual questioning at regular intervals with discussion as necessary.

- Review of each groups robotic design and its ability to resolve the problem

Transfer: Students will demonstrate the application of design techniques to various hypothetical situations.

Rubric for Robotics Design, Construction and Testing

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Design |Contains simple machines as required |Missing or incorrect labeling |Missing or incorrect labeling |Missing or incorrect labeling |

| |including: |of any one device |of any two devices |of three or more devices |

|Score __ X 2 = __ |3 classes of levers |Missing or incorrect arrow or |Two missing or incorrect arrows|Three or more missing or |

| |pulley |dashed movement indicator |or dashed device movement |incorrect arrows or dashed |

|Group graded |wheel and axle |The design must logically |indicators |device movement indicators |

| |inclined plane |function (MS Word description) |The design must logically |The design must logically |

|Roles: |wedge and | |function (MS Word description) |function (MS Word description)|

|Designer - responsible |screw | | | |

|for the logical |All movement must be shown using arrows| | | |

|design/programming |and dashed line images (movement | | | |

| |indicators) | | | |

|Component |Each component must be labeled with its| | | |

|assembler/tester – |name | | | |

|physical device |The design must logically function | | | |

| |(Detailed MS Word description) | | | |

|Construction |No component may go beyond the |A part assembled |Two assemblies assembled |Three or more components |

| |specification for appropriate use |inappropriately |inappropriately |assembled inappropriately |

|Score __ X 4 = __ |(don’t force parts together) |Missing or incorrect labeling |Missing or incorrect labeling |Missing or incorrect labeling |

| |All components must be labeled with the|of any one device |of any two devices |of any three or more devices |

|2 student group; |simple machine name |Missing or incorrect motion |Multiple missing or incorrect |Multiple missing or incorrect |

|Individual grades, based |Draw arrows showing motion of each |arrow |motion arrows |motion arrows and |

|on assigned devices. |device |An unnecessary part is |Two unnecessary parts are |Multiple unnecessary parts are|

| |Parts usage is kept to what is |installed |installed |used |

|Roles: |necessary |The parts inventory has a |The parts inventory has two |The parts inventory has three |

|Logical programming |An accurate inventory is maintained |single discrepancy |discrepancies |or more discrepancies. |

|Construction | | | | |

|Standalone Test |Components function independently of |One component is unreliable or |Two components are unreliable |Three or more components are |

| |each other |not functioning |or not functioning |unreliable or not functioning |

|Score __ X 2 = __ |All components function |The completed device will have |The completed device will have |The completed device will have|

| | |only one device failure. |only two failing devices |three failing devices |

|Group grade | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Components must function | | | | |

|segregated from other | | | | |

|function | | | | |

|Integrated Test |All programs and components function |One program or component |Two program or components |Three program or components |

| |without error consistently |failure |failures |failures |

|Score __ X 4 = __ |The device solves the problem or |The device solves the problem |The device resolves some of the|The device does not solve the |

| |answers the driving question |or answers the driving question|problem or partially answers |problem or answer the driving |

|Group grade | | |the driving question |question |

| | | | | |

|The robot must fully | | | | |

|function, resolve the | | | | |

|problem and answer the | | | | |

|driving question | | | | |

|Timeliness minus points –|Completed in 5 days max |1 day late |2 days late |3 days late |

|3 per day | | | | |

8th Grade Concepts in Engineering

(Unit Lesson 4 of 5)

Teacher Introduction:

The fourth unit lesson initiates the construction of a product based on the students driving question, problem and preliminary designs. Students will construct the device previously designed and implement an appropriate program design to accommodate function. The completed device should demonstrate use of the design and any necessary changes. Should functional problems arise students must pursue other avenues to resolution. Any deviations from the initial design should be accompanied by a written description of the problem, reasons for the change and a description of the original design and the change. A running log will be maintained to provide the data necessary for students to recreate and analyze the project. As in previous units, student roles will change as necessary to determine lines of responsibility.

Using the guidelines from the Project Configuration section on page 7, students will self govern and make the determination of student roles and lines of responsibility. Throughout the project students will move in and out of roles as the need arises. These cooperative groups will engage in sharing information and making decisions through discussion which they will initiate in their small group settings. The output from this interaction will be the team’s design of a robotic device that will be constructed in the next lesson.

The teacher’s roles throughout the lesson will continually change from that of facilitator introducing the lesson, to moderator of class level discussion, consultant when students require steering in the appropriate direction and negotiator if groups reach a deadlock. In this unit the teacher will play the role of technical consultant steering students to the appropriate method for assembling the device and designing software programs to achieve the student’s objectives.

Project Title: Robotics – Construction and programming of the designed product

State Standards: See page 1 of this document

Unit Timeline:

1. Research - Learn simple machines with presentation and assessments integrating small group collaboration (5 classes)

2. Problem development – students design a real world problem – small group collaboration (3 classes)

3. Design of a problem resolution – w/presentations (5 classes)

4. Construction and programming of the design (5 classes)

5. Testing and analysis of the completed device (5 classes)

Lesson Name: Construction and programming of the design

Targeted Intelligence: Visual/Spatial, Logical/Mathematical

Supporting Intelligences: Logical, Kinesthetic and Interpersonal

Objectives: For the complete unit objectives see page 3 and 4 of this document.

Students will be able to –

• Construct a functioning robot using proper mechanical construction and object oriented programming techniques designed to meet a student determined; problem based set of specifications intended to resolve specific real world problems

o Create programs to enable the robot to function logically

o Test the programs to make sure that they work properly

o Analyze/debug programs

Media Literacy Objectives:

Students will be able to -

• Use communications & computing technologies to locate information efficiently

• Use productivity tools & peripherals to support group collaboration

Thinking Skills: Students will apply appropriate construction techniques and logical function to the robotic device. Students must consider the logistics of construction in an appropriate sequence and a viable process for debugging a program.

Social Skills: Working in a small team of 2 students will need to utilize the 7C’s approach to understand another’s point of view and be open to sharing personal ideas and knowledge with others (Teaming and the 7 C’s, Scoring and Grading – page TBD – excerpt below).

• Teaming - working together in an effective, efficient and gracious manner using the 7C’s: communicate, collaborate, cooperate, compromise, courteous, caring, & compassionate. (20 points)

Content Focus: Construct a robotic product that was developed by its driving question and resolves a specific problem.


- Computer lab (in-house)

- NXT Engineering 1 CD

- NXT Robotic Kit

Accessing Previous Knowledge: Students who have worked with mechanical devices and/or programming will recognize the application of their previous experience to the current lesson.

Scope and Sequence:

• Task Focus: Students will implement the new knowledge of construction and programming.

• Product or Output: Students will create a fully functioning robotic device using the previously created design.

• Problem: Does the robotic device resolve the original problem?

• Activity: Students will review the NXT soft documentation, take notes as required, share responses to student developed questions within the cooperative group, and share information to balance group understanding. Using this learning student’s will collaboratively construct the device sharing the work equitably.


- Continual questioning at regular intervals with discussion as necessary.

- Review each groups robotic construction and programming, and its ability to resolve the problem

Transfer: Students will demonstrate the application of the software program, hardware and construction techniques to other robotic functions. This may come in the form of groups sharing information and/or assisting other groups.


8th Grade Concepts in Engineering

(Unit Lesson 5 of 5)

Teacher Introduction:

This is the culmination of the unit lessons. Students will have by this lesson designed a problem and driving question, developed a functional design to accommodate the problem, constructed and tested the design and determined a resolution to any issues that may have appeared. Students will have kept a detailed log of student participation, roles, issues (if any), changes, and results of functional testing relative to the initial problem. At this time students begin to analyze their successes and failures for the purpose of recognizing: how well the group worked together, the functionality of the robotic device, how well the device met their objectives and whether or not the problem was resolved by the device.

Using the guidelines from the Project Configuration section on page 7, students will self govern and make the determination of student roles and lines of responsibility. Throughout the project students will move in and out of roles as the need arises. These cooperative groups will engage in sharing information and making decisions through discussion which they will initiate in their small group settings. The output from this interaction will be the team’s design of a robotic device that will be constructed in the next lesson.

The teacher’s roles throughout the lesson will continually change from that of facilitator introducing the lesson, to moderator of class level discussion, consultant when students require steering in the appropriate direction and negotiator if groups reach a deadlock. In this unit the teacher will play the role of analytical advisor. The teacher role will provide the stimulus for getting the students started. Utilizing the log data and the device testing outcomes students will deliver a document containing an analysis of their work. Under consideration is the ability for the team to function cohesively, the outcome relative to the expectation, explanations for erroneous thinking and error correction. This is a collaborative effort and will be assessed as such.

Project Title: Robotics – Analysis of the product and production process

State Standards: See page 1 of this document

Unit Timeline:

1. Research - Learn simple machines with presentation and assessments integrating small group collaboration (5 classes)

2. Problem development – students design a real world problem – small group collaboration (3 classes)

3. Design of a problem resolution – w/presentations (5 classes)

4. Construction and programming of the design (5 classes)

5. Testing and analysis of the completed device (5 classes)

Lesson Name: Testing and analysis of the completed device

Targeted Intelligence: Visual/Spatial, Logical/Mathematical

Supporting Intelligences: Logical, Kinesthetic and Interpersonal

Objectives: For the complete unit objectives see page 3 and 4 of this document.

Students will be able to –

• Analyze and describe:

o Outcomes vs. expectations (objectives vs. actual)

o Production process (extracted from daily log data)

o Application of learning to other scenarios (student developed real-world scenarios)

o Students will describe their underlying thinking and method of generating ideas during the project (metacognition)

Media Literacy Objectives:

Students will be able to -

• Use communications & computing technologies to locate analyze information efficiently and effectively

• Use productivity tools & peripherals to support group collaboration and produce an analytical paper

Thinking Skills: Students will analyze their thinking (metacognition), learning to think deeply about their process or methodology of creating ideas and developing new thinking.

Social Skills: Working in a small team of 2 students will need to utilize the 7C’s approach to understand another’s point of view and be open to sharing personal ideas and knowledge with others (Teaming and the 7 C’s, Scoring and Grading – page TBD – excerpt below).

• Teaming - working together in an effective, efficient and gracious manner using the 7C’s: communicate, collaborate, cooperate, compromise, courteous, caring, & compassionate. (20 points)

Content Focus: Construct a robotic product that was developed by its driving question and resolves a specific problem.


- Computer lab (in-house)

Accessing Previous Knowledge:

The “new” previous knowledge will be reflected upon and students will discuss what previous experiences have leaded them to the development of their groups’ final product.

Scope and Sequence:

• Task Focus: Students will reflect on the project, analyze their thinking and apply the learning to alternative scenarios.

• Product or Output: Students will complete an analysis form designed to foster reflection and stimulate the creation of an analytical document which will contain: a description of the thinking students used to develop their designs, create and test their devices, and consider what would be performed differently should the project be repeated.

• Problem: How did your thinking affect learning, product and process; was it effective?

• Activity: Students will complete an analysis form reflecting on their work and create a document that expresses students thinking methodology (metacognition)


- Review each groups robotic construction and programming relative to objectives and actual outcomes

- Review group and individual analysis forms and metacognative document for deep thinking and an understanding of the skill of metacognative reflection

Transfer: Students will review what was learned and consider the application of the learning to other scenarios.


Analysis documentation:

Beginning on page 24 of this document is located the Analysis Form template which fosters deeper thinking regarding all aspects of the project. Students are to work cooperatively on the questions while the last section is designed or independent work. After many years of field testing it becomes obvious that the teacher’s perceptions match fairly closely to those expressed by the student’s group members.

In conjunction with the analysis form and the daily log data, students will create a document that demonstrates the thinking they used to resolve the driving question/problem. This paper will likewise describe the method that students used to organize their thoughts and consider their process of thinking (metacognative process). The purpose of this exercise is to foster a process where by students can improve how they organize and clarify information, and develop ideas from the data.

Analysis Work Sheet (8 points)

(To be completed & submitted after the testing of the robotic device; be specific & detailed with your answers. You may use additional paper as necessary)

How did your completed device perform vs. expectations? (2 points)

• Did you use the original design, combine designs or completely redesign before construction?

• Did it function fully (100% - no errors) first time?

• How many times did it fail?

• Had you tested the device prior to the integrating the robotic components?

• Did the completed tested device meet your expectations, even if you expected failures?


Where in the device did it fail and why? (If no failure, where was the device weakest – 2 points)

• What specific component failed or was the most unreliable?

• Was the failure or weakness due to? (describe each as necessary)

o Design or

o Construction quality

o Programming


What would you change to improve the device? (Include weak or unreliable components – 2 points)

• What design changes if any would you make?

• What construction modifications would you incorporate, change or remove?

• What programming process would you develop or follow?




How did the Team function as a unit? Put an “X” to the left of the most accurate answer. (2 points)

• Was work evenly distributed? ______Definitely, ______ Mostly, ______ Somewhat, ______ Never

• Did all members participate fully? ______Always, ______ Most times, ______Some times, ______ Never

• What is the individual grade you feel that you should receive? Why? Give specific reasons that relate to the Unit Goals and Objectives which can be found on page 3. (Be honest – the only one you fool is yourself).

• Rate each member of your team as you id for yourself

|Team Member Name (print clearly) |Grade |Why? |

|1) | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________|

|First: ______________ | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________|

|Last: ______________ | |___________________________________________________ |

|Class: _____________ | | |

|2) | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________|

|First: ______________ | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________|

|Last: ______________ | |___________________________________________________ |

|Class: _____________ | | |

|3) | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________|

|First: ______________ | |_________________________________________________________________________________________________|

|Last: ______________ | |___________________________________________________ |

|Class: _____________ | | |

Evaluation of the Unit:

The evaluation process includes:

• Peer review

• Outside review

• Classroom/field testing

• Student feedback

• Measurement of outcomes vs. objective expectations

The unit will be distributed to all interested parties for review and comment. Coincidently the lessons will be field tested as additional documentation is updated for clarity and understanding. A final unit working document will be created including all lessons, objectives, activities, assessments, forms and associated media. This working document would be passed to other interested institutions for full review and field testing with opportunity for comment.

A unit will contain revision date and be maintained on the departments system drive for easy access and continual modification. Any updates will be communicated in house at department meetings and with external users via a mailing list.

The success of the unit will ultimately be determined by the students. Feedback via assessments, the ability for students to demonstrate transfer, a noted positive attitude shift toward learning (follow-up student questionnaire), and the quality of student output: products, discussions; and analysis along with the implementation of classroom video recording will provide the data required to formulate a reliable conclusion as to unit success. This data will also generate opportunities for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the overall unit.


Demonstrate appropriate mathematical and scientific methods required to resolve the problem.

Entry Point

Identify whether the problem requires a scientific or mathematical process or a combination of both.

Apply mathematical inquiry:

- Will mathematics solve the problem?

- Does the problem require more than one method to resolve?

- Can it be broken into smaller components?

Apply the scientific method:

(1) Identify the problem to be solved

(2) Formulate a hypothesis

(3) Test the hypothesis

(4) Collect and analyze the data

(5) Make conclusions.

Apply the appropriate scientific and/or mathematical approaches.

Demonstrate how the application of the scientific and/or mathematical process resolved the problem.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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