Thinking like an assessor vs activity designer

Thinking like an assessor vs activity designer 60725051065159How will I be able to distinguish between those who really understand and those who don’t (though they may seem to)?00How will I be able to distinguish between those who really understand and those who don’t (though they may seem to)?53403503736340Did the activities work? Why or why?not?00Did the activities work? Why or why?not?38150803989441What misunderstandings are likely? How will I check for those?00What misunderstandings are likely? How will I check for those?12639551563370What performance tasks must anchor the unit and focus the instructional work?00What performance tasks must anchor the unit and focus the instructional work?12277602873375What would be sufficient and revealing evidence of?understanding?00What would be sufficient and revealing evidence of?understanding?4483100517220How will I give students a grade (and justify it to their?parents)?00How will I give students a grade (and justify it to their?parents)?3388690596900Against what criteria will I judge the work?00Against what criteria will I judge the work?1564640758495What resources and materials are available on this topic?00What resources and materials are available on this topic?63353952089785What will students?be?doing in and?out?of?class? What assignments will?be given?00What will students?be?doing in and?out?of?class? What assignments will?be given?17330423656533What would be interesting and engaging activities on?this topic?00What would be interesting and engaging activities on?this topic? ................

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