Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Jane L. Doe, MD or John L. Smith, PhD

Office Address

Work Phone Number

Work Email Address

Current date (no more than 3 months old)

Academic Training: Past to most recent

5/1994 BS Best Possible College, College Town, PA; Biochemistry

5/1999 MD Outstanding University, Gotham City, IL

5/2002 PhD Outstanding University, Gotham City, IL; Molecular Biology

Additional Training: Residency, fellowship, post doc

6/1999-6/2002 Resident in ???, University Medical Center, MI

7/2002-6/2004 Fellow in ???, University Medical Center, Boston, MA

6/2004-5/2005 Post Doc in ???, Mentor, University Medical Center, Boston, MA

Academic Appointments:

7/200?-6/200? Instructor of Medicine, Medical School, City, State, USA

7/200?-6/200? Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical School, City, State, USA

7/200?-6/200? Associate Professor of Medicine, Medical School, City, State, USA

7/200?-present Professor of Medicine, Medical School, City, State, USA

Hospital Appointments or Other Employment:

7/200?-6/200? Associate Physician, Department of Medicine, Best Hospital, Boston, MA

7/200?-present Attending, Department of Medicine, Best Hospital, Boston, MA



5/19?? Summa Cum Laude, Best College, College Town, CA

5/19?? Phi Beta Kappa

5/19?? Alpha Omega Alpha

5/19?? Teacher of the Year


2000 Best New Faculty Member, New England Chapter, Society for Specialty


2005 Young Investigator Award, Society for Specialty

2015 Golden Research Award, Society for Specialty

• Given annually as the highest scientific award for the Society


2015 Outstanding Citizen, International Society for Specialty

Licenses and Certification:

5/19?? Massachusetts License #??????

5/19?? American Board of ??? #??????

5/19?? Subspecialty Certification in what? #????

Major Administrative Responsibilities:

Institution 1, City, State, USA

200?-200? Interim Director, Division of X, Department of Y

200?-200? Chief, Division of X, Department of Y

Institution 2, City, State, USA

200?-200? Chief, Division of X, Department of Y

200?-200? Chief, Department of X

Departmental, School and University Committees: Note formatting set up to wrap text

Hospital, City, State

7/200?-6/200? Fellowship Selection Committee, Best Program, Hospital, MA

School of Medicine, City, State

7/200?-6/200? Member, Curriculum Committee

7/200?-6/200? Chair, Curriculum Committee

University, City, State

7/200?-6/200? Member, University Strategic Planning Committee

Teaching Experience and Responsibilities: Note formatting set up to wrap text

7/200?-6/200? Regular lectures to medical or graduate students, residents or post docs or fellows on ???? science/medicine

If extensive teaching, consider being selective. If same course given each year, list once & years given

|Dates |Course # |Title Course |Role |

|Student | | | |

| | | | |

|Resident | | | |

| | | | |

|Post-Doc/Fellow | | | |

| | | | |

|Faculty | | | |

| | | | |

Other Professional Activities:

Professional Societies: Memberships, Offices, and Committee Assignments:

National Society for the Advancement of a Better Life

200?-200? Member

200?-200? Member, Program Committee

200?-200? President

American College of ????

200?-200? Member

200?-200? Member, Program Committee

200?-200? President

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Faculty

200?-200? Member, Program Committee

Editorial Boards:

200?-200? Associate Editor, American Academy of Pediatrics

Ad Hoc Reviewing

200?-200? Reviewer, New England Journal of Medicine

Major Committee Assignments:

Federal Government:

200?-200? NIH Directors advisory panel


200?-200? American Society of ???


200?-200? International Pharmaceutical Company


7/200?-6/200? Massachusetts Department of Public Health

Study Sections:

National Institutes of Health:

200?-200? Science Review Committee


200?-200? Professional Education Subcommittee for Clinical Fellowships

Other Support:


7/200?-6/200? 5 M01 RR000533-38 PI: Juanita x Rodriguez, MD

Title of grant

Cost, Total: $xxx,xxx

Role: PI


7/200?-6/200? 5 M01 RR000444 PI: Chan Wong, PhD

Title of grant

Cost, Total: $xxx,xxx

Role: Co-I

Invited lectures, conference oral presentations and workshops: past to most recent

Note if oral conference presentation is invited or plenary or as a discussant. For University lectures, note title of the talk, university and city. Do not include oral or poster abstract presentations

Institutional: Consider eliminating this category if you have national and International presentations

June 5, 20?? Fitting Implementation Science into Clinical Research. Center for Healthcare Research in Pediatrics. Harvard Medical School.

Regional: Consider eliminating this category if you have national and International presentations

June 5, 20?? New Horizons in Breast Imaging. Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA


April 5, 20?? Narrative Writing as a Treatment for PTSD, Annual Convention, Orlando, FL

August 5, 20?? Mediastinal Masses, Annual Thoracic Imagining Meeting, Roentgen Ray Society


March 5, 20?? Nobel lecture, Town Hall, Stockholm, Sweeden

April 10, 20?? Gender Bias in Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Genomics, International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus. Venice, Italy

Bibliography: earliest to latest

Use full citations (insert all authors in order), bold your name, italicize PubMed journal abbreviation, add PubMed ID and PMCID


MyNCBI hotlink

*Shared Authorship

†Corresponding author

Mentees names are underlined

Original, Peer Reviewed Articles:

1. Abara MC, Doe J, Park D, Perez JH, Achebe JB. Cancer risks due to lifestyle. Science 2019;###:643-6. PMID ; PMCID

Guidelines/Professional Organization Scientific Statements

1. Smith J, King MC, Marks JH, Agarwal JB. Guideline for better outcomes in disease x. Journal 2003;302:643-6. PMID ; PMCID

Peer reviewed Web Publications and Videos:

1. Doe J. (2002) Histology Interactive Atlas. A Learning System in Histology. 

2. Ortega R, Smith, J, Quillen K, Mustafa W, Kotova F. N Engl J Med. 2016;17:374(11):e12. doi: 10.1056/NEJMvcm1504413.Videos In Clinical Medicine. Transfusion of Red Cells.


1. Smith J, King MC, Park J, Rodriguez JF. Guideline for better outcomes in disease x. J High Impact 2003;302:643-6.

Case Reports, Critical Reviews, and Chapters:

1. Smith J, King MC, Perez JH, Abebe JB. for the New York Breast cancer Study Group, Breast and ovarian cancer risks due to inherited mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2. Science 2003;302:643-6.

2. King MC, Hernandez JH, Ababio JB, Doe J for the New York Breast cancer Study Group, Breast and ovarian cancer risks due to inherited mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2. Science 2003;302:643-6.

2. Hernández  CD, Doe J, Marks JH, Li J. “The Pathophysiology of Disease” In: Textbook of Disease, 2nd Edition. Edin My Field. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Medical; 2018.

3. Smith J, King MC, Wang H, García JB. An unusual case of Y. BMJ Case Reports. 20##;###:643.

4. Zhang M, Marks JH, Williams JB, Doe J, Eds. Best Textbook in My Field. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Medical; 2018.

Congressional Testimony:

1. Smith J, Congressional Record. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress of the Departments of Labor-Health and Human Services Education Part 9 pp. 23-31, 1987.

Selected Media: Newspapers, Video, Radio, TV, Blogs,


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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