CURRICULUM VITA - Weber State University


Name: Eric Amsel Office: Department of Psychology

Weber State University

Home: 1693 E. Shoshone Dr. 1202 University Circle,

Ogden, UT 84403. Ogden, UT 84408-1202

Email: Phone: 801-626-6658

Website: FAX: 801-626-6275


1985 - 1987: Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University. New Haven, CT.

1980 - 1986: Ph.D., Teachers College, Columbia University. New York, NY.

1979 - 1980: M.Ed., Harvard Graduate School of Education. Cambridge, MA.

1975 - 1979: B.A. (Great Distinction), McGill University. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


1/ 2006 - present: Chair, Department of Psychology, Weber State University. Ogden UT.

7/2003 - present: Professor, Weber State University. Ogden, UT.

7/2002 - present: Visiting Professor, Clark University. Worcester MA.

7/1998 - 7/2003: Associate Professor, Weber State University. Ogden, UT.

7/1996 - 7/1998: Assistant Professor, Weber State University. Ogden, UT.

7/1989 - 7/1996: Assistant Professor, Vassar College. Poughkeepsie, NY.

7/1987 - 6/1989: Assistant Professor, University of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon, SK, Canada.

Awards & Honors

2012: Appointed: Associate Chair, Teaching Excellence Awards Committee, American Psychology Association, Society for Teaching of Psychology (APA Division 2).

2012: Awarded: Distinguished Service Award, Rocky Mountain Psychology Association.

2011: Member: Utah Regents’ Technology Intensive Concurrent Enrollment (TICE) Introductory Psychology Committee.

2010: Elected: President, Rocky Mountain Psychology Association.

2009: Invited Lecturer: APA/Clark University Workshop and Summer Institute on Teaching Psychology in Secondary Schools.

2008: Appointed: Weber State University, Due Process Officer.

2007: Selected: Commencement Speaker, class of 2007 Associates Degree students at Weber State University. (Speech)

2007: College Award: Jennings Olsen Award. Inaugural winner of the College’s Faculty Development award.

2007: University Award: Weber State University Distinguished University Processor, awarded to honor a faculty member for a career of excellence.

2006: National Award: Carnegie/CASE Utah Professor of the Year, given to the most outstanding faculty member in the state.

2006: University Award: John S. Hinckley Fellow Award, given annually to a faculty

member who has an outstanding record in teaching, scholarship and service

2005: Teaching of Psychology, Best Teaching Poster: Awarded at RMPA 2005, Phoenix, AZ.

2005: WSU Collaboration Award: Award for the Holocaust Commemoration Committee (web site).

2004: Commencement Speaker: Commencement address to the Class of 2004 Social and Behavior Science graduates at Weber State University. (Speech)

2002-2005: Awarded: Endowed Professorship in Social and Behavioral Science, Weber State University.

1999: Teaching Award: Lowe Award for Innovative Teaching, Weber State University

Grants and Scholarships

2010: University Travel Grant. Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth, Weber State University, to attend and present a paper at the ISSBD conference in Zambia.

2008: University Travel Grant. Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth, Weber State University, to attend and convene the JPS conference in Quebec City

2008: Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (Conference Grant). To organize the JPS conference titled: Adolescence: Opportunities and Vulnerabilities (web site).

2008: Alan E. and Jeanne N. Hall Endowment for Community Outreach Grant: GRE Preparation Scholarship for Underrepresented and Economically Disadvantaged WSU Students. Weber State University.

2007: Hemingway Foundation: Co-PI (with Gail Niklason and Brian Stecklein) for funded research titled Assessing the Impact of Online Classes on the WSU Curriculum (web site)

2006: Assessment Grant: Assessing the status of Diversity at WSU (web site). Weber State University.

2005: Hemingway Foundation: Co-PI (with Adam Johnston) Reflective Learning in General Education. (web site).

2004: University Research Grant: Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth, Weber State University, Processes of Conceptual Change in Psychology Students.

2001: Hemingway Foundation: Co-PI (with Maria Parrilla and William McVaugh), The Intervention and Research Program for the Preservation of Tomorrow’s Children.

2000: Alan S. and Jeanne N. Hall Foundation. Co-PI (with Maria Parrilla and William McVaugh), The Intervention and Research Program for the Preservation of Tomorrow’s Children.

1997: University Research Grant: Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth, The development of reasoning about pretense and possibilities.

1990-1995: Summer Research Award: Undergraduate Research Summer Institute. PEW

Foundation and Vassar College.

1988-1989: National Research Grant. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), "The development of scientific reasoning: Forming, evaluating, and modifying causal theories." Grant held for two years and relinquished due to move to Vassar College.

1987-1988: University Research Grant. President's Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada Award (NSERC), University of Saskatchewan.

1985-1987: Postdoctoral Fellowship: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC), Award in Psychology

1981-1985: Doctoral Fellowship: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of

Canada (SSHRCC), Award in Psychology

1980-1984: Foreign Students' Scholarship: Teachers College, Columbia University

1977-1979: University Scholarship: McGill University.

Student Research Grants

(from the WSU Office of Undergraduate Research)

2011: Amy Trevethan Blunck: Comorbidity of substance use and depressive symptomology.

2010: Ethan Baham. Does adopting a logical perspective promote optimal responding on a gambling task?

Mathew Dahlin. Individual differences and developmental processes associated with drug abuse.

Christopher Malan. The role of mathematics and metacognition in optimal gambling judgments: A dual process account

Clint Norseth. Cognitive processes in gambling judgments: A test of dual process theory.

2008: Elly Alvarado. Effect of perspective on misconceptions in psychology: A test of conceptual change theory.

2007: Kimberly Taylor. Social-relational and socio-moral aspects of risk taking in younger and older adolescents.

2007: Shane Bench. The effect of cognitive control and learning style on mathematics achievement: A dual process perspective.

2006: Dennis Miller. The role of situational factors and cognitive regulation on analytic thinking: A dual process account.

2005: R. Brock Frost. Conceptual change in psychology students: The case of human uniqueness.

2005: Jaclyn King. Counterfactual reasoning performance of normal and autistic children.

2004: Richard Campbell. Developmental change in pretending and supposing a false proposition is true.

Courses Taught

High School Course:

Introductory Psychology (taught as a project-based learning class)

Undergraduate Psychology Courses (Weber State Unless Noted):

Adolescent Psychology, Adolescence Reading Course (Vassar College) Advanced Developmental Psychology (Vassar College), Child Psychology, Development in Childhood and Adolescence (Clark University), Cognitive Development, Developmental Psychology (University of Saskatchewan, Vassar College), Coop Work Experience, Experimental Methods in Psychology, Psycho-Educational Intervention Seminar, History and Systems of Psychology, Introductory Psychology, Issues and Methods in Developmental Psychology, Issues and Methods in Social and Personality Psychology, Practicum (sites included Introductory Psychology Instructor Aide, Treehouse Children’s Museum, and DaVinci Academy Charter High School), Psychology as a Science and Profession, Risk-taking in Adolescence, Seminar in Developmental Psychology, Seminar in Adolescent Development, Social Psychology.

Undergraduate Honors Course:

Fact, Fiction, and Forecast: The Philosophy, Science, & History of Predicting the Future.

Graduate Courses:

Advanced Educational Psychology (Weber State University), Empirical Methods in Developmental Psychology (Columbia University), Developmental Psychology Forum (Graduate Seminar, Clark University).

Professional Organizations and Board Memberships

American Educational Research Association (Member)

American Psychological Society (Member)

Cognitive Development Society (Member)

DaVinci Academy of Science and Arts (Ogden, UT)

Interim Chair of the Board of Directors 2006

Executive Committee of the Board of Directors 2006-present

Due Process Officer 2010-present.

European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (Member)

International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (Member)

Jean Piaget Society (Member)

Board of Directors: 1991-1994; 2003-2006, 2010-2013.

Symposium Organizer: 1994; 1998; 2008

JPS Secretary: 1999-2003

VP Programs 2003-2010

Phi Kappa Phi (Member) Elected 1999

Executive Committee 2000-2011

President 2001-2002

Rocky Mountain Psychological Association (Member)

Local Arrangements Co-Chair 2006

President Elect 2008-2009

President 2009-2010

Past-President 2010-2011

Society for Research in Child Development (Member)

Inaugural member of the Teaching Committee 2007- 2009

Treehouse Children’s Museum (Ogden, UT)

Vice Chair 2000-2003

Board of Directors 1997-present

Reviewing and Editorial Work

A. Journals

Associate Editor: New Ideas in Psychology (Elsevier) (2005-present)

Consulting Editor: Society for Research in Child Development Monographs (2002)

Ad-hoc Editorial Consultant: Applied Developmental Psychology, British Journal of

Educational Psychology, British Journal of Psychology, Child Development, Cognition and Instruction, Cognitive Development, Current Directions in Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Developmental Review, Developmental Science, Early Child Development Quarterly, Educational Psychology, European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, Human Development, Journal of Cognition and Development, Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Journal of Gambling Studies, Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, New Ideas in Psychology, Psychological Reports, Psychological Review, Psychological Science, Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, Social Development, Thinking and Reasoning.

B. Book Publishers

Brooks-Cole, Cambridge University Press, MIT Press, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Worth Publishers.

C. Grant Reviewing

CUNY, Hampton Funding Agency of the University of British Columbia, Department of Education, Institute of Educational Sciences, National Science and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC), NSF ROLE panel, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC).

E. Conference Reviewing

Cognitive Science Society, Jean Piaget Society, Rocky Mountain Psychology Association, Society for Research in Child Development, Society for Research in Adolescent Development.

Publications (*Student)

A. Books and Monographs

Kuhn, D., Amsel, E., & O’Loughlin, M. (1988). The development of scientific thinking skills. Orlando, FL: Academic Press.

Amsel, E., & Renninger, K.A. (Eds.). (1997). Change and development: Issues of theory, method and application. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Amsel, E., & Byrnes, J. (Eds.). (2002). Language, literacy, and cognitive development: The development and consequences of symbolic communication. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Miller, R. L., Amsel, E., Kowalewski, B. M., Beins, B. C., Keith, K. D., & Peden, B. F. (2011). Promoting student engagement (Vol 1): Programs, techniques and opportunities. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology Web site:

Amsel, E. & Smetana, J. (Eds.). (2011). Adolescent vulnerabilities and opportunities: Developmental and constructivist perspectives. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Lightfoot, C., & Amsel, E., (In preparation). Developing adolescents. New York, NY: Worth Publishing.

Amsel, E., & Lightfoot, C. (In preparation).  Making sense of adolescent risk taking: Issues, implications, and integration. Contracted with Taylor and Francis to appear in The Developing Mind Series.

B. Chapters

Amsel, E., Langer*, R., & Loutzenhiser*, L. (1991). Do lawyers reason differently from psychologists? A comparative design for studying expertise. In R.J. Sternberg & P. Frensch (Eds.), Complex problem solving: Mechanisms and processes (pp. 223 - 250). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Renninger, K.A., & Amsel, E. (Eds.). (1997). Change and development: An introduction. In E. Amsel & K. A. Renninger, (Eds.) Change and development: Issues of theory, method and application (pp. 9 - 15). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Amsel, E., & Smalley*, J. (2000). Beyond really and truly: Children’s counterfactual thinking about pretend and possible worlds. In K. Riggs & P. Mitchell (Eds.), Children’s reasoning and the mind (pp. 99 - 134). Brighton, UK: Psychology Press.

Amsel, E. & Byrnes, J. (2002). Symbolic communication and cognitive development: Conclusions and prospects. In E. Amsel & J. Byrnes, (Eds.), Language, literacy, and cognitive development: The development and consequences of symbolic communication (pp. 233 - 258). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Amsel, E., Cottrell*, J., Sullivan*, J., & Bowden*, T. (2005). Anticipating and avoiding regret as a model of adolescent decision-making. In J. Jacobs & P. Klaczynski, (Eds.) The development of judgment and decision-making in children and adolescence (pp. 119 - 154). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Amsel, E., & Kay, T. (2008). After Introductory Psychology:  The next course preparing psychology freshmen and sophomores for undergraduate research.  In R. L. Miller, R. F. Rycek, E. Balcetis, S. T. Barney, B. C. Beins, S. R. Burns, R. Smith, & M. E. Ware (Eds.), Developing, promoting, & sustaining the undergraduate research experience in psychology (pp. 10 - 14). Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology Web site:

Amsel, E. & Smetana, J. (2011). Constructive processes of adolescent development. In E. Amsel & J. Smetana (Eds.) Adolescence vulnerabilities and opportunities: Developmental and constructivist perspectives (pp. 1 - 20). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Amsel, E. (2011). Hypothetical thinking in adolescence: Its nature, development, and application. In E. Amsel & J. Smetana (Eds.) Adolescent vulnerabilities and opportunities: Developmental and constructivist perspectives (pp. 86 - 114). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Amsel, E., Cheshire*, S., Massen, A., Kowalewski, B., & Winniford, J. (2011). Preparing to serve: A program training college students for tutoring and mentoring in public schools. In R. Miller, E. Amsel, B. Kowalewski, B. Biens, K. Keith, & B. Pleden (Eds.) Promoting Student Engagement: Volume 1: Programs, Techniques and Opportunities (pp. 34 - 41). Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology Web site:

C. Papers

Shultz, T. Dover, A., & Amsel, E. (1979). The logical and empirical basis of conservation judgments. Cognition, 7, 99-123.

Amsel, E., & Leadbeater, B. (1980). The legacy of the idea. Genetic Epistemologist, 4, 22-25.

Broughton, J.M., Leadbeater, B., & Amsel, E. (1981). The Jean Piaget Memorial conference. Teachers College Record, 83, 151-217.

Amsel, E. (1985). Psychologism and the psychology of scientists: A response to Gibson. New Ideas in Psychology, 3, 265-272.

Amsel, E., Savoie, D., Deak, G., & Clark, M. (1991). Preschoolers' understanding of gravity. Proceedings of the thirteenth annual cognitive science society meeting (pp.600-605). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Amsel, E., Constantinople, A., & Zucker, A. (1993). Coherence and variation in the development of self. New Ideas in Psychology, 11, 267-271.

Amsel, E., Bobadilla, W., Coch, D., & Remy, R. (1996). Young children’s memory for the true and pretend identities of objects used in object-substitution pretense. Developmental Psychology, 32, 479-491.

Amsel, E., Goodman, G., Savoie, D., & Clark, M. (1996). The development of reasoning about causal and noncausal influences on levers. Child Development, 67, 1624-1646.

Amsel, E., & Brock, S. (1996). Developmental changes in children’s evaluation of evidence. Cognitive Development, 11, 523-550.

Amsel, E. & Goodwin, L. (2004). Making meaning together: Family literacy and museums. Journal of Museum Education [Special issue on Museum and Literacy], 29, 19-23.

Amsel, E., Trionfi*, G., & Campbell*, R. (2005). Reasoning about make-believe and hypothetical suppositions: Towards a theory of belief-contravening reasoning. Cognitive Development, 20, 545-575

Eliason*, K., Osborn*, J. D., Amsel, E., & Richards, S.C. (2007). Incidence and progression of retinopathy of prematurity in Hispanic and white infants.  Journal of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 11, 447-451.

Amsel, E., Klaczynski, P., Johnston, A., Bench*, S., Close*, J., Sadler*, E., & Walker*, R. (2008). A dual-process account of the development of scientific reasoning: The nature and development of metacognitive intercession skills. Cognitive Development, 23, 452-471.

Amsel, E., Close*, J., Sadler*, E., & Klaczynski, P. (2009). Awareness and irrationality: College students' awareness of their irrational judgments on gambling tasks. The Journal of Psychology, 143, 293-317.

Amsel, E. (2009). Rocky Mountain Psychological Association: Report of the 79th annual meeting. American Psychologist, 64, 933-936.

Amsel, E., Johnston, A., Alvarado*, E., Kettering*, J., Rankin*, L., & Ward*, M. (2009). The effect of perspective on misconceptions in psychology: A test of conceptual change theory. The Journal of Instructional Psychology, 36, 289-296.

Amsel, E., Baird, T., Ashley, A. (2011). Misconceptions and conceptual change in undergraduate students learning psychology. Psychology Learning and Teaching, 10, 3-10.

Shaw, L.A., Amsel, E., Schillo*, J. (2011). Risk taking in late adolescence: Relations between socio-moral reasoning, risk stance, and behavior. Journal of Research in Adolescence, 21, 1-14

Amsel, E., Ashley, A., Baird, T., & Johnston, A. (Submitted). Conceptual change in psychology students’ acceptance of the scientific foundation of the discipline. Teaching of Psychology

Amsel, E., Johnston, A., & Goodwin*, R. (In Preparation). College students’ understanding of fiction. Scientific Study of Literature.

Amsel, E., Robbins, M., Tumarkin*, T., Foulkes*, S, Janit*, A., &. Smalley*, J.D. (In preparation). The card not chosen: The development of counterfactual reasoning about regret.

Amsel, E., Shaw, L.A., Taylor, K.* (In preparation). Socio-moral reasoning and changes in risk stance and risk behavior in adolescence.

Amsel, E., Klaczynski, P., Blunk*, A., & Young*, M. (In preparation). Optimal reasoning about ratios: The development of dual process regulation.

Amsel, E., Peterson*, K., Baldwin*, B., Cassidy*, J., Hibdon*, E., & Shepard*, J. (In preparation). The effects of cueing on gambling judgments and justifications: A Dual Process analysis

Amsel, E. (In Preparation). Howe to think deeply about Psychology: An introduction to the special issue. New Ideas In Psychology.

D. Miscellaneous (Book Reviews, Internal Volumes, Encyclopedia Entries, Newsletters, Published Proceedings, Nonprofessional Publications)

Amsel, E. (1990). The cognitive development of Piaget: A review of "Constructive Evolution". Canadian Psychology, 31, 377-378.

Amsel, E. (1999). Development and culture: Some (thought) experiments. Contemporary Psychology, 44, 390-392.

Amsel, E. (2001). Scientific reasoning. The Encyclopedia of American Boyhood (pp. 405-412). Los Angeles CA: ABC-CLIO

Amsel, E. (2001). Paying it forward. Vista (Weber State University Alumni Magazine), 4, 6.

Amsel, E. (2004). Theory-evidence coordination: The state of the art. Contemporary Psychology, 49, 234-236.

Bates*, J., & Amsel, E. (2005). Dual process and irrationality: The effect of perspective on gambling judgments & evaluations. Proceedings of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR, 2005).

Amsel, E. (2006). On Oceans and Skies: The depth and breadth problem in science education. Proceedings of the Second Annual Science Education at the Crossroads Conference. Available for download at

Dugan, P., & Amsel, E. (2007). Why the Top of Utah needs the DaVinci Academy of Sciences and the Arts (Guest Commentary). Standard Examiner. Wednesday, May 23, 2007, p. 11A.

Amsel, E. (2009). Teaching psychology students to think like psychologists. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Science Education at the Crossroads Conference. Available for download at

Amsel, E. (2009). Promoting psychology students’ adoption of core disciplinary beliefs and values: Three pedagogical themes.  Psychology Teachers’ Network, 19, 4-7.

Amsel, E., & Johnston, A. (2010). Training the preschool scientist-in-waiting. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 31, 484-486.

Amsel, E., & Johnston, A. (In Press). The child and the scientist: The development of the psychology of science education. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.

Unpublished Reports

Amsel, E. (1998, September). Student General Education Ability Perception Survey: Year 1 Report. Submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs (K. Lukken, Associate Provost, WSU).

Amsel, E. (1999, November). Student General Education Ability Perception Survey: Year 2 Report. Submitted to Office of Academic Affairs (K. Lukken, Associate Provost, WSU).

Amsel, E. (1999, December). General-Education Portfolio Survey Project: Year 1 Report. Submitted to the ad hoc Committee on General Educational Assessment (J. Mitchell, Chair).

Amsel, E. (2000, December). General-Education Portfolio Survey Project: Year 2 Report. Submitted to the ad hoc Committee on General Educational Assessment (J. Mitchell, Chair).

Amsel, E., and others (2001 October). Bachelor of Integrated Studies Program (B.I.S.) Seven-Year Review: Review Committee Report. Submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs (K. Lukken, Associate Provost, WSU).

Amsel, E.  (2002, August).  Paired Comparison Study:  Preliminary data analysis. Submitted to Continuing Education Project on On-line Learning. (Susan Smith, PI).

Amsel, E. (2005, June). Assessment of the Minority Experience at WSU. Submitted to the AADAT and the Office of Academic Affairs (K. Lukken, Associate Provost, WSU).

Amsel, E. (2005, November). WSU Psychology Department: Self Study. Submitted to the WSU Office of Academic Affairs.

Amsel, E., and others (2006 March). Program in Women Studies: Review Committee Report. Submitted to the WSU Office of Academic Affairs.

Amsel, E. (2007, April). Minority Experience at WSU. Submitted to the WSU Office of Academic Affairs.

Amsel, E., and others (2009 March). Department of Child and Family Studies: Review Committee Report. Submitted to the WSU Office of Academic Affairs

Amsel, E. (2011, December). WSU Psychology Department: Self Study. Submitted to the WSU Office of Academic Affairs.

Amsel, E. (2006-2011, June). Year-end Report of the Psychology Department. Submitted to the Dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Amsel, E. (2004-2012). Assessment of the Psychology Department. Psychology Department web site. Submitted to the Associate Provost.

Lectures, Talks, and Presentations

A. Invited Lectures

Amsel, E. (February, 1987). Overcoming the known: The influence of acquired knowledge on inductive and deductive reasoning. Presented to the Department of Psychology, York University, Toronto, Ontario.

Amsel, E. (February, 1988). The development of scientific reasoning. Presented at the Departments of Psychology, York University, Toronto Ontario, and McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario

Amsel, E. (June 1988). Causality through the ages. Presented at the IBM research group, Yorktown Heights, New York, NY

Amsel, E. (February, 1989). What philosophers can learn from kids. Presented at the Department of Philosophy, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Amsel, E. (July, 1990).Conceptual change, evidence evaluation, and the child-as-scientist metaphor. Presented at the Institute for Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Psychological Research, Munich, Germany.

Amsel, E. Content, process, and the development of scientific reasoning: Studies of the child-as-scientist metaphor. Presented at the Departments of Psychology, Stockton College, Pomona, NJ (February, 1996); Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT (April, 1996); Weber State University, Ogden UT (April 1996); Plymouth State College Plymouth, NH (April, 1996); and the Department of Educational Psychology, Ball State University, Muncie, IN (April, 1996).

Amsel, E. (March, 1997). The development of counterfactual reasoning: From pretense to possibility. Presented at the Department of Psychology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.

Amsel, E. (April, 1998). Modeling make-believe: The cognitive processes underlying pretense. Presented at the Department of Psychology, California State University, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, CA

Amsel, E. (November, 1997). What philosophers can learn from kids. Presented at the Departments of Philosophy, Weber State University, Ogden, UT.

Amsel, E. (May, 1998). Theory revision in childhood: Changes in children’s understanding of machines and motion. Presented at the Department of Psychology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.

Amsel, E. (May, 1999). Does pretending promote development? Invited address to the Northern Utah Council of Preschool Educators, Ogden UT

Amsel, E. (April, 2000). Fearing the fantastic: A parents’ guide to the child’s imagination and emotions. Invited address to the WSU Alumni Series, Ogden UT.

Amsel, E. (September, 2002). Adventures in never-never land: The development of pretending, supposing, and regretting. Presented at the Department of Psychology, Clark University, Worcester MA.

Amsel, E. (May, 2003). Reevaluating the metaphysics of mind: What do we do to undergraduate psychology majors? Presented at the PACE series, Yale University, New Haven CT.

Amsel, E. (June, 2005). Four things I learned at Michael’s feet (and two things I learned behind his back). Presented at the University of British Columbia Festschrift for Michael Chandler, UBC, Vancouver

Amsel, E., & Johnston, A. (August 2006). What you don’t know about what your students don’t know (and what you can do about it). Presented at the TEAM workshop, Weber State University (September, 2005) and the WSU New Faculty Retreat, Weber State University

Amsel, E. & Johnston, A. (October 18, 2005). Cognitive challenges facing WSU developmental mathematics students. Math Department Colloquium, Weber State University

Amsel, E. (Dec 5, 2006). Hypothetical thinking: Its nature, development and promotion in college. Invited talk presented at the Hinckley Award Presentation.

Amsel, E. The craft of teaching. (January 24, 2007). Invited paper presented at the Weber State University Adjunct Faculty Retreat, Layton, UT

Amsel, E., & Marsteller-Kowalewski, B. (March 8, 2007). Kindling the flame: Connecting student engagement to retention. Invited paper presented to the Utah State Higher Education Retention Symposium

Amsel, E., & Johnston, A. (April 4, 2007). The impact of quantitative literacy on students’ reasoning. Math Department Colloquium, Weber State University

Amsel, E. (August 24, 2007).Tutoring as sharing. Lecture presented at the Weber State University Tutors/SI retreat.

Amsel, E. (September, 2007). Emotions in the classroom. Video lecture presented as part of the Adjunct Newsletter.

Amsel, E. (February 20, 2008). Do we get along? The status of diversity at WSU. Lecture presented to the Division of Student Services

Amsel, E. (August 14, 2008). The student-as-scholar model of General Education. Lecture presented at the WSU General Education retreat. Snowbird, Utah

Amsel, E. (February 18, 2009). Adolescence: Impulsivity and rationality. Lecture presented for the Davis Schools Counselor Association and the DaVinci Academy Lecture Series

Amsel, E. (July, 2009). Psychology students' understanding of the scientific foundation of the discipline. APA/Clark University Teaching of Psychology in Secondary Schools (TOPSS) Workshop. Worcester, MA.

Amsel, E. (July, 2009). Challenging Introductory Psychology students' folk beliefs of the discipline: A simulation. APA/Clark University Teaching of Psychology in Secondary Schools (TOPSS) Workshop. Worcester, MA.

Amsel, E. (March, 2010). Adolescence in the 19th and 21st centuries: Huck Finn, then and now. Presentation part of the 2010 Weber Reads celebration of Mark Twain, Ogden UT.

Johnston, A. & Amsel, E. (June, 2010). Students' understanding of the scientific process: Transformation or stagnation? Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council on Undergraduate Research, Ogden, UT. Also presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychology Association, Salt Lake City, UT (April, 2011).

Amsel, E. (November, 2010). How do Psychology students learn the scientific foundation of the discipline. Utah Teaching of Psychology in Secondary Schools (UTOPSS) Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT

Amsel, E., (January, 2011). Adjunct faculty: Rights, responsibilities, and reasonable strategies. Invited talk given to the Department of English, Weber State University. Ogden UT.

Amsel, E. (February, 2011). Psychological perspectives on Cinderella. In Jean Miller (Organizer), Cinderella, Ph.D. Symposium organized for the 2011 WSU Storytelling Festival, Ogden UT.

Amsel, E. (February, 2011). The value of adjunct faculty: The perspective from a chair. Weber State University Adjunct Symposium. Ogden, UT.

Amsel, E. (April, 2011). Psychology students’ understanding of the scientific foundation of the discipline. RMPA Past President’s Address. Salt Lake City, UT.

Amsel, E. (June, 2011). Learning sciences and the growth of logical thinking. Invited address to the Jean Piaget Society. Berkeley, CA.

Amsel, E. Hypothetical thinking in adolescence: Its nature, development and applications. Invited talk presented at the Families Alive Conference, Ogden UT (2011, October), University of San Diego, San Diego CA (February, 2012).

Amsel, E., (April 2012). What makes for an effective teacher? Invited panel member at Rocky Mountain Psychology Association, Reno, NV.

B. Conference posters and papers (* student)

Amsel, E. (1984, May). Reasoning and reconstruction: The relevance of rational reconstructions of thinking to developmental psychology. Presented at the 14th Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society, Philadelphia PA.

Amsel, E., & Sitero*, C. (1984, May). Acquiring the distinction between causation and correlation. Presented at JPS, Philadelphia PA.

Amsel, E., & Schauble, L. (1986, May). Reconstructing evidence on a causal reasoning task. Paper presented at JPS, Philadelphia PA.

Amsel, E. (1987, April). The acquisition of balance scale knowledge. Presented at SRCD, Baltimore MD.

Amsel, E. (1987, May). Overcoming the known: The influence of acquired knowledge on inductive and deductive reasoning. Presented at JPS, Philadelphia PA.

Amsel*, E. (1987, June). The development of scientific reasoning: Conceptual issues. Presented at the Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver, Canada

Amsel, E. (1988, June). Conceptual issues in the development of scientific reasoning. Presented at JPS, Philadelphia PA.

Loutzenhiser*, L., & Amsel, E. (1988, June). Causal reasoning among professionals: The cases of lawyers and psychologists. Presented at the Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal.

Amsel, E., Loutzenhiser*, L., Flach*, S., & Bender*, J. (1990, May). Children's remembrance of things pretended. Presented at the Waterloo Conference on Development Psychology, Waterloo, Ontario.

Amsel, E., Loutzenhiser*, L., & Flach*, S. (1991, April). Preschoolers' memory for actual and pretend objects. Presented at SRCD, Seattle, WA.

Amsel, E. & Remy*, R. (1992, May). Developmental changes in preschoolers' memory for objects and actions used in pretense. Presented at JPS, Montreal, Quebec.

Amsel, E., Smith*, R., & Goldman*, D. (1993, March). Age differences in memory for evidence. Presented at SRCD, New Orleans, LA.

Amsel, E. & Remy*, R. (1993, May). Learning to remember the objects used in pretense. Presented at JPS, Philadelphia, PA.

Amsel, E. & Robbins*, M. (1993, May). The development of reasoning about actual and counterfactual events. Presented at the JPS. Philadelphia PA.

Amsel, E. & Coch*, D. (1993, September). Preschoolers’ remembrance of things pretended. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the British Psychological Society (Development Psychology Section) Birmingham, England.

Amsel, E., Gesell*, S., & Moring*, F. (1994, June) The influence of non-causal variables on young children’s predictions. Poster resented at APS, Washington, D.C.

Amsel, E., & Bobadilla*, W. (1995, March). Preschoolers’ identification of true and pretend identities. Presented at SRCD, New Orleans, LA.

Amsel, E., Foulkes*, S., & Smalley*, J. (1997, April). The development of reasoning about three types of possibilities. Presented at RMPA, Reno, NV.

Parrilla, M., Heimbrect, R., McVaugh, W., & Amsel, E. (1997, May). The development of gender and ethnic attitudes in transient Mexicano children. Presented RMPA, Santa Monica CA.

Amsel, E., McVaugh, W., Santilli, N., Lovell*, D., Moulding*, B., Staska*, M., & Warren*, B. (1998, April). Adolescent identity development in a cultural context: Perceptions of parental involvement. Poster presented at WPA, Albuquerque NM.

Croxford*, N., & Amsel , E. (1998, April). Dysphoria and counterfactual reasoning: Sad people’s thoughts about possible worlds. Poster presented at SPA, New Orleans, LA.

Staska*, M. & Amsel, E. (1998, June). The development of gender identity and self-esteem in adolescence. Poster presented at RMPA. Chicago IL.

Goodwin, L., & Amsel, E. (1998, October). Children’s informal learning in museum contexts. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Utah Museum Association. Salt Lake City, UT.

Amsel, E., & Janit*, A. (1999, April). The card not chosen: The development of counterfactual reasoning about one’s own and others’ regret. Poster presented at SRCD. Atlanta, GA.

Crossley*, C., McVaugh, W., & Amsel, E. (1999, April). Counterfactual thinking and judgments of causality and preventability. Poster presented at RMPA, Fort Collins CO.

Pilcher*, M., Smith*, N, & Amsel, E. (1999, April) Informal learning in children’s museum contexts: Questions adults pose to children. Poster presented at RMPA, Fort Collins CO.

Amsel, E., Volpe*, H., & Trionfi* G. (2000, June). Confusing fantasy and reality: Conceptual misunderstanding or poor executive control? Paper presented JPS, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Anderson*, M., & Amsel, E. (2001, April). Children’s representation of objects used, pretended, or falsely believed to be another. Poster presented at RMPA, Reno, NV.

Collard*, H., Sickler*, J., & Amsel, E. (2001, April). Epistemological development among psychology majors: Evidence of domain specificity. Poster presented at RMPA, Reno, NV.

Cottrell*, J., & Amsel, E. (2001, April). The development of reasoning about anticipated regret in adolescents and adults. Poster presented at RMPA, Reno, NV.

Greenwell*, A., & Amsel, E. (2001, April). Fearing the fantastic: Cognitive factors associated with children fearing imaginary creatures. Poster presented at RMPA, Reno, NV.

Sullivan*, J., & Amsel, E. (2001, April). Bets and regrets: Anticipated regret in lottery ticket exchanges. Poster presented at RMPA, Reno, NV.

Bowden*, T., & Amsel, E. (2002, April). The development of regret-based decision-making: The role of context. Poster presented at RMPA, Park City, UT.

Hatch*, D., and Amsel, E. (2002, April). Swept away: Absorption and children’s tendency to confuse fantasy and reality. Poster presented at RMPA, Park City, UT.

Boydston*, P., Goodliffe*, N., Hoag*, B.J., Money*, T., & Amsel, E. (2002, April). Guilt and regret: The nature of their relation. Poster presented to RMPA, Park City, UT.

Amsel, E., & Trionfi*, G. (2003, January). Goldilocks and the three bears* (* attitudes bearing on propositions). Talk presented at the New England Conference on Infant Studies, Worcester, MA.

Frost*, B., Vanderhoof*, J., & Amsel, E. (2004, April). College students’ understanding of evolution. Talk presented at RMPA, Reno, NV.

Martin*, V., Gronski*, M., Money*, T., & Amsel, E. (2004, April). Ontological diversity and children’s understanding of God. Talk presented at RMPA, Reno, NV.

Close*, J., Sadler*, E., Amsel, E., & Klaczynski, P. (2004, April). Awareness of irrationality on gambling tasks. Talk presented at RMPA, Reno, NV.

Amsel, E., Close*, J., & Sadler*, E & Klaczynski, P. (March, 2005). Cognitive regulatory competence of college developmental math students: A dual process account. Poster presented at NADE, Albuquerque, NM.

Bates*, J., & Amsel, E. (2005, April). Dual process and irrationality: The effect of perspective on gambling judgments and evaluations. Poster presented at NCUR, Lexington, VA.

Amsel, E., Anderson*, C., & Corbin*, P. (2005, April). Conceptual change in Psychology students’ understanding of the discipline. (Teaching of Psychology Award Winner). Poster presented at RMPA, Phoenix AZ.

Leavitt*, D., Bates*, J., & Amsel, E. (2005, April). Variability and regulation of probability judgments in college students. Poster presented at RMPA, Phoenix AZ.

King*, J., & Amsel, E. (2005, April). Counterfactual reasoning capabilities of normal and autistic children. Poster presented at RMPA, Phoenix AZ.

Frost*, B., & Amsel, E. (2005, April). Students’ understanding of human nature: An analogical approach. Poster presented at RMPA, Phoenix AZ.

Amsel, E., Johnston, A., & Johnson*, K. (2006, April). Cognitive and learning style predictors of developmental math achievements. Poster submitted to RMPA, Park City, UT.

Amsel, E., Kay, T., Riding*, R., & Tang*, C. (2006, April). The development of scientific and ethical reasoning among psychology majors. Poster presented at RMPA, Park City, UT

Shaw, L.A., Amsel, E., Schillo*, J., Bosgieter*, B., & Garner*, J., Thorn*, M. (2006, June). The relationship between young adults’ risk taking behavior and their understandings and evaluations of the socio-moral aspects of risk taking behavior. Poster presented at JPS, Baltimore, MD.

Bench*, S., Kikugawa*, S., Walker* R.F., Amsel, E. (2007, April). The effect of situational factors on rational judgments: A dual process theory account. Poster presented at RMPA, Denver CO.

Guzman*, M., Black*, T. J. & Amsel, E. (2007, April). Caregivers’ behaviors and attitudes regarding their children’s learning in children’s museums. Poster presented at RMPA, Denver CO.

Alvarado*, E., Rankin*, L., Kettering*, J., Ward*, M., & Amsel, E. (2008, April). The effect of perspective on misconceptions in psychology: A test of conceptual change theory. Poster presented at RMPA, Boise ID.

Bench*, S., Miller*, D., Walker*, R., Amsel, E. (2008, April). Who is affected by instructional set? A dual process account. Poster presented at RMPA, Boise ID.

Guzman*, M., & Amsel, E., (2008, April). Mental models of on-line learning: An interview study of university decision-makers. Poster presented at RMPA, Boise ID.

Ricks*, S., Bench*, S., & Amsel, E., (2008, April). Strategies and motivations for deep learning: Gender differences and academic outcomes. Poster presented at RMPA, Boise ID.

Taylor*, K., Shaw*, L., Amsel, E. (2008, April). Younger and older adolescents’ risk-taking intentions: Relations with socio-moral and socio-relational judgments. Poster presented at RMPA, Boise ID.

Walker*, R., Bench*, S., & Amsel, E. (2008, April). The contributions of metacognitive and cognitive ability on analytic processing. Poster presented at RMPA, Boise ID.

Amsel, E, Alvarado*, E., Rankin*, L., Amsel, E., Ashley, A., & Baird, T. (April, 2009). Folk Psychology, scientific psychology and conceptual change in college students. Poster presented at RMPA, Albuquerque, NM.

Taylor*, K., Amsel, E., & Shaw, L. (April, 2009). Emotional correlates of adolescents’ risk-taking judgments, intentions and behavior. Poster presented at RMPA, Albuquerque, NM.

Taylor*, K., Amsel, E., & Shaw, L. (April, 2009). Stability and change in risk taking avoidance among adolescents: A six month follow-up. Poster presented at RMPA, Albuquerque, NM.

Malan*, C., Young*, M., & Amsel E. (April 2010). The role of mathematics and metacognition in optimal gambling judgments: A dual process account. Poster presented at RMPA, Denver, CO.

Baham*, E., Keane*, J., & Amsel, E. (April 2010). Does adopting a logical perspective promote optimal responding on a gambling task? Poster presented at RMPA, Denver, CO.

Norseth*, C., Trevethan*, A., Dugan*, J., Wolff*, K., Ashley, A., & Amsel E. (April 2010). Cognitive processes in gambling judgments: A test of dual process theory. Poster presented at RMPA, Denver, CO.

Dahlin*, M., & Amsel E. (April, 2010). Individual differences and developmental processes associated with drug abuse: Understanding the developmental trajectories of teens in residential treatment programs. Poster presented at RMPA, Denver, CO.

Amsel E. & Klaczynski (June 2010). Priming and metacognition in optimal gambling judgments: A dual process account. Poster presented at JPS, St. Louis MO.

Amsel, E., (March 2011). Conceptual change in college students’ understanding of human development. Poster presented at Society for Research on Child Development, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Peterson*, K., Alvarado*, B., Baldwin*, B., Cassidy*, J., Hibdon*, E., Shepard*, J., & Amsel, E. (April, 201). The effect of task-cueing on optimal decision making: A dual process account. Poster presented at RMPA, Salt Lake City, UT.

Young*, M., Trevethan-Blunk*, A., & Amsel, E. (April, 2011). Priming optimal decision making: A developmental and educational study. Poster presented at RMPA, Salt Lake City, UT.

Amsel, E., & Blunck*, A. (March, 2012). Optimal reasoning about ratios: The development of dual process regulation. Poster presented at Society for Research in Adolescence, Vancouver BC, Canada.

Blunck*, A., & Amsel, E., & Shaw, L (March, 2012). Comorbidity of substance use and depressive symptomology: A retrospective analysis of their relation and trajectory across adolescence. Poster presented at Society for Research in Adolescence, Vancouver BC, Canada.

Amsel, E., & Lopez*, V. (Submitted). The development of the distinction between regret, disappointment and sadness. Talk submitted to the Society for Research in Adolescence, Seattle, WA.

Amsel, E., Clark*, T., & Allen*, C. (Submitted). Fictional priming of children’s ontological judgments: Overcoming the experiential bias. Talk submitted to the Jean Piaget Society, Chicago IL.

Allen, L., Banta*, C., Richey*, M., Voight*, B., & Wood*, D. (Submitted). The nature, acquisition, and consequences of psychological literacy. Talk submitted to the Rocky Mountain Psychology Association.

C. Conference Symposia (* Weber State University student)

Kuhn, D., & Amsel, E. (1983, April). Causal inference in multivariable contexts. In T. Shultz (Chair), New directions in causal reasoning research. Symposium conducted at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Detroit MI.

Revelle, G., Honey, M., Amsel, E., Schauble, L., & Levine, G. (1984, May). Sex differences in the use of computers. In L Schauble (Chair), Formative research in the design of educational software: Methods and findings. Symposium conducted at AERA, New Orleans LA.

Amsel, E. (1987, February). Why you get ahead when you get a theory. In M. Kliman (Chair), New directions in balance scale research. Symposium conducted at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Boston MA.

Amsel, E., & Kuhn, D. (1987, April). Development of skills in evaluating simple covariation and noncovariation evidence. In D. Kuhn (Chair), The development of skills in the evaluation of causal and correlational evidence. Symposium conducted at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore MD.

Amsel, E. (1989, April). Conceptual structure, belief revision and the "child-as-scientist" metaphor. In E. Amsel (Chair), The "child-as-...: Metaphors of child development. Symposium conducted at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Kansas City MI.

Amsel, E., & Flach, S. (1991, April). Development changes in evaluating evidence. In E. Amsel (Chair), Evidence evaluation, conceptual change, and the development of scientific reasoning. Symposium conducted at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle. WA.

Amsel, E., Zucker, A., & Constantinople, A. (1991, May). Epistemological consistency and the development of identity. In E. Amsel (Chair), Cognitive processes in identity development. Symposium held at the 21st Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society. Philadelphia PA.

Amsel, E. (1995, March). The development of causal attributions in two physics domains. In E. Amsel (Chair), Process and content in the development of scientific reasoning. Symposium held at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis IN.

Amsel, E., Robbins, M., Tumarkin, T., & Misterka, H. (1997, May). Preschooler’s counterfactual thinking: The case of regret. In H. Markovits (Chair), The development of logical reasoning. Symposium conducted at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington DC.

Amsel, E., Cragun*, D., Chase*, B., & Gilmore*, B. (1998, June). The development of conditional reasoning with counterfactual premises: Distinguishing the influence of truth-value and propositional attitude. In E. Amsel (Chair), The development of logical reasoning: New twists on old themes. Symposium presented at the 28th Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society, Chicago, IL.

Amsel, E., Foulkes*, S., Gilmore*, B, Smalley*, D.J., & Volpe*, H. (1998, July). Preschoolers’ reasoning about pretend and possible worlds. In E. Amsel and E. Robinson (Chairs), The development of counterfactual reasoning. Symposium presented at the Biennial meeting of ISSBD, Berne, Switzerland.

Amsel, E. (2000). “Who am I” and other adolescent epistemological questions. In E. Amsel (Chair) A theory of mine: Epistemological and identity development in adolescence. Invited symposium held at the 30th Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society, Montreal, Quebec.

Amsel, E., Trionfi*, G., & Morris*, N. (2001, April). Children’s reasoning about alternate realities: The nature and creation of fantasy, possible, and hypothetical worlds. In C. Johnson (Chair), The development of alternative worlds. Symposium submitted to the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MI.

Amsel, E., Lagerstadt*, J., Bowden*, T., & Thompson*, A. (2001, April). Developmental relations between children's counterfactual thinking about causality and emotions. In R. Gutentag (Chair), The development of counterfactual reasoning. Symposium conducted at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis MI.

Amsel, E., Anderson*, M., Morris*, N., & Trionfi*, G. (2001, June). The pretend, the possible, and the hypothetical: Children's representation of and reasoning about imaginary worlds. In K. Ann Renninger (Chair), Accounting for Developmental Change: Issues of Context and Variability. Symposium presented at the 30th Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society, Montreal, Quebec.

Amsel, E., Carle*, E., & Hulten*, C. (2002, April). The academic skills promotion: Targeting first- and second-grade children’s mathematics skills. In E. Amsel (Chair), Future touch: An intervention for high-risk children. Symposium presented at RMPA, Park City, UT.

Kay, T., Lund, J., Amsel, E., Parrilla, M., & McVaugh, W. (2002, April). The parenting program. In E. Amsel (Chair), Future touch: An intervention for high-risk children. Symposium presented at RMPA, Park City, UT.

Amsel, E., McVaugh, B., Biggs*, A., & Ferguson, T. (2003, April). The nature of regret and its relations to shame and guilt. Paper to be presented in J. Elison (Chair), perspectives on guilt and shame. Symposium to be presented at RMPA, Denver, CO.

Amsel. E. (2003, April). Regret assessment as a model of adolescent decision-making. Paper presented in E. Amsel (Chair), Beyond rationality or irrationality: Accounting for the strengths and limits of adolescent thinking. Symposium to be presented at SRCD, Tampa FL.

Amsel, E., Naluai*, N., & Goodwin, L. (2003, June). The social mediation of learning in children’s museum contexts. In E Amsel (Chair), Learning in children’s museums: designs, processes, and outcomes. Symposium presented at the 31st Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society, Chicago IL.

Amsel, E., Trionfi*, G., & Martin*, V. (2003, June). Ontology and the Construction of Purposes: A Developmental Account of Pretending and Hypothesizing In L. Smith (Chair), The Normative and the Descriptive in Developmental Theory. Symposium presented at the 31st Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society, Chicago IL.

Campbell*, R. & Amsel, E. (2004, June). Representation, ontology and truth: Developing the distinction between pretending and supposing a false premise is true. In E. Amsel (Chair), Representation and reality: Development of children’s understanding of symbols, models, and the worlds they depict. Symposium presented at the 33rd Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society, Toronto, CA.

Bowen*, E., & Amsel, E. (2004, June). Symbols and manipulatives as sources of support for mathematical reasoning with aggregated units. In E. Amsel (Chair), Representation and reality: Development of children’s understanding of symbols, models, and the worlds they depict. Symposium presented at the 33rd Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Amsel, E., Wiser*, M, Maddox*, T., & Stone*, K. (2004, July) Conceptual internalization without conceptual change: What happens to Folk Psychology among undergraduate psychology majors? In M. Wiser (Chair), Cognitive Constructivism in Socio-Cultural Learning. Symposium presented at ISSBD, Ghent BG.

Amsel, E., Campbell*, R., & King*, J. (2005, March). Distinguishing between pretending and supposing. In R. Beck (Chair), Alternative possibilities: Developments in children’s counterfactual thinking. Symposium presented at SRCD, Atlanta GA.

Amsel, E., Close*, J., Sadler*, E., & Klaczynski, P. (2005, April). Adolescent vulnerability to irrational gambling judgments: A dual process account. In P. Klaczynski (Chair), Heuristics and analytic Reasoning: A developmental perspective. Symposium presented at SRCD, Atlanta GA.

Shaw, L.A., Amsel, E., Schillo*, J., Bosgieter*, B., Garner*, J., & Thorn*, M. (2007, March). Young adults’ socio-moral reasoning and its relation to risk-taking intentions and behavior. In C. Lightfoot (Chair), New directions in adolescent risk taking. Symposium presented at SRCD, Boston MA.

Amsel, E. (2007, April). The nature of change in undergraduate psychology students’ thinking. In V. Ewing (Chair), The bridge between basic research and the classroom. Symposium presented at RMPA, Denver CO.

Amsel, E., & Frost*, B. (2007, June). Conceptual change in psychology students understanding of the discipline. In J. Archer (Chair), Science learning, epistemology and development. Symposium presented at JPS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Amsel, E. (2007, April). The nature of change in undergraduate psychology students’ thinking. In V. Ewing (Chair), The bridge between basic research and the classroom. Symposium presented at RMPA, Denver CO.

Amsel, E., & Johnston, A. (2008, March). The role of imagination in conceptual change. In M. Weinstock & M. Limon, (Chairs) Evidence evaluation biases: Might learning to avoid them facilitate conceptual change? Symposium presented at AERA, New York, NY.

Amsel, E., & Johnston, A. (2008, April). Conceptual change vs. conceptual reorganization in psychology students’ beliefs about the discipline. In B. Wozniak (Chair), Applying cognitive psychology in the classroom. Symposium presented at RMPA, Boise ID.

Amsel, E., (2009, April). Undergraduate research experiences: Conceptual and identity transformations. In G. DeHart (Organizer), The best teaching you’ll ever do: Research with undergraduates for fun and profit. Symposium presented at the SRCD Teaching Preconference, Denver, CO.

Amsel, E. (2009, April). Publishing expertise. In E. Amsel (Organizer), How to Publish. Symposium presented at RMPA, Albuquerque, NM.

Bench*, S., & Amsel, E., (June 2009). Stability and change in dual process regulation skills. In P. Klaczynski & E. Amsel (Organizers), The development of dual process regulation: Theoretical issues and empirical findings. Symposium presented at the Jean Piaget Society, Park City, UT.

Amsel, E. (June, 2009). Folk psychology, scientific psychology and the conceptual change in psychology students. In M. Bamberg (Chair), Teaching and learning of psychology students. Symposium presented at the Jean Piaget Society, Park City, UT.

Amsel, E. (2010, April). History of psychology and the socialization of undergraduates into the discipline. In E Amsel and W. Woody (Organizers), The role of the history of psychology in the undergraduate curriculum: Why students should care. RMPA Presidential Symposium presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychology Association, Denver, CO.

Amsel, E., & Trevethan*, A., Young*, M. (2011, June). Optimal reasoning about ratios: The development of dual process regulation. In Sarah Furlan (Organizers), Biases and awareness in numerical judgments: Dual processes in development. Symposium presented at JPS.

Amsel, E., Baird, T., & Ashley, A., (April, 2012). Models of teaching and learning in the training of critical thinking. In W. Wozniak (Organizer), Specialty courses and activities designed to develop critical thinking skills in students. Symposium presented at RMPA, Reno, NV.

Bates, S., Amsel, E., Corser, G., Fowler, L., Kwan, K., Marsing, N., & Whitlock, K. (August 2012). Implementation of a statewide strategy for supporting general psychology: Barriers, catalysts, and lessons learned. In R. Gurung, & S. Frantz (Organizers) A Focus on Introductory Psychology: Models, Formats, Learning Outcomes, and Assessment. Symposium presented at APA, Orlando FL.

Amsel, E., Mathews, P., Fochs*, A.J., Killpack*, J., Wolff, K. (Submitted). Arithmetic – algebra transition revisited: Age and instruction effects in understanding of the equal sign. In E Amsel & P. Matthews (Organizers), Developmental and Instructional Issues in Mathematical Reasoning. Symposium submitted to JPS, Chicagfo, IL.

Amsel, E., Bates, S., Corser, G., Fowler, L., Kwan, K., Marsing, N., & Whitlock, K. (Submitted). Constructing, Implementing, and Evaluating a State-Wide Technology Intensive Concurrent Enrollment Introductory Psychology Course. Symposium submitted to RMPA, Denver CO.

D. Conference Discussant

Amsel, E. (1987, May). Some informal remarks about formal and post-formal operations. Comments presented at the 17th Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society. Philadelphia PA.

Amsel, E. (1990, April). Discussant's comments. In C. Chaille (Chair), The construction of scientific understanding in young children: Sources of cognitive change. Symposium conducted at the conference of the American Educational Research Association, Boston MA.

Amsel, E. (1992, May) Accounting for some of the variance all of the time or all of the variance some of the time. Comments presented at the 22nd Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society. Montreal, Quebec.

Amsel, E. (1996, May). Developmental changes in inductive reasoning. Comments presented at the 26th Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society. Philadelphia, PA.

Amsel, E. (1997, June). Theories of minds: The child’s and the scientist’s perspectives. Comments presented at the 27th Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society. Los Angles, CA.

Amsel, E. (2004, June). Creating a place for context in epistemological reasoning. In R. Falmagne, (Chair), Feminist approaches to the development of epistemological Reasoning. Comments presented at the 24th Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society. Toronto ON, Canada.

Amsel, E. (2004, May). Dual process, change, and development: Developmental and regulatory accounts of change. In P. Klaczynski (Chair), Dual Process Theory and Developmental Psychology. Comments presented at the invited symposium presented at the 23rd APS Conference, Chicago, IL.

Amsel, E. (2005, June). Social-communicative processes in mapping from model to reality: Theoretical and educational lessons. In M. Wiser (Chair), Symbols, signs, and models. Comments presented at the 25th Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Amsel, E. (2006, June). Endogenous regulation, exogenous coordination, and the internalization of normative standards in adolescence. In B. Cox, and J. Gallagher (organizers), Whither equilibration and co-construction? Have we made good on the promise of Piaget's interactionist view? Discussion session held at the 26th Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society. Baltimore MD.

Amsel, E. (2007, June). Education and the growth of spatial literacy. In S. Golbeck (organizer), The development of spatial literacy and schooling. Comments presented at the 26th Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Amsel, E. (2008, April). Ethics in the undergraduate psychology curriculum. In R. Rycek (organizer), Academic integrity: Ethical issues in student internships, jobs, and service learning. Symposium presented at RMPA, Boise ID.

Amsel, E. (2010, June). A theory of the learning of Gallagher and Reid. In B. Cox (organizer), Thirty years of Gallagher and Reid’s The Learning Theory Piaget and Inhelder. Symposium presented at JPS, St Louis, MO.


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