Alessandrini, Jean

Not To Be Missed |9_2013 | | |

|Abbot, Anthony |About the Murder of a Startled Lady | |

|Alessandrini, Jean |Quadrature du meurtre, Le |Squaring the Murder |

|Alessandrini, Jean |Hecatombe de lunatiques’ |Slaughter of Lunatics |

|Asimov, Isaac |The Caves of Steel | |

|Boca, Gaston |L’Ombre sur le jardin |The Shadow Over the Garden |

|Boca, Gaston |Les Invites de minuit |The Midnight Guests |

|Boileau-Narcejac |D’Entre les morts |Between Deaths |

|Boileau-Narcejac |L’ Invisible agresseur’ |The Invisible Assailant |

|Boileau-Narcejac |…Et mon tout est un homme |My Whole Is a Man |

|Boileau-Narcejac |Au Bois dormant |The Sleeping Wood |

|Boileau-Narcejac |L’Ingenieur aimait tros les chiffres |The Tube* |

|Boucher, Anthony |Nine Times Nine | |

|Bruce, Leo |Three Detectives | |

|Calvez, Helene |Le Diable dans la cuisine |The Devil in the Kitchen |

|Carr, John Dickson |The Case of the Constant Suicides | |

|Carr, John Dickson |The Dead Man’s Knock | |

|Carr, John Dickson |The Night at the Mocking Widow | |

|Carr, John Dickson |The Nine Wrong Answers | |

|Carr, John Dickson |The Problem of the Wire Cage | |

|Christie, Agatha |Curtain | |

|Christie, Agatha |Hercule Poirot’s Christmas | |

|Christie, Agatha |Murder in Mesopotamia | |

|Christie, Agatha |The Pale Horse | |

|Christie, Agatha |Why Didn’t They Ask Evans? | |

|Dickson, Carter |The Curse of the Bronze Lamp | |

|Dickson, Carter |He Wouldn’t Kill Patience | |

|Dickson, Carter |The Punch and Judy Murders | |

|Dickson, Carter |The Third Bullet | |

|Dickson, Carter |The White Priory Murders | |

|Dibdin, Michael |Cabal | |

|Dickinson, Peter |The Poison Oracle | |

|Doherty, Paul |The Darkening Glass | |

|Durling, Ulf |Pour un bout de fromage |For a Piece of Cheese |

|Erre, J.-M. |Le Mystere Sherlock |The Sherlock Mystery |

|Forrest, Richard |A Child’s Garden of Death | |

|Garrett, Randall |Too Many Magicians! | |

|Gensoul, Alexis |L’ Eniigme de Tefaha |The Riddle of Tefaha |

|Gensoul, Alexis |Gribouille est mort |Gribouille Is Dead |

|Green, Alan |What a Body! | |

|Halter, Paul |Le Brouillard rouge |The Crimson Fog* |

|Halter, Paul |La Mort Vous Invite |Death Invites You |

|Halter, Paul |La Mort derriere le rideau |Death Behind the Curtains |

|Halter, Paul |La Chambre du Fou |The Madman’s Room |

|Halter, Paul |La Septieme hypothese |The Seventh Hypothesis* |

|Halter, Paul |Le Diable de Dartmoor |The Demon of Dartmoor* |

|Halter, Paul |Le Roi de desordre, le |The Lord of Misrule |

|Halter, Paul |L’Image trouble |The Blurred Image |

|Halter, Paul |A139 Pas de la Mort |139Steps from Death |

|Halter, Paul |L’ Arbre aux Doigts Tordus |The Tree with the Twisted Fingers |

|Not To Be Missed |9_2013 | |

|Halter, Paul |Le Crime de Dedale |The Crime of Daedalus |

|Halter, Paul |L’ Homme qui aimait les nuages |The Man Who Liked Clouds |

|Halter, Paul |Meurtre dans un Manoir Anglais |Murder in an English Manor |

|Halter, Paul |L’ Allumette sanglante |The Bloody Match |

|Halter, Paul |Le Tigre Borgne |The One-Eyed Tiger |

|Halter, Paul |Lunes assassines |Killer Moons |

|Halter, Paul |La Chambre d’Horus |The Chamber of Horus |

|Halter, Paul |L’ Ancienne Tombe Indienne |The Indian Tomb |

|Harding, Paul |The Nightingale Gallery | |

|Herbert & Wyl |Le Crime derriere la porte |The Crime Behind the Door |

|Kendrick, Baynard |The Iron Spiders | |

|Lanteaume, Marcel |Orage sur la grande semaine |Storm During Festival Week |

|Lanteaume, Marcel |La Treizieme balle |The Thirteenth Bullet |

|Lovell, Mark |Hands Over Mind | |

|Lovesey, Peter |Bloodhounds | |

|McCloy, Helen |Through a Glass Darkly | |

|McDonald, Philip |Rynox | |

|McDonald, Philip |Rope to Spare | |

|Markham, Virgil |The Devil Drives | |

|Masterman, Walter S. |The Border Line | |

|Meroy, Martin |Meurtre en chamber noire |Murder in a Black Room |

|Meroy, Martin |Le Premier de la liste |The First on the List |

|Millar, Kenneth |The Dark Tunnel! | |

|Narcejac, Thomas |L’Assassin de minuit |The Midnight Assassin |

|Nishimura, Kyotaro |Les Dunes de Tottori |The Dunes of Tottori |

|Panchard, Georges |Forteresse |Fortress |

|Penny, Louise |Dead Cold | |

|Periutz, Leo |Le Maitre du jugement dernier |The Master of the Last Judgment |

|Picot, Andre |Le Don de mort |The Gift of Death |

|Pronzini, Bill |Hoodwink | |

|Pronzini, Bill |Scattershot | |

|Pronzini, Bill |Bones | |

|Queen, Ellery |The Chinese Orange Mystery | |

|Queen, Ellery |The Door Between | |

|Queen, Ellery |The King Is Dead | |

|Rawson, Clayton |No Coffin for the Corpse | |

|Reouven, Rene |Les Humeurs fatales |The Deadly Moods |

|Rogers, Joel Townsley |The Hanging Rope | |

|Ronald, James |They Can’t Hang Me! | |

|De Santis, Pablo |Le Cercle des douze |The Circle of Twelve |

|Sayers, Dorothy L. |Have His Carcase | |

|Siniac, Pierre |Sombre soirees chez Madame Glauque |Sombre Evenings Chez Madame Glauque |

|Siniac, Pierre |Mystere en coup de vent |Mystery Blowing in the Wind |

|Siniac, Pierre |Le Mystere de la sombre zone |The Mystery of the Dark Zone |

|Siniac,Pierre |Le Crime du dernier metro |The Crime of the Last Metro |

|Sladek, John |Black Aura | |

|Steeman, S.-A. |L’Infaillible Silas Lord |The Infallible Silas Lord |

|Van Gulik, Robert |The Chinese Maze Murders | |

|Not To Be Missed |9_2013 | |

|Van Gulik, Robert |The Red Pavilion | |

|Very, Pierre |Les Quatre viperes |The Four Vipers |

|Vindry, Noel |La Maison qui tue |The House That Kills |

|Vindry, Noel |La Fuite des morts |The Flight of the Dead |

|Vindry, Noel |Le Piege aux diamants |The Diamond Trap |

|Vindry, Noel |Le Collier de sang |The Bloody Necklace |

|De Warren, Raoul |La Rue du mort-qui-trompe |The Street of the Duplicitous Dead |

|Wilde, Nicholas |Death Knell | |


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