Major/Minor Behavior Definitions

Minor Behavior Definitions

examples and suggestions

| | | Examples of the Behavior | |

|Minor Behavior |Definition |(keep in mind age and developmental level of each student…use your own |Example of possible adult response to the behavior |

| | |judgment) | |

| | | | |

|Inappropriate verbal |Low intensity instance of inappropriate |Name calling |Re-teach expectations |

|language |language (swearing included) |‘stupid’ ‘dummy’ ‘shut-up’ ‘I hate you’ ‘You’re not my friend’ |Give alternative language |

|(minor) | |‘suck’ |Model empathy / how does the other person feel? |

| | |Mumbling, talking under breath |Time out / conference / reflection letter |

| | |Swear words (could include cursing or sounds like words meant as curse |Model and expect sincere apology |

| | |words, also cursing mistakenly) |Reinforce positive behavior: “I like the way most of you are______” |

| | |‘yo-mamma’ jokes and comments | |

| | |Tattling | |

| | |Hand signals (middle finger, trying to emulate gang signs, etc) (age | |

| | |appropriate) | |

| | |Put downs | |

| | |Sexual innuendos (age appropriate) | |

| | | | |

|Physical contact |Non-serious, but inappropriate physical |Bumping into each other intentionally |Re-teach expectations |

|(minor) |contact |Pushing in line |Send to back of the line |

| | |Poking under table/desk |Use/structure physical barriers (also move a child) |

| | |Hair pulling |Time out/ reflection or conference with student |

| | |Accidental spitting |Social stories about proximity |

| | |Breaking in line |Reinforce those not pushing/touching |

| | |Elbowing |“Check your personal space” |

| | |Tapping |“Leave belly space” |

| | |Touching other’s property |Reinforce positive behavior: “I like the way most of you are______” |

| | |Minor horseplay | |

| | |Accidental tripping | |

| | |Patting | |

| | | | |

|Defiance/ disrespect/ |Brief or low-intensity failure to respond to|Not doing as asked |Re-teach expectations |

|non-compliance |adult requests |Ignoring the teacher |Repeat request in calm voice, simple language, with minimal reaction |

|(minor) | |Sitting and quiet but not working |Verbal praise to students who are compliant. |

| | |Saying “no” |Time out / reflection / conference with student |

| | |Talking while others are talking |Calming space / rules posted on desk |

| | |Talking back |Have student give directions to class |

| | |Rolling eyes |Planned ignoring / move on and reward later. |

| | |Mumble under breath |Choice: now or during free time. |

| | |Avoidance of task (playing in the bathroom, unprepared for class, not |Reinforce positive behavior: “I like the way most of you are______” |

| | |using time wisely, lack of motivation) |Incentive behavior chart with 1 or 2 specific goals |

| | |Running in hallways |Send with a buddy |

| | |Lying |List of rules posted at desk (words or pictures) |

| | | | |

|Property misuse |Low-intensity misuse of property |Touching others things on desk, computer, etc., without permission |Re-teach expectations |

|(minor) | |Using computer mouse inappropriately |Restitution: wipe up area, pick up materials, write apology note to |

| | |Write on desk, wall, floor, books, etc. |classmate or teacher, note home re: replace materials |

| | |Throwing crayons, pencils, pens, glue, paper, etc. (without intent to |Remove materials from table |

| | |injure) |Time out/ conference |

| | |Marking/tearing other student’s papers. |Reinforce positive behavior: “I like the way most of you are______” |

| | |Using scissors to cut items other than paper. | |

| | |Break pencils, crayons, supplies | |

| | |Touching pictures in hall | |

| | |Messing up the bathroom | |

| | |Minor defacing of school property or property of others | |

| | | | |

|Disruption |Low-intensity, but inappropriate disruption |Talking out of turn, without raising hand |Re-teach expectations / conference / role play expectations |

|(minor) | |Talking during quiet work times |Time out/ reflection or conference with student |

| | |Calling out |Reinforce those not pushing/touching |

| | |Making noises: humming, tapping, clucking, singing, belching |Move to another location / quiet area |

| | |Movement: falling out of chair, running, throwing objects, playing with |“You-Me” tally game (t chart, tallies under ‘you’ for appropriate |

| | |materials, touching walls, hitting walls, |behavior, tallies under ‘me’ for disruptive behavior. |

| | |Rolling on floor, crawling around | |

| | |Sitting inappropriately | |

| | |Throwing objects | |

| | |Yelling in hallways or classrooms | |

| | |Out of seat | |

| | |Attention seeking behavior (ex. crying) | |

| | |Inappropriate websites |Re-teach expectations |

|Technology Violation |Misuse of any technology |Inappropriately using equipment |Time out/ reflection or conference with student |

| | |Using equipment without authorized permission |Reinforce those using technology appropriately |

| | |Not following Acceptable Use Policy procedures (in student handbook) |Lose privileges in using technology equipment |

| | |Using inappropriate language on computer programs | |

| | |Using inappropriate pictures | |

| | |Changing computer layouts (wallpaper, background, desktop items, etc.) | |

| | |Cyberbullying | |


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