Normas editoriales

International Congress of women in the Ancient Mediterranean: gender, power and representationThe congress will be published in the “CEPOAT Monografías?? series, without explicit references to the congress. The deadline and nonextendable term for acceptance of originals is the 10th of April 2016, although its delivery is recommended before the end of March. During April, the originals will be revised. The accepted papers will be part of the body of the monograph which will be sent for evaluation in early May. The revised papers will be sent to their authors, as to have time to make corrections until June 15, when they will be delivered for printing. The final printed monograph is due to be ready by the end of July. Once published, upon the expiration of one year, the monograph will be uploaded to the web of CEPOAT for a wider broadcasting.EDITORIAL GUIDELINES1. The text will be preceded by a sheet with the title, author data (name, institution, address, phone, email, academical situation). Each original shall be accompanied by the translation of the title to English, by a summary and key words in Spanish, with the respective Summary and Key Words in English. If your text is not translated to Spanish, at least the keywords and the summary should be in both languages. Keywords should not include the terms used in the title.2. The author must send a version of the final paper in a virtual way, preferably in MS Word for Windows and PDF, images included.3. The text should not exceed 15 pages, (extra sheets and bibliography included). The paper should have the following paragraph alignments: top and bottom margins 2 cm, and left and right margins 2, 5 cm. The font used should be Times New Roman, size 12, one space, with justified text box. The beginning of each paragraph will be placed at 1.25 cm. Unless the logical separation between different sections, there should not be blank lines left between paragraphs. Under no circumstances you are allowed to use bold letters.4. The author must respect the exact hierarchical sorting of the various headings (epigraphs), numbering them either by Roman numerals and Arabic, and even without numbering.5. When quoting in the text or in footnotes, quote marks must be used, avoiding italics. Italic is only accepted for naming places, or names in Latin or Greek. In this case it is better spelling with "v" instead of "u" for both small letters and capital letters (conventus is better than conuentus).6. As for the quotation system, the American system of quotation should be used in the text, with the author name in small letters and no comma between author and year (last name or surname of the author, year, pages). If the authors are two include the conjunction "and" between the two. If there are multiple authors, you should indicate the surname of the first followed by et alii.7. A complete bibliography must be included at the end of the paper. In the final bibliography, monographs titles will go in cursive, while the titles of the articles must be placed between quotation marks. The names of the authors must be listed alphabetically by last name, with normal letter format (not italic) followed by the publication year and 2 points ('':''). If the authors are two, they will be joined by the conjunction "and". If there are several authors, their names will come separated by commas, introducing the word "and" between the last two. In the event that the same author has several works, they must be sorted by publication date, oldest to newest. If in the same year concur two or more works by the same author, they will be signalized with small letters (a, b, c ...). In the case of monographs, place of publication must be indicated and quoted as in the original edition (London, rather than Londres), separated from the title of the work by a comma. In the case of articles or contributions that belong to a major work or monography, they will be indicated at the end of the relevant pages, also separated by commas. The names of journals are included unabbreviated. References to online consultations (Internet) shall be indicated with the web address and in brackets the date in which the consult was made.The footnotes must always be in Times New Roman 10, used only for clarification or general references.Examples of quotations in the final bibliography:Monographs:Ceán Bermúdez, J. A. 1832: Sumario de las antigüedades que hay en Espa?a en especial las pertenecientes a las Bellas Artes, Madrid.Journal articles:García y Bellido, A. 1976: “El ejército romano en Hispania”, Archivo Espa?ol deArqueología 49, 59-101.Conference contribution and combined works:Noguera Celdrán, J. M. 2000: “Una aproximación a los programas decorativosde las villae béticas. El conjunto escultórico de El Ruedo (Almedinilla,Córdoba)”, P. León y T. Nogales (coords.), Actas III Reunión sobre EsculturaRomana en Hispania, Madrid, 111-147Jobs within a monographic series:Alf?ldy, G. 1973: Flamines Provinciae Hispaniae Citerioris, Anejos ArchivoEspa?ol de Arqueología VI, Madrid.Ancient texts:They are as it follows: author (or its abbreviation, round in both cases) + comma + work (or its abbreviation, italic anyway) + tome or book (in Roman numerals) + chapter and paragraph (Arabic numerals separated per point), as in the following examples:Hom., Od. I 21 Caes., Gall. VII 51.1 Note that:a) You can omit the author's name, when not needed, when references to the tome or book don't fall in this particular case.b) In between the author and work there is a comma, not between Roman and Arabic numerals.c) The points inbetween Arabic numerals indicate subparagraph; comma, double reference: Ex .: Od. I 21, 27 mean a reference to verses 21 and 27; Gall. VII 51.1, 3, to subparagraphs 1 and 3.d) The same numbering system is used in references to inscriptions and papyri in the collection in which they belong.Acronyms and abbreviations.Acronyms and bibliographical abbreviations used will be based on models of the following publications for different cultural areas:-Ancient Egypt: Lexikon der ?gyptologie.-Greco-Roman World: L?Année Philologique.-Ancient Near East: Reallexikon der Assyriologie.-Iberian Peninsula: Archivo Espa?ol de Arqueología.For epigraphic and numismatic documents, abbreviations will be used that are conventionally accepted in corpora. Example: CIL VIII 22,770th = ILS 8918.Transliterations and other writings:Transliterations and other writings used shall use the following fonts:-Egipcio: Transliteration italic (Glyph_i).-Greek: UNICODE-Languages Semitic: Times New Roman Altorientalisch (Times New Roman AO).-Russian And Slavic languages: Cyrillic Word.8. All the graphic documentation is considered Figure (either photos, maps, plans, charts or tables), correlatively sorted. It must be indicated in the text the place where you want to include the reference (Fig. 1), and so on. It should also include a list of the plates with the corresponding feet at the end of each article. The graphic documentation must be of quality, so its reduction will not prevent from the correct identificacion of the figure. The drawings musn't come framed as to gain space when expanding them. All graphical documentation is published in black and white; However, if you send a color image, it will be published in color in the digital version once it's published. Drawings, blueprints and any type of registration must be accompanied by a graphic scale, and optionally photographs. Plates should be sent in digital format, preferably TIFF format or JPEG format with at least 300 DPI resolution and with a size of 16x10 cm.ACCEPTANCEAll texts will be revised and accepted or rejected by the editorial board of Cepoat and the organizing committee of the Congress, and subsequently revised by two external evaluators that won't be linked to Cepoat or the University of Murcia, and, in the end, accepted and approved by the final editorial board.Corrections and final text1. Once the text is accepted, the Editorial Board may suggest corrections to the original and its graphical content, according to editing rules and assessments. In this case the Editorial Board will communicate the acceptance or rejection of the original within a period of one month from the delivery deadline (10.04.2016).2. The definitive text must be submitted carefully corrected, fixed and homologated with the editing rules above presented as to prevent changes in the first tests. The text, including abstracts, keywords, references, and figure captions, will be delivered on CD as well as the digitalized graphics, accompanied by a printout that will include the plates suggesting their size and how they should be played. The final text can also be sent via email.3. The authors will be able to correct the first tests, although no substantial changes will be permitted in the text.Varia1. Delivery of the final tome: authors will receive, for free, a copy of the volume in which they have participated and their article in PDF version.2. Return of originals: original works won't be returned unless the author especifically desires otherwise.3. Rights: the publication of the monographies of Cepoat doesn't give any kind of paid rights; the editing and publication rights belong to Cepoat. The author will be responsible of the property and intelectual rights of its text and plates. ................

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