PO Box 3201 - California State University, Fresno

Miguel A. Perez, Ph.D., MCHESPO Box 3201Clovis, ca 93613mperez@EducationDoctorate of PhilosophyThe Pennsylvania State University1994Dissertation: An assessment of HIV/AIDS risk factors among Pennsylvania's Hispanic/Latino Farmworkers.Master of ScienceThe Pennsylvania State University1993Thesis: Migrant adolescents: Knowledge and attitudes regarding HIV/AIDSB.A Research in Mental Health (Honors)California State University, Dominguez Hills1991PublicationsBooksPérez, M.A., Pinzon-Perez, H.L., & Alonso, L.M. (2007). Promoción de la Salud: Conceptos y Aplicaciones. [Health Promotion: Concepts and Applications]. Barranquilla, Colombia: Ediciones Uninorte.Edited BooksPinzon-Perez, H. & Pérez, M.A. (Editors). (2016). Complementary, Alternative and Integrative Health: A Multicultural Perspective. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.Pérez, M.A., & Luquis, R. (Editors). (2014). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.Pérez, M.A., & Luquis, R. (Editors). (2008). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.Publications: Book ChaptersPinzon-Perez, H., Perez, M.A., & Luquis, R. (2016). Complementary, alternative, and integrative Health: Beyond the paradigm of CAM. In H. Pinzon-Perez and M.A. Perez (Eds). Complementary, Alternative and Integrative Health: A Multicultural Perspective (pp.323-350). San Francisco, CA: Wiley.Luquis R.R., & Pérez, M.A. (2014). Cultural competency and health education: A window of opportunity. In M.A. Perez and R.R. Luquis (Eds). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion (pp. 293-310). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.Pérez, M.A. (2014). Foundations for health literacy and culturally appropriate health education programs. In M.A. Perez and R.R. Luquis (Eds). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion (pp. 217-240). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.Zografos, K. & Pérez, M.A. (2014). Health disparities and social determinants of health: Implications for health education. In M.A. Perez and R.R. Luquis (Eds). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion (pp. 59-86). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.Pérez, M.A. & Luquis, R.R. (2014). Implications of changing US demographics for health educators. In M.A. Perez and R.R. Luquis (Eds). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion (pp. 1-21). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.Pérez, M.A. (2013). Community health and minorities. In J.F. McKenzie and R.R. Pinger (Eds). An Introduction to community health – (Brief Edition, pp. 183-199). Burlington, MA: Jones & Barlett Learning.Luquis, R.R., & Pérez, M.A. (2008). Cultural competence and health education: Challenges and opportunities for the twenty-first century. In M.A. Perez and R.R. Luquis (Eds). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion (pp. 231-242). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.Aguilera, C., Dailey, W., & Pérez, M.A. (2008). Aging and health education: Partners for learning. In M.A. Perez and R.R. Luquis (Eds). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion (pp. 201-210). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.Pérez, M.A. (2008). Strategies, practices, and models for delivering culturally competent health education programs. In M.A. Perez and R.R. Luquis (Eds). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion (pp. 183-197). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.Pérez, M.A., & Luquis, R. R. (2008). Changing US demographics: Challenges and opportunities for health educators. In M.A. Perez and R.R. Luquis (Eds). Cultural Competence in Health Education and Health Promotion (pp. 1-19). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishers.Pérez, M.A., & Pinzon-Pérez, H.L. (2004). Sexual health issues among US Latinos. In R.T. Francoeur and J. Noonan (Eds). International Encyclopedia of Sexuality (pp. 1154-1160). New York: The Continuum International Publishing Group Inc.Pérez, M.A. (2000). La violencia entre los jóvenes Colombianos: Un reto para la bioética moderna [Violence among Colombian youth: A challenge for modern bioethics] In J. Triana (Ed). Bioética y calidad de vida (163-174). Bogotá, Colombia: Ediciones El Bosque.Pérez, M.A., & Pinzón, H.L. (1998). Latino perspectives on sexuality. In P.B. Koch & D. Weiss, (Eds.), Sexuality in America (pp. 49-62). Tennessee: Continuum Press.Pérez, M.A., & Pinzón, H.L. (1997). Latino perspectives on sexuality. In D. Weiss & P. B. Koch (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Sexuality (pp. 1423-1436). Tennessee: Continuum Press.Pérez, M.A., & Fennelly, K. (1996). Risk factors for HIV and AIDS among Latino farmworkers in Pennsylvania. In S. Mishra, P.F. Conner, & R.F. Maga?a (Eds.), AIDS crossing borders: The spread of HIV among migrant Latinos (pp. 137-155). Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Publications: Peer Reviewed ArticlesArboleda, J. Pérez, M.A.. Gonzalez, A., & Pérez, A. (2015). Analisis comparativo del bajo peso al nacer entre madres adolescentes y mujeres adultas que alumbraron en el Hospital Regional Antonio Musa en el periodo 2008 – 2011. Revista Dominicana de Investigacion para la Salud, 1(1): 22-36.Rios-Garcia, A.L., Alonso-Palacio, L.M., Erazo-Coronado, A.M., & Pérez, M.A. (2015). Food security overview: The Colombian Experience. Salud Uninorte, 31(1): 181-189.Silva, G., Arboleda, J., Luquis, R., Pérez, M.A., Corvala, A., & Gonzalez Diaz, E.S. (2015). Health behaviors among first year college students in a private university in the Dominican Republic. Global Journal of Health Education and Promotion, 16(2): 32-50.Pérez, M.A., Fortune, D., & Luqis, R. (2015). Global health: Chartering a new mission for health education specialists. Global Journal of Health Education and Promotion, 16(1): 76-84.Luquis, R., Brelsford, G., & Pérez, M.A. (2015). Exploring Latino college students’ sexual behaviors in relation to their sexual attitudes, religiosity, and spirituality. Journal of Religion and Health, 54: 1345-1357. DOI: 10.1007/s10943-014-9929.9.Pérez, M.A., & Luquis, R. (2012). Getting to know US Latinos: A step toward cultural competence. California Journal of Health Promotion. . Cisneros, R., Schweizer, D., Zhong, S., Hammond, K., Pérez, M.A., Guo, Q., Traina, S., Bytnerowicz, A., Bennett, D. (2012). Analyzing the effects of the 2002 McNally fire on air quality in the San Joaquin Valley and southern Sierra Nevada, California. International Journal of Wildland Fire. , L., & Pérez, M.A. (2011). Preparing for an Influenza Pandemic: Policy Implications for Rural Latino Populations. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 22:58-71.Pinzon-Perez, H.L., Kotkin-Jaszi, S., Pérez, M.A. (2010). Childhood Diabesity: International Applications for Health Education and Health Policy. International Electronic Journal of Health Education, 13:125-134.Aguilera, C., Pérez, M.A., and Alonso, L.A. (2010). Readability of diabetes education materials: Implications for reaching patients with written materials. SaludUninorte, 26(1): 12-26.Pérez, M.A., & Thao, C. (2009). Understanding Barriers to Prevention of ntshav qab zib / nsthaav qaab zib: A Hmong Perspective. Hmong Studies Journal, 10: 1-23.Alonso Palacio, L.M., Pérez, M.A., Alcala, G., Lubo Gonzalez, A., & Consuegra, A. (2008). Comportamientos de riesgo para la salud en estudiantes Colombianos recién ingresados a una Universidad privada en Barranquilla (Colombia). [An assessment of health risk behaviors among first year college students at a private university in Barranquilla (Colombia)]. Revista SaludUninorte, 24(2): 235-247.Zarate, G., & Pérez, M.A. (2007). Factores Sociales como Mediadores de la Salud Pública [Social Factors as Mediators of Public Health]. Revista SaludUninorte, 23(2): 193-203Pérez, M.A., & Cha, K. (2007). Diabetes knowledge, beliefs, and treatments in the Hmong population: An exploratory Study. Hmong Studies Journal, 8: 1-21.Cisneros, R., & Pérez, M.A. (2007). A comparison of ozone exposure in Fresno and Shaver Lake California. Journal of Environmental Health, 69(7): 38-44.Luquis, R.R., & Pérez, M.A. (2006). Cultural competence among school health educators. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 13(4): 217-222.Pérez, M.A., Moua, L.J., & Pinzon-Perez, H.L. (2006). Food preparation, practices, and safety in the Hmong community. Hmong Studies Journal, 7: 1-24.Luquis, R., Pérez, M.A., & Young K. (2006). Cultural competence development inhealth education professional preparation programs. ?American Journal of HealthEducation, 37(4): 233-241.Pérez, M.A., & Pinzon-Perez, H. (2006). Uso del tabaco entre los jóvenes colombianos: Retos para los profesionales en salud pública. [Tobacco use among Colombian youth: Challenges for public health professionals]. Salud Uninorte, 21: 66-75.Pérez, M.A., Gonzalez, A., & Pinzon-Perez, H.L. (2006). Cultural competence in health care systems: A case study. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 4(1): 102-108.Nsuangani, N.M., & Pérez, M.A. (2006). Accessing web-based health related information by college students: An exploratory study. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 4(1): 64-74.Luquis, R., & Pérez, M.A. (2005). Health educators and cultural competence: Implications for the profession. American Journal of Health Studies, 20(3): 156-163.Pinzon-Perez, H.L., & Pérez, M.A. (2005). Changes in students’ knowledge, attitudes, and skills in a service learning community health course. The Journal for Civic Commitment Issue 6. Available online at , H.L., Pérez, M.A., Torres, V., & Krenz, V. (2005). A qualitative study of cervical cancer Screening among Latinas living in a rural area of California: Lessons for health educators. American Journal of Health Education, 36(4):228-236.Pinzon-Perez, H., Moua, N., & Pérez, M.A. (2005) Understanding satisfaction with Shamanic practices among the Hmong in rural California. The International Electronic Journal of Health Education. Volume 8:18-23. Available at iejhe. Alonso, L.M., Pérez, M.A., Arias, C., Figueroa, N., Gamarra, C., Martinez, A., Sanchez, L., & Toscano, A. (2004). Caracteristicas biopsicosociales y frequencia de relaciones sexuales de las embarazadas en la ESE Prudencio Padilla Clinica Sur: Barranquilla, Colombia [Demographic characteristics and sexual activity frequency among pregnant women obtaining medical services at the Prudencio Padilla Managed Care Clinic in South Barranquilla, Colombia]. Salud Uninorte 18:8-19.Pérez, M.A., Luquis, R., & Allison, L. (2004). Instrument development for measuring teacher’s attitudes and comfort in teaching human sexuality. American Journal of Health Education, 35(1): 24-29.Luquis, R., & Pérez, M.A. (2003). Achieving cultural competence: The challenges for health educators. American Journal of Health Education, 34(3): 131-137.Krenz, V., Pinzon-Pérez, H.L., Krenz, E., Pérez, M.A., & Haugan, P. (2003). Barriers to pap smears among Latina MediCal enrollees using GIS. On-line publication. Available at: . Pérez, M.A., Pinzon-Perez, H.L., & Sowby, S. (2002). The role of health educators in dealing with biological threats in the United States. American Journal of Health Education, 33(4): 216-224.Pérez, M.A., & Pinzon-Pérez, H.L. (2002). Risk behaviors related to safety and violence among Colombian high school students. Journal of the International Council for Health. Physical Education, Recreations, Sport, and Dance, 38(1): 50-54.Pinzón-Pérez, H.L., & Pérez, M.A. (2001). A study of suicide related behaviors among Colombian youth: Reflections and implications for health education. American Journal of Health Education, 32(5), 288-292.Pérez, M.A., & Pinzón-Pérez, H.L. (2000). Alcohol, tobacco, and other psychoactive drugs use among high school students in Bogotá, Colombia. Journal of School Health, 70(9), 377-380.Bungum, T., Melgar, D., Jackson, A., & Pérez, M.A. (2000). The association of maternal aerobic exercise with type of delivery in nulliparas. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 29(3), 268-274.Pinzón-Pérez, H.L., & Pérez, M.A. (2000). Advocacy groups for Hispanic/Latino health issues. The Health Education Monograph, 17(2), 29-31.Pérez, M.A., Weiller, K., Morrow, J.R., Martin, S., Caldwell, P., & Jackson, A. (1999). Project PEAK: Physical Education and Activity for Kids. Strategies, 13(1) 13-16.Pérez, M.A., & Pinzón, H.L. (1999). The health tree: A needs assessment tool for Hispanic groups. Journal of Health Education, 30(3), 186-187.Chng, C.L., Ding, J., & Pérez, M.A. (1998). Validation of the East Asian student stress inventory (EASSI). American Journal of Health Behavior, 14(3), 153-160.Pérez, M.A., Pinzón, H.L., & Luquis R. (1998). Focus groups among Latino farm worker populations: Guidelines for implementation. Migration World, 26(3), 19-23.Pérez, M.A., Garza, R., & Pinzón, H.L. (1998). Northern California Hispanic migrant farm workers health status: A case study. Migration World, 26(1-2), 17-23.Kitchens-Lyda, K., Pérez, M.A., & Chng, C.L. (1998). Cardiorespiratory resuscitation training among individuals aged 60 and above. American Journal of Health Behavior, 22(1), 54-61.Pérez, M.A., & Pinzón, H.L. (1997). Sexual communication patterns among Latino adolescent farm workers: A case study. American Journal of Health Studies, 13(2), 74-83.Pinzón, H.L., & Pérez, M.A. (1997). Multicultural issues in health education programs for Hispanic/Latino populations in the US. Journal of Health Education, 28(5), 314-316.Valerius, L., Hodges, J.S., & Pérez, M.A. (1997). Cultural tunnel syndrome: A disabling condition. Parks and Recreation, 32(5), 60-67.Pérez, M.A, Pinzón, H.L., & Garza, R. (1997). Latino families: Partners for success in school settings. Journal of School Health, 67(5), 182-184.Lyda, K.K., Pérez, M.A., Chng, C.L., & Bungum, T. (1997). CPR training implications for Texas older adults. The Texas Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Journal, 65(2), 21-23.Published ReportsPinzon-Perez, H., & Pérez, M.A. (2012). H.E.L.P. Harvesting Empowerment of Learning Partners: Bridging the Gap Between Health Care Systems and Communities throughCommunity Health Workers. Fresno, CA: California State University, Fresno. Pérez, M.A. (2012). Advancing health for All. Fresno, CA: California State University, Fresno.Pérez, M.A. (2002). Reaching Latinas with Pap Smear information: A report from the field. Fresno, CA: Department of Health Science. California State University, Fresno.Pérez, M.A. (2001). Central California Public Health Partnership’s Needs Assessment. Fresno, CA: Central California Center for Health and Human Services. California State University, Fresno.Pérez, M.A. (2001). Exploring public health opportunities in Ciudad Guzman, Mexico. Fresno, CA: Department of Health Science. California State University, Fresno.Pérez, M.A. (2000). American Grantee Report. Bogotá, Colombia: Comisión Para el Intercambio Academico (Fulbright Commission).Pérez, M.A. (2000). Jóvenes Colombianos y el uso de sustancias psicoactivas [Colombian youth and psychoactive drug use]. Bogotá, Colombia. Centro de Investigación y Educación en Salud, Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá. MonographsPérez, M.A., Cuellar, B. (2009). Town and gown collaboration: A practical perspective. Fresno, CA: Department of Public Health.Sutton, P., Rondero Hernandez, V., Pérez, M.A. & Curtis, K. (2004, April). Children in jeopardy: A source book for community action. Fresno, CA: Central California Center for Health and Human Services.Pérez, M.A., & Curtis, K. (2003, October). Healthy People 2010: A 2003 profile of health status in the Central San Joaquin Valley. Fresno, CA: Central California Center for Health and Human Services. Non-refereed publicationsPérez, M.A. (2004). The globalization of health: the role of health promotion and disease prevention (pp.139-146). The trilateral conference on quality of life: Impact on society, environment, and education in Asia Pacific and the United States. Conference Proceedings. Pérez, M.A., Acosta Deprez, V., Pinzon-Perez, H., & Forouzesh, M.R. (2001). Celebrating diversity in AAHE: The Multicultural Involvement Committee. HExtra, 26(4), 1, 6.Pérez, M.A., & Pinzón-Pérez, H.L. (1999). Protecting yourself from skin cancer. (Bilingual publication in) Latino Monthly, 1(6), 22-23, 31.Pérez, M.A., & Pinzón-Pérez, H.L. (1999). ?Quieres otro tamalito? (Bilingual publication in) Latino Monthly, 1(4), 23-24.Pérez, M.A. (1997). Selected findings from a student needs assessment. Eagle’s Health, 1(2), 2.Pérez, M.A. (1996). Health resources in a high-tech world. Eagle’s Health, 1(1), 2.TranslationsPinzon-Perez, H.L., & Pérez, M.A. (2002). El Jardín Silencioso: Criando a su hijo sordo [The Silent Garden. Raising your Deaf Child]. Author: Paul Ogden. Hillsboro, Oregon: Butte Publications Inc. ExperienceCalifornia State University, FresnoSeptember 1999 – presentProfessor and Internship Coordinator and Undergraduate Curriculum Coordinator Department of Public Health. (08/14 – present).Coordinate undergraduate curriculum and oversee accreditation process.Oversee internships and responsible for development of new opportunities.Teaching responsibilities conmesurate with rank and experience.Chair, Department of Public Health (08/08 – 05/14)Responsible for operations of three academic units within a single department, including supervision of over 20 full and part-time faculty members.Managed a tight Budget without sacrificing quality in programming during several years of severe Budget cuts.Implemented Curriculum Development Project.Implemented electronic communication systems and record keeping.Enhanced community involvement.Expanded student development activities as part of graduation and retention activities.Developed continuing education opportunities for public health professionals.Developed and delivered a new mentoring program for part-time faculty members.Streamlined operations and restructured course scheduling and offerings.Provided oversight, training, and consultation to department on assessment and accreditation activities.Restructured faculty appointment to graduate programProfessor of Health Science (08/08 – present)Taught full academic load in the areas of health promotion, human sexuality, and rural health.Developed and implemented an active research program in the areas of international health issues.Developed and taught a variety of health science classes using different modalities including online courses.Founded and continued to administer a department based internationally focused service-learning programAssociate Professor of Health Science (08/03 – 08/08)Taught full academic load in the areas of health promotion, human sexuality, and rural health.Developed and implemented an active research program in the areas of international health issues.Developed and taught online courses.Director, Master of Public Health Program (01/06 – 05/08)Developed and implemented policies and procedures for the program.Coordinated curriculum development and implementation.Implemented professional development opportunities.Developedment and implementation of guidelines set by accrediting body.Coordinated the CEPH re-certification process for the Master of Public Health program.Directed student puterized record keeping for the program.Developed marketing plan.Developed student outcomes assessment plan.Developed and implemented computerized test taking for culminating activitiesRevised curriculum and developed new graduate courses.Director, Central California Public Health Training Academy (05/03 – 01/05)Planned, budgeted, and supervised training engagements in a six county region.Served government contractors and other commercial customers.Coordinated grant development for prevention activities.Coordinated large regional health conferences.Assistant Professor of Health Science (09/99 – 08/03)Taught full academic load in the areas of health promotion, human sexuality, and health administration.Chaired thesis and project for MPH students.University of North Texas, Denton, TexasSeptember 1994 – August 1999Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion, and RecreationTaught full academic load in the areas of health promotion, stress management, and health care administration.Established chapter of Eta Sigma Gamma on campus.Developed inter-disciplinary research and service activities and projects.Served as consultant on STDs education to the Student Health Center.Chaired several graduate student thesis committees.ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE/TrainingProfesor Honorario. Universidad Central del Este. (05/13 – present). San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic. Lecture in a variety of health education and promotion topicsResearch line regarding sexuality and adolescent risk behaviorsManagement Development Program. (2008) Harvard Graduate School of Education. Boston, MA.Department Leadership Workshop. (2007) American Council on Education. San Diego, CA.Health Policy Leadership. (005-2006). Central Valley Health Policy Institute. Fresno, CA. CONTINUING EDUCATIONPrevention and the ACA: New Roles and Responsibilities. California State University, FresnoMarch 2014Integrating Emergency Management Education into your Institution. Emergency Management Institute. US Department of Homeland Security.January 2014Searching the Literature of Health Services Research. National Library of Medicine. National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology.July 2011Select Players in Health Services Research. National Library of Medicine. National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology.July 2011What is Health Services Research? National Library of Medicine. National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology.July 2011The Librarian’s Role in Health Services Search. National Library of Medicine. National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology.July 2011Basic Components of a study. National Library of Medicine. National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology.July 2011Unified Health Communication. Health Resources and Services Administration.March 2009Health Literacy: Teaching clear communication in geriatrics and gerontology. California Geriatric Education Center. January 2009Higher Education Leadership Academy. Western Athletic Conference Academic Alliance. San Jose, CA.June 2005Wading through the Data Swamp: Program Evaluation 201. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services AdministrationFall 2005The ABCs of Bullying. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.Fall 2005Childhood Obesity. University of Albany School of Public Health.Fall 2004Smallpox: What every clinician should know. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Fall 2003Public health data: Our silent partner. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Fall 2003HACU-DHHS Professions Capacity Building Program. Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. San Antonio, TX.2003 – 2004CERTiFICATIONSMaster Health Education Specialist. MCHES #6953.2010 – presentCertified Grants Writing Specialist.Fall 2008 - presentCertified Health Education Specialist. CHES #6953.1998 – 2010FULBRIGHT GRANTSFulbright Senior Scholar. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Hereida. Lima, PeruProjectedMay 2016 – July 2016Fulbright Senior Specialist. Universidad de Norte (Uninorte). Barranquilla, Colombia.Conducted sexuality training for 40 health care professionals.Conducted research related to college students health risk behaviors utilizing a modified version of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey.Assisted in the development of a Master of Public Health program.July 3, 2006 – July 23, 2006Fulbright Senior Specialist. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Conducted research related to HIV knowledge and attitudes among females attending an integrated university in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.Developed a web-based HIV prevention program for female college students.April 20, 2005 – May 9, 2005Fulbright Senior Scholar. Universidad El Bosque and Fundacion Santa Fe de Bogota. Bogota, Colombia. Conducted data analysis on a national drug use survey sponsored by the Colombian government and the US AID.Conducted health promotion seminars among college students.Served as a resource person for health promotion and disease prevention activities for local governments.August 2000 - January 2001International abstracts and papersPinzon-Perez, H., & Pérez, M.A. (2013). The Health promotion and nursing profesions: The Newgate Model for Equity in Health. Pattaya, Thailand. (Refereed).2013Silva, M.G., Arboleda, J., Perez, M.A., Corvalan, A.K., Gonzalez-Diaz, E. Factores de riesgo entre los estudiantes de primer ano en una universidad privada en la Republica Dominicana. [Behavioral risk factors among first year students at a private university in the Dominican Republic.] Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. (Refereed). 2013Pérez, M.A. Integrating primary prevention to medical education. Presentation to Medical Residents. Universidad Central Del Este Medical Center, School of Medicine. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. (Invited).2012Pérez, M.A. International Faculty and Professional Development Exchange Programs: Expanding Educational Opportunities. Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. (Refereed).2010Alonso, L. M., & Pérez, M.A. Caracteristicas biopsicosociales y frequencia de relaciones sexuales de las embarazadas en la ESE Prudencio Padilla Clinica Sur: Barranquilla, Colombia. [Demographic characteristics and sexual activity frequency among pregnant woment obtaining medical services at the Prudencio Padilla Managed Care Clinic in South Barranquilla, Colombia]. Primer Congreso Regional de Salud Publica. Barranquilla, Colombia. (Refereed).2005Pérez, M.A. Health education: Theories and practices. Paper presented as part of the Fulbright Senior Specialist Program. Port Elizabeth, South Africa. (Invited).2005Pérez, M.A. El uso de tabaco y la juventud Mexicana [Tobacco use and Mexican youth]. Primera Conferencia Binacional de Promoción de Salud. Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco, Mexico. (Invited).2001Pinzón-Pérez, H.L., & Pérez, M.A. Safety and violence behaviors among high school students in Bogotá, Colombia. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Conference of Health Educators. XVII World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education. Paris, France. (Refereed).2001Pérez, M.A. Consumo de tabaco, estrategias de promoción y prevención [Tobacco use: Stategies for Prevention and Health Promotion]. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Community Health Division. Bogotá, Colombia. (Invited).2000Pérez, M.A. La violencia y la seguridad entre los jóvenes Colombianos: Un reto para la bioética moderna [Violence and safety among Colombian adolescents: A challenge for modern bioethics]. Paper presented at the VI annual bioethics conference. Bogotá, Colombia. (Invited).2000Pérez, M.A. El problema de los indicadores de la calidad de vida [The problem with variables used to measure quality of life]. Paper presented at the VI annual bioethics conference. Bogotá, Colombia. (Invited).2000Pérez, M.A., & Pinzón-Pérez, H.L. An investigation of health behaviors among Salvadoran adolescents. Paper presented at the Hispanic Congress of Health Related Professions and Winter Meeting of the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions. San Juan, Puerto Rico. (Refereed).1999Pinzón-Pérez, H.L., Pérez, M.A., Olsen, L., & Mahoney, B. Health related risk behaviors among high-school students from Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia. Paper presented at the XVI World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education. London, England. (Refereed).1998national abstracts and papersRedican, K., Pérez, M.A., Edmonds, E., Lysoby, L., & Opp, L. (2016). Curricula mapping with the Updated Health Education Specialists Practice Analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Public Health Education. Charlotte, NC. (Refereed).Redican, K., Pérez, M.A., & Edmondson, E. (2015). Curricula alignment with the Updated Health Education Specialists Practice Analysis Results. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. Chicago, IL. (Refereed).Perez, M.A. (2015). Publish or Perrish. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Public Health Education. Portland, OR. (Refereed).Ding, K., Birch, D.A., Ford-Wade, A., Johnson, C., M’Cormack, F., Perez, M.A., Holt., A., Lindstadt, A., & Smith, B. (2011, March). Faculty Diversity in Health Education Professional Preparation Programs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. San Diego, California. (Refereed).Kotkin-Jaszi, S., Pérez, M.A., Krenz, V. (2010, September). From the inside out: Strategies to increase Hispanic Health Professionals. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Hispanic Colleges and Universities. San Diego, CA. (Refereed).Luquis, R., & Pérez, M.A. (2007, November). Cultural competency in the public health workforce. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Public Health Educators. Arlington, VA. (Refereed).Pérez, M.A. (2007, June). Academia Professional partnerships: Key to creating a diverse competent work force. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the SOPHE and Directors of Public Health Education. Seattle, Washington. (Invited).Luquis, R., & Pérez, M.A. (2007, March). Developing culturally and linguistically appropriate health education programs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Baltimore, Maryland. (Refereed).Luquis, R., Pérez, M.A., & Young, K. (2006, April). Cultural competence development in health education professional preparation programs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Salt Lake City, Utah. (Refereed).Luquis, R., Pérez, M.A., & Young, K. (2006, April). The importance of cultural competence for health educators. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Salt Lake City, Utah. (Refereed).Pérez, M.A., Cuellar, B., & Barney, C. (2005, May). Diabetes & obesity prevention & education: A Collaborative approach. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Directors of Public Health Education meeting. Washington, DC. (Refereed).Pinzon-Perez, H.L., Pérez, M.A. (2005, April). Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of Latino farm workers toward male breast cancer. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Chicago, Illinois. (Refereed).Luquis, R., & Pérez, M.A. (2004, April). Cultural Competency among Health Educators. American Association of Health Education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Chicago, Illinois. (Refereed).Pinzon-Perez, H.L., Pérez, M.A, Krenz, V., Krenz, E, Baez, L. (2004, November). Compadres por la Salud - Latino Lay Health Workers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Conference. Washington, D.C.. (Refereed).Pinzon-Perez, H.L., Pérez, M.A., & Rodriguez, I. (2004, April). Effectiveness of training on breast cancer for Latino males. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. New Orleans, Louisiana. (Refereed).Krenz, V., Pinzon-Pérez, H.L., Krenz, E., Pérez, M.A, & Haugan, P. (2003, July). Barriers to pap smears among Latina MediCal enrollees using GIS. Paper presented at the 2003 ESRI International User Conference. San Diego, California. (Refereed).Pérez, M.A., & Luquis, R. (2002, April). Nutritional patterns of underrepresented groups. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. San Diego, California. (Refereed).Pinzon-Pérez, H.L., & Pérez, M.A. (2002, April). International academic exchange programs: The globalization of health education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. San Diego, California. (Refereed).Pinzon-Pérez, H.L., & Pérez, M.A. (2002, April). Struggling for cultural competence: Linking theory to practice in health education/health promotion. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. San Diego, California. (Refereed).Luquis, R., Monismith, S., & Pérez, M.A. (2002, February). ?Preparing cultural competent health educators: Why, when, and how? ?Paper presented at the annual meeting of The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Eastern District and Southern District Associations Joint Convention. Baltimore, Maryland. (Refereed).Pérez, M.A., & Pinzón-Pérez, H.L. (2000, April). Behavioral research among multicultural populations: Challenges and issues for health education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Orlando, Florida. (Refereed).Pérez, M.A., Pinzón-Pérez, H.L., Luquis, R., Acosta-Deprez, V., & Krenz, V. (2000, April). Healthy People 2010: Addressing priorities for under-represented groups. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Orlando, Florida. (Refereed).STATE/Regional abstracts and papersThao, C. & Perez, M.A. (2016, April). A descriptive study of Hmong college students’ contraceptive attitudes. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Perez, M.A. (2015, November). Teaching without Borders. Presentation at the International Education Week. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Perez, M.A. (2014). Rural health and the ACA: The Central California Region. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the California Public Health Association North. Oaktland/Fresno/Sacramento. (Invited).Thao, C., & Pérez, M.A. (2008). Hmong healthcare practices in Fresno County: A pilot study. 29th annual Central California Research Symposium. Fresno, CA. (Refereed).ONLINE abstracts/papers/WEBMINARSLuquis, R., & Perez, M.A. (2014, March). Cultural competency and Health education: A window of opportunity. Webinar sponsored by .Pérez, M.A. (2001, November). Sexualidad en los jóvenes Colombianos: Implicaciones para la education [Sexuality issues among Colombian youth: Educational implications]. Primer Congreso Virtual de Sexología y Educación Sexual Hispanoamericana.POSTER BOARDSLuquis, R., Pérez, M.A., & Breldsfor, G. (2012, November). Religiosity, spirituality, sexual attitudes and behaviors among Latino college students. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. Tampa, Fl. (Refereed).Pinzon-Perez, H., Pérez, M.A., & Kotkin-Jaszi, S. (2012, October). Community health workers and the Affordable Health Care Act: Experience in a rural area in California. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. San Francisco, CA. (Refereed). Yamashita, E., & Pérez, M.A. (2008). Primary Sources of Health Information among Low-Income Pregnant Women. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. San Diego, CA. (Refereed).Alarcon-Yohe, M., & Pérez, M.A. (2008). Academia and the Public Health Community:Partnerships Key to Creating a Diverse Competent Work Force. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. San Diego, CA. (Refereed).Thao, C., & Pérez, M.A. (2008). A pilot investigation of Hmong healthcare practices in Fresno County. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. San Diego, CA. (Refereed).Rojas Guyler, L., Walsh, C.L., Luquis, R., Pérez, M.A. (2008, April). Survey of Authors of Research with Racial/Ethnic and Minority Populations. Poster Board presentation at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance- American Association for Health Education. Fort Worth, TX. (Refereed).Pérez, M.A. , Pinzon-Perez, H.L., Moua, L.J. & Khang, L.P. (2007, June). Foodborne illnesses among the Hmong: Public Health Applications. Poster Board presentation at the annual meeting of the International Union of Health Educators Conference. Vancouver, BC. (Refereed).Cisneros, R., & Pérez, M.A. (2007, May). Comparison of Ozone Exposure in Shaver Lake and Fresno California. Poster Board presentation at the annual student presentation at University of California, Merced, CA. (Refereed). Poster received a research award.Pinzon-Perez, H., Moua, N., & Pérez, M.A. (2005, April). Satisfaction levels among clients using health services from Shamans. Poster Board presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association of Health Education. Chicago, Il. (Refereed).Pérez, M.A., & Nsuangani, N.M. (2004, April). College students' use of the Internet for health related purposes: An exploratory study. Poster Board presentation at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance- American Association for Health Education. New Orleans, LA. (Refereed).Pinzon-Perez, H.L., & Pérez, M.A. (2004, April). Developing international opportunities for U.S. students. Poster board presentation at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance- American Association for Health Education. New Orleans, LA. (Refereed).Krenz, V., Pinzon-Pérez, H.L., Krenz, E., Pérez, M.A., & Haugan, P. (2003, November). Identifying barriers to pap smear screening among rural Latinas using GIS mapping. Poster board presentation at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. San Francisco, CA. (Refereed).Pérez, M.A., & Pinzon-Pérez, H.L. (2003, April). Health behaviors of Salvadoran Adolescents: Implications for US Health Educators. Poster board presentation at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Philadelphia, PA. (Refereed). Pinzon-Pérez, H.L., Krenz, V., Shafer, S., Torres, V., Pérez, M.A., Hearts, N., Gonzalez-Calvo, J., and Chaney, L. (2002). Factors influencing pap-smear screening among Latinas living in the California Central Valley. Poster board presentation at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. Philadelphia, PA. (Refereed).Bungum, T., Pérez, M.A., & Martin, S. (2001). A classroom-based smoking prevention intervention targeting ninth graders. Poster board presentation at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Cincinnati, OH. (Refereed). Bungum, T., Pérez, M.A., Martin, S., & Budd, M. (2000). Correlation of parental characteristics and smoking behavior among their children. Poster board presentation at the annual meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Orlando, FL. (Refereed).PRESENTATIONS TO PROFESSIONAL GROUPSPerez, M.A. (2016, June). Consideraciones eticas de la investigacion. Presentation to investigators en la Universidad Peruana Ceyetano Hereida. Lima, Peru. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2015, June). The UN Millenium Development Goals and the Dominican Republic. Presentation at the Universidad Central del Este as part of the first Global Health Week. San Pedro De Macoris, Dominican Republic. (Invited).Perez, M.A. (2015, April). The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single Fulbright application. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2015, January). Going beyond PowerPoint: Engaging Student with NearPod. Invited presentation at the Technology, Innovations, and Pedagogy: Engaging Learners conference. Fresno State. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2012, October). Sharing the vision: Health for all in a global perspective. Presentation to health professionals at UC, Merced. Merced, CA. (Invited).Perez, M.A. (2011, November). How Different Cultures Value Health. Presentation at the HealthNet Heritage Day. Fresno, CA.Kotkin-Jaszi, S., Perez, M.A., and Krenz, V. (2010, September). From the inside out: Strategies to increase Hispanic public health professionals. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Hispanic Association of College and Universities. San Diego, CA.Pérez, M.A. (2009, February). Promoción de la salud: Aplicaciones para la prevencion de las enfermedades crónicas. [Health Promotion: Applications for the prevention of chronic diseases]. Presentation to the Fullerton-USAID health professionals training program. Fresno/Fullerton, CA.Pérez, M.A. (2008, March). Enhancing Migrant Student Learning Opportunities. Presentation to the Superintendant of Education Advisory Committee on Migrant Education. Sacramento, CA. Pérez, M.A. (2006, July). La sexualidad y los adolescentes [Adolescents and sexuality]. Presentation at the Seminario-Taller Internacional de Sexualidad. Barranquilla, Colombia. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2006, July). Alcohol, drogas y babaco: Su asociación con el sexo en la Adolescencia [Alcohol, drugs, and tobacco: Their impact on adolescent sexuality]. Presentation at the Seminario-Taller Internacional de Sexualidad. Barranquilla, Colombia. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2006, July). Sexualidad, afectividad, relaciones sexuales [Sexuality, relationships, and sexual activity]. Presentation at the Seminario-Taller Internacional de Sexualidad. Barranquilla, Colombia. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2006, July). Sexo, Internet, y juventud [Sex, Internet and young people]. Presentation at the Seminario-Taller Internacional de Sexualidad. Barranquilla, Colombia. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2006, July). Comunicación entre padres e hijos [The importance of communication among parents and children]. Presentation at the Seminario-Taller Internacional de Sexualidad. Barranquilla, Colombia. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2006, July). Embarazo precoz [Teenage Unplanned Pregnancies]. Presentation at the Seminario-Taller Internacional de Sexualidad. Barranquilla, Colombia. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2006, July). Modelos de educación sexual [Sexual education models]. Presentation at the Seminario-Taller Internacional de Sexualidad. Barranquilla, Colombia. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2005, August). Binational health issues: Las dos caras de la frontera. Presentation to health care providers at the Hospital de la Mujer (Women’s Hospital). Morelia, Mexico. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2004, December). Diabetes & obesity prevention resource development. Cambria, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2004, April). The globalization of health: The role of health promotion and disease prevention. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2003, September). Addressing cancer health disparities in the Central Valley: The need for collaboration. Visalia, CA. (Invited).Curtis, K., Pérez, M.A. (2003, June). Healthy People 2010: A 2003 profile of health status in the Central San Joaquin Valley. Presentation to the WAC Academic Alliance. San Jose, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. & Curtis, K. (2003, May). Healthy People 2010: A 2003 profile of health status in the Central San Joaquin Valley. Presentation to the Advisory Board. Central California Health Policy Institute. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Gonzalez, B., Pérez, M.A., and Ellis, T. (2003, March). Going abroad: Opportunities for faculty. Presentation at the Excellence in Teaching and Learning Conference. Fresno, CA.Pérez, M.A. (2003, February). Exploring cultural competency in nursing. Training conducted for nurses at Community Medical Centers. Fresno, CA. (Invited). Pérez, M.A., Curtis, K., and Thomas, N. (2003, January). Healthy People 2010: A Status Report. Paper presented at the 2nd annual Multicultural Public Health Conference. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2003). Introduction to grant writing. Training conducted for Fresno County Health Department. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2002, July). The globalization of health: Underlying the need for collaboration/La globalización de la salud: Ejemplificando la necesidad de colaboración. Presentation at the International Faculty Partnership Seminar. Querétaro, Mexico. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2002). Working the Net: Conducting Internet research. Training conducted as part of the Faculty Development Series. Central California Center for Health and Human Services. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2002). Federal databases: An underutilized research tool. Training conducted as part of the Faculty Development Series. Central California Center for Health and Human Services. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2000, November). Consumo de Tabaco: Estrategias de promoción y prevención [Tobaco use: Prevention and promotion strategies]. Presentation to medical and health care professionals from the State of Cundimanarca, Colombia. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2000). Oportunidades de la ley 100: Educación y Promoción [Health Education and Health Promotion opportunities afforded by Public Law 100]. Presentation to medical and health care professionals at the Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2000). Prevención y educación en salud: Una necesidad económica [Health education and promotion: An economic necessity]. Presentation to medical and health care professionals at the Universidad El Bosque. Bogotá, Colombia. (Invited).Pinzón-Pérez, H.L., & Pérez, M.A. (2000). Tips for grant writing. Presentation to faculty in the College of Health and Human Services. California State University Fresno. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2000). Developing prevention programs for sexually transmitted diseases. Training to students and faculty at the Universidad El Norte. Barranquilla, Colombia. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2000). Jóvenes, sexualidad, y drogadicción: Realidades y mitos [Adolescents, sexuality, and drugs: Myths and realities]. Presentation to community members during the Cátedra Fulrbight Uninorte. Barranquilla, Colombia. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2000). Jóvenes, sexualidad y drogadicción: Factores y comportamientos de riesgo y estrategias para la prevención y la educación [Adolescence, sex, and drug use: Behavioral risk factors and strategies for prevention and education]. Training to health care professionals during the Cátedra Fulbright Uninorte. Barranquilla, Colombia. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2000). Computer applications for health care professionals. Training to the Health Careers Opportunity Program. California State University, Fresno. Fresno, CA. (Invited).PRESENTATIONS TO COMMUNITY GROUPSPerez, M.A. (2016). Prevención y Educación en Salud: Mejorando la Vida de Las Futuras Generaciones/Prevention and Health Education: Improving the health of future generations. Invited presentation to medical students at the Universidad Ricardo Palma. Lima, Peru. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2016). Life after college. Invited presentation to the Public Health Student Association. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2013). Improving service delivery to Central Valley residents: The National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care. Presentation at the CalVivaHealth/Fresno State Lunch and Learn Series. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2011, June). What’s cultural competence and its importance to health promotion. Doctor’s Academy at Caruthers High School. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2011, June). Addressing health disparities within our community. Doctor’s Academy at Sunnyside High School. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2011, March). Soy Hombre: Salud y Bienestar [I’m a man: Health and Wellbeing]. Presentation to Latino farmworkers at anual retreat sponsored by the Fresno County Office of Education. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. & Gomez, C. (March, 2010). Public Health at CSU, Fresno. Presentation to high school students during the 2010 Central Valley Health Network’s Growing Health Leaders Youth Conference. Tulare, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2010, February). The California Pre-Doctoral Program. Presentation to students at California State University, Fresno. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. & Samaha, M. (2010, January). MAHARA. Presentation to the community on experiences obtained from using the MAHARA portfolio system. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2009, March). En Busca de El Dorado [Searching for El Dorado]. Keynote presentation at the annual Migrant Parents Conference. Los Angeles, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2009, February). A Calzon quitado: Una discussion sobre la sexualidad masculina. [A Frank discussion about male sexuality]. Presentation to migrant parents sponsored by the Education and Leadership Foundation. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2009, February). Dos and Don’ts in applying for the Sally Cassanova/California Pre-Doctoral Program. Presentation to students at California State University, Fresno. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2008, February). Preparing a winning California Pre-Doctoral Application. Presentation to students at California State University, Fresno. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2008, February). Comunicacion Familiar (Family Communication). Presentation at the Fathers in Action – Papás en Acción – Txiv Ua Tus Qauv Conference presented by the Fresno County Office of Education. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2007, November). The Importance for Networking for Faculty While Overseas. California State University, Fresno. Fresno, CA.Pérez, M.A. (2007, November). Tips for Faculty on Applying for Fulbright Awards. California State University, Fresno. Fresno, CA.Pérez, M.A. (2006, July). Pediatric smoking. Presentation to pediatric residents. Hospital Universidad del Norte. Barranquilla, Colombia.Pérez, M.A. (2006, March). Transcortical Lead Therapy: Addressing Cross-Cultural Health Issues. Presentation to California State University, Fresno community. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2002, March). Understanding research findings. Presentation to Health Career Opportunity Students. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2002, March). Quantitative research methods. Presentation to Health Career Opportunity Students. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2002, March). Qualitative research methods. Presentation to Health Career Opportunity Students. Fresno, CA. (Invited).Pérez, M.A. (2001, June). El tabaquismo y la juventud [Tobacco use and young people]. Presentation to medical students at the School of Medicine, Centro Universitario Sur de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Ciudad Guzmán, Mexico. (Invited).EXTRAMURAL GRANTS & CONTRACTSPerez, M.A. (2013). Lunch and Learn Series. CalViva Health. $5000.00. This grant provided for the development of training program as part of a lunch and learn series in the department of public health in collaboration with a health insurance program.Pérez, M.A. (2011). Community Health Worker Training Program. Tulare County Workforce Development Board. $51,500. Grant provided for the development of curriculum designed to train community health workers, for the development of career pathways, and for stipends for community health workers involved in the program.Cuellar, B., Hoff, A., & Pérez, M.A. (2004). California Geriatric Education Center. University of California Los Angeles. $15,762. This grant allowed for the implementation of continuing education opportunities for geriatric education in the Cental California region in collaboration with the University of California Los Angeles.Pérez, M.A. (2004). Aging and Public Health Program. The California Endowment. $5,000. This grant provided funding for a one-time conference dealing with aging issues in the Central California region.Cullear, B., Pérez, M.A. & Maggy, B. (2005). The Central Valley Health Policy Institute. The California Endowment. $5,000,000. Grant to establish a policy institute at Fresno State.Cuellar, B., Barney, C., Pérez, M.A., Maggy, B., Rickard, P., Volanti, J., Chambers, S. & Curley, T. (2004). Diabetes Prevention Program. The California Endowment. $219,494. This grant provided for the development of a regional program designed to address increasing diabetes rates in the region.Cuellar, B., Pérez, M.A. & Devinney, B. (2002). Central California Public Health Partnership and the Central Valley Health Policy Institute. The California Endowment. $120,000. Planning grant for the establishment of a campus-community partnership with six county health departments in the Central California region.INTRAMURAL GRANTS & CONTRACTSPerez, M.A. (2014). DISCOVERe course development grant. $6000.Pérez, M.A. (2010). Research infrastructure in minority Institutions Travel Grant. $1,500. Pérez, M.A. (2004). Cross-cultural health care issues. Instructional Related Activities Award. California State University, Fresno. $13,000.Pérez, M.A. (2003). Digital Campus- Title V Stipends for Web-Based Course Development. $4,500.Pérez, M.A. (2002). 2002-2003 Affirmative Action Faculty Development Award. $600.Pérez, M.A. (2001). 2001-2002 Affirmative Action Faculty Development Award. $700.Pérez, M.A. (2001). International Faculty Partnership Seminar. Proposal submitted to the California State University Office of International Programs. $1,500.Pérez, M.A. (2001). Understanding health behaviors of Mexican adolescents: Forming the basis for collaborative partnerships among public health professionals in Mexico and the United States. Affirmative Action Faculty Development Program. California State University, Fresno. $750.00.MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONSCalifornia Public Health Association North. (2014 – 2015).Institutional Representative to the Governing CouncilRegional Conference PromoterSociety of Public Health Educators. (2004 – present)2015 Annual conference planning committeeDirectors of Public Health Education. (2004 – present)Lead writer for updated Building Capacity for Health Promotion Programs in Minority-Serving Institutions documentWorksite Health WorkgroupAmerican Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (1993 – present)1993 – 1995 Ethnic Minorities Council.American Association for Health Education [Formerly: Association for the Advancement of Health Education] (1993 – present)2010 – 2013 Associate Board of Editors2007 – 2009 Associate Board of Editors2001 – 2003 Member Board of Directors2002 – 2003 Chairperson, Student Involvement Task Force.2000 – 2001 Chairperson, Multicultural Involvement Committee2000 - 2004 AAHE program reviewer1998 Co-chair session planning committee.American Public Health Association (1992 - present)1992 – 1998 Latino CaucusTextbook reviewerChu, D. (2010). The Department Chair Primer: What Chairs Need to Know and Do to Make a Difference. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Kelley, G.F. (2009). Sexuality Today (9th edition). Boston, MA: McGraw Hill.Blonna, R., & Levitan, J. (2005). Healthy Sexuality. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth. (Summer 2004).Donatelle, R. (2003). Health the Basics. (5th Edition). San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings. (Spring 2003). Donatelle, R. (2002). Access to Health. San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings. (Spring 2002).Insel, P.M., & Roth, W.T. (2000). Core Concepts in Health, 2000 update. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishers. (Spring 2000).Editorial boardsEditor, Global Journal of Health Promotion and Education. (2013 – present)Journal of Health Education Teaching Techniques. (2013 – 2015)ReviewerJournal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. (2011 – 2014).ReviewerSalud Uninorte. Barranquialla, Colombia. (2009 – present). Editorial Board MemberReviewer.American Journal of Health Education. (2000 – 2013).Editorial Board. (2010 – 2013).Editorial Board. (2007 – 2009).Manuscript Reviewer. (2000 – 2013).PROFESSIONAL SERVICENational Commission for Health Education Credentialing. Division Board for Professional Preparation and Practice [DBPPP]. (2011 – present).Coordinator, DBPPPP (2014 – 2016)Representative to the Board of Councilors (2014 – 2016)Member (2011 – present)National Commission for Health Education Credentialing. Master Certified Health Education Specialist Examination Pass Point Meeting. (2011, May).ReviewerCalifornian Journal of Health Promotion. (2010 – 2011).Section Editor.American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Research Consortium. (2010). Reviewer Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities – Health Sciences Advisory Council. (2009 –present)Member.Fulbright Senior Specialist program. (2007 – 2008).Review Committee Member. Clovis Unified School District. (2006 – 2007).Member. Coordinated School Wellness Committee.American Cancer Society Fresno-Madera Leadership Council. (2007 – 2009)Member. Alzheimer’s Association. Northern California Region. San Francisco, CA. (2007 – 2008).Multicultural Committee Member.California Department of Education. State Superintendent of Public Instruction appointment. (2006).California Health Education Standards Advisory Panel. Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development. (2006 – 2010). Healthcare Pathways Continuum Coordinating Council. Fresno County Binational Health Week Task Force. (2004 – 2005).Professional Development Seminar Coordinator. San Joaquin Valley Health Consortium. (2004 – 2009)Secretary/Chief Financial Officer (02/07 – 12/09)Board Member. (10/04 – 12/09)3rd Annual Health Conference. (2004). One day conference focusing on health issues attracting 900 attendees from a six county area. Fresno, CA.Chairperson. California Pre-Doctoral Program. Office of the Chancellor. Long Beach, CA. (2003 – present).ReviewerCredential Committee Member. AAHPERD Research Consortium. (2003 – 2005).California Geriatric Education Center. Los Angeles, CA. (2003 – 2005)Advisory Committee Member. Central Valley Health Policy Institute. (2002 – 2005)Faculty Fellow. 2nd Annual Multicultural Public Health Conference. Tulare, CA. (2002 – 2003).Speakers Coordinator. National Association of School Nurses’ Collaborative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Asthma Programs. (2002 – 2004).Advisory Board Member.Central California Public Health Partnership. (2001 – 2005).Faculty Fellow. California Healthy Kids Resource Center. HIV/STD Prevention Material Review Board.Children Count! Interagency Council for Children and Families.Faculty Researcher. American Association of Health Education. (2001 – 2004).Board of Directors Member. Office of Minority Health Resource Center. Public Health Service. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (1994 – 2000).Resource Person. UNIVERSITy involvement – CAMPUS Wide2013 – 2014Search Committee for Director Student Health Center.Search Committee for Vice-President for Student Affairs.2010 – 2014Wellness Advisory Council.2009 – 2011University Policy and Procedure Committee.Member2006 – 2009Health Careers Opportunity Program Advisory Committee.Member. 2005 – presentPhi Kappa Phi National Honor Society. Chapter #062.Chapter Director. (2005 – 2006).2003 – 2008Digital Campus Fellow. California State University, Fresno.2002 – 2008University Graduate Committee. California State University, Fresno.Chairperson. (08/07 – 05/08).Representative, College of Health and Human Services. (09/02 – 05/07)2000 – presentMember. University Committee on Controlled Substances in Teaching and Research. [Formerly: Drugs and Dangerous Substances Committee.] California State University, Fresno. President’s Appointment.2002 - 2011Mentor. University Mentoring Program. California State University, Fresno.Fall 2005Academic Think Tank on Technology. California State University, Fresno. University Initiative to develop recommendations related to academic technology use at Fresno State. Provost’s Appointment. university involvement - college2014 – 2015Search committee for Dean College of Health and Human Services. Faculty representative. 2014 – presentInternational Committee.2009 – 2011Academic Policy & Procedure Committee.2008 – 2014Dean’s Cabinet.2000 –2007Instructional Technology Committee. College of Health and Human Services.2005 – 2007 – Chair 2000 – 2005 - Member2002 – 2003Member. Department of Health Science Enhancement Task Force.university involvement - department2014 – 2015Ex-officio member Human Subjects Committee Department of Public Health. Chair’s Appointment.2006 – 2007Chairperson, Health Promotion Faculty Search Committee.2004 – 2005Advisor. Health Science Student Association. California State University, Fresno.2004 – 2005Chairperson Gerontology Program Faculty Search Committee.2001 – presentCommittee for the Protection of Human Subjects. Department of Health Science. California State University, Fresno.2005 – 2007 Chairperson.2001 – 2005 Member.2003 – 2004.Chair. Committee to implement goal #20. University Plan for Excellence.2001 – 2003Chair. Ad-hoc Committee on Instructional Technology. Department of Health Science.awards and honorsCertificate of Appreciation for dedicated service for annual meeting planning committee member. Society for Public Health Education. Portland, OR04/15Outstanding support recognition. Vision and Compromiso. Fresno, CA.03/15Faculty Recognition for Outstanding Publications. Henry Madden Library. Fresno, CA. 04/142013 Faculty Mentor Award. College of Health and Human Services. Fresno State.05/13Certificate of Appreciation. Dedication and contribution to Heritage Day. HealthNet? of California.8/11Certificate of Appreciation. National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc.7/11Certificate of Appreciation. The Education and Leadership Foundation.04/11Certificate of Recognition for Distinguished Accomplishments. Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities.10/09Professional Service to Health Education Award. American Association for Health Education.03/09Faculty recognition for outstanding publications. Henry Madden Library. California State University, Fresno.04/09Certificate of Appreciation. The Education and Leadership Foundation.02/09Certificate of Appreciation. South California Public Health Association for contributions to the local area host committee, 2008.12/08Certificate of Appreciation. 8th annual Foro de Políticas Públicas en Salud y Migración. Secretaria de Salud de Mexico y Gobierno del Estado de Zacatecas.10/08Certificate of Recognition presented by Assembly Member Juan Arambula.10/08Certificate of Appreciation. Migrant, Indian, and International Education Office. California Department of Education.07/08Faculty recognition for outstanding publications. Henry Madden Library. California State University, Fresno.03/08Certificate of Recognition. J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and the US Department of State. 08/07“A World of Thanks” Award. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Directors of Health Promotion and Education. Internship Program.06/07Certificate of Special Recognition. Division of Continuing and Global Education. California State University, Fresno.03/07Faculty recognition for outstanding publications. Henry Madden Library. California State University, Fresno.03/07Certificate of Recognition. J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and the US Department of State. 08/06Certificate of Recognition. California Department of Education. 08/06Faculty recognition for outstanding publications. Henry Madden Library. California State University, Fresno.03/06Certificate of Appreciation. Faculty Mentoring Program. California State University, Fresno. 04/05Constancia for contribution to the 4th annual Foro Binancional de Salud y Migracion. Secretaria de Salud de Mexico y Gobierno del Estado de Guanajuato.10/04Certificate of Completion. Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities.09/03Certificate of Recognition. College of Health and Human Services. California State University, Fresno.08/03Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition. Honorable Devin Nunez, Member of Congress.06/03Certificate of Recognition. California State Assembly.06/03Certificate of Appreciation. Health Careers Opportunity Program. California State University, Fresno.06/03Certificate of Merit. American Association for Health Education.04/03Certificate of Appreciation. Central California Public Health Partnership.01/03Certificate of Recognition. The J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and U.S Department of State.08/02Certificate of Completion. California State University Academic Council for International Programs and the Secretaria de Educacion del Estado de Querétaro.06/02Appreciation Award. Buchanan High School. Clovis, California.12/01Certificado de Reconocimiento [Certificate of Appreciation]. El Proyecto Zapotlán A.C. Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco, Mexico.06/01Certificado de Reconocimiento [Certificate of Appreciation]. Sistema para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia de Zapotlán el Grande, Jalisco, Mexico.06/01Certificate of Appreciation. University Outreach Services. California State University, Fresno.06/00Certificate of Appreciation. American Association for Health Education.03/00Fulbright Scholar. (August 2000 – January 2001).2000classes taught at fresno statePH 90Contemporary Health IssuesClassroomHybridPH 91Human SexualityClassroomOnlinePH 104Global and Cultural Issues in HealthOnlinePH 110Drugs, Society, and HealthClassroomPH 114Health BehaviorClassroomPH 129Rural Health. Created online version of class with funding with TILT.ClassroomOnlinePH 135Introduction to Human DiseaseClassroomPH 152TInternational Health in Mexico and the Dominican RepublicTravel AbroadPH 182Computers in Health EducationClassroomPH 185FUndergraduate Internship in Health AdministrationFieldworkPH 188Undergraduate Internship in Community HealthFieldworkGRADUATE classes taught at fresno statePH 203SCommunity HealthClassroomService LearningPH 208Health Promotion. Course redesigned Fall 2015 as part of University tablet initiative.ClassroomPH 221Health and Disease of the Body SystemsClassroomPH 223Health Promotion and Policy AdvocacyClassroomHybridPH 225Foundation in Health PromotionClassroomPH 285FFieldwork in HealthFieldworkLast updated: TIME \@ "d-MMM-yy" 28-Aug-16 ................

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