Members Attending: Dr

2005-2006 Self-Study Committee #3

Minutes for February 20, 2006

Members Attending: Dr. H. James Brownlee, Dr. Don Cameron, Dr. John Curran, Dr. Anne Curtis, Dr. Francisco Fernandez (Chair), Dr. Rani Gereige, Dr. Gretchen Koehler, Dr. Bill Marshall, Dr. Saundra Stock.

Members Not Attending: Dr. Robert Belsole, Dr. Jeff Fabri, Ms. Janelle Fauci, Dr. Mike Flannery, Dr. Sandy Gompf, Ms. Paula Knaus, Dr. Jorge Lujan-Zilbermann, Dr. Don Luong, Ms. Stephanie Parks-Pezzo, Ms. Elizabeth Rommell, Dr. Bruce Schnapf, Dr. Harry van Loveren.

Topics of Discussion:

Dr. Fernandez called the meeting to order. Minutes of the February 3, 2006 meeting were reviewed and were approved.

Old Business

1. Review of the 1999 LCME site visit and recommendations for action.

2. Review of Resident Teaching and recommendations for action.

New Business

1. DEADLINE: Abbreviated report is due on February 28, 2006.

2. The committee reviewed the preliminary report including strengths, weaknesses and recommendations. Additional information from Drs. Fabri, Belsole, Marshall, Curran, Sutherland, and Joe Jackson still required.

3. Additional information regarding the financial package for the recruitment of junior faculty members is required. Referred to Dr. Curran.

4. Additional information from Committees #1, and #2 would help finalize preliminary report. Dr. Koehler to make reports available.

5. Dr. Koehler gave the committee financial information from Committee #8 and “The History of the Revenue Cycle” for review. Comments to be sent to Dr. Fernandez for insertion.

6. Discussion ensued on how best to address student teaching initiatives particularly in MS-4 year.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 1, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. in University Psychiatry Center, 2nd Floor Library Conference Room. The committee is to review I.S. 11-15 on the web based data base and provide critical review at next meeting.

cc: All Committee Members

Dr. Gretchen Koehler

Stevi Schermond


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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