January, 1999 - Connect

Jon D. Sunderland, Ph.D

Summer/Fall Residence Spring Residence

6712 S Tomaker Lane 49700 Lincoln Drive

Spokane, WA 99223 Indio, CA 92201

Telephone: (509) 230-8915(h) Telephone: (509) 230-8915

(509) 313-6115 (w) sunderland@gonzaga.edu

sunderland@gonzaga.edu jondebbie99@gmail,com

Current Position:

Associate Professor: Sport and Physical Education, Gonzaga University

Retired Dean, School of Education, Gonzaga University

Academic Degrees:

1968 B.S. Social Science California Polytechnic State University

1971 M.A. Secondary Education California Polytechnic State University

1981 Ph.D. Physical Education University of Oregon

Certification and/or licensing:

1968 Secondary Teacher Certification State of California

Honors and Awards:

Calgary, AB Canada, White Hat Club, 2012

NASPE Distinguished Service Award: 2005

Northwest District AAHPERD Honor Award: 2004

Washington Alliance Meritorious Service Award: 1993

Professional Experience:

2007-2013 Dean, School of Education Gonzaga University

2006-2007 Interim Dean, School of Education, Gonzaga University

2000-2006 Chair: Department of Sport and Physical Education

1998-2000 Director, Division of Physical Education and Special Education

1993-2000 Associate Dean, School of Education Gonzaga University

1986-1993 Chair, Department of Physical Education Gonzaga University

1985-current Associate Professor Physical Education Gonzaga University

1979-1985 Assistant Professor Physical Education Gonzaga University

1977-1978 Part time Instructor Lane Comm. College

1976-1979 Grad Teaching and Administrative Fellow University of Oregon

1972-1976 Mountain Host Inc. Manager Squaw Valley Calif.

1969-1970 Teacher and Coach Alhambra High School

1967-1969 Coach Mission High School

Faculty Load:

Fall 2013

EDPE 340 PsychoSocial Aspects of Sport and Athletics 3 credits

EDPE 412 Administration of Sport and Athletics 3 credits

Spring 2014

EDPE 565 Research and State in Sport Management 4 credits

Fall 2014

EDPE 565 Research and Stats in Sport Management 4 credits

EDPE 696 Internships in Sport Management 3 credits

EDPE 496 Coaching Practicums 3 credits

Other Collegiate Assignments

Treasurer: AJCU Education Dean and Chairs Council: 2011-2013

Member NCAA Certification Committee: 2008 to 2010 (Chair Academic Integrity Sub-committee)

Member Gonzaga University Academic Council: 2006 to present

Member Hogan Entrepreneurial Leadership Program: 2006 to present

Member Gonzaga University Dean’s Council: 2006 to present

Member Gonzaga University Budget Committee: 2006-2009

Member Gonzaga University Faculty Senate: 2006-2009

Member School of Education By-Laws Committee: (Chair) 2002-2006

Member School of Education Graduate Committee: (Chair) 2003-2005

Member School of Education Budget Committee: 2003-present

Member Graduate Council, Gonzaga University: 2001-2005

Member Dean’s Search Committee, Gonzaga School of Education: 2001-2002

Member School of Education Council of Department Chairs 1999-present

Member School of Education Reappointment and Tenure Committee: 2000-2001

Member Board of Governors, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and

Dance: 1999-2001

Member and Chair School of Education Finance Committee: 1999-2003

Member Technology Planning Committee: 1999-2001

Member University Student Leadership Development Committee: 1998-1999

Member School of Education Leadership Council: 1997-1999

Member University Academic Council: 1998-1999

Member School of Education Curriculum Committee: 1998-2000

Member School of Education Budget Committee: 1998-1999

Member and Chair Academy Advisory Board: 1993-1996

Member School of Education Task Force on Equity: 1990-1994

Member School of Education Representation to the University Executive Committee: 1991-1992

Chair Evaluation Subcommittee, Graduate Council: 1990-1992

Member School of Education Curriculum Committee: 1990-1993

Member School of Education Undergraduate Faculty Reappointment Committee: 1991-1993 Member School of Education Professional Advisory Board: 1987-1989

Member School of Education Administration Unit: 1986-1997

Member Graduate Council, Gonzaga University: 1985-1991

Current Professional and Academic Association Membership

Spokane Catholic Diocese Educational Advisory Board, 2006-2012

Professional Ski Instructors of America (PSIA), member, National Education Steering Committee, 1998-


Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Northwest District American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance

President, NW AAHPERD, 1999-2001

President-Elect, NW AAHPERD, 1998-1999

Conference Co-Manager, Northwest District AAHPERD Conference, Spokane, WA. March 1991

Editor, Northwest Journal for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 1988-94.

Chair-Constitution Committee of the Northwest Alliance of HPERD. 1990-1994

American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.

Program Planner, Sport Art Academy Sessions, 1992 National AAHPERD

Convention, Indianapolis, IN

President, Sport Art Academy-a division of the National Association for

Sport and Physical Education, 1990-1991

President-Elect, Sport Art Academy-a division of the National Association

for Sport & Physical Education 1989-1990

Washington State delegate to the National Association for Sport and Physical Education Assembly,

American Alliance Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, National Convention, Boston,

MA 1989.

Washington State delegate to the 1988 American Alliance for Health, Physical education, Recreation and

Dance National Conference, Kansas City, MO.

Washington Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Delegate to the 1984

National AAHPERD Convention, Anaheim, CA.

Washington Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Delegate to the 1983

National AAHPERD Convention, Minneapolis, MN.

Editor, Washington Journal for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 1989-1994.

Past President, Washington Alliance of Health, Physical Education,

Recreation and Dance, 1987-1988.

President, Washington Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 1986-1987.

President-Elect Washington Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 1985-1986.

Vice President, General Division of the Washington Association for Health, Physical Education,

Recreation and Dance, 1984.

Vice President-Elect, General Division of the Washington Association for Health, Physical Education,

Recreation and Dance, 1983.

Coordinator of Research, Administration and Aquatics presentations at the WAHPERD Conference

in Bellingham, WA. 1983

Presider, Research Section in Physical Education, Washington State Conference of Health, Physical

Education and Recreation, Pullman, WA 1981 March

Chair, WAHPERD Research Committees, 1980-1982.

Phi Epsilon Kappa (National Professional fraternity)

President, Omicron Chapter 1977-1978

Member - North American Society for Sport History

Member - The Association for the Anthropological Study of Play

Member - National Association for Physical Education in Higher


Other Conference or Organization Duties

Co-Conference Manager, NW-AAHPERD Conference,

Spokane, WA. March, 2001

Consortium of Eastern Washington College and University Physical Educators, 1988-194

1986-1994 Washington State Physical Educators Demonstration Site Selection Committee

Other Conference Participation:

American Association for Teacher Education Conference (AACTE)

American Education Research Conference (AERA)

All National AAHPERD Conferences 1980-2010

All WAHPERD Conferences 1980-2009

26 out of last 32 Northwest District AAHPERD Conferences

CURRENT Professional Assignments and Activities:

Referee of over 30 manuscripts submitted for publication to the Journal of Physical Education,

Recreation and Dance, Reston, Virginia, 1994-current

Editor: PSIA Certification Workbook

Outside Evaluator: Olympia SD, PEP Grant 2005-2006

Referee, 2004 NASPE Sport Management proposals to the 2004 AAHPERD National Convention, New

Orleans, LA

Coordinator of Masters in Sport Administration program, Gonzaga University

Book Review of "Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology", Gorsuch Scarisbrick, Publishers, Scottsdale,

AZ, 1995.

Book Review of "Practical Applications in Sport Psychology", Brown & Benchmark Publishers,

Madison, WI, 1995.

Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Collegiate Press, Alta Loma, CA. 1995.

Book Review of "Administration of Physical Activity and Sports Programs", Jones and Bartlett

Publishers, Inc. 1993.

Reviewer of "Discovery-A Multicultural Drug/Alcohol Intervention Class Curriculum", for the Seattle

Public School District and OSPI, 1992.

Referee of "Comprehensive Final Examination for Master's Degrees in Physical Education or Human

Movement Studies" a manuscript submitted to the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and

Dance. and DANCE. 1992.

Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Collegiate Press, Alta Loma, CA, 1991.

Conference Manager, Northwest District Association for Health Physical Education, Recreation and

Dance, Convention, Spokane, WA., 1991

Invited participant in the Office Of the Superintendent of Public Instruction forum on

Restructured/Innovative Physical Education and Health Programs, Olympia, WA 1991..

Washington State Physical Education Curriculum Guidelines writing team, Olympia, WA, 1988.

Conference Manager, 1988 Washington Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance

state Conference, Pasco, WA, 1988.

Book Review of "Weight Training", Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers, 1987.

Book Reviewer, CHOICE, Association of College and Research Libraries, Middletown, Connecticut,


Selection Committee, Washington State Physical Education, Education Demonstration School Project,

Washington Department of Public Instruction, Olympia, WA, January 1986-87.

Solicited as a book reviewer of the second edition of Racquetball text (Verner, author) (1984) for Mayfield Publishing.

Publications – Refereed

Give Your Students a Feedback Sandwich (2000). Northern Rocky Mt, PSIA Journal, Bellevue, WA.

PSIA Levels I, II, and III Certification Exam Manuals (1999). Professional Ski Instructors of America,

Lakewood, CO.

Restructuring for Representation (1992). Washington Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation

and Dance. Winter Issue.

Certification of Physical Educators in the United States (1991). People to People Journal , Citizens

Ambassador Program, Spokane, WA

Terry Donohue (1991). Biographical Dictionary of American Sports, Vol. II, Greenwood Press,

Westport, CT.

Melvin Renfro (1991), Biographical Dictionary of American Sports, Vol. II, Greenwood Press, Westport,


John Robinson (1991). Biographical Dictionary of American Sports, Vol. II, Greenwood Press, Westport,


Wendell Tyler (1991). Biographical Dictionary of American Sports,Vol. II, Greenwood Press, Westport,


Herbert Jackson Youngblood (1991), Biographical Dictionary of American Sports, Vol. II, Greenwood

Press, Westport, CT.

Guidelines for K-12 Physical Education (1989 April) Member of the Revision Resource Writing Team for Washington State Curriculum Guidelines, Published by the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Curtis Edward Warner, (1985). Biographical Dictionary of American Sports, Greenwood Press, West

Port, CT.

Mac Maurice Wilkins, (1985). Biographical Dictionary of American Sports, Greenwood Press, Westport,


John Steven Young, (1985). Biographical Dictionary of American Sports, Greenwood Press, Westport,


A Recruiting Questionnaire for College Baseball Teams, (1985 Feb.) with Edward Knaggs, American Baseball Coaches Digest.

The Arts and the 84 Olympic, (1984 Fall). Washington Journal of Health,

Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 40:2:84.

Korfball, (1981). Washington State Superintendent of Instruction, Handbook of Coed Physical


Determining the Teaching Proficiencies of Applicants for Graduate

Assistantships, (1980 Feb.). Journal of Physical Education and Recreation, 15:2:80.

Publication-Non Refereed

Snowboard Manual (1998) . Contributing Editor American Association of Snowboard Instructors,

Lakewood, CO.

Review (1989 July) of Red Gold: peak performance techniques of the Russian and East German Olympic Victors, Choice, Division American Library Association.

Review (1989 July) Secrets of Soviet Sports Fitness and Training Choice Division of the American

Library Association.

Presidents' Corner Editorial (1987). Washington Journal for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Fall & Spring Issues.

Review (1986 April) The Elite Athlete, Choice, Division of the American Library Association

Review (1986 January) Running Without Fear, Choice, Division of the American Library Association.

Review (1985 October) Lifting Your Way to Youth and Fitness, Choice Division of the American

Library Association.

Review (1984 Oct.) A practical Approach to Teaching Physical, Education, Choice, Division of the

American Library Association.

Professional Papers Presented:

Fein, A: McCauley, C.; Pritchard, J.; Sunderland, J.D. (2014, Jan) P-12 and University Partnerships:

Crossing International Borders to Serve Educational Needs, presented at the Hawaii International

12th Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI.

Sunderland, J.D.; Dieter, K.; Reyes, R, (2014, Jan) Expanding International Study Opportunities to

Teacher Education Candidates, accepted for presentation at the Hawaii International 12th Annual

Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.

Sunderland, J.D.; Traynor, J.; Kawai, M. (2013, June 3-7) A Comparison of Japanese and American

Elementary and Middle School Children Perceptions of Academic and Social Issues, presented at the

37th Pan Pacific Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.

Sunderland, J.D.; Salina, C.; Cole, R. (2012, Jan) Sunnyside School District and Gonzaga University:

Partnering To Improve Student Learning, presented to the 10th Annual Hawaii International

Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.

Sunderland, J.D.; Traynor, J.; Kawai, M.; Hiromi, T.; Tomoko, T. (2013, June) A Cross Cultural

Comparison of Japanese and American Elementary and Middle-School Children’s Attitude Toward

Academic and Social Issues presented at the 25th JUSTEC Conference, Tacoma, WA.

Sunderland, J.D., (2006, Aug.) Applying Educational Assessments to Ski Instructor Evaluations

presented to the PSIA National Education Committee, Estes Park, CO.

Sunderland. JD, (2006, June) Motivating today’s athlete presented to Olympia School District WIAA

Members. Olympia, WA

Sunderland, JD, (2006, June) Goal setting for coaching effectiveness presented to Olympia School

District WIAA members, Olympia, WA

Sunderland, J.D., (2002, Feb.) The 2002 Winter Olympics-A Volunteer's Perspective, presented at the

Northwest AAHPERD Conference, Boise, ID.

Sunderland, J.D., (2002, Feb.) Expanding the School Activities Program, presented at the Northwest

District AAHPERD Conference, Boise, ID.

Sunderland, J.D., and C. Frye, (2000, Oct.), Industry Sponsorship & Athletic Programs, presented at the

Idaho State AAHPERD Conference, Sandpoint, ID.

Sunderland, J.D., (2000, June), Building the Sport Management Curriculum, presented at the Southwest

District AAHPERD Conference, Oahu, HI.

Sunderland, J.D., (2000, June), Connecting With Non-Educational Agencies, presented at the Southwest

District AAHPERD Conference, Oahu, HI.

Sunderland, J.D., (2000, March), Mission and Fit: Do They Count in Faculty Evaluation, presented at the

AAHPERD National Convention, Orlando, FL.

Sunderland, J.D., (2000, Feb.), Graduate Programs in Sport Management- Building a new curriculum,

presented at the Northwest District AAHPERD Conference, Boise, ID.

Sunderland, J.D., (1999,July), Mission Centered vs Career Centered Faculty: an Administrative Delima,

presented at the AAHPERD College and University Administrator’s Council, Monterey, CA.

Sunderland, J.D., (1999, Jan), Olympic Freestyle Wrestling-Economic Value of Sports Events, presented

to the Spokane Optimist Club, Spokane, WA.

Sunderland, J.D., (1998 Nov) Validity and Reliability of PSIA Certification Exams, presented to the

Professional Ski Instructors of America Executive Board Meeting, Copper Mountain, CO.

Sunderland, J.D., and D. Tunnell , (1998 April) Integrating the Curriculum in Health and Physical

Education, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, National

Convention, Reno, NV.

Sunderland, J.D., (1998 Jan). The Academic Viability of PSIA Certification Testing, presented to the

Professional of Instructors of America Spring Symposium, Vail, CO.

Sunderland, J.D., (1997, April) New Trends in Sport Skills Teaching, presented at The Professional Ski

Instructors of America National Academy, Snowbird, UT.

Sunderland, J.D., (1996 March) The Do's and Don'ts Of A Job Interview, presented at the Northwest

District Alliance Conference for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Spokane, WA.

Sunderland, J.D., (1995 June) Look To Your Future, keynote address at the Johns Hopkins University

CTY Talent Search Awards, Spokane, WA.

Sunderland, J.D., (1995 April) Graduate Education at A Distance, presented to the Northslope Burrough

Educational District, Pt. Barrow, AL.

Sunderland, J.D., (1994 May) What Is Reform Education, presented at the Nine Mile Falls School Board

meeting, Nine Mile Falls, WA.

Sunderland, J.D., (1994 May) Keeping the Vision, keynote address at the Johns Hopkins University CTY

Talent Search Awards, Spokane, WA.

Sunderland, J.D. (1994 April) Surviving NCATE: A Plan for Small Colleges, presented at the American

Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance National Conference, Denver, CO.

Sunderland, J.D. (1994 March) Multicultural Strategies in Physical Education, presented at the

Northwest Conference for Health, Physical Education, and Dance, Boise, ID.

Sunderland, J.D., (1992 Oct.) The Canadian Coaching Certification System- A Model For The U.S.,

presented at the Idaho State Conference for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance,

Lewiston, ID.

Sunderland, J.D., (1992, Oct.) Getting That First Job-Tips on How To Interview, presented at the

Washington State Conference for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Olympia, WA.

Sunderland, J.D., (1992 April). The Sportswoman in Film, presented at the AAHPERD National

Convention, Indianapolis, IN

Sunderland, J.D., (1991 Oct.). Ethics as Part of the Physical Education Curriculum, presented at the

1991 Washington Alliance for HPERD State Conference, Tacoma, WA.

Sunderland, J.D., (1991 March). Training Physical Educators in the United States, presented at Shantou

University, People's Republic of China Shantou, P.R.C.

Sunderland, J.D., (1991 March). Studentship: Getting the Most Out of Your Education. presented at the

Inland Empire Young Physical Educators Conference, Spokane, WA.

Sunderland, J.D. , Bruya, L., Melville, S., Tunnel, D.T., (1990 April) The Development of a Physical

Education Consortium of Colleges and Universities in Washington State, presented at the AAHPERD

National Convention, New Orleans, LA.

Sunderland, J.D., (1990 April). We're Watchin' Baseball, a sports video presented at the AAHPERD

National Convention, New Orleans, LA.

Sunderland, J.D., (1988 May). Multidimensional Athletic Training, presented at the Idaho State Physical

Education Conference, Lewiston, ID.

Sunderland, J.D., (1988 March). Publications, Journals and Promotions, presented at the Northwest

Alliance for Health Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Leadership Conference, Missoula, MT.

Sunderland, J.D., (1987 April). Sport Film Fair, presented at the AAHPERD National Convention, Las

Vegas, NV.

Sunderland, J.D., (1987 January). Endorsement Standards for Physical Education, testimony to the

Washington State Board of Education, Olympia, WA.

Sunderland, J.D., (1984 April). Recorder and Presider Handicapped Skiing, presented at the 1985

Washington Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Leadership

Conference, Yakima, WA.

Sunderland, J.D., (1984 April). Olympic Films, presented at the AAHPERD National Convention,

Anaheim, CA.

Sunderland, J.D., (1984 March). Sport in Film, invited speaker at the Lewis & Clark University Sport

Art Festival.

Sunderland, J.D., (1984 Spring). Women in Sport-A Progress Report,

Slide show and presentation Women's History Week symposium, Gonzaga University

Sunderland, J. D., (1982) Fitness and Health Tips, a radio series written for KHQ-AM & 7-Up Bottling

Company, Spokane, WA.

Sunderland, J. D., (1982 March). The Professional Preparation of Women Athletic Directors, presented

at the Northwest AAHPERD Convention, Spokane, WA.

Sunderland, J.D., (1982 January). On-Slope Handling of the Handicapped Skier, presented to the

National Ski Patrol, Spokane, WA.

Sunderland, J.D., (1982 Feb.). Researching the Sport Sub-Culture, presented at the University of Idaho,

Moscow, ID.

Sunderland, J.D., (1980). A Comparison of the Leadership Attitudes of Male and Female Athletic

Directors, Northwest AAHPERD Conference, Seattle, WA.

Community Service

PEP Grant Evaluator, Olympia School District, 2004-2006

TEAM 2002, Winter Olympic Games Volunteer, Park City, Utah, 2002.

World Cup Ambassador for the XXVII World Cup Olympic Wrestling Games, Spokane, WA, 1999.

Editor: Washington Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 1989-94.

Editor: Northwest Journal for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 1988-1994

Courses Prepared

Facilities for Sport and Athletics (Grad)

Research and Statistics (Grad)

Sport in the Social Context (Grad)

Sport and Athletic Administration (Grad)

Foundations of Sport, Health and Physical Education

Teaching Strategies in Physical Education

Health and Human Movement

Psychology of Coaching

Curriculum Development and Administration

Ski Conditioning

Progressive Weight Training and Conditioning (Pro Lab)

Tennis and Volleyball (Pro Lab)

Personal Defense and Track and Field (Pro Lab)

Badminton and Soccer (Pro Lab)

Racquetball and Games (Pro Lab)

Coaching Football

Current Issues of Physical Education, Athletics and Recreation

History and Philosophy of Physical Education and Athletics

Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education and Athletics

Other University Committees

Member University Program Evaluation Committee 2000-2001

Member Doctoral Dissertation, Jim Myer 1995-1996

Member Education Building Planning Committee 1993-1994

Member Pre Registration Planning Committee 1984-1985

Member Doctoral Dissertation, Jeff Reed Committee 1984-1985

Member Academic Council (Chair of Academic Planning Sub Committee) 1983

Member Capital Improvements Committee for Proposed Martin Recreation Centre 1987

Member Doctoral Faculty Selection Committee 1984

Member School of Education, Salary and Merit Pay Committee 1983

Member School of Education, Reappointment Committee 1980-1981

Member Service Course Advisory Committee 1976-1978 University of Oregon

Member Summer Session Curricular Committee 1977-1978 University of Oregon

Member Physical Education Graduate Committee 1977-1978 University of Oregon

Dr. Jon D. Sunderland – Homepage

Personal Information

I was raised in the central San Joaquin Valley of California in a smal agricultural community called Porterville. After graduating from Porterville High School I attended the College of Sequoias and played football on a nationally ranked junior college team. From Sequoias I transferred to Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo and was a two year starter at quarterback for the Mustangs. I received a bachelor’s degree from Cal Poly with a major in History and a minor in Political Science and also a Secondary teaching certificate. During my senior year I started learning to snow ski and found that sport to be my passion. While teaching and coaching at the high school level in the Los Angeles area I continued to ski as much as possible and finally relocated first to Aspen, Colorado and then Squaw Valley, California to work in the Ski Resort Industry. Moving to the Northwest I entered graduate school at the University of Oregon and received a doctorate in Physical Education. That degree brought me to Gonzaga and here I’ve been since. The weather in Spokane is wonderful to me because it allows plenty of skiing in the winter and golf in the summer. Two activities that allow my daughter, Alec, and I to “play” together.


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