Kennesaw State University

Kennesaw State UniversityCollege of Computing and Software EngineeringDepartment of Computer ScienceCS44491 – Introduction to Computational Models with PythonFinal Exam – Summer 2016Print name: (last name, first name) __________________________________________Structure your answers appropriately, include drawings, source listing, etc. (a) Explain the main limitations of linear optimization modeling. (b) How is a problem solved with optimization using Python? Explain. (a) Explain the main advantages of modeling a problem with differential equations. (b) What disadvantages are there? (c) Provide an example with Python code. (a) Explain the differences between a derivative and the rate of change. (b) How can these be used in a Python program? (a) What is the purpose of curve fitting? (b) What type of problems can be solved? Explain. (c) Write a short example in Python.(a) Explain the differences between a computational model and a mathematical model. (b) What types of mathematical expressions can be used? Explain. (c) Explain an example and write a short program with Python.Explain the main differences between general Linear Optimization and Integer Linear Optimization. (b) How do you decide which one to apply? (c) Write a short Python code to illustrate this. ................

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