[1] - loveluck


Muriel Mary Courtis LOVELUCK

Born 14-5-1915, at 59a Hurstbourne Road Forest Hill London, father John Edward Loveluck Lt Royal Naval Reserve, mother Daisy Rebecca Turner reg 9-6-1915 Book 101 Lewisham entry 499 Cert (JEL was at Gallipoli; 7 days later a torpedo went under his ship HMS Manica and blew up the old battleship HMS Triumph behind with large loss of life.)

C at Bristol Cathedral

Lewisham Prendergast School 1923-6 (prizes)

Tunbridge Wells High School 1926-31 (more prizes)

Apprentice to Boots the Chemists at The Pantiles Tunbridge Wells

Married 18-8-1936: Muriel Mary Courtis Loveluck, 21 spr home duties 33 Duke Rd London W4, father John Edward Loveluck ex naval officer and Edwin William Dixon 27 bach, chemist of 33 Duke Rd W4, father Isaac Tunnah Dixon, inspector of mines, LIC at Christ Ch Turnham Green Middx wit DR Loveluck, JE Loveluck (all spelt Lovelock in copy at GRO and in indices) Cert and License.


Edward John DIXON born 10-3-1937 at 72 Highfield Road Nottingham bpt with Michael & Gillian at St Leonard's Wollaton 1947

Leonard Michael DIXON born 21-4-1938 at 132 Harrow Road Wollaton Park Nottingham

Gillian Mary DIXON born 18-12-1940 at 132 Harrow Road

Little four, a boy still born ~1950

Edwina Anne DIXON born 18 May 1955 at The Pharmacy Bingham


Passed up to grade 7 by 1931 at TWHS

Passed Grade 8 Royal College of Music for piano with distinction (133/150) ~1948 Cert and letter from Gaze Cooper, conductor & piano teacher

Teachers LRAM referred twice for practical after passing teaching and theory.

Played piano at Forster St Primary School Nottingham ~1948-9


See [3] for 1915-36

1936 33 Duke Rd London W4

1936-7 72 Highfield Road Dunkirk Nottingham

1937-52 132 Harrow Road Wollaton Park Nottingham

1952-88 The Pharmacy Market St Bingham Nottingham

1989- 1 Spindle Vw Bonner Hill Calverton Nottingham


John Edward LOVELUCK

Born 9-6-1872 at Wstfield Villa, Aberavon, Glam, father James Loveluck, commission agent, mother Margaretta Mathias Davies Cert dated 25-3-1948.

29-3-1887 John Edward Loveluck aged 15 appr to James Loveluck, ship broker of Port Talbot, for 4 years, to be paid lodgings, bonds etc + £6, £8, £10, £16 for the 4 years. Completed with satisfaction, sailed with the barque "Isipingo" of London 310 tons reg off no 65735 & the barque "Ribbleton" of Bristol, 375 tons reg off no 29955. Cert

Testimonials certifying that JEL served with satisfaction and sobriety:

Apprentice on Isipingo 4-1887 to 28-2-1889 signed John Philips, master at London.

Apprentice on barque Ribbleton of Bristol 3-1889 to 4-1890 signed Wm Patrick, master, at Middlesbrough

Apprentice on barque Ribbleton of Bristol 13-4-1890 to 29-3-1891 signed David Davies, master at Glasgow.

Boatswain on barque Ribbleton of Bristol 7-4-1891 to 24-4-1892 signed David Davies, master at Bombay.

Second mate on barque Ribbleton of Bristol 5-5-1892 to 2-5-1893 signed David Davies, master on ship.

John Edward Loveluck, 3, seaman of 19 Amberley Grove Croydon Surrey, father James Loveluck deceased, married Daisy Rebecca Turner, 23 spr of 419 West Ferry Road Poplar London, father William Turner, engineer 7-11-1904 at Christ Ch Poplar London, LIC, wit William Englefield, Eleanor Mary, Killroy, William Turner, both signed.


Daisy Evelyn b 12-12-1910 Cert when JEL was in Australia, d 13-12-1910 age 1 day, Photo

Muriel Mary Courtis b 15-5-1915 when JEL was at Gallipoli m 18-8-1936 Edwin William Dixon

10-5-1897 passed master's exam at Bristol. Cert no 026680 dated 14-5-1897 b 1872 Aberavon, owner London & Provincial Bank, Port Talbot (Station Road).


1893-97 not known - need to check back crew lists from Mobile.

Mobile 1897-8

Clara 1898

Memnon 1899-1900

Europe 1900-1

Maryland 1901,1902-07

Pera 1901

Balaclava 1907-08

Flodden 1908-09

Johannesburg 1910

Bechuana 1910-11

Manica 1911-17, Australia, Gallipoli, E Africa, Bombay

Waterwitch 1918-19 Constantinople

Dahlia 1919-20 Denmark, Riga, brought refugees back.


Kabinga last ship to Japan, Singapore

Retired 1923 as unable to see well enough as a result of war wounds, a gun had backfired injuring his eye.

At 76 Hurstbourne Road Forest Hill 1918-1924

At !03 Wellmeadow Road Catford 1924-27

London Guarantee & Accident Co Ltd House insurance proposal 14-9-1920 by JEL (to replace policy FD468) policy FD4183 for £500 fo 76 Hurstbourne Road changed to 103 Wellmeadow Roda Catford 22-9-1924, changed to "The Wurley" Old Heathfield Lane Mayfield Sx 22-8-1927. Later policy FD22977 endorsement 2323 Mrs DRL 29-9-1952 sum insured to £5000 on premium £8/2/6.

Moved to The Wurley Mayfield Sx 1927.

Moved to 31 De la Warr Road Bexhill Sx 1945 to be near the sea.

Died 30-1-1947 age 74, cremated at Brighton and ashes in sea off Galley Hill Bexhill.

John Edward Loveluck Lt RNR (retired) cause 1a uraemic coma, arterioschlerosis, inf Mary Dixon of 132 Harrow Road Wollaton Park Nottingham Cert

Will of John Edward Loveluck of 59a Hurstbourne Road Forest Hill, about to sail as sub lt in HMS Manica dated 25-2-1916, wife Daisy Rebecca Loveluck sole exx, all to her absolutely, wit George Key, CC Wilson, pr at Lewes by widow, relict, sole exx 22-12-1947 £467


Daisy Rebecca TURNER

Born 13-5-1881 at West Ferry Road Poplar London, father Wiliam Turner, regd 7-6-1881, short cert

Married 7-11-1904 John Edwar Loveluck at Christ Ch Poplar


8-12-1904 19 Amberley Grove Marland Road E Croydon

to 7/1907 63 Southend Croydon

8/1907 at 8 Royal Mansions West Croydon to >24-3-1909

In Antwerp 18-4-1909

At 20 Thornsbeach Road Catford on 9-9-1914 (BT99/3121) & 30-3-14 (pc)

At 59a Hurstbourne Road Forest Hill on 11-3-1915 (BT99/3121)

At 76 Hurstbourne Road in 9/1918, to 1924

At 103 Wellmeadow Road Catford 22-9-1924 to 22-8-1927

At "The Wurley" Old Heathfield Road Mayfield Sx 8-27 to 1945/6

At 31 (later 61) De la Warr Road Bexhill Sx 1945/6-~1956

At The Pharmacy Market St Bingham from ~1956-7

At Kirkland House 14-12-1956 to 1963 Bought it for £900

At Nursing Home 22 Loughboro Rd West Bridgford ~Jan 1963 to 24-Mar 1963

Died 14-3-1963 Daisy Rebecca Loveluck at 22 Loughboro Rd WB of Kirkland House Bingham, widow of John Edward Loveluck, captain (merchant navy) 1(a) lymphosarcoma cert by HWV Charlton MRCS, inf Mary Dixon, daughter The Pharmacy Market St Bingham Notts aged 81

Cremated at Wilford Hill, ashes dispersed there.



Born 23-5-1840 (tombstone)

Bpt 25-6-1840 Aberafon (IGI)

James Loveluck, 21 bach, ship broker, Aberavon Town but Margam Parish, father William Loveluck, HM Customs marrie 6-11-1861 LIC at Aberavon Margaretta Mathias Davies 21 spr of Aberavon, father Thomas Davies, draper &, wit David Longdon, Nicholas Bate, Eilzabeth Loveluck


William James "Willie" b 19-7-1863 c 3-11-1863 m Catherine Ellen Williams Lic 27-4-1892, (GRO 6/92 Neath), bankrupt Apr 1893, d 12/1901 age 38 (GRO ref E Preston) Catherine E Loveluck m 1917 John H Grant ~Neath

Margaretta Harriet Ann b 12/1864 died June 1869 aged 4 (GRO 9/69 Neath) bur Aberavon

James Henry Courtis b 21-6-1866 m 6/1895 Swansea Bessie White (died 1960 age 92) d 9/1913 aged 47 (GRO 9/1913 Preston)





Mary Elizabeth Owen "Liz" or "Lizzie" b 2-4-1868 c 27-5-1868 Aberavon, "fortune teller", of 12 Coblers Place Birkenhead died 28-7-1922 Alexandra Hosp Rhyl (GRO 9/1922 St Asaph aged 53). Will £54

Rosena Margaretta b 6-10-1869 c 7-11-1869 Aberavon married 11-3-1891 Aberavon Edward John (d ~1924), no children, died ~1923. Her bible and cedar trunk are with MMCD

John Edward "Jack" [2] b 9-6-1872 m 1904 Daisy Rebecca Turner d 30-1-1947 aged 74

Nicholas Thomas "Tom", "Jumbo" b 13-10-1881 m 9/1922 St Asaph Ruth Billington, d 3/1961 Crosby aged 79

1841 census see [8], 1851, 61 see [16]

1871 census RG10 5424 p105 entry 138, solicitor's office (Westfield?) Villa

James Loveluck h m 30 ship broker & general commission agent b Aberavon

Margaretta M w m 30 do wife b Ab

William James s 7 sch b Ab

James Courtis s 4 sch b Ab

Mary Elizabeth O d 3

Rosina Margaretta d 1 bAb

Ann Pearce serv 26 dom serv b Devon ?Patcham?

Agnes Briggs dau nurse b ? Wilts Festbury?

Addresses in DRL [3] note book:

56 Alangrove Road Woolwich (~1915)

The Gunridge, Clunton, (Crown Arms) Ashton on Clun Salop

Census 1881 RG11 5334 F57 p10 Custom House Margam

James Loveluck h m 40 ship broker & commission agent b Aberavon

Margaretta M w m 40 b Ab

William V s u 17 clerk to ship…. b Ab

James C s u 14 b Ab

Mary E O d 13 b Ab

Rosina M d 11 b Ab

John E s 8 b Ab

Louisa Bartlett serv u 15 gen serv (dom) b Neath

At Longdon House (next door)

David Jenkins h m 54 Now on shore ship broker & commission agent b Aberavon

Catherine w m 54 n Ab, Sydney A s u 21 clerk in metal brokers office b Ab

Annie S Longdon sis-in-law u 33 annuitant b Ab

Census 1891 not done ? abroad?

1871 Kelly's Mr James Loveluck treasurer to Munic Corpn of Aberavon

James Loveluck Westfield Villa Insurance Agent for "Royal"

Jenkins & Loveluck ship brokers, coal & coke exporters & pitwood merchants.

1875 Kelly's Jenkins & Loveluck ship brokers, metal brokers, & commission agents.

1884 Kelly's Jas Loveluck, ship & commission agent, Avonside, Aberavon Taibach.

Owned sailing ships:

Carita 80930 from 1884-90, master 11-84 to 10-85 RJ Johns Ostend, Jamaica,Spain, Columbia Liverpool.. 3-87 ar Barbados 16-7 Liverpool. Natal (Brazil), Natal SA, Natal (Brazil), NY Natal Mozembique Newport 22-5-1889, Montevideo, Bremen 3-12-89

Isipingo 65735 built 1872 owned ~1886-1890, Master J Philips, 1886 Cape, Barbados, Texas, 1887 Buenos Aires, Texas, 1888 Port Natal, Cochin, 1889 Natal Sa Leith, Natal, where wrecked Sep 1990

Ribbleton 29955 built 1865 owned 1889-93, master 87-90 Wm Patrick, 90-93 David Davies, 1889 Rosario, Beunos Aires Port Natal New Orleans, 1990 BA & R, 1991 Melbourne, Mauritious, Bombay, M, Ceylon, Cochin, Bombay, ar Appledore 13--7-1993, repossessed & name changed to Vennerne

Bristow 4308 built 1854 owned ~20-9-1888-93 Jas & Wm Jas each having 32 shares (BT110/12)

1888 to Natal, 1889 to Natal W Indies, 1890 to River Plate.

Register closed 6-3-1899 sold to Holland.

Died 2 Feb 1895 at convict Prison Portland, aged 55, a convict, pneumonia, inquest held 4 Feb, regd 6 Feb

Buried at Aberavon grave C17

In memory of Margaretta Harriet Ann daughter of James and Margaretta Mathias Loveluck of this parish who died the 16th day of Sept. 1869 aged 4 years and 10 months. Also in loving memory of James Edward Loveluck son of Edward and Rosina Margaretta John. Born 8th Jan and died 20th May 1892 "Lo children are an heritage of the Lord". Also of the above named James Loveluck Born 23rd may 1840 died 2 Feb 1895.


Margaretta Mathias DAVIES

Born 11-2-1841 at 5pm of Thomas Davies, grocer and Harriet Courtis at Aberavon, Margam Glam Cert entry 394 of 26-2-1841 GRO ref 3/1841 Neath 27,454.

Married 6-11-1861 LIC James Loveluck at Aberavon

1841 census see [10]

1851 census not with [10] [11] or [23] so where was she?

1861 census see [11]

1871,81 census see [4]

1891 census not seen ?Aberavon?

Letter 27-3-1889 from Liz to Jumbo, from Southfield Neath "Papa & Will not returned yet - 1 or 2 days yet, love from Aunt"

1892 Letter to [4] signed "Organgrinder"

Kelly 1895, Margaretta M Loveluck (Mrs) Fancy Repository, Parade Bldg, Oystermouth, Swansea and 10 Wallis Road Swansea

Address in note book of [3] 12 Cobden Place Tranmere Birkenhead

Died 1917 aged 76 (GRO 6/1917 Birkenhead)


William TURNER

Born 15-5-1847 "Registered Thomas, but bpt & called William" - DRL [3] ~1960

Thomas Turner b 15-5-1847 of Joseph Turner, labr and Elizabeth Smith X at Childs Wickham Broadway Evesham Worc Cert entry 174 of 20-5-1847 (GRO 6/47 Evesham 18 360)

Bpt William 12-9-1847, father Joseph Turner, labr, mother Elizabeth at Childs Wickham

William Turner "X", 25, bach, labr of 7 Manchester Road Poplar London, father Joseph Turner, labr m 5-5-1874 at Poplar Wesleyan Chapel Rebecca Holmes, 22, spr, of 7 Manchester Road, father David Holmes, deceased, sawyer wit W Wilson, "X" Harriet Wilson. GRO ref 6/1874 Poplar 1c 1252

"Lived at 419, then 475 West Ferry Road Poplar" - DRL ~1960


Joseph b~1875

"m Rose, saddle maker, no ch, footballer for Arsenal, Millwall & Gravesend. Went to Australia & back on Oratavia at expenses of P&O because of an illegal transfer." - DRL [3] ~1960

Elizabeth b~1878

"Married Cpt Englefield, 2nd Hants Regt, at Constantinople after the war. Bought self out of the army. 2 daus"

Harriett b~1879

"Married Millbank, had ch Ethel, d 1907 age 9; Sissy married twice, lived at Bracknell; Florry"

Daisy Rebecca b 13-5-1881 m John Edward Loveluck [2] 7-11-1904, d 24-3-1963

William "Billy" b~

Herbert Arthur "Bert"

Jack b~1891

Dau Doris b ~1914, m Bone, 2 sons

Son John b~1914 m Theda, 1 dau. He was a POW ~3 years (WW II)

1851,61,71 census see [12]

1881 census RG11 511 no 241 at 419 West Ferry Road

William Turner h m 32 gen labr b Childs Wyckham Glos

Rebecca w m 29 labr's wife b Ely Cambs

Joseph s 6 sch b Poplar Middx

Elizabeth d 3 b Poplar

Harriet d 2 b Poplar

John Richard, boarder 18, gen labr b Weymouth Dorset.

… Roberts, lodger, 27 wife of ship breaker, b Rotherhythe Surrey

Died 6-6-1921, buried at Appledore church yard kent, GRO 6/1921 Tenterden 2a 954 age 74


Rebecca HOLMES

Born 21-12-1850 at Potter's Lane Ely Trinity Cambs, father David Holmes, sawyer, mother Sarah Reeves Cert entry 6 of 14-1-1851 Ely, GRO 3/1851 Ely 14, 64

Married William Turner 5-5-1874 at Poplar (see [6])

Mr W Turner 445 West Ferry Road Millwall (from old address book ~1919 of DRL [3])

Mrs Turner 4 Rent's Cottages, Appledore, nr Ashford (ibid)

Census 1851 see [14]

Census 61,71 not found at Ely

Census 81 see [6]

Census 91 not seen

I remember her at The Wurley Mayfield in 1945 as a little dumpy old lady.

Died 29-9-1946, buried at Appledore with [6] GRO 9/1946 Cambridge 4a 203 age 95

Will of Rebecca Turner c/o Mrs Thorogood, 2 Waterbeach Road, Landsbeach Cambs, appoint son Herbert Arthur Turner of Stonegarth Fairlight Hastings as exr. "I desire to be buried in my late husband's grave in the churchyard at Appledore Kent & that a suitable inscription be made on the existing curbstone concerning my death & that the curbstone be properly replaced if disturbed for the purpose of my burial. I give & bequeath to my niece Lily Thorogood with whom I now reside all my jewellery, wearing apparel, trinkets & personal ornaments + £50. Remainder to my son HAT, signed 8-8-1946. Wit Reginald Bellamy, L Wolfe, clerks to Messrs Quin & Co Solicitors Cambridge. Prob Lewes 14-11-1946 to Herbert Arthur Turner, gardener, £440, Rebecca turner d 29-9-1946 of 2 WR, widow.



Born 31-12-1812 c 13-11-1812, William of William & Isod Loveluck at Kenfig & Pyle

William Loveluck, bach of Kenfig m 25-12-1836 at Margam, Ann Powell, spr otp, Lic wit John Loveluck, Margaret Joseph

Married (2) 24-9-1849 Jane Longdon, d of David Longdon, maltster of Aberavon (John Thomas ~1975) GRO 9/1849 Neath 26 588a her mother was Mary Savours

She died 6/1850 Neath 27 378, presumably in child birth. Died 20-5-1850 aged 24, wife of William Loveluck HM Customs, Gravestone B105A at Aberavon Where was she buried?


William b 1837, bur 1837 age 0

c 25-4-1837 of Wm & Ann, farmer of Llanvihangel Mill, at Margam Abbey

Elizabeth b 24-9-1838,

c 1-11-1838 of Wm & Ann Officer of Customs, Plough Cottage, m Thomas Andrew

Census 41,51 see [16], 61 see [4], 71 see [8]

James b 23-5-1840 m 6-11-1861 Margaretta M Davies, d 2-2-1895 age 55

C 25-6-1840

William Jehosophat b 6-5-1842 d 19-5-1862 age 20

C 6-6-1842 at Margam Abbey

Edward b 2-1-1844 m 1879 Martha Burton Penny d 17-8-1909 age 63

C 10-2-1844 at Margam

Census 1841 HO107 1422 Margam hamlet of Havod

William Loveluck 28, Officer of Customs b Glam

Ann 28 b Glam, Elizabeth 3 b G, James 1 b G [4]

Census '51 HO107 2402 p~300 entry 1 Margam St Mary, Custom House Avonside

William Loveluck h w 38 Officer of Customs b Kenfig

William s 8 sch b Aberavon

Edward s 7 sch b Aberavon

Margaret Lewis serv 21 house servant b Pyle

Census 1861 see [4]

Census 1871 RG10 5423 near end entry 227 Custom House Aberavon (Taibach)

William Loveluck h w 58 Officer of Customs b Pyle

Elizabeth d u 33 at home b Margam

Louise Morgan serv u 16 dom serv b Aberavon

Coastwaiter at Aberavon 1837-41, promoted principal coast officer, Port Talbot 1841 £60 to £80

22-11-1872 off work 22-10 & willing to retire, served to 7-1-1873, superannuated at £46/13/4 pa.

Securities at time of admission: William Loveluck, farmer Kenfig & Jehosophat Powell, farmer Margam.

Kelly's 1871: Custom House Officer at Custom House (Creek of Swansea), Tramway Port Talbot. (from John Thomas ~1975)

Owned ship "Britannia" 28139, a 67T schooner built Appledore, from ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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