Website, Email & Facebook Guide

118110-43561000left250002514600Website, Email & Facebook Guide900007300Website, Email & Facebook Guiderighttop2016Author: Laurie SearlePeachtree Wind Ensemble11/19/2016400001000002016Author: Laurie SearlePeachtree Wind Ensemble11/19/2016117475191706500 Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc467381843 \h 2Website PAGEREF _Toc467381844 \h 2Email Group List Serve PAGEREF _Toc467381845 \h 2Facebook PAGEREF _Toc467381846 \h 2Google Calendar PAGEREF _Toc467381847 \h 2Account Information PAGEREF _Toc467381848 \h 3Website Domain Registration PAGEREF _Toc467381849 \h 3Website Host PAGEREF _Toc467381850 \h 3Email Group List Serve PAGEREF _Toc467381851 \h 3Facebook PAGEREF _Toc467381852 \h 3Google Calendar PAGEREF _Toc467381853 \h 3PayPal PAGEREF _Toc467381854 \h 3Weebly Short Course PAGEREF _Toc467381855 \h 4How Weebly Works PAGEREF _Toc467381856 \h 41. Log-on to Weebly PAGEREF _Toc467381857 \h 52. Editor Overview PAGEREF _Toc467381858 \h 6Site-Level Functions PAGEREF _Toc467381859 \h 6Page-Level Functions PAGEREF _Toc467381860 \h 6Accessing a Page PAGEREF _Toc467381861 \h 63. Adding a Page PAGEREF _Toc467381862 \h 74. Adding elements (content) to a page PAGEREF _Toc467381863 \h 9Email Addresses used on Website PAGEREF _Toc467381864 \h 10Email Group List serve PAGEREF _Toc467381865 \h 11Workspace Email PAGEREF _Toc467381866 \h 12Gmail Calendar PAGEREF _Toc467381867 \h 13Facebook PAGEREF _Toc467381868 \h 14Adding and Deleting Admins on the Members Page PAGEREF _Toc467381869 \h 14Adding and Deleting Admins on the Public Page PAGEREF _Toc467381870 \h 15Adding Photo Albums to the Public Facebook PAGEREF _Toc467381871 \h 16IntroductionPeachtree Wind Ensemble maintains a website, email group list, two Facebooks, and a Google Calendar. As of this time (11/19/2016) all applications are maintained on a volunteer basis. The purpose of this guide is to provide account information and administrative instructions to guide the Board and volunteer administrators.WebsiteWebsite: The domain is registered on ; the website is hosted on .Account Holder: Ed JacksonAdministrators: Dan Davis, John Linskey, and Laurie Searle.Email Group List ServeGroup Email Address: pwemembers@The email group address is hosted through . Administrators: Rich Overholt, Laurie Searle, and Ed Jackson. FacebookPWE has a public Facebook and a members’ Facebook. Members Facebook Administrators: Laurie Searle, Don Davis, and John Linskey.Public Facebook Administrators: John Miller, Laurie Searle, Mike Daniell, Don Davis, and John Linskey. Google CalendarPWE uses a Google Calendar set up on Laurie Searle’s account. There is no fee for this service; however, a Google account is required for administrators. Administrators: Laurie Searle, Julie Spenser, Don Davis, John Linskey. Account InformationWebsite Domain RegistrationGo Daddy:User Name:edljackson@Account:141157751Password:Zxcvqwer1Call in Pin:4325Support: (480) 505-8877URL:Purchased:3/3/15 ($27.34) Expires:3/3/17Website HostWeebly: Login: edljackson@Password: pMWkc6GGPurchased:2/20/15 (2 yr subscription Pro-Plan - $159.00) Expires:2/20/17 Email Group List ServeSimplelists: Login:lsearle@Password:laurie2samAnnual Fee:$62Next due:October 9, 2017FacebookPWE has two Facebooks: a Members Page, which is a closed group, and a public page. Instructions are provided later for adding admins to these pages.Google CalendarA google calendar is used on the PWE Website under Laurie Searle’s account. PayPalThe PWE website has a PayPal account; however, that account information is maintained by the treasurer. No information is available for this account.Weebly Short CourseHow Weebly Works-838201460500In a traditional website, a designer creates the website image and page layout, and a website developer writes the code to place and position the content and graphics. Once those tasks are completed, the files are uploaded to a hosting service where they are stored. Then a website address (called a URL) is purchased and directed to those files to give the public access to your website. The entire process can be quite complex, requiring proficiency on multiple software packages, and it can be quite expensive.Weebly offers a simple editor tool that includes all of those tasks, but doesn’t require additional software. Instead it offers an online editor for selecting and customizing a variety of website designs (called themes), and adding content and images using a “drag and drop” process. It also includes free hosting (Weebly stores your files) and a free website address or options to purchase a custom URL or use your existing one.Since the PWE website is already set up and designed, this Short Course will show users how to access the Weebly admin tool to add pages, drag & drop placeholders, click to add content and images, delete content and pages and publish the website changes. For more detailed instructions, the Weebly User Guide located online at. Log-on to WeeblyOpen an Internet browser and navigate to: the upper right corner of the Weebly page select [Login]In the Weebly login window, enter the following information then click [Log In]: Email: Password: Note: The Weebly Site Page opens. The primarily website is Peachtree Wind Ensemble. There may be additional sites, such as a back-up or test site.49466543878500In the Weebly Site Page next to Peachtree Wind Ensemble, click [Edit]Note: Laurie Searle created the Weebly Website in 2015. She transferred site ownership to Ed Jackson in November 2016 so Ed could pay the subscriptions. Several PWE members are setup as administrators so they may manage the site; however, they do not have access to any payment information. 2. Editor OverviewThe Weebly editor has main site-level functions along the Weebly blue horizontal navigation bar, and page-level functions along the Weebly vertical grey toolbar.35528253155950064770039370Page-Level Functions00Page-Level Functions432435010795Site-Level Functions00Site-Level Functions35242520955-4508590170003743325193675005124450241300Website Navigation Bar00Website Navigation BarSite-Level FunctionsThe site-level functions are used for building the website. Once the website is built, such as the case with the PWE site, you will only need to access the [Page] function to add or delete pages, or to place or change pages on the navigation menu.Page-Level FunctionsThe page-level functions are used for dragging and dropping various element containers onto webpages. For example, to add the title “Member’s Concert – March 16,” you would click & drag the title element to the desired location on the page, and then type the words “Member’s Concert in that container. Accessing a PageTo open and access a page on the website, click on the PWE website dark-blue navigation bar for the desired page. 3. Adding a PageOn the Weebly blue navigation bar, click [Page]Note: the Page directory screen opens Click the blue button [+Add] , and from the dropdown box click [Standard Page]At the Edit Page screen, enter the page name and select one of the four page layouts. Note: A recommendation is to start with the “No Header” page layout. You can change this later, if desired. Select the navigation option for the page:If you do not want the page to appear in the navigation, click the box [Hide in page navigation]If you want the page to appear in the navigation click and drag the page icon in the left column to your desired page location. To nest the new page under another page, drag it below and to the right of the page.Continued on next page323850-1905000Click on [Advanced Settings]Note: The page expands with additional text boxes to fill out.Enter a page title (this will appear at the top of the browser page when the page is open)Enter a page description (this will appear when the page is pulled up on an Internet search)Enter meta keywords (these are potential words someone might use to search and find your page) 38100058991500On the bottom of the screen click {Save and Edit]Note: the new page opens in the Weebly Editor.4. Adding elements (content) to a page-6667551054000Adding content to a website starts with selecting an element from the page-level function menu on the left, then clicking and dragging that element onto the page. In the next steps, we will a title and text to the page below.-120840410775950043878574422000With a new page opened, click and drag a [Title] element onto the page.Note: Blue text that says [Click here to edit] appears on the page. Type your desired title in that space.Click and drag a [Text] element onto the page.Note: Blue text that says [Click here to edit] appears on the page. Type your desired title in that space.Adding an image is a similar process. Drag the image element onto the page, click on it, and navigate to the image you want to use (either on your computer or internet.Email Addresses used on WebsiteContact Us Page: Mike Daniel, Laurie Searle, Don DavisLaurie Searle laurie.searle@, Mike Daniel michaeladaniell52@, Don Davis ddavis99@Booking Information Page: JohnRobertsonRealtor@ Email Group List serveEmail administrators:Rich Overholt rich.overholt@Laurie Searle lsearle@ To send an email to the group use this address: pwemembers@ To administrator the account (add, delete, change email addresses: Navigate to Login: Selection the following options:What would you like to do?Add members to your listList membersView your list membersList membersSet who is allowed to post to your listList settingsSet a subject prefix or footer for your listList settingsEnable list archivesList settingsSee messages bounced for approvalApprovalTo add another administrator to the account:Login Click on your email address in the top-right cornerClick "manage users"You can add a new user by clicking the "add delegated user" option. You can set which permissions the new user has, be it all permissions or just permissions to make payments.Workspace EmailA free email address is set up on the GoDaddy domain account (see page 4 for account information).info@The purpose of this email account is to have a generic email address we can put on our website and marketing material so that individuals may contact PWE for more information. The email address is currently forwarded to: Laurie Searle lsearle@ and John Robertson JohnRobertsonRealtor@. To add or delete additional forwarded emails to this workspace email address, login the GoDaddy account and click Manage Email.This workspace email account has some limitations in the file sizes that can be sent and received, and in the amount of storage. See: periodically delete the messages in the workspace email account: Navigate to: : info@Password: 2017PWE Gmail CalendarThere is a Google Calendar on the home page. This application is edited outside of Weebly in your Google Account. Once you make a change it automatically updates the calendar on the Website.You must have a Google Account to make changes to the calendar. From your Internet browser type: In the upper right corner select [Sign In]Enter your email address and password or Click Create an account if you don’t have one.Once you’re signed in, navigate to: Note: The calendar page opens. At the top of the page, select the [Month] view If you have more than one calendar, on the left column select [PWE]Click in the calendar on the date you desireIn the text box that opens, in the [What:] field, enter your event nameClick [Edit event] to add detailsClick [Save] when done-14287535560000To Delete an event, click on the event in the Calendar and select deleteFacebookPWE has two Facebook pages: a public page and a member page.Adding and Deleting Admins on the Members PagePWE Members Page: There are three members set up as administrators on this page:Laurie Searle, Don Davis, and John LinskeyTo add or change administrators:In the [Add Members] text box in the right column, enter name or email address of new member. Then click add member. See box 1 below.431927033623254431813503038475005681345161925011341947516192500962025134302500160464516573502241910088455500-433705280987533In add or change administrators:In the horizontal navigation menu, click [Members]. See box 2 below.A list of members will display. See box 3 below.Click the cog wheel icon next to the member and select [Make Admin]419100124396500Adding and Deleting Admins on the Public Page There are three members set up as administrators on this page:John Miller, Laurie Searle, Mike Daniell, Don Davis, and John Linskey To add or change administrators:In the horizontal navigation menu, click [Settings]. See box 1 below.In the vertical navigation menu of the next page, select [Page Roles]. See box 2 below.In the “Assign a New Page Roll text box on the next page, enter new admin’s name, and select roll from dropdown box. 537654517589511-952571755004305300-254000-762092710005376545262509033-9525263398000966470111061522257175116649500-9525193992500Adding Photo Albums to the Public FacebookFacebook is used to add photo albums to the Media page on the Website. To do this, create a photo album on Facebook, select the “external” link to the album, and then add one cover photo to the Media page on the website with a link to the album. This method is preferred over adding large quantities of photos to the website, as it does not slow down the website due to bandwidth issues of large files. Note: you must select the “external” link to the Facebook album instead of just copying the page link in Facebook, so that those who do not subscribe to Facebook may see the album.Navigate to the Public Facebook: In the left vertical navigation menu, select [Photos]In the next page that opens select [Create Album] and [Add more photos]Give the album a title, including the year and concert title, for example.6138545821055115581650124841000133350115379500After the album is created, click on it to view and then click on the three dots. See box 1 below.The link will be copied to your clipboard. You may then upload one cover photo to the Events page on the Website and add the link. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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