Single Page Application Wizard

centercenter[Type the company name]14Single Page Application Wizardwith infinite Scroll…Patrick Kwinten100000100000[Type the company name]14Single Page Application Wizardwith infinite Scroll…Patrick KwintenContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc380415228 \h 2Youtube PAGEREF _Toc380415229 \h 2Version PAGEREF _Toc380415230 \h 2Terminology PAGEREF _Toc380415231 \h 2Setup development environment PAGEREF _Toc380415232 \h 2IBM Domino 9.0.1 PAGEREF _Toc380415233 \h 2Domino Designer 9.0.1 PAGEREF _Toc380415234 \h 2Extension Library 901v00_03.20140120-0650 PAGEREF _Toc380415235 \h 3Fake names PAGEREF _Toc380415236 \h 3Browser plugin for switching User Agent PAGEREF _Toc380415237 \h 3Application configuration PAGEREF _Toc380415238 \h 3Project scope PAGEREF _Toc380415239 \h 6Mobilization Step by Step PAGEREF _Toc380415240 \h 7Step: Create an XPage PAGEREF _Toc380415241 \h 7Step: Drag in the Single Page Application control PAGEREF _Toc380415242 \h 7Step: Configure the Application Pages with the wizard PAGEREF _Toc380415243 \h 7Create Application Navigator page PAGEREF _Toc380415244 \h 8Create General page PAGEREF _Toc380415245 \h 9Create Document Collection pages PAGEREF _Toc380415246 \h 9Create Document Viewer pages PAGEREF _Toc380415247 \h 12Configure the Application Pages PAGEREF _Toc380415248 \h 14Temporarily Result PAGEREF _Toc380415249 \h 27Completion PAGEREF _Toc380415250 \h 35Summary PAGEREF _Toc380415251 \h 35Infinite Scroll PAGEREF _Toc380415252 \h 36Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc380415253 \h 36Screenshots PAGEREF _Toc380415254 \h 37IntroductionThis document describes the Single Page Application wizard that is part of the Extension Library release 901v00_03.20140120-0650, which was released 24 January 2014 on OpenNTF. A new property, "infiniteScroll", has been added to the Data View control which will allow for touch scrolling of a document collection list in XPages mobile apps. It can be enabled on the Data View control itself, or through the application's if all the Data Views are contrained within mobile applications.?Another new mobile feature to this release is the Single Page App Wizard. This is activated when the Single Page Application (xe:singlePageApp) control is added to a XPage. The developer has then the option to create the basic framework for a complete XPages mobile application, dramatically cutting down on the design time needed."?YoutubeThe Single Page Application (SPA) and infiniteScroll property are also demonstrated in an instruction video on Youtube. VersionDateVersionAuthorRemark2014-02-130.1Patrick KwintenInitial draftTerminologyTermRemarkXPagesRapid web and mobile application development technology. It allows data from IBM Notes and Relational Databases to be displayed to browser clients on all platforms.Setup development environmentIBM Domino 9.0.1For simplicity we assume you run an IBM Domino 9.0.1 server. Here you can find instructions how to download it from IBM’s Passport Advantage site.Domino Designer 9.0.1You can download (for free) Domino Designer 9.0.1 at IBM Software site.Extension Library 901v00_03.20140120-0650You can download the library (of course) from OpenNTF.Location: You need to install the library both on the Domino server as Domino Designer.Fake namesIn this document we will demonstrate the SPA wizard by example. As example application we will use the infamous ‘Fake Names’ application. The Fake Names application is an address book like application. You can download an instance of it on the following addresses:Location In this document we have downloaded the Fake Names application from Codestore which is considerable out of date.The main reason for this is that the Fake Names application from Codestore has a categorized People by Organization view in it. Note that all default names are grouped under the ROCKALL organization. You need to alter some Person documents in order to have multiple categories in the People by Organization view.Browser plugin for switching User AgentPerhaps you develop the application in a (local) virtual environment. This environment is probably not directly accessible by a mobile device.In such case you will test the application in a web browser and mimic the user agent of a mobile device. Most browsers have developer tools to do this or ease switching user agents by a add-on.Application configurationOpen the Fake Names application in Domino Designer. Open the XSP Properties file:Set the following properties:Enable ‘Use mobile there for XPages with the prefix:’.Keep the default m_ value.Select a mobile theme:Mobile default.OneUI DX V1.3.Select this option.The Mobile default theme looks like the UI of a standard native app for the mobile device. This depends per device (Android, iPhone).User Agent set to iPone:The OneUI IDX V1.3 theme is the UI that is reused across multiple IBM products (Connections, iNotes).Project scopeIn this tutorial we are going to mobilize partly the Fake Names application. We choose to mobile:Some views with Person info:‘People’.‘People By Organization’.The ‘Group’ view.The Configuration view with ServerParameter info (‘Server\Configurations Parameters’).The Configuration view with Holiday info (‘Server\Holidays’).That is about all the information (documents) that is available in the application.For each view we will create a ‘mobile page’ with a list of documents, and for each document type (form) we will also create a mobile page.The ‘mobile interface’ of the Fame Names application starts with a mobile page that contains links to the several ‘views’.There will also be a mobile page with some information about the application.PageRemarkStartpage(static) Mobile page setup as start page for the mobile interface. The page contains a menu that directs to other mobile pages:PeoplePeople by OrganizationGroupsConfiguration – ParametersConfiguration – HolidaysAbout(static) Page which some information about the application.PeopleDisplays a (flat) list of Person documentsPeople by OrganizationDisplays a categorized list of Person documents by their organization.GroupsDisplays a (flat) list of Group documents.ParametersDisplays a (flat) list of ServerParameter documents.HolidaysDisplays a (flat) list of Holiday documents.PersonDisplays information on a Person document.GroupDisplays information on a Group document.ParameterDisplays information on a ServerParameter document.HolidayDisplays information on a Holiday document.Mobilization Step by StepIt is now time to start the development.Step: Create an XPageCreate an XPage and give it a name that starts with the chosen prefix (m_) e.g. m_index.xsp.Step: Drag in the Single Page Application controlOpen the Mobile palette. Select the Single Page Application control and drag it on Design pane of the XPage.Step: Configure the Application Pages with the wizardWhen you drop the control on the Design pane a wizard pops up:Keep the checkbox ‘Create a Custom Control for the content of each Application Page’ selected.From here you will define the available mobile pages.Create Application Navigator pageSelect ‘New’.Enter a name for the Application Page e.g. Main.Select as Type ‘Application Navigator’.Press ‘OK’.Create General pageSelect ‘New’.Enter a name for the Application Page e.g. About.Select as Type ‘General.Press ‘OK’.Create Document Collection pagesCreate Document Collection page for PeopleSelect ‘New’.Enter a name for the Application Page e.g. People.Select as Type ‘Document Collection’.Select ‘OK’.Create Document Collection page for People by OrganizationAgain select ‘New’.Enter a name for the Application Page e.g. PeopleByOrganization.Notice that spaces are not allowed in the name.Select as Type ‘Document Collection’.Select ‘OK’.Create Document Collection page for GroupsAgain select ‘New’.Enter a name for the Application Page e.g. Groups.Select as Type ‘Document Collection’.Select ‘OK’.Create Document Collection page for ParametersAgain select ‘New’.Enter a name for the Application Page e.g. Parameters.Select as Type ‘Document Collection’.Select ‘OK’.Create Document Collection page for HolidaysAgain select ‘New’.Enter a name for the Application Page e.g. Holidays.Select as Type ‘Document Collection’.Select ‘OK’.Create Document Viewer pagesCreate Document Viewer page for Person (document)Select ‘New’.Enter a name for the Application Page e.g. Person.Select as Type ‘Document Viewer’.Select ‘OK’.Create Document Viewer page for Group (document)Select ‘New’.Enter a name for the Application Page e.g. Group.Select as Type ‘Document Viewer’.Select ‘OK’.Create Document Viewer page for Parameter (document)Select ‘New’.Enter a name for the Application Page e.g. Parameter.Select as Type ‘Document Viewer’.Select ‘OK’.Create Document Viewer page for Holiday (document)Select ‘New’.Enter a name for the Application Page e.g. Holiday.Select as Type ‘Document Viewer’.Select ‘OK’.Configure the Application PagesSelect Next. This will open a new dialog.Configure Application Page ‘Main’Change the Label in the Page Heading section to ‘Address Book’.Enter ‘About’ in the Tool Bar Buttons field.Select ‘Next’.The action above will lead the following result:Configure the entries for the Application NavigatorThe following dialog will appear for an Application Navigator page:Here you will set the items or entries that will appear in your ‘navigation menu’.Select ‘New’.Enter a label for the entry e.g. People.Select as Target Page ‘People’.Select ‘OK’.Repeat the steps above for People by Organziation, Groups, Paramaters and Holidays:As a result your dialog should look as followed:Select ‘Next’.Configure Application Page ‘About’The dialog for Application Page ‘About’ contains already all the items that we want:A label for the Page Heading.A Back Button that returns the user to the Main page.Select ‘Next’.Configure Application Page ‘People’The dialog for Application Page ‘People’ contains already all the items that we want:A label for the Page Heading.A Back Button. Set the Target Page however to ‘Main’.Also include a Tab Bar Button labeled ‘Add’. First you need to mark the checkbox ‘Add a Tab Bar’.Select ‘Next’.Since this Application Page is set as a Document Collection type the following dialog appears:Select for the View ‘_People – People’ as data source.Give the Data source a name e.g. viewPeople.Select ‘Next’.The following dialog will appear:Select the Summary column. Choose from the list ‘Name’.Set the Target Page to ‘Person’.Keep the Infinite scroll option on ‘Enabled’.Select ‘Next’.Repeat this process for the other Document Collection Application Pages PeopleByOrganization, Groups, Parameters and Holidays. Play around a little with the options if you like.Configure Application Page ‘Person’Next the dialog for the Person Application Page appears.Set the Back Button, e.g. to the People Application Page.Add some common Tab Bar Buttons e.g. Close, Edit, Save, Cancel. Select ‘Next’.A second dialog for the Person Application Page appears.Select the Person form as source.Enter a name for the Data source.Select a default action.Select a form validation event.Select ‘Next’.A third dialog for the Person Application Page appears. Here you must select the fields on the selected Person form you want to display.Default all fields are presented. So you basically delete the fields you do not want to display. Below you find an example of selected fields.Select ‘Next’.Repeat the same process for the Group, Parameter and Holiday Application Pages.Configure Initial PageA final dialog appears. It summarizes the total of Application Pages and asks what Application Page should be set as Initial Page (the page to be opened first when accessing the XPage).Select Main as Initial Page.Select ‘Finish’.Temporarily ResultAs a result the custom controls for the Application Pages are being created.The XPage m_index.xsp contains all these automatically created custom controls:Save the XPage.Preview the XPage.Below is a screendump of the result so far:You can navigate between the different Document Collection Pages back and forth. You can open the Document Viewer Pages.However you cannot open the About Application Page yet. Also the Tab Bar Button ‘Add’ on the Document Collection Pages is not working. Likewise the Tab Bar Buttons Close, Edit, Save and Cancel on the Document Viewer Pages. These you have to set separately on the Custom Controls.Apply Navigation to the About Application Page.Open the Custom Control ccMain.Allocate the About Button.Add an Server Action to it. Select as category ‘Mobile’.Select as action ‘Move to Application Page’.Set as targetPage the Application Page ‘About’.The other properties are optional to specify explicitly.Select ‘OK’.Save the Custom Control.Update the Add buttonsOn each Document Collection Application Page we have included a Tab Bar Button to add new documents. The wizard did not place any action under these buttons so we need to set them separately. Below is an example how to add the action for the Add Tab Bar Button on the People Application Page:Select as Category ‘Mobile’.Select as Action ‘Mobe To Application Page’.Choose a direction. Set the forceFullRefresh property to ‘true’.Set the loaded property to ‘true’.Set the saveDocument property to ‘false’.Set the targetPage property to ‘Person’.Choose a transitionType. Select ‘OK’.Repeat the process above for the Add Tab Bar Buttons for the other Document Collection Application Pages “People by Organization”, “Groups”, “Parameters” and “Holidays”. Set the targetPage property to the corresponding Document Viewer Application Page.Update the Close, Edit, Save & Cancel buttonsThe wizard did not place any action under these buttons so we need to set them separately. Below is an example how to add the action for the Close, Edit, Save and Cancel Tab Bar Button on the Person Application Page:Close buttonThis button should only be displayed when the document is in read mode. It should “close” the Person document and return the user to the People’s view.<xe:tabBarButton id="tabBarButton1" label="Close" rendered="#{javascript:!docPerson.isEditable()}"<xp:eventHandler event="onClick" submit="true" refreshMode="complete"><xe:this.action><xe:moveTo direction="Right to Left" forceFullRefresh="false" saveDocument="false" targetPage="People"></xe:moveTo></xe:this.action></xp:eventHandler></xe:tabBarButton>Edit buttonThis button should also only be displayed when the document is in read mode. It should change the document mode into edit mode.<xe:tabBarButton id="tabBarButton2" label="Edit" rendered="#{javascript:!docPerson.isEditable()}"><xp:eventHandler event="onClick" submit="true" refreshMode="complete"><xe:this.action><xp:changeDocumentMode mode="edit" var="docPerson"></xp:changeDocumentMode></xe:this.action></xp:eventHandler></xe:tabBarButton>Save buttonThis button should also only be displayed when the document is in edit mode. It should save the Person document while “closing” it and move back to the People’s view. Note it should force a full refresh of the target page.<xe:tabBarButton id="tabBarButton3" label="Save" rendered="#{javascript:docPerson.isEditable()}"><xp:eventHandler event="onClick" submit="true" refreshMode="complete"><xe:this.action><xe:moveTo direction="Right to Left" forceFullRefresh="true" saveDocument="true" targetPage="People" transitionType="slide"></xe:moveTo></xe:this.action></xp:eventHandler></xe:tabBarButton>Cancel buttonThis button should only be displayed when the document is in edit mode. It should not save the Person document while “closing” it and move back to the People’s view.<xe:tabBarButton id="tabBarButton4" label="Cancel" rendered="#{javascript:docPerson.isEditable()}"><xp:eventHandler event="onClick" submit="true" refreshMode="complete"><xe:this.action><xe:moveTo targetPage="People" direction="Right to Left"forceFullRefresh="false" saveDocument="false"transitionType="slide"></xe:moveTo></xe:this.action></xp:eventHandler></xe:tabBarButton>When you save the changes and preview your work you will notice that an error message is displayed when opening a Person document. This is caused by the fact that the docPerson data source is connected to a panel and the tab bar buttons are placed outside that panel. In order to make the code work you should relocate the opening panel tags so they include the Tab Bar. It might be even recommended to include the Page Heading control within the data source panel so you e.g. can populate a custom header title.Below is a snippet how your page could like from the start:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xp:view id="view1" xmlns:xe="" xmlns:xp=""><xp:panel> <xe:djxmHeading back="Back" id="djxmHeading1" label="Person" moveTo="People">….</xe:djxmHeading>….<> <xp:dominoDocument formName="Person" var="docPerson" loaded="true" /> </> </xp:panel></xp:view>Repeat the process above for the Close, Edit, Save and Cancel Tab Bar Buttons for the other Document Viewer Application Pages “Group”, “Parameters” and “Holidays”. Set the targetPage property to the corresponding Document Collection Application pletionYou have now mobilized the fake names application in XPages! Users can navigate through different sets of documents, open and read their information, create new documents or update them.SummaryWith the Single Page Application control you can rapidly mobilize a Notes application. The wizard is intuitive although you need to understand some basics of mobile development.Unfortunately the wizard is not complete and forces you to apply some coding.Infinite ScrollThe infiniteScroll property for a Data View control is enabled by default in the Singe Page Application. This great new feature allows users to fetch new rows of data by scrolling down the list.You would almost be stupid to disable this feature.RecommendationsAbility to apply basic CRUD Tab Bar Buttons to a Document Viewer Application Page.On a Document Viewer page is viewer page it would be easier to add fields instead of removing most of all the fields that would otherwise be applied by default. In mobile apps the number of fields you want to display is probably less than in a Notes client application.Ability to re-open the wizard after you have pressed ‘Finish’.It would be great to have message popups when a user performs an action that he/she is not allowed to do. At the current stage there is default no mechanism for this. Examples: “You are not authorized to perform this action”, “You have insufficient access rights”.ScreenshotsFigure: Main Application Page.Figure: People Document Collection Application Page.Figure: Person Document Viewer Application Page.Figure: Person Document Viewer Application Page in edit mode. ................

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