Bowdle, South Dakota

November 18, 2020 MinutesPresident Evelyn Heilman called the meeting to order. Others present were: DJ Hardison, Tara Beitelspacher, and Janet Sandmeier. Joining the meeting through Zoom was Michelle Hartman. Absent were Tim Thomas, Sandy Osterday, Lane Vocu.The minutes of the previous meeting were shared. Motion was made by Beitelspacher to approve the minutes. Hardison seconded. Motion carried.The Royal Flush Casino Night, poker walk, to be held in conjunction with the Legion Smoker and a meal by the Junior Class on Saturday, Nov. 21, was discussed. Sandmeier shared the printed posters and the participant cards. Heilman offered to donate the $50 prize money for the event. Tear off tickets were still needed for the gift basket drawing. All participants must turn in their card with their poker hand by 8:10 to Sandmeier at the Legion Hall to facilitate calculation for prizes. Business sponsors will assist with the calculations and drawings as soon as they are able to leave their businesses.Elf Day has been scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 3. This year’s event will be more of a customer appreciation event as Santa and the Gold Club bags will be distributed through the school. The November water bill will have notice about the event on the back. It was suggested that Bowdle Bucks be highlighted on the mailing.Instead of trying to get lights strung on the Towne Square evergreen, it was suggested that we look into a display to which pieces could be added each year. The budgeted park funds will be explored for this project.The progress for the fa?ade plans on Main was discussed. Hartman will provide a plan for the project at the next meeting.The little school house project was reviewed. Funds for two window replacement have been donated to date. It was reported that every museum item has now been removed from the previous museum location. All of the items are currently housed at the little school library or the pavilion. These items will need to be sorted, evaluated, and determination made as far as the future of each item. Now that the museum is definitely out of the previous building, it was hoped that a number of individuals would come forward to assist with the school house and museum project. Several, who had indicated a willingness to help once a decision was made, will be contacted to help with the project.The Economic Development group discussed possible Christmas business remembrance items. There are a number of the “Thank you for supporting business” stickers remaining from last year as an option. It was decided that with the year we have all gone through, we needed to get the word to every business and every person working in each businesses, that they are valued and appreciated! A card and a token candy cane gift will be obtained for distribution to all businesses and their employees throughout Bowdle. The next meeting was set for December 9th at 5:45 at the Public Library, at which time the card/cane gifts will be assembled.With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00.Janet Sandmeier, BEDC Director. ................

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