BUILDING AND GROWING A LARGE Customer Database - Bloom Intelligence


Customer Database

Building and Growing a Large Customer Database | 1


If there is one thing that the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020 taught restaurant owners and operators, it is that having a large customer database is crucial to keeping your business alive when times get tough.

When restaurants were forced to close their doors to on-premise dining, those who did not have a database to continue marketing to were at a serious, often businessending disadvantage. If you do not have a customer database, or you are not actively working to grow the one you have, you are simply leaving money on the table.

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Database So Important?

Acustomer database can not only give you a powerful, very low-cost marketing channel, it can help you get to know who your customers are, how they behave at your place of business, and what their spending habits are.

With this type of information, you can create specific messaging for specific customers. For instance, you could send a specific message to men over 21 years old who visit during happy hour, and a completely different message to women under 50 years old who only visit during lunch. This allows you to really target your messaging to each segment that will be interesting and engaging to them.

Studies have shown that being able to segment your customer list into various personas, and then sending targeted messaging to those personas, will greatly increase open rates and engagement. Thus, you can improve revenue while spending less.

In fact, according to a study from Mailchimp, marketing email recipients are 75% more likely to click on emails from segmented campaigns than non-segmented campaigns. And an article from stated that targeted promotions are, on average, almost twice as effective as non-targeted ones. Mailchimp also noted that email open rates are 14.31% higher in segmented campaigns.

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In addition, when you have your own customer list, you don't have to pay for someone else's email list. While this may seem like an effective alternative, these lists can be very expensive. Plus, in many cases you'll have to pay them again and again if you want to send more messages.

Many of these lists contain email addresses of consumers who did not give their permission to be on the list. Sending messages to lists like this can be harmful to your business reputation. Also, since the customer did not opt into your emails, they may lose trust or loyalty to your place of business.

If your business is already in need of more revenue, renting email lists just doesn't make sense.

Likewise, when revenue is low, you won't have to pay high prices for effective online advertising, or local media. Saving these critical dollars can make the difference between success and failure of your business.

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2 WHAT IS A Customer Database?

Simply put, a customer database is a collection of actual customer names along with their associated contact information, such as their email or phone number. With this very basic set of data, you can begin sending marketing messages to these customers to get them to come back to your place of business, or order take-out or delivery.

At the most basic level, customer databases should include customer names and email addresses. However, when using a WiFi marketing and analytics platform like Bloom Intelligence, you can collect so much more data.

You will be able to collect things like customer birthday, age, gender, and postal code. Plus, you can collect customer

behavior data, such as dwell times, what days and times they visit, which locations they visited, and more.

With Bloom Intelligence, all this data is collected in real time. Likewise, it uses your WiFi access points or your website to collect it, so you don't even have to lift a finger. You can passively build a large, clean, and accurate customer database of your actual customers.

In the past, it has been difficult and timeconsuming to collect the data manually from your customers. Plus, there were often mistakes made when filling out the information, or when entering the data into a spreadsheet. When your data is incorrect, messages will not reach your customers, and success reports become skewed.

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