Northpointe Bank Organization Assessment A training guide for new hires Why Are You Here? You have been chosen to make a big difference here, at Northpointe Bank; A difference that will impact each person, and better the organization both now and in the future. You have been chosen to work with me, as a team, to perform an organizational assessment. I am sure you have many questions about this, and this guide will walk you through the process, teaching you what organizational assessment is, and why it is beneficial. What is Organizational Assessment? Organizations are constantly trying to adapt, survive and perform, but are not always successful. An organizational assessment focuses on helping organizations be the best they can be. It helps organizations better understand those issues that are supporting good performance. It gives the organization a perspective of the current status, areas that are working well and areas that could use improvement. The results will provide our leadership team and shareholders with useful information that will help with future planning and decision-making. What Do We Do? The organizational assessment is performed right here, within our four walls. We, as a team, take it one step at a time, and evaluate specific areas one by one. Once we have drafted feedback and suggestions for each area, we will move to the next. There are several different models that can be used for assessing an organization. Here at Northpointe Bank, we have decided the Baldrige model work best. The Baldrige ModelThe Baldrige business model has been around for decades and is a pretty big deal. There is a national Baldrige Award, which is given by the President of the United States to businesses that apply and are judged to be outstanding in seven areas of performance excellence. These areas, which we will be evaluating and will discuss in detail, are leadership, strategic planning, customer focus, measurement, analysis and knowledge management, employee focus, and operational focus. The framework above has the following basic elements: Organizational Profile - How Northpointe operates. The environment, key working relationships, strategic situation, and challenges and advantages. Performance System – The categories that define the process and results we will achieve, leadership, strategic planning, and customer emphasize the importance of a leadership focus on strategy and customers. Employee focus, operational focus, and results represent our workforce and the operational processes which yield our overall performance. All actions point to results, as each one impacts the results of the organization’s performance. System Foundation – Measurement, analysis, and knowledge management are critical to effective management of Northpointe Bank and serve as a foundation for the performance management system. Organizational Profile: Organizational CharacteristicsWhat is Northpointe Bank’s operating environment and key relationships with customers, partners, and stakeholders?EnvironmentWhat products does Northpointe offer?How are they decided, marketed, and delivered?The Mission, Values, and VisionWhat are they and how does Northpointe engage employees to represent them? Our workplace profileEvaluate employee diversity, education levels, workplace benefits AssetsEvaluate Northpointe’s facilities, technologies, and equipment Regulatory requirementsWhat regulatory agencies we operate under (FDIC, CFPB, and FHLB) and what that means, what are the requirements? What do they provide? Relationships Organizational structure Review and learn about Northpointe’s governance systems, parent organization (Northpointe Bancshares), reporting relationships, and organizational chart. Customers and stakeholders Identify who they are, what are their expectations?PartnersWho are our partners, and why? What role do they play? Describe Northpointe Bank’s competitive environment, the key strategic challenges and advantages, and the system used for performance improvement. Competitive Environment Competitive positionWhat is our current competitive position? Size/growth? What type of competitors do we face?Competitive changesWhat key changes taking place impact our situation (rates, housing market), are there opportunities for innovation and collaboration? Comparative dataWhat are our sources for reviewing competitive data? Are there any limitations on obtaining competitive data?Strategic Context What are Northpointe’s key operational, societal responsibility, and human recourses challenges and advantages? Performance Improvement SystemWhat are the key elements of Northpointe’s performance improvement system, to include evaluation, learning and innovation processes? LeadershipHow do Northpointe Bank’s senior leaders lead? How do the senior leaders communicate with the employees, and encourage high performers? Answer all of the questions below about the senior leaders at Northpointe. Mission, Values, and VisionMission, Values, and Vision How do they set, deploy (internal and external), and represent the Mission, Values, and Vision? Ethical and legal behaviorDo they demonstrate commitment to legal and ethical behavior? Create a sustainable organizationHow to they create one? How do they achieve the following? Create an environment for performance excellence Creates a culture that delivers a positive customer experience and engages customers Creates an environment for learningDevelops and enhances their leadership skills Participates in learning, succession planning, and development of future leadersCommunication and Organizational Performance Communication How do they communicate and engage staff? Do they communicate strategic initiatives and key decisions?Do they take an active role in reward and recognition programs? Focus on action Do they create focus on accomplishing the objectives, and performance? Focus on attaining vision? How do they identify needed actions?Create value to customers, employees, and stakeholders? Evaluate Northpointe Bank’s governance system and approach to leadership improvement. Describe how Northpointe ensures ethical and legal behavior, and how they fulfill their societal responsibilities, supporting its key communities. Organizational GovernanceGovernance systemHow does Northpointe review and achieve the followingAccountability for management’s actions Fiscal accountability Transparency in operations and selection of Directors Independence in internal and external audits Protection of stakeholders and their interests Performance evaluation How are the senior leaders evaluated? Are these evaluations used when considering compensation? How are the Directors evaluated? Are these evaluations used to improve leadership skills and a leadership system? Legal and Ethical Behavior Legal and regulatory behaviorHow are anticipated public concerns handled? How are any public concerns or impacts prepared for? What are Northpointe’s key compliance efforts, measures, processes, and goals for addressing risks associated with products and operations? Ethical behaviorHow ethical behavior is promoted, what are the measurements, and key processes? How are any breaches of ethical behavior handled? Societal Responsibilities and Support of Key ConcernsSocietal well-being How is this a part of Northpointe’s strategy and daily operations? What are Northpointe’s contributions to the wellbeing of our environment, social, and economic systems? Community supportHow does Northpointe actively support and strengthen our communities? What are our communities? How are these identifiedHow are the areas for organizational involvement determined? How do the senior leaders, with the employees, contribute to improving these communities? Strategic PlanningHow does Northpointe Bank establish its strategy to address its strategic challenges and leverage its strategic advantages? Summarize the strategic objectives and related goals.Strategy Development ProcessStrategic development process How does Northpointe conduct its strategic planning and what are the key process steps? How does this process identify blind spots? How are the core competencies, strategic challenges, and strategic advantages identified? What are the short and long term planning horizons? How are these set? How does the strategic planning process address them? Strategy ConsiderationsHow do you ensure the strategic planning addresses the:Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats Early indication of major shirts in technology, markets, products, customer preferences, competition, the economy and the regulatory environment? Long-term sustainability, and projections for the future Ability to execute the planHow are the above item’s relevant data collected and analyzed?Strategic ObjectivesKey strategic objectivesWhat are the key strategic objectives and what is the timetable? What are the most important goals? Strategic objective considerationsHow do the objectives achieve the following: Address the strategic challenges and advantages Address the opportunities for innovation Capitalize on current core competencies and address the need for new onesBalance short and longer terms challenges and opportunities Consider and balance the needs of all stakeholdersEnhance the ability to adapt in sudden market condition shiftsHow does Northpointe Bank convert its strategic objectives into action plans? Summarize the action plans, their deployment steps, and their performance measures.Action Plan Development and DeploymentAction plan development How are action plans developed? What are the short-term and longer-term plans, and how are they related to the strategic objectives? Are there any key changes planned? If so, what is their impact? How will Northpointe tackle them? Action plan implementationHow are action plans to your partners, as appropriate? How does Northpointe ensure that the key outcomes of the action plans can be sustained? Resource allocationHow is it ensured that resources needed to support the action plans are available, while meeting current obligations? How are these resources allocated? How are the risks associated with the plans managed? How is financial viability ensured? Workforce plansWhat are the key human resources or employee plans to accomplish short-term and long-term objectives and plans? How do the plans address potential impacts on the employees and any potential changes to capability and capacity needs? Performance measuresWhat are the measures or indicators to track the achievement of effectiveness of the action plans?Does the measurement system cover all key development areas and stakeholders? Action plan modificationHow does Northpointe establish and implement modified action plans if circumstances require a shift in plans and rapid execution of new plans? Customer FocusHow does Northpointe Bank listen to their customers and gain satisfaction and dissatisfaction information? Customer ListeningListening to current customers How does Northpointe listen to their customers to obtain actionable information? How do the listening methods adapt to different groups, or market segments? How is social media and web-based technology used to listen to customers? How do the listening methods vary across the customer life cycle? How are customers followed up with on the quality of products, support and transactions to receive immediate and actionable feedback? Listening to potential customersHow does Northpointe listen to former customers, potential customers, and customers that are with a competitor to obtain actionable information and feedback? Determination of Customer Satisfaction and Engagement Satisfaction and engagementHow does Northpointe determine customer satisfaction and engagement? Do these methods adapt to different groups, or market segments? How do the measurements capture additional information for use in exceeding customer experience and securing customers? Satisfaction relative to competitorsHow is information obtained to review competitor’s customer’s satisfaction? When reviewing these customers, how are the benchmarks ensured to be comparable? Dissatisfaction How is customer dissatisfaction determined? How is information captured that is actionable for customer’s requirements and exceeding their expectations in the future? How does Northpointe Bank determine product offerings and communicate mechanisms to support customers? How does Northpointe Bank build customer relationships? Product Offerings and Customer SupportProduct offerings How are customers and market requirements identified? How are products developed and adapted to meet the needs of different groups, and market segments? How are products developed and adapted to attract new customers and new markets? Customer supportHow are customers enabled to seek new information and support, conduct their business with us, and provide feedback?What are the key means of customer support? How do these vary for different groups, and market segments?How are customer’s requirements determined? How are the customer support tools distributed, ensuring they reach all necessary employees? Customer segmentationHow is customer and market product offering information used to identify current and anticipate future customer needs? How does Northpointe consider which competitor’s customers to market to? How is it determined which market segments to pursue for future products? Customer data useHow does Northpointe use customer and market segment information to improve marketing and build a more customer focused culture, and identify areas for innovation? Building Customer RelationshipsRelationship managementHow does Northpointe market, build, and manage relationships with customers to achieve the following: Acquire customers and build market shareRetain customers, meet their needs, and exceed their expectations in each stage of the customer life cycleIncrease customer engagementComplaint managementHow does Northpointe manage customer complaints?How does this process ensure that complaints are resolved effectively and promptly? How does this process enable Northpointe to recover the customer’s confidence and enhance their satisfaction? Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge ManagementHow does Northpointe Bank measure, analyze, review, and improve its performance though the use of data and information at all levels, in all parts of the organization? Performance Measurement Performance measuresHow is data collected, assigned and integrated to track operations and overall performance, including progress related to the strategic objectives and action plans? What are the key organizational performance measures? How frequently are these tracked? What do you do with the data collected; do you use it to support decision-making and innovation? Comparative dataHow does Northpointe select and ensure the effective use of comparable data and information to support operational and strategic decision-making? Customer dataHow does Northpointe select and ensure the effective use of voice-of-the-customer data and information to support operational and strategic decision-making? Measurement agility How does Northpointe ensure that the performance measures in place are able to respond to rapid or unexpected organizational or external changes? Performance Analysis and Review How does Northpointe review organizational performance and capabilities? How are these measures used? What analyses are performed to support these reviews? How are these reviews used to support success, competitive performance, financial health, and progress related to the strategic plan? How are the reviews used to assess the ability to respond rapidly to changing organizational needs and environment changes? Performance ImprovementBest practice sharingHow does Northpointe use performance review to share lessons learned and best practices across organizational units?Future performanceHow does Northpointe use performance review findings and key comparative and competitive data to project future performance? Continuous improvement and innovation How does Northpointe use performance review findings to develop priorities for continuous improvement and opportunities for innovation? How are these priorities and opportunities deployed throughout the organization?How are the priorities deployed to partners? How does Northpointe Bank build and manage its knowledge assets? How does it ensure the quality and availability of needed data, information, software, and hardware for the employees and customers? Data, Information, and Knowledge ManagementPropertiesHow does Northpointe mange organization data, information, and knowledge to ensure the following properties: AccuracyIntegrity and reliabilityTimelinesSecurity and confidentialityData and information availabilityHow does Northpointe make needed data and information available to its employees, partners, and customers? Knowledge managementHow does Northpointe manage organizational knowledge to accomplish the following: The collection and transfer of employee knowledgeThe transfer of relevant knowledge from and to customers, and partnersThe rapid identification, sharing, and implementation of best practicesThe assembly and transfer of relevant knowledge for use in innovation and strategic planning processesManagement of Information Resources and TechnologyHardware and software propertiesHow are the hardware and software throughout the company ensured to be reliable, secure, and user-friendly? Emergency availabilityIn the event of an emergency, are the hardware and software systems available to serve customers and business needs?Workforce FocusHow does Northpointe Bank manage employee capability and capacity to accomplish the work of the organization? How does Northpointe Bank maintain a safe, secure, and supportive work climate? Workforce Capability and Capacity Capability and capacity How does Northpointe assess the capability and capacity needs, including skills, competencies, and staffing levels? New workforce membersHow does Northpointe recruit, hire, train, and retain new members of the workforce?How does Northpointe ensure the workforce represents the diverse ideas, cultures, and thinking of its hiring and customer community? Workplace accomplishmentHow does Northpointe organize and manage the employees to achieve the following: Accomplish the work of the organizationCapitalize on the core competencies Reinforce a customer and business focusExceed performance expectations Address strategic challenges and action plans Workforce change managementHow does Northpointe prepare their employees for changing capacity and capability needs? How are employee reductions minimalized? If necessary, how is the impact minimalized? How is growth prepared for? Workplace ClimateWorkplace environmentHow does Northpointe address the safety, health and security of the workplace? What are the related performance measures and improvement goals? Workplace policies and benefitsHow does Northpointe support its employees via policies, services, and benefits? How are these tailored to the needs of a diverse group? How does Northpointe Bank engage, compensate, and reward their employees to achieve high performance? How do they assess employee engagement and use the results to achieve higher performance? How are employees and leaders developed to achieve high performance? Workplace Performance Elements of engagement How does Northpointe determine the key elements impacting employee engagement?How are these determined for different groups and segments? How does Northpointe determine the key elements impacting employee satisfaction? Organizational culture How does Northpointe foster a culture characterized by open communication, high-performance work, and engaged employees? Does the culture benefit from the diverse ideas, cultures, and thinking? Performance management How does the performance management system achieve the following: Support high-performersConsider compensation, reward, recognition, and incentives practicesReinforce a customer and business focus and achievement of the action plansAssessment of Workplace Engagement Assessment of engagementHow does Northpointe assess employee engagement? What informal and formal methods are used to assess it?How do these measure for different groups and segments? How are other factors measured, such as retention, absenteeism. grievances and productivity?Correlation with business results How does Northpointe relate the engagement assessment findings to key business results to identify opportunities for improvements? Workforce and Leader Development Learning and development systemHow does Northpointe’s learning and development system address the following factors for employees and leaders: The core competencies, strategic challenges, and accomplishments of its action plans (short and long-term)Organizational performance improvement and innovation Ethics and ethical practicesCustomer focusLearning and development needs (self-identified and identified by supervisors)Transfer of knowledge from departing or retiring employeesReinforcement of new knowledge and skills on the jobLearning and development effectivenessHow does Northpointe evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning and development systems?Career progression How does Northpointe manage effective career progression and effective succession planning? Operations FocusHow does Northpointe design, manage and improve its work systems to deliver customer value, prepare for potential emergencies, and achieve organization success and sustainability? Work System DesignDesign concepts How are work systems designed? How are core competencies capitalized? How were key processes and systems decided to be internal or external? Work system requirementsHow are key work system requirements determined? Was input incorporated from customers and partners? What are the key requirements for these systems? Work System Management Work system implementationWhat are the organization’s work systems?How are they managed and improved to deliver customer value and achieve sustainability? Cost controlHow is the overall cost of the work systems controlled? How are defects, service errors, and reworks prevented? How are the costs minimized with tests, inspections, and performance audits?Emergency Readiness How does Northpointe ensure employee emergency preparedness? How does the emergency system consider prevention, management, continuity of operations, and recovery? How does Northpointe Bank design, manage, and improve its key work process to deliver customer values and achieve organizational success and sustainability? Work Process DesignDesign concepts How are work processes designed to meet all of the key requirements? How is new technology, organizational knowledge, and product excellence incorporated? How are cycle time, productivity, cost control, and other efficiencies incorporated? Work process requirementsHow are process requirements determined? What are Northpointe’s key work processes? What are the key requirements for these processes?Work Process Management Key work process implementationHow are processes related to the work systems? How do the day-to-day operations ensure they are meeting the process requirements? What are the key performance measures for the control and improvement of the work processes?Vendor management How are the vendors managed? How are they determined to be qualified and positioned to enhance performance and customer satisfaction? How are poorly performing vendors handled? Process improvement How does Northpointe improve work process to achieve better performance, reduce variability, and improve products? ResultsSummarize Northpointe’s key product performance and process effectiveness and efficiency results. Include processes that directly serve customers, strategy, and operations. Segment your results by product offerings, by customer groups and market segments, and by process type and locations, as appropriate. Include appropriate comparative data. Customer-Focused Product and Process ResultsWhat are Northpointe’s current levels and trends in key measures or indicators of product and process performance that are important to and directly serve their customers?How do these results compare with competitor performance? Operational Process Effectiveness ResultsOperational effectiveness What are the current levels and trends in key measures or indicators of the operational performance of your key work systems and processes, including productivity, cycle time, and other appropriate measures of process effectiveness, efficiency, and innovation? Emergency preparednessWhat are the current levels and trends in key measures or indicators of the effectiveness of your work system and workplace preparedness for disasters and emergencies?Strategies Implementation ResultsWhat are your results for key measures of indicators of the accomplishment of the organization’s strategy and action plans, including building and strengthening core competencies? Summarize Northpointe’s key customer-focused results for customer satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and engagement. Segment your results by product offering, customer groups, and market segments, as appropriate. Include appropriate comparative data. Customer-Focused ResultsCustomer satisfactionWhat are Northpointe’s current levels and trends in key measures or indicators of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction? How do these results compare with competitor levels? Customer engagementWhat are Northpointe’s current levels and trends in key measures or indicators of customer engagement, including relationship building? How to these results compare over the course of your customer life cycle, as appropriate? Workforce ResultsWorkforce capability and capacityWhat are Northpointe’s current levels and trends in key measures of employee capability and capacity, including staffing levels and appropriate skills? Workforce climateWhat are Northpointe’s current levels and trends in key measures or indicators of workforce climate, including employee health, safety, and security and employee service and benefits, as appropriate? Workplace engagementWhat are Northpointe’s current levels and trends in key measures or indicators of employee engagement and employee satisfaction? Workplace DevelopmentWhat are Northpointe’s current levels and trends in key measures or indicators of employee and leader development? Leadership, Governance, and Societal Responsibility ResultsLeadershipWhat are Northpointe’s results for key measures or indicators of senior leaders’ communication and fiscal engagement with employees to deploy vision and values, encourage two-way communication, and create a focus on action? GovernanceWhat are the key current findings and trends in key measures or indicators of governance and fiscal accountability, internal and external, as appropriate? Law and regulationsWhat are the results of key measures of indicators of achieving and surpassing regulatory and legal requirements? EthicsWhat are the results for key measures or indicators of ethical behavior and of stakeholder trust in the organization’s senior leaders and governance?SocietyWhat are the results for key measures of indicators of the organization’s fulfillment of its societal responsibilities and your organization’s support of its key communities? Financial and Market ResultsFinancial performanceWhat are the current levels and trends in key measures or indicators of financial performance, including aggregate measures of financial return, financial viability, or budgetary performance? Marketplace performanceWhat are the current levels and trends in key measures or indicators of marketplace performance, including market share or position, market and market share growth, and new markets entered, as appropriate? Closing Remarks and Reoccurring TasksOnce we have collected all of our data, and completed the assessment, we will work together to compile it into a presentation format for the Directors and senior leaders. From here, we will put together a high level presentation to be shared with all-staff and create a Smartsheet (the program Northpointe uses for project management) for follow-up tasks to be monitored, tracked, and presented. The follow-up tasks will be assigned to individuals, and will have specific date goals. We, the assessment team, will meet monthly to update the team on these tasks and answer questions that may arise. We will come together again in the winter of 2018 to complete another assessment, prior to the strategic planning session. This will allow an accurate capture of where we were, the improvements made, and where we stand. Any Questions? ................

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