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Business CaseSERVICE DELIVERYTable of Contents TOC \h \z \u \t "Heading 2,1" Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc377393935 \h 21.Problem Definition PAGEREF _Toc377393936 \h 32.Addressing Problem with CWU existing tools and products. PAGEREF _Toc377393937 \h anizational Impact PAGEREF _Toc377393938 \h 34.Benefits PAGEREF _Toc377393939 \h 45.Strategic Alignment PAGEREF _Toc377393940 \h 46.Cost PAGEREF _Toc377393941 \h 57.Alternatives (add lines as necessary) PAGEREF _Toc377393942 \h 58.Timing / Schedule (add lines as necessary) PAGEREF _Toc377393943 \h 69.Technology Migration/Resource Identification PAGEREF _Toc377393944 \h 610.Product Life/Application Sunsetting or Decommissioning PAGEREF _Toc377393945 \h 611.References PAGEREF _Toc377393946 \h 612.Recommendation PAGEREF _Toc377393947 \h 613.Approvals PAGEREF _Toc377393948 \h 7Executive SummaryIn our current environment, there is no centralized Service Delivery platform to align our information technology services with the needs of the business. Normally, a Service Delivery platform is used to establish integration with the organization's strategy, deliver value, and maintain a minimum level of service. In our case, it allows the institution to establish a baseline from which it can plan, implement, and measure improvements associated with its information services. Essentially, there is a clear need to implement a system where tickets, request for service, and incidents can be managed and controlled. The need for this centralized Service Delivery platform is evident in that the university technology professionals currently rely on three disparate systems to provide services to our customers. None of these three systems communicate with one another, resulting in minimal information sharing between functional groups. Some functional groups rely solely on e-mail for communication while other groups use internal chat applications. It also does not allow for the establishment of Service Level Agreements and projecting of future needs.With the iCAT project, we are introducing a large number of changes not only in our PeopleSoft environments but in all service processes. We are relying more and more on a single sign-on solution that will tie many of our separate information systems and services together. Not having an effective, centralized, and clearly defined Service Delivery solution in place will negatively impact all these efforts. The need for a collaborative and centralized Service Delivery platform is driven primarily by:Business Need: The success of many of our projects hinges on excellent Service Delivery and a strong support environment. Moving forward, this solution will become an integral part of all the services we provide. Best Practices: The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) clearly stipulates a need for a deliberate and intentional approach to service deliver. BerryDunn Report: The BerryDunn report clearly stipulates and directs improvement in customer service and Service Delivery. Sponsoring Department(s): Security Services Department Date of Business Case Preparation: 4/21/2014 Contact Person Name/Phone: Gene Shoda FORMCHECKBOX New Product/ServiceIf there is a draft or sample contract, please provide a copy. FORMCHECKBOX Renewal of Existing Product/Service – if checked, include background information.If there is a site license agreement, existing contract or new contract draft, please provide a copy.Problem Definition Central Washington University currently does not have a centralized Service Delivery platform to align our information technology services with the needs of the business. In order to provide for a unified Service Delivery platform, Central Washington University needs to implement a Customer Relationship Management system from TeamDynamix. The BarryDunn report states: “It will be important for the resulting team of [IS] Directors and the CIO to work collaboratively to strengthen customer service, improve communications, promote managerial and leadership competencies throughout the organization, and proactively plan for future needs. “The report continues:“[IS] staff and stakeholders reported that the level of customer service in [IS] needs improvement. While there is a recognition that many individuals within [IS] strive to be helpful and responsive, the overall culture of customer service needs to be more consistent across the ITS organization.”The ability to proactively plan for future needs and support a consistent culture of customer service is not possible with our current tools and processes. Addressing Problem with CWU existing tools and products.CWU’s existing helpdesk applications does not have the ticketing or reporting capacity needed for Central Washington University’s information infrastructure. None of them is suited as an enterprise application and they do not offer the features needed to bridge the current customer service gap. Organizational ImpactStakeholders: The primary stakeholders are the Information Services and Security Services departments. There will be an impact on the university faculty, students, and staff in that the way they interface with the helpdesk will change. This change is not significant and the processes will for the most part remain the same. Meaning, you can currently e-mail the helpdesk for assistance and you will be able to do so in the future. The main difference is that now a ticket will be generated automatically and the customer will have a better experience getting his/her issue resolved. Training Requirements: There will be a training requirement on the internal staff and external customers. The internal staff will be trained as part of the implementation of the TeamDynamix product. The external customer will be trained internally through Change Management and Computer Support Services. All Stakeholders:DepartmentNameInformation ServicesGene ShodaSecurity ServicesAndreas BohmanComputer Support ServicesChris PratzHelpdeskColleen HalvorsonBusiness AnalystsJill Hernandez Benefits Our current environment does not allow for a centralized Service Delivery platform. This means we are not able to track tickets and requests across the University; instead, we track them independently in three disparate systems. The new Service Delivery solution from TeamDynamix would be able to address this need.We are unable to track Service Level Agreements and we do not know if we are delivering appropriate and timely services. The new Service Delivery solution from TeamDynamix would be able to address this need. Currently, we do not have a workflow system in place that allows for approvals associated with certain services and security requests. The new Service Delivery solution from TeamDynamix would be able to address this need.As we integrate more and more information system in our single sign-on solution, we have to ensure we also allow our customers a centralized and effective way to resolve issues, request service, and report incidents. The definition and adherence to Service Level Agreements can be integrated within the new service desk solution. This will greatly increase customer satisfaction and reduce resolution times. Strategic AlignmentStudent success: CWU believes that student success is best achieved by providing supportive learning and living environments that encourage intellectual inquiry, exploration, and application. Strategic Alignment: By providing for a centralized and campus-wide Service Delivery solution, we ensure ready access to information while still ensuring our services are aligned with the overall business needs of the organization. Shared Governance: CWU believes that shared governance is most effective when information systems and decision-making processes are both robust and transparent. CWU believes that communication channels should be open and two-way and that faculty, staff, and students should be empowered to participate in the governance systems.Strategic Alignment: Implementing this system will allow for shared ownership and governance across several functional groups and business units. CostThere is currently no funding for this business case. In working with the vendor, the expected cost breakdown is as follows:ItemCostSoftware Licensing$ 40,328Current TeamDynamix *$ (21,500)Current ehelp desk **$ (5,200)Total Licensing$ 13,678Implementation $ 32,025Total One-Time$ 45,703Current Ongoing $ 26,750Additional Ongoing$ 13,678Total Ongoing$ 40,428* We currently own the Project Management suite from TeamDynamix with current annual licensing cost of $21,500.00 Project Management is included as part of the TeamDynamix quote for Software Licensing. **We currently use Grouplink’s ehelpdesk with an annual cost of $5,200 that would be replaced with TeamDynamix ticketing. Alternatives (add lines as necessary)AlternativeReasons For Not Selecting AlternativeDo nothingOur current environment cannot support the growth an expansion seen with iCAT and our Single Sign-On environment. Purchase different Service Delivery solution. The Service Delivery solutions with similar feature sets were very expensive. We evaluated both Remedy and HEAT both of which would cost approximately $120,000.00 annually. We also evaluated less expensive solutions but they did not have the feature sets we were looking for. Timing / Schedule (add lines as necessary)Task Target DateInitiation6/01/2014On-Site Assessment6/20/2014System Configuration6/25/2014Rollout Preparation07/31/2014End-User Training 08/05/2014Go-Live 08/19/2014Support Transition and Project Closure08/31/2014Technology Migration/Resource Identification ResourceJanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecInformation Services15510Security Services201010Computer Support Services301520Business Analysts633Total Hours713343Product Life/Application Sunsetting or DecommissioningThe expected product life for the TeamDynamix current version is 5-6 years. ReferencesBarryDunn Report RecommendationIt is recommended that CWU purchases a Customer Relationship Management solution from TeamDynamix in order to provide for a centralized and clearly defined Service Delivery solution to our customers. ApprovalsThe following actions have been taken by the appropriate Sub-Council (ATAC or Non-Academic Sub-Council) and Enterprise Information Systems Committee:DateAction By1/14/2014Approved to go to EISCNon-Academic Sub-Council2/3/2014On hold – Evaluate use of PM Side of TeamDynamix first.EISCUpon approval by the Enterprise Information Systems Committee or one of the two Sub-Councils (Academic or Non-Academic), CWU procurement policies and procedures should be used to initiate a purchase.? Please contact the Purchasing office at x1001 with any questions regarding the procurement process.If you have any questions, please contact Ginger McIntosh 963-1466, Sue Noce 963-2927, or Tina Short 963-2910. ................

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