City of Barbourmeade


Louisville, Kentucky 40241


Kim Holsclaw

Monthly City Meeting

December 17, 2007

Mayor Holsclaw opened the meeting at 7:30 pm. The meeting was held at Springdale Presbyterian Church. All Commission members and City Officials were present.


Residents of the City of Barbourmeade:

Tom & Wynne Budniak of 3505 Barbour Lane (425-0750)


Minutes of the November meeting were reviewed. Mayor Holsclaw made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Coomer seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Andy Alvey prepared the treasurer’s report and reviewed it with the Commission. Commissioner Jay made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report pending audit. Commissioner Coomer seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Andy Alvey presented the bills for the month of December. There was a discussion regarding paying Eagle Signs since their work was not 100% complete. After some discussion, Commissioner Jay made a motion to approve payment to Eagle signs in the amount of their invoice - $5,000 pending inspection of the work they had done by the Commission. Commissioner Coomer seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Commissioner Crockett reported that Rumpke will not be providing card-board pick-up the day after Christmas as they had done last year. She reported that there was a problem with yardwaste at a house along the KY 22 access road. She stated that she would write them a letter first, then possible have Sgt. Nissen stop by the house and try to speak with the residents. Commissioner Jay stated that she had received complaints regarding a pile of yardwaste near the street in front of 3608 Breeland Avenue.


Commissioner Coomer reported that there is an LG&E pole on the KY 22 access road that is leaning that may have been hit by a vehicle. He stated that he would contact LG&E.


Commissioner Coomer had nothing to report.


Commissioner Jay reported that she had received an estimate from Greenscapes of $250 to repair damage that had been done to the new irrigation system along the KY 22 access road when LG&E did some repair work. She was debating whether or not to contact LG&E regarding the issue. She reported that holiday décor would be removed the week after New Years. She had received complaints from residents about other residents not cleaning up falling leaves in a timely manner. She discussed issues of unsightly debris as the Bowen Smith property on Barbour Lane. She stated that she would contact Metro 311 regarding the property and suggested others on the Commission also contact Metro 311 and report the problem. She reported that she had given some ordinance violations to Sgt. Nissen.


Commissioner Streit reported that the City is paying for bonds this month.


Commissioner Streit reported that he had received a complaint from a resident on Barbour Lane regarding speeding; he stated that he would speak with Graymoor-Devondale about what yards they might park in to watch for speeding. He reported that he delivered a $75 gift certificate for Papa John’s pizza to Graymoor-Devondale. He reported that Graymoor-Devondale had patrolled 25 times out of 20 school days in the school zones. He also reported that they had issued various citations.


City Engineer Trautwein reported that MSD’s work on the drainage ditch in the Vista section was complete. He reported that a resident, Bill Phillips had called Mike Marling at MSD regarding the project and explained that they wanted more work done. Mike Marling had stated to him that the project is done and any further problems need to be addressed with customer service. Commissioner Coomer stated that he would contact MSD customer service and start the process over to have more work done. Commissioner Coomer did point out that the current drainage problems were created by expansion at the New Life Church property. Bill Phillips also sent an email to Commissioner Jay stating that residents had not been picking up their leaves which were causing the ditch to back up. Commissioner Coomer stated that with the Commissions approval, he would like to send a letter to residents in that area reminding them to keep their leaves picked up. The Commission agreed.


City Attorney Chauvin reported that he had published a notice in the Courier Journal Neighborhood Section regarding the new directory.


There was a discussion regarding paying for the new directory. Commissioner Crockett stated that she would be willing to pay for the directory and advertise herself as a real-estate agent if the Commission does not view it as an ethical issue. The Commission decided to let the Ethics Board discuss the issue and asked Tom Budniak to look into the issue.


Mayor Holsclaw reported that Bowen Smith has provided the City with a proposal to build townhouses on the remaining empty lots on Hillvale. City Engineer Trautwein stated that to build the townhouses would require a change in zoning. After some discussion the Commission agreed that the City would not be in favor of such a zoning change and thus was not in favor of building townhouses. Mayor Holsclaw stated that she would inform Mr. Smith of the Commissions decision.


Mayor Holsclaw stated that the City had 3 candidates for position of City treasurer: Andy Alvey, Sandi Sansbury and Angela Wetzel. After some discussion, Mayor Holsclaw made a motion that the City retain Andy Alvey for the term of one year. Commissioner Jay seconded the motion, all were in favor.


Mayor Holsclaw made a motion that the City donate $600 to Springdale Church as in the past for the use of their facilities for our monthly meetings. Commissioner Streit seconded the motion. All were in favor.

There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Holsclaw made a motion to adjourn and Commissioner Jay seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mayor Holsclaw adjourned the meeting at 8:49 p.m.

Kim Holsclaw, Mayor

Attest: Erica L. Albrecht, City Clerk


City Commissioners

Bryan Coomer

Lisa Crockett

Anne Jay

Dan Streit

City Treasurer

Andy Alvey

City Clerk

Erica L. Albrecht

City Attorney

L. Stanley Chauvin

City Engineer

Robert T. Trautwein


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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