Community Advancement Division Council

Meeting Notes

January 7, 2011

Present: Martha Aaron, Beverly Anthony, Maryann Cohan, Darling Garcia, LauraLee Garinger, Karen Hess, Veronica Mendoza, Maricela Vital, Alicia Zambrano

A scheduled meeting of the Community Advancement Division Council convened at 9:00 am at the Business Training Center in Room 2.

Review of Minutes from November 1st meeting

Minutes approved as written.

Department Updates

o Center for Applied Competitive Technologies – Darling Garcia:

1) Working on a Career Technical Education (CTE) grant, a Workforce Investment Board (WIB) grant, a Responsive Training Fund (RTF) grant for aerospace training, and an Industry Driven Regional Collaborative (IDRC) grant for fastener training,

2) Closing out five grants.

3) As the CACT Hub Center director, contracting to update the CACT website and developing marketing materials.

4) Taking registrations for classes starting in February (Black Belt 6 Sigma and Project Management).

5) As part of the Statewide CACT Consortium received $2 million to train displaced workers.

Karen Hess – Tech Prep:

1) Northrop Grumman tour for 16 WIT (Women in Technology) students and ECC faculty on January 19th. Tour of Mechanical Fabrication Center and Space Park.

2) Articulation Day for Career and Technical Education high school students to El Camino College, March 10.

3) Project Lead the Way Introduction Engineering Design (IED) Competition planning, April 16. SB70 Middle School Counselor Conference planning on April 29. Hope to have the RoadTrip Nation guy as the speaker.

4) Meetings in January include CalPass planning with DaVinci Charter School in Wiseburn School District; Green Career Pathway with Centinela Valley Unified School District, Leuzinger High School and Phil Sutton; Los Angeles/Orange County Workforce Development Leaders (LOWDL) meeting; Project Lead the Way meeting in Pomona; Tech Prep/SB70 Directors Meeting at North Orange County Community College District; American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Workforce Development Conference and SSTARS Breakfast.

Alicia Zambrano – CTE:

1) Busy closing semester. California Math and Science High School Academy (CAMS) had 140 students participate in Project Lead the Way.

2) Middle School Conference on December 9th in Compton showcased the CTE programs. A faculty workshop let students meet and talk to faculty.

3) State Controller/IRS Office offered VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) Training/Certification to 100 participants through the Business Department.

4) The Aerospace Fastener program is starting next semester at the Compton Center. The Fastener Program faculty are receiving industry training.

o Center International Trade Development – Darling Garcia:

1) Not official yet, but will be a CITD affiliate under the Santa Ana CITD.

2) Applying for a grant under the Workforce Innovation Program (WIP) for high schools, and a grant for India (export/import). Grant renewals.

3) Customs Broker exam class starts next week. ITAR. Offering an on-line credit course, Business 94 - International Trade Logistics.

4) Next GEEP delegation will be in June in Beijing, China.


o Community Education – Veronica Mendoza:

1) Winter/Spring 2011 is out. Registrations are starting off strong. Torrance CitiCable will be doing more coverage on Community Ed with the Pirate Camp (for adults) class.

2) Starting work on Summer 2011 catalog: Instructor RFPs have been sent out for Summer 2011 classes. Due Friday, January 7, 2011.

3) Starting work on summer 2011 Kid’s College program: New class development, revamping existing classes, classroom locations and logistics.

4) UPDATES: Production and implementation stage for upcoming Winter/Spring 2011 Community Education events: Pentagon Papers – 40th Anniversary Film Screening and Expert Panel Discussion: Haag Recital Hall, Thursday, March 31, 2011, 6:30pm. Torrance CitiCable to cover event and possibly may film the entire panel discussion for broadcast to those who cannot make the event.

o Contract Education – Maricela Vital:

Eldon Davidson is developing marketing material for ETP and Green ETP programs. He is also overseeing the revamping of our website. Our 2011-2012 Annual Program Plan was submitted. Our office is setting measuring guidelines to evaluate our performance through company evaluations. Access is being considered as a possible new database for our department.

Employment Training Panel (ETP)

1) High wage, High Skill contract: Currently providing Blueprint Reading, (Advancing Productivity, Innovation, & Competitive Success) APICS, and Waste Reduction training.

2) ETP training in partnership with Kern Community College District includes Computer Skills.

3) Application for a $400,000 two-year contract was submitted on December 1st. Funds are expected in late March or early April.

Contract Education

1) City of Torrance Customer Service Academy’s seventh training session will start on January 10th with four cohorts.

o Small Business Development Center – Star Van Buren:

1) There are two new programs for the SBDC. There will be new funding from the SBA for government contracting and manufacturing advising. The other program will be for YEP (Youth Entrepreneurial Program).

2) Workshops for January will include: Are You Ready to Start a Business?, Business Boot Camp for Start-ups (a 10-week course) beginning Thursday, January 13, How to Write a Business Plan, Fed/Basic Payroll Tax Seminar workshop to be held in the City of Carson, a new QuickBooks Series (6 weekly sessions) starting Wednesday, January 19th, and a free workshop, Financial Management in Today’s Economy held on Thursday, January 20th.

3) SBDC will have new goals to meet mandated by the SBA and the Lead Center. Last year we were able to exceed the Jobs Created milestone and the program income goals.

o Workplace Learning Resource Center – Maryann Cohan:

Roberto Pandolfi

1) Maritime Training: Lifeboat and Medical Provider classes scheduled for January 18th. Standards for Training Certification and Watch keeping (STCW) class scheduled for January 25th. Vessel Security Officer class scheduled for February 4th.

2) Site visit from United States Coast Guard on November 16th went well.

3) Terminal Island classes: Business 15 starts January 24th. Welding starts February 23rd. AutoCAD, Parenting and Solar classes are pending. Preparation for March/April Job Fair.

4) LA Metro Detention Center Parenting classes on-going.

Beverly Anthony

5) Two new students referred by the Carson Community Center will start next week. Hoping to get updated software for lab.

Denise DiPasquale

Meeting with CCEO (Century Center for Economic Opportunity) Youth Build in preparation to teach grant supported resume writing and interview skill classes.

Research and paperwork completed for I-Train submission for possible Stagecraft and Theater Technician training for returning military veterans.

A two-week Blueprint for Workplace Success class was completed, teaching 15 students in the Gateways to Green Building Grant Program at CCEO Youth Build.

Research information on Medical Administrative Assistant for possible inclusion on the I-Train and submitted for consideration.


o State Budget: New Governor made it clear that everyone will share in the pain of the budget cuts. Budget will be released on Monday with cuts across the board. In June a public vote for continuation of current taxes and addition of new taxes is expected.

o Inglewood Center Relocation: Lease expires January 31st. Hoped to be in new location in a few months. Michelle Arthur and staff will be at the Business Training Center temporarily.

o Grants: Community Advancement is going after a lot of grants.

o IRS Steps Up Scrutiny of Colleges: Fiscal services will be asking for more supporting paperwork and clarification.


The meeting adjourned at 10:20 am.


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