Unforgettable: Revising to be Remembered

-201930-615950Christine BeebeSimply Unforgettable AP English 3rdJanuary 9, 201200Christine BeebeSimply Unforgettable AP English 3rdJanuary 9, 2012How? DeviceWhy? Purpose/EffectDevice: AmplificationQuote: “I’ve had triumphs- victorious, glorious triumphs, but I’ve also had catastrophes- horrible, depressing catastrophes.”The purpose of this amplification is to add more detail to the extremity of both the good and the bad. The effect is that the listeners are then more focused on what is being said for they now realize the importance and difference between my “triumphs” and my “catastrophes.” Device: AnaphoraQuote: “Being compassionate is being able to put yourself out there, being able to not care how others judge you, being able to be concerned…”The purpose of anaphora used is in this scene is to really draw the audience inward. The intention of this technique is to make the listener feel as if they are also capable of feeling this strong emotion. Device: AphorismQuote: “Trust is a risk, but also a very key component to happiness.”Quote: “It all happens for a reason.”Both quotes are examples of aphorism for they both include a concise expression of insight and wisdom. The first quote’s purpose is to inspire people to take the risk and trust another. Its effect is that it leaves it’s audience with a sense of hope in humanity as a whole for people tend to give up on society because of previous errors of others. The second quote’s purpose is to demonstrate the effects of faith and how one cannot hope to overcome what is meant to be. The effect of this quote is that listeners start to believe that they are not in control and it gives them a more carefree perspective on life.Device: ImplicitQuote: “Well you know the other night? I think it happened.”This implicit scene is established in order to convey a hidden meaning. It intrigues the listener and makes them curious to hear what else is to be said.Device: ColloquialismQuote: “”Hey girl!” “Oh hey girl, was up?” “Heard you got a new beau!” “Oh ya, he’s finnnne!” This display of colloquialism focuses on gaining the interest of a younger generation. Its purpose is to gain attention of this video’s audience by speaking in an informal manner and tone that directly relates to the target audience.Device: MetaphorQuote: “My family means more to me than a kingdom to its king.”This metaphor compares the importance of family to the importance of a king’s riches. Most kings would do anything to keep their kingdom alive. As would I with my family. This demonstrates the extremeness of the importance of my family values by comparing them to a well known scenario, such as a king and his love for his kingdom.Device: Verbal IronyQuote: “Waaaaay too similar.”When I refer to my family as “waaaaay too similar” it exemplifies verbal irony and the sarcasm it can form. One may assume it as not to be ironic, but given the tone it was spoken in and the context of the scene, one cannot help but to notice the ironic tone used to set a more joking and fun atmosphere.Device: EpigraphQuote: “Those who care don’t matter, and those who matter don’t care.” – Dr. SuessDr. Seuss’s quote really gets at the heart of friendship and sets the mood for the entire scene, causing the audience to once again, feel more involved. It provides a picture of what a “true friend” is and allows the listeners to examine their own friendships in comparison.Device: HypophoraQuote: “But me? I know for a fact I have mine right here. Because this girl, she’s a true friend, and just as insane as I am.”The purpose of this use of hypophora is to create more dialogue within my monologue scenes in order to keep it more interesting. The effect of this is that I am able to reflect on how I feel about my best friend without having to be asked specifically.Device: AbsoluteQuote: “I had absolutely no idea how I would face my ex-teammates or simply get through the day.”The purpose of this use of absolute is to show the extremity of how much I had to persevere throughout this situation and to gain the audience’s attention by using logos because of their compassion and pity on the situation. The effect is that listeners feel as if they too had gone through the struggle and persevered to the top alongside me.Device: EpistropheQuote: “I believe you need to live your life with laughter, experience laughter, dream about laughter, and follow your dreams with laughter.”The use of epistrophe gains the audience’s attention by repeating the word “laughter.” Its purpose is to emphasize the importance of laughing and being a child again. It’s effect is that it inspires listeners to let their immature side show a little more and be more carefree.Device: HyperboleQuote: I am trying and failing at picking up a heavy cinder block until I stop and pray, “God, please give me strength. I love you so much.” Afterwards, I am able to pick up the block with ease.This hyperbole exaggerates the workings of God. Although He may act in such ways, it is not common. The purpose of the exaggeration is to allow the audience to see how powerful God can be even though this is just a glimpse of what He is capable of. The effect of the hyperbole is that it demonstrates God’s workings and leaves the audience with an idea of God’s power and strength.Device: PolysyndetonQuote: “I love the wind in my face, and the feel of the breeze, and the rush of blood through my veins, and the view of the mountains, and the pull of the boat, and the closeness of the water, and the success of myself.” The purpose for the use of polysyndeton in this passage is to add emphasis to the description of my love for water skiing and make each different feeling more concrete and substantial in order to create a more prominent and domineering effect.Target Audience:Social: Preppy, involved (sports, theater, art, or academics), well liked, and determinedCultural: Modern and up to date with the newest technology and gadgets, American and proudLinguistic: Fluent English speakerEconomic: Middle Class parents, a possible job for herselfGeographic: American- the West CoastInstitutional: Public High SchoolsIn your own words~The Target Audience of my presentation is sixteen to seventeen year old, white girls, who are still trying to figure out who they are. This consists of the middle class society and girls who are determined to accomplish some feet, whether it’s academic, athletic, artistic, or musical. These girls live on the West Coast and attend public high schools where they enjoy the latest technology, hanging with their friends, and searching for “love.” Ten VirtuesTrustJoyDeterminationCompassionFriendshipFaithfulnessChastityGodlinessPerseveranceFamilyWhy:Format/Style/Diction Purpose The format of this project was portrayed in a video. I filmed the name of each of my virtues followed by a short clip of me explaining what they meant to me. I then proceeded to end each virtue by showing a clip or short scene that demonstrated one of the ten. My style was a mixture of both comedy and drama. I incorporated some very serious scenes that would put one into deep thought and others that simply make one laugh and lighten the mood. The diction of my work varied from using sophisticated, upper level writing and speaking to also exemplifying the use of colloquialism and other rhetorical devices that do not always fit the correct and excepted diction such as polysyndeton and asyndeton. The purpose of this project was to inspire people to be creative, to listen to the beat of their own drum, to follow their dreams, and to never ever give up.Appeals & Justification Pathos can be found under my virtue of determination. Most will find sympathy when hearing of someone losing something very important to them, as did I with basketball. Also pathos is established in my virtue of compassion. The target audience is searching for “love” so a cute kiss has the tendency to capture the attention of the audience because of their vulnerability towards love. Ethos is established because these are all parts of my life and I can say I have truly experienced everything I have shared. Also I fit the target audience, so I can assume what girls like me would want to hear and see. Logos can be demonstrated by the use of Dr. Seuss’s quote, “Those who care don’t matter, and those who matter don’t care.” This demonstrates the importance of real friendship and the difference between a true friend and a fake friend, not just based off of what I believe, but also on the belief of others.Overall Explanation & Justification The overall point of my project was to display ten of my virtues and values of who I am as a person. It not only made me think about what really matters to me but also forced me to recognize the importance of every person who has influenced my life and every event that has affected me, big or small. Both people and events truly have played a large role in whom I am today and why I believe all that I do. ................

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