Year 8 Japanese Family and Furry Friends Unit

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|Year 8 Japanese Family and Furry Friends Unit |

|Shukudai しゅくだい |

|なまえ: ________________ くみ:__ |

Hiragana = しゅくだい Romaji = shukudai

Hiragana Practice: Write the following in hiragana:

a _____ o_____ ka_____ u_____ mo_____ n______

sa_____ ni_____ e______ ne____ _ i_______ to_____

Write what these words say in romaji:

おとうさん:____________ いもうと:______________

おかあさん:____________ おにいさん:_____________

おとうと:_____________ おねえさん:_____________

Find the above family members in the find-a-word. Colour Code!

|お |む |や |

/27 Overall Mark: A B C D E

Hiragana = しゅくだい Romaji = shukudai

Hiragana Practice: Write the following in hiragana:

a _____ o_____ ka_____ u_____ mo_____ n______

sa_____ ni_____ e______ ne____ _ i_______ to_____

Rewrite the “Ju nin no Indian Boizu song”:


かぞく に なん 人 います か。How many in these families? Reply in Japanese sentences:

______________________ _______________________ ___

_______________________ _______________________

Hiragana Blackboard: Turn the following hiragana into pictures

|と |も |お |

/20 Overall Mark: A B C D E

Hiragana = しゅくだい Romaji = shukudai

Hiragana Practice: Write the following in hiragana:

ne _____ nu_____ shi_____ ro_____ so_____ ki______

tsu_____ ta_____ ri______ ru____ _ he_______ ra_____

Tricks! Write a little story about how you are going to remember the following Japanese animal names:

1. Neko (cat): I put a collar on my cat’s neko!

2. Inu (dog): ___________________________________________________________________

3. Hebi (snake): ________________________________________________________________

4. Usagi (rabbit): _______________________________________________________________

5. Ushi (cow): _________________________________________________________________

Match the correct English word to the Japanese:

わに Dolphin ねこ Cow

きりん Pig にわとり Dog

ぶた Crocodile いぬ Cat

いるか Giraffe へび Octopus

ねずみ Bird たこ Chicken

とり Mouse うし Snake

Hiragana Blackboard: Turn the following hiragana into pretty pictures!

|る |さ |し |

/32 Overall Mark: A B C D E

Hiragana = しゅくだい Romaji = shukudai

Hiragana Practice: Write the following in hiragana:

i_____ ma_____ su_____ ka_____ ga_____ se______

hi_____ pi_____ yo______ ha____ _ e_______ ku_____

かぞく に ペット が います か。Write sentences in Japanese saying what type of pet is in this family: Please use hiragana!


うし が います。_______________________ ___


What do the following sentences say? Write your answers in English.

1. ペット が います か。______________________

2. いぬ が います か。 ______________________

3. ねこ が いません。  ______________________

4. おかあさん は ねご が すき です。_______________

Hiragana Blackboard: Turn the following hiragana into pictures

|ひ |よ |は |

/24 Overall Mark: A B C D E

Hiragana = しゅくだい Romaji = shukudai 

Hiragana Practice: Write the following in hiragana:

ka _____ mo_____ ru_____ sa_____ zu_____ n______

wa_____ ki_____ ge______ na____ _ i_______ ha_____

Write the following sentences in Japanese (hiragana):

1. Eg. The dog is cute.  いぬ は かわいい です。

2. The cat is scary.______________________________________________________________

3. The snake is interesting._______________________________________________________

4. The crocodile is scary._________________________________________________________

5. I have a dog.________________________________________________________________

Draw a picture of the following animals:

|ねずみ |うさぎ |わに |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Hiragana Blackboard: Turn the following hiragana into pictures

|と |も |お |

/20 Overall Mark: A B C D E

Hiragana = しゅくだい Romaji = shukudai

Hiragana Practice: Write the following in hiragana:

a _____ o_____ ka_____ u_____ mo_____ n______

sa_____ ni_____ e______ ne____ _ i_______ to_____

Unjumble the Japanese animal names:

ぬい: ______ こね: _______ たぶ:_______

じひつ:_______ ねみず:_______ ぎうさ:______

しう: _______ とりにわ:_______

らと: _______ へび:________

Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

こんにち は! わたし の なまえ は Sharon です。 かぞく に 五人 います。

ペット は さんびき います。 うま と うさぎ と ねこ が います。 うま の 

なまえ は みき です。 さようなら!

1. How many in Sharon’s family?: _________________________________________________

2. How many pets does she have? ________________________________

Hiragana Blackboard: Turn the following hiragana into pictures

|こ |ぬ |へ |

/27 Overall Mark: A B C D E

Hiragana = しゅくだい Romaji = shukudai

Hiragana Practice: Write the following in hiragana:

so_____ n_____ tsu_____ ki_____ wa_____ ri______

ne_____ ni_____ nu______ ta____ _ sa_______ ra_____

Circle the correct Japanese animal names (NOTE: some are misspelt!):

とり にこ でと とら いぬ

うし にわとり みずみ こい

びへ へび きこ きつね さる

How would describe your animal in Japanese? If you have none, use the example:

• You have a dog. It’s name is Miki. It is big.


Are these Japanese words correct? Circle はい(Y) いいえ(N)If it’s wrong, write the real word next to it.

おおきい = Big はい いいえ ____________

ちいさい = Cold はい いいえ ____________

うるさい = Quiet はい いいえ ____________

しずか = Quiet はい いいえ ____________

なまえ = Name はい いいえ ____________

かぞく = Dog はい いいえ ____________

/26 Overall Mark: A B C D E


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しゅくだい - Shukudai

しゅくだい - Shukudai

しゅくだい - Shukudai

しゅくだい - Shukudai

しゅくだい - Shukudai

しゅくだい - Shukudai


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