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Thomas J. Delgado, WIHM AKA: DOB: XX-XX-1967 SSN: XXX-XX-2455 KDAR: 3087F1658046

1, Detective Lori Werlein, #00815, being of lawful age and first duly sworn on oath, on infonna~ion, and on belief, state:

Affiant is a Detective with the Sedgwick County Sheriffs Office. Your Affiant was assigned to investigate Sheriff Case # 16S 13123. The Affiant has probable cause to believe that offense(s) against the laws of the State of Kansas have been committed, and that THOMAS DELGADO, committed said offense(s). The events occurred in Sedgwick County andlor Reno County during the time periods detailed below. The basis for probable cause is as follows:

After reviewing reports andlor conducting interviews, your Affiant learned the following information:

s" On November 21 2016 your Affiant was assigned a special investigation inlo

possible official misconduct by Valley Center PO Sgt. THOMAS DELGADO. Your Affiant? interviewed Lt. Jason Gill #D0863 who indicated he had been contacted on November 111h, 2016 by SED because she was concerned about DELGADO constantly texting teenage girls, even when he was off duty. Lt. Gill indicated he was told there were almost 1,000 text messages between one of the girls and DELGADO in the space of 4 to 5 days. Lt. Gill indicated SED told him there have been repeated issues with DELGADO constantly texting 14-17 year old girls and keeping his phone secured so she wouldn't be able to see the contents. Lt. Gill was given the names of four girls DELGADO had been in frequent contact with and assured SED he would forward her concerns to the appropriate people in the Sheriff Office.

Your Affiant interviewed SED on November 22od, 2016. SED indicated for the last couple of years she has noticed DELGADO seems to develop very close relationships with girls ages 14 to 17 years old. She indicated DELGADO is constantly on the phone, both talking with and texting the girls. SED stated when she tries to ask DELGADO about it he becomes very defensive and tells her he's just trying to help them. SED indicated DELGADO has accused her of thinking he is a pedophile. SED said during one of their arguments DELGADO had threatened to get a "drop phone" so she wouldn't be able to check phone records. A "drop phone" is an additional secret cell phone. SED also indicated DELGADO guards his phone "with his life". She stated he always has the phone on him and he sleeps with it. She told your Affiant he double locks his phone so she has no way to access the contents. She also indicated one time recently she had picked his phone up to plug it into the charger and he was furious with her for touching his phone.

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SED gave your Affiant four names of girls DELGADO had been extensively

texting and calling over the last couple of years. SED told your Affiant she believes he

gels their information from responding to 911 calls involving the girls. SED also turned

over to your Affiant cel1 phone records tor DELGADO's phone #316-841-0622 from

August 7th, 2016 to November 22nd, 2016.

Affiant reviewed the cell phone records turned over by SED and observed of the

four names and matching phone numbers SED had provided to her DELGADO had

6,500+ texts to ARB, 1,200+ texts 10 AJD, 5 texts to EEF, and 356 texts to AMR over the

time period covered. During the same tiine period DELGADO had 260+ phone calls to

ARB, 240+ phone calls to AJD, 0 phone calls to EEF, and 21 phone calls to AMR.

Additionally Affiant found DELGADO had exchanged 70 pictures with ARB and 52

pictures with AJD from May 2016 to November 2016.

Affiant interviewed ARB (DOB: 1998) on December 7th, 2016. ARB confirmed her phone number as the one provided by SED. ARB conftnned to your Affiant she has DELGADO's number. When asked how she got the number, she indicated she had gotten it from another friend of hers who had called him during the summer when ARB was with her. When asked about the large amount of text messages and phone calls ARB had been having with DELGADO she indicated she didn't realize they were talking that much. She indicated DELGADO has called her "baby" in the texts and also asked her if she missed him. ARB also stated DELGADO had sent her a lext teHing her he knew how she could make $500 but she thought he was just teasing. When asked what she thought DELGADO was talking about, ARB indicated sex with him. ARB denied ever sending DELGADO any inappropriate pictures, although she admitted he had asked for norma] pictures.

ARB indicated she had deleted all the text thread between her and DELGADO but consented to a download of her phone. Upon reviewing the phone download and phone company records from DELGADO's phone, Affiant found ARB had DELGADO's contact in her phone as "Deli" with the phone number provided to your

Affiant by SED. Amant found several deleted texts where DELGADO told ARB she was his favorite, where be called her "honey" and "baby", and where he asked her numerous times if she would be his. DELGADO also called her "beautiful" and "gorgeous" numerous times. Affiant found references in the text thread to a trip with DELGADO and his kids where he says they would stay overnight if she wanted to do so. (November 13th, 2016). The fol1owing day the conversation about this trip continued with DELGADO telling ARB "Don't tell anyone. The rumors are bad enough!!!!!

Lmao!!!". On November 151h, 2016 Affiant located a series of texts where ARB thanked

DELGADO for the "cig" and he stated he didn't' know what she was talking about. Affiant located a text thread from November 26th, 2016 where DELGADO talked about

wanting to be ARB's "man", that "no one else would treat you like I would" and "I got it bad!!!". ARB indicated to DELGADO she felt bad cause he's been helping her out and she didn't want to make him go broke. DELGADO stated "I ain't trying to buy you! I just really like you and like to make you happy." He continued by stating "I coulda said let me smash for $200!! Lmao". Then he stated "Sorry, didn't mean to insult you, $500.



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What was I thinkin!! Lmaoo" In his next text he stated he was just trying to be funny. In this same text thread DELGADO stated "You better send me some cute ass pictures of you or something? Since I don't get to see you tonight". In another text DELGADO stated "you're as fine as a woman could possibly be. Beautiful eyes, incredible smile, charging laugh, amazing personality, extremely intelligent and a fine little ass!" In a text thread from November 27'h, 2016 DELGADO offers his ?grooming services" after ARB indicated she had just gotten out of the shower. When ARB didn't really respond DELGADO texted "you know I'm crazy about you and will do anything for you. But don't make me look like some sort of buster by doing all this for you and you don't do anything for me." He then asked her again tor some "cute ass pies". During the text thread the talk turned to DELGADO giving her some money. DELGADO texted her "Don't be discussing it with anyone. Cuz you better not tell anyone". ARB responded by

saying '~Omg you know r won't!!". DELGADO replied by stating "Just making sure. It's

between us". The text thread ended December ih, 2016.

Your Affiant interviewed AJD (DOB: 1999) on December 8th, 2016. AJD told your Affiant she met THOMAS DELGADO while he was employed as a law enforcement officer for Valley Center PD. She indicated she was out after curfew one night and instead of taking her to HAC he talked to her, gave her his celJ number, and allowed her to go home without any repercussions to her. AJD believed she was 15 or 16 years old when lhis occurred. AJD stated DELGADO would make a point of talking to her whenever he saw her and encouraging her to talk to him whenever she was having issues with her personal life. AJD stated she began to trust DELGADO and began to text him to talk to him about problems she was experiencing.

AJD indicated the texts gradually became more personal, and she and DELGADO also began to talk on the phone frequently. DELGADO eventually began having AJD meet him at different locations where he would give her money for food and gas for her vehicle, buy her food, and gifts. AJD stated one of the gifts DELGADO bought for her was a bottle of expensive perfume. AJD told your Affiant she never received that gift because DELGADO's wife found the perfume before he could give it to her. DELGADO also began having AJD meet him while he was on duty in his patrol car in full uniform and have her get into his vehicle to ride along with him. AJD indicated DELGADO eventually learned everything about her family and issues they were having, including the fact her father was on probation for a telony crime.

AJD said DELGADO allowed her to ride with him in his patrol car while he was on duty numerous times. She stated he even took her along with him to look for the body of the victim in the homicide that had occurred in early November 2016. AJD said they spent a lot of time driving on dirt roads looking for the victim but never found him.

AJD stated after an incident in early 2016, DELGADO began telling her he Joved her and acting towards her as if she was his girlfriend. AJD indicated DELGADO told her to delete their text threads because he could get into trouble. AJD stated one time during the summer of 2016 while she was in his patrol vehicle DELGADO was looking through her phone and found a video of her masturbating. After watching it he demanded



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she send him the video. AJD stated she told him she didn't want to severa] times but he finally pressured her into sending it to him via text message. AJD stated DELGADO also found a picture of her in lingerie and another picture of her wearing shorts and nothing else that he demanded she send to his email address. AJD told your Affiant the email address she sent the pictures to was dirtyharry0505@. AJD stated after she sent these things DELGADO made her delete the infonnation off her phone. AJD said this occllrred sometime during the summer 2016.

AJD said DELGADO a]80 began to be very physical1y affectionate towards her. She stated he was always trying to kiss her when they were alone. AJD indicated one time when she was 17 she was with him in his patrol vehicle while he was on duty in unifonn. She stated it was late at night. AJD said DELGADO stopped his patrol vehicle in the middle of the road, leaned over, and started to kiss her. She said he started to rub her breast on the outside of her clothing with his hand. AJD told DELGADO to stop and he did but he was upset with her because she made him stop. AJD told your Affiant DELGADO always told her not to tell anyone about what was going on between them. She indicated she was always scared to tell because she thought DELGADO would get her in trouble for the pictures and all of the other things he knew about her and her family.

AJD told your Affiant ARB had related to her she had gone to DELGADO's

hOllse after her interview and before she went to work the prior day (December ih, 2016).

AJD said ARB was supposed to be at work at 5 PM. ARB indicated to AJD when she told DELGADO about the investigation he started shaking.

AJD consented to allowing a search of her cell phone but indicated she a]ways deleted the intormation between her and DELGADO every day. She stated DELGADO had told her to do this because her mom will go through her phone. AJD also confirmed her cell phone number as being the phone number provided to your Affiant by SED

Upon reviewing the phone download from AJD's phone, and phone company

records from DELGADO's phone number, Affiant found AJD had sent 50+ Video/picture messages to DELGADO's cell number between May 16th, 2016 and December 2nd, 2016. Because the phone records had been deleted the contents of the

Video/picture messages were not preserved, just the record of them being sent. Affiant

also located records in AJD's phone showing a total of 5 emails had been sent to DELGADO's email address on June 20th and 2]st, 20]6. Again, the contents of the

email were not preserved,just the record of the emails being sent.

Affiant spoke with SED on December 8th, 2016 via a phone conversation. SED

told your Affiant there was a computer in the residence both she and DELGADO were

able to access.

She confirmed DELGADO's email address was

dirtyharry0505@ and indicated she has no access to that email account and

doesn't know the password for it. SED told your Affiant about an incident approximately

1 to 2 years ago when she had logged onto the computer to do some work and found a

search history ful1 of "teen porn" websites.




SED told your Affiant she had filed for divorce at the end of November 2016.

She stated after she moved out during a text conversation between her and DELGADO

about what she had told her family, she received a text from DELGADO stating "Swear

on the bible, to God that you didn't tell them about those girls! Or how you think there

might be something inappropriate." SED clarified the "them" DELGADO was

concerned with were her sister and also her best friend. SED also indicated DELGADO

had called her and accused her of calling the police on him.

SED told your Affiant she had received a phone call from DELGADO the prior

evening (December th, 2016) from a number she didn't recognize. DELGADO told her

he had "lost" his cell phone and didn't know what happened to it so he had to get a trac

phone until he could replace his old cell phone.

DELGADO was arrested on December gd\ 2016 and at the time of his arrest DELGADO was in possession of a Samsung Galaxy S7 SM?G930V cell phone. The IMEI number on the phone was 355301075063654. DELGADO identified his phone number as #316-841-0622, which is the same number supplied by SED. Upon realizing Affiant was seizing DELGADO's phone as possible evidence in the case DELGADO stated the phone was "brand new" and was unhappy the phone was being taken. Affiant reviewed Miranda with DELGADO and after indicating he understood his rights DELGADO invoked and declined an interview.

On December 1ih, 2016, Amant interviewed CNM (DOB 1992). CNM indicated she started interning with Valley Center in December 2015 and was hired as a part time officer in June 2016. CNM said she has actually known DELGADO since she was in the fourth or fifth grade but didn't become close with him until she was in high school. CNM said DELGADO constantly made comments to her about what he called her "fine little ass". She stated DElGADO would frequently put his hand on the seat in the patrol vehicle to try to get her to sit on it so he could touch her butt, She said he would offer to have sex with her and made comments several times about the things he would do to her. CNM said she just either ignored the comments or re-directed the conversation by asking a work related question. CNM told your Affiant she had been riding with DELGADO a week or so prior and had to get into the trunk of the patrol car to get some paperwork. She indicated DELGADO told her to just stay bem over the trunk because he enjoyed the view of her "ass".

CNM said DELGADO texted with her and had made several comments she felt were inappropriate. CNM indicated she would either ignore the texts or ?blow them off". CNM agreed to provide your Affiant copies of the text messages from the last year.

Affiant reviewed the texts messages between CNM and DELGADO. Beginning in July 2015 Affiant found several texts where DELGADO talked about how much he missed CNM and how beautiful CNM was. DELGADO called her "baby", "princess", and "honey". Affiant reviewed several texts where DELGADO told CNM he loved her and she was his "favorite ever", On October 26th, 2016 DELGADO sent a text to CNM stating



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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