Cassie Morgan | "Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a ...

The Giver, By Lois Lowry: Comprehension Test, Chapters 1-8PART I: Multiple Choice, Plot-BasedCircle the correct answer to the following plot-based questions. 4 points each.1. Every night, the family unit gathers around the dinner table to participate in what ritual? A. The Telling of DreamsB. The Telling of FeelingsC. The Telling of Stirrings2. After Jonas takes the apple from the recreation room and witnesses it “change,” what does he NOT do that is required of every family unit member?A. Report the fact that he stole the apple to Mother and FatherB. Speak during the Telling of FeelingsC. Report the incident to the Speaker3. Father is able to keep Gabriel from being released by having the Committee label him:A. UncertainB. InadequateC. Unprepared4. Jonas has been selected to be the Receiver of Memory because he has what special ability?A. The Capacity to See Color B. The Capacity to Hear BeyondC. The Capacity to See Beyond5. If children do not _________________, their Ceremony of Twelve is performed in seclusion (apart from everyone else)-- such seclusion is seen as a disgrace in the eyes of the Community.A. Perform the required volunteer hoursB. Report their feelings of StirringsC. Get rid of their comfort objectPart II: Multiple Choice, Quote-BasedRead the following quotes and circle the correct answer for the question being asked. 4 points each.6. During the Ceremonies, Lowry states that “Release was not the same as loss.” What does this quote mean?A. Release means someone died, but loss means someone was just misplaced.B. Release is always a happy event, but the Community thinks loss means death.C. Release can be a celebration or a punishment; loss means death, and has a huge impact on the Community.7. ___________ says the following: “I think newchildren are so cute….I hope I get assigned to Birthmother.”A. LarissaB. FionaC. Lily8. Select the BEST answer to the following, based on our discussions in class.What is IRONIC about the statement: “Today we honor your differences. They [The Committee of Elders] have determined your futures”?A. How can people be unique and different if someone has decided what their future will be?B. How can differences be honorable?C. How can anyone determine the future when no one knows what the future holds?9. Read the following passage from the novel:“…Then, in the same way that his own dwelling slipped away behind him as he rounded the corner on his bicycle, the dream slipped away from his thoughts. Very briefly, a little guiltily, he tried to grasp it back. But the feelings had disappeared. The Stirrings were gone.”Which line from the passage reveals that Jonas is fighting AGAINST his perfect society?A. “The feelings had disappeared”B. “The dream slipped away from his thoughts”C. “Very briefly, a little guiltily, he tried to grasp it back”10: ________________ says the following, when he is late for school: “I apologize for inconveniencing my learning Community.”A. JonasB. CalebC. AsherPart II: True or FalseRead the following statements and write “T” or “F” in the appropriate blank next to the number. 5 points each._____1. Once you start to take them, pills for Stirrings are consumed for the rest of your life._____2. The Chief Elder skips over Jonas during the Ceremony to punish him publicly for stealing the apple._____3. Everyone in the Community aside from Jonas has black eyes._____4. When an old person has been released, they perform the Murmur of Replacement Ceremony, just as they do for newborn children replacing a lost child._____5. If you don’t feel like you fit in to the Community, you are allowed to apply for release. _____6. Release of the criminals and elderly are seen as a huge punishment.Part III: Short AnswerRead the following questions and respond in 3-4 WELL-CONSTRUCTED sentences. You may write more if you wish, but answer the question to the best of your ability. Think about what we have discussed in class! 10 points each.1. Are the Rites of Passage (when children receive items at the same time, at the same age) in The Giver as exciting or important as the Rites of Passage we have in real life? Why or Why not? Be sure to explain your answer with examples…don’t just agree or disagree!2. What important discovery did we make about the Community itself when the apple “changed” before Jonas’ eyes in the recreation room? How does the apple changing for Jonas foreshadow what we learn about his Assignment as Receiver of Memory?3. What are Stirrings, and why is it unnatural (not normal) for people to suppress them? Why would a Utopian society, like Jonas’ Community, decide to do such a thing?Extra Credit: Choose ONE of the following TWO questions to answer for an extra 5 points:1. Lowry keeps repeating the fact that Jonas, Gabriel, and--as we learned in Chapter 8--the old Receiver of Memory all have pale eyes. Pale eyes are an example of a:A. SymbolB. MotifC. Theme2. Draw an image that you choose from Chapters 1-8 and put in your Graffiti Journal. Identify the image, but ALSO explain why that image is important to the novel. What does it explain about the novel that we have discussed in class? ................

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