RE: Camping Gaffes in Adam When - brainout

Camping Gaffes in Adam When? & Biblical Calendar of History


Chicanery re qara shem yalad 7000 Jer 25:3 Rev 9 Rev 13:8 Kohath

(original post: click here. )


|Clever Twisting To Sell Something. |

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|[pic] 1st Example [pic] |

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|Pretend IRS was auditing you, because you claimed a $7,000 deduction on your poodle. Pretend further that when the IRS agent comes to call, you quickly|

|put sunglasses on that poodle. Then the agent asks, "how can you claim a Section 213 deduction for this poodle -- who looks real cool, btw, like MIB --|

|when you are not blind?" |

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|"Oh, but the poodle is blind", you reply. And you expect the IRS to buy that. |

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|[pic] 2nd Example [pic] |

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|You lost $7,000 by gambling. You don't want your wife to know. So for $50 at Office Depot, you buy some 'Articles of Incorporation', make up a fake |

|company name, then 'loan' it $7,000. You thus have an 'asset' equal to this bogus owed 'loan'. So on paper, you still have the $7,000. |

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|That is, until your wife finds out the 'company' doesn't actually exist... |

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|Such it is, with Camping's use of 'qara shem', 'yalad', the '7000', and his uproarious mishandling of Kohath. He manipulated the terms and the numbers |

|to justify a gambling bet he lost back in 1988 and even earlier. For he's been churning out this nonsense, since the 1970's. |

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|So as time passes and his calculations -- prophetic or otherwise -- prove NOT Biblical, he keeps on having to re-issue corrections as if they were |

|'further revelation'. Heh. |

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|What a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive. Funny thing about numbers: the more of them you use, the more errors stick out. That's what |

|happened to Camping. That's why he's so humiliated, today. |

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|For when the 'wife' -- his listeners -- questioned him, he invented a new 'Rapture' date; had to back-invent 'proofs' to make what he said in 1970's, |

|1988 and then 1994, look valid. |

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|Since there are so many 'articles' in the Bible and so many numbers, he can create a fake 'asset' from just about any passage in Scripture. So, he |

|does. |

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|He basically reverses, what all those items mean. |

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|The problem is, I also do that for a living. So I know how he got, what he got. For a secular living (inter alia), I AUDIT NUMBERS. For a spiritual |

|life, I audit Bible Verses. For, I don't want to flunk God's Audit, when I see my Dread Lord at the Bema, 1Cor3. |

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|Ooops. So let's see how his 'deductions' don't fly. [pic] |

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|Camping's "Adam When" is predicated on a lot of assumptions. A key assumption concerns Hebrew 'Qara shem', versus 'yalad'. This Reply shows how his |

|wrong use of those terms, inter alia, rendered his entire Adam-When timeline, bogus. |

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|1. Camping Relies on TRANSLATIONS |

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|Mr. Camping admitted, during 5/23/2011 Open Forum, that he has no personal knowledge of Bible Hebrew or Greek, and he went to some lengths to praise a |

|good buy he got decades prior, on a 35-volume lexicon of an unnamed editor/lexicographer. Presumably, he made that statement to show he was willing to |

|do his homework. |

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|I can only think of a few such massive sets: Bultman, Kittel, Chafer. Mr. Camping didn't say which one he had. Any of those three would have provided |

|him with ample enough evidence to avoid the gaffe he makes with respect to 'qara shem' and 'yalad'. |

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|2. Camping Claims Original Language Texts are Infallible |

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|In other publications, Camping has repeatedly affirmed that only the original-language texts of Scripture are the infallible Word of God, so that they |

|should be consulted. Well and good. So, we'll consult them in what follows. |

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|3. Bible Hebrew Meaning of qara shem, yalad |

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|In Bible Hebrew, 'qara shem' is the vocabulary form of 'call' and 'name', respectively. Hebrew 'yalad' is the vocabulary form of 'to sire'. |

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|The latter term always denotes fathering, and is quite graphic. But the former, is generic. Jacob qara shem'd his rock-pillow's land 'Bethel', for |

|example (Gen 28:19). The same expression is used for calling God or things of God by names (i.e., Gen 21:33, 32:3, 2Sam6:2). |

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|[pic] So 'qara' has a broad range of usage; if the name-calling meant fathering also, the verse must add text to make that distinction. |

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|[pic] By contrast, the root idea behind the verb 'yalad', is the physical ACT which gave rise to the birth: sex. So it is direct, by default. How to |

|put this delicately? A male appendage can only be in one place at a time. So the root meaning of yalad, is direct siring. The very ACT of it. |

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|The stress on the sex act is meant to stress the genuineness of the son being from the father's very LOINS, not anything prurient. Ancient peoples were|

|not so titillated by sexual language as we are. |

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|So in modern English with its current connotations, we could easily translate yalad, thus: 'And Adam procreated..' |

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|Greek equivalent to yalad, is gennaw, and is famously used throughout 1 John to depict the Holy Spirit 'siring' you. Unfortunately, it's often |

|translated 'born', so you don't get the PROGRESSIVE meaning. For, you are first BORN AGAIN, but now what? You're a newborn. So, you must be sired |

|spiritually, to become mature for heaven. So you too, can bear spiritual kids. |

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|When you sin, you are no longer being 'sired', hence need to use 1John1:9. And over time, you won't be a walad=technon=child, but will become a |

|'father', yourself (wordplay John uses in 1John2). |

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|For in the Bible, you are 'sired' by your TEACHER, too. See 1 Chr. 25:8; Matt. 10:24f; Lk. 6:40. In short, Eph 4:11-16, you are part of some |

|congregation, and your TEACHER is responsible for 'siring' you (Greek word haphe in 4:16). |

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|See: yalad and gennaw are very direct. No intervening 'fathers'. That's the root meaning of the term(s). |

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|[pic] So if you use yalad to denote subsequent generations from the same progenitor, either a different expression or added text, is needed. In |

|1Chron1:11, for example, to avoid the humorous idea that a single 'procreate' would beget a whole people -- Hebrew uses 'yalad' plus 'et' and the |

|PLURAL (=im ending) to denote a DISTANCE between progenitor Mitzraim, and the peoples next mentioned. (Notice by contrast, verse 17 -- the genealogy |

|again becomes SINGULAR, for direct sons, when listing the line of Shem.) To see the humor, look at Numbers 11:12 in context. [pic] |

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|So unlike 'yalad', which means 'procreate' (fathering-biological, or through teaching), 'qara shem' is used for ANY kind of naming. Both terms' usage |

|pan-Bible are linked below in downloadable documents. |

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|Bible has at least five different ways of denoting 'son' versus 'descendant'. The generic term 'beni', for example, meaning 'sons' -- can easily mean |

|direct son OR descendant; 'sons of Abraham' in John 6-8 and elsewhere, means 'descendants'. Other Bible expressions don't have such flexibility; some |

|only reference descendants, some only mean direct sons. |

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|So it's important to know the exact HEBREW expression, and trace that expression pan-Bible, to be sure of semantic range. |

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|4. "Adam When?" makes God a Black Widow Spider |

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|However, in Adam When? and other publications divulging his own timeline for history, Camping takes the position that the Hebrew construction 'qara |

|shem' is the lone means of establishing a direct sonship, with the 'shem' being the son named. |

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|Else, Mr. Camping contends, the 'son' is really a later descendant. |

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|[pic][pic] Since yalad references the ACT of sex, to make it signify multiple generations in Genesis 5, 11, and like passages -- Camping in essence |

|contends that each 'father' ALSO 'procreated' with his own daughters and ALSO with their own daughters. |

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|Which, Camping obviously doesn't mean to say. So his claims are clearly based on his ignorance of Hebrew. |

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|So Camping reverses the meaning of yalad and qara shem, in order to justify his (lol) 'Biblical Calendar of History' timeline, such that God is a Black|

|Widow Spider, killing off the progenitor when the next one in line, is born. [pic] |

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|As you'll see in #9, Camping's understanding of the Levitical inheritance listings is ZERO. So in his not-exactly-Biblical Calendar of History you can |

|download from Family Radio -- |

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|[pic] Camping turns the kids into birthyear orphans, to make God 'right' about the 430 years! |

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|[pic] God doesn't need to kill newborns' fathers, to keep His Time Promises. If anything, He kills the sons (Flood, Exodus, Christ on the Cross). |

|[pic] |

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|Ooops. In fairness to Camping, he probably means to use a rule-of-thumb idea to show PLAUSIBILITY of the 430 years. Unfortunately, he treats it as a |

|Divine 'proof', as if GOD meant the accounting to go that way. Thus, justifying his own manipulation of numbers to make his past mistakes look correct.|

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|So he trashes the Bible, instead of praising it. Else I'd not have to write this thread, exposing his errors. |

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|PRINCIPLE: Bible is always right. If you don't see that, keep studying. There's either a mistake in the translation, or your understanding. Use |

|1John1:9 and ask God which is which, and keep digging. |

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|He won't let you down, Psalm 138:2, Hebrews 11:6! You don't need to play games to 'make' the Bible right. That's been the bane of Biblical scholarship |

|for 2000 years. |

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|5. Camping INVENTS 'gaps' |

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|So, most Bible genealogy verses use 'yalad', to trace lineage of MESSIAH: for God wants you to KNOW that lineage. As noted above and again below, the |

|exact phrasing changes to denote direct son or progenitor (i.e., 1Chron1:11 adds 'et' and the PLURAL form of each name as noted above -- which might |

|not be visible, in translation). But per Camping, our Bible genealogies instead constitute a punctuated equilibrium of progenitors. Thus, you couldn't |

|add up siring ages to derive a year-by-year timeline. |

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|So were Camping correct, Bible genealogy would be merely a god-in-the-gaps estimation, not a reliable, annual timeline one can learn, remember, |

|understand. |

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|Frankly, this same idea was in vogue among 'scholars' during the 1950's. No one wanted to spend time analyzing Bible dates and lineages -- especially, |

|to date the Exodus. Too controversial, too much time was needed to hunker down and plot all the detail, proof it, get it reviewed by peers, etc. So, |

|everyone copped out, looked for a way to avoid that painstaking work. They didn't understand Bible's phrasing, and of course were harried by the many |

|pressing needs of their flocks, politics, what have you. |

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|So it became a handy excuse: 'well, Genesis 5 is just an honor roster, there are intervening generations.' Thus they could bypass digging into the |

|rather boring lists upon lists of names, and urge you to 'take it on faith' that 'somehow' the Bible was still right. |

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|So you learned nothing. And remained, uncomfortable. But when you tried to do the roster yourself, you quickly tired out and took the same excuse. |

|C'mon -- you DID do that. So did I. So let's understand the context of what birthed a Camping timeline in light of the larger context of our own -- |

|shall we say -- limited desire to DIG. |

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|Even my pastor was into this game for a brief time. But Bible's words are important. You can't gloss them over. And, beginning in 1977 or so, he |

|insisted that the line was consecutive, as indeed we shall see that it is. Live and Learn. Bible wins. Laziness loses. |

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|Preview of Coming Distractions wrote |

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|To get the right timeline and consecutively as Bible assuredly states it, you BEGIN the count in Genesis 5 with Adam's FALL. For Bible doesn't tell you|

|how much time elapsed between initial creation AND Adam's fall. For God doesn't begin to number the DAYS, until Adam falls, Genesis 3:17. Videos |

|demonstrating all that live in Bible Hebrew text onscreen which you can test, are here: . Or, view |

|the playlist in Youtube, here: |

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|Christianity has, instead of noticing that text, used Bishop Ussher's timeline; which, he borrowed from Kabbalah; which wrongly ASSumes that Genesis |

|1:1 and following are the selfsame act of creation. If you watch the videos, you'll see how that ASSumption is untrue. |

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|'KABBALAH' is a hermeneutic used by Jewish mystical sects, to divine prophecy. They kept track of Bible's PROMISE TIME (i.e., in the apochryphal 'Book |

|of Jubilees'), initially from Adam's Fall. For in ancient Jewish Dispensationalism, 2100 years was allotted from Adam's Fall to Abraham, and another |

|2100 years from Abraham to Messiah. You can Google on those terms, plus 'Age of Desolation', 'Age of Torah', to find out more info. |

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|So, as Bible bid them do, they ticked off years to count down to Messiah. Over the centuries, their counting became garbled, changing the years to 2000|

|(omitting each Jubilee); they also changed the start to 'creation'. So now their numbers, don't balance to Bible's. |

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|By the time of the Hasmoneans, this Promise Time Calendar was known as Seder Olam Rabbah, and it had numerous other (ahem) emendations, cutting out |

|years under the Persian kings, etc. That's why Josephus' numbers in Antiquities and Wars are often gibberish. |

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|So then Ussher comes along, in 1600's. He just ASSumes Adam's initial creation as the start. Ussher didn't vet with Bible. He didn't read Genesis 3:17 |

|or vet the calendar's BASIS. Because he's 'respectable', dippy Christians have been trotting after him, ever since. |

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|Time has proven again and again that when you ASSume, well.. you know how the saying ends. [pic] |

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|But look how easy: all these years, you've been ASSuming that the earth was some 6,000 years old, based on Bible. Well, the BIBLE plots out what by now|

|is some 6,000 years, alright -- BUT DATED FROM ADAM'S FALL. |

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|Think: PROMISED TIME can't begin until a promise is made. No promise had to be made, until one was needed. None was needed until when? When Adam |

|sinned. So "Adam When" is answered by -- "When Adam Sinned", Romans 5:12. |

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|That's when the Promise of Salvation, of future God-Man to Pay Sins at a specified future DATE -- would become relevant. |

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|Pre-sin, it was what? Eat today from what? The Tree of Life. So what promise was needed? Not a promise, but a prohibition, different 'p'. DON'T eat |

|from that 'other' tree. |

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|The only reason the six days is mentioned, is to explain where 'week' comes from. |

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|So the earth could have been microwaved in a nanosecond, and be 6000 years old. Could be 5 billion years old. Could be any age, BECAUSE THE PROCESS |

|GIVING BIRTH IS NOT THE SAME AS THE PROCESS OF AGING AFTER BIRTH. A fetus comes to term in nine months, and has certain biological processes due to |

|that. Speed, type, etc. |

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|But once born, everything slows down. And slows even more, as one ages. Until, everything stops. So the biological, physics, and other processes you |

|see NOW, are post-birth. You have no idea whether the birthing process itself, was fast or slow. Scientists ASSume that the rate they see 'now', is |

|some 'constant' or a set of ratios 'relative' to what they observe now. That might not be true at all. You can microwave a potato in nine minutes or |

|take an hour to bake it. |

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|So, was the earth baked? Or, zap like Endora does on TV sitcom 'Bewitched'.. and then slows down? YOU DON'T KNOW! |

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|So God didn't want you to know. So it's not relevant. For if it were relevant, God would want you to know. If He spends a good 30% of Bible text on |

|genealogies, then surely He'd spend a couple of more verses telling you WHEN he made creation. But He didn't. So, it's not relevant! So, we should stop|

|trying to date creation! |

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|For then the only relevant Time to begin counting the days, is after Adam falls. Because, at that point, we begin to exist and like Adam, our days are |


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|See how simple it is? End distraction, back to the topic.. |

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|6. Camping INVENTS 'fathers' to Cover his TIME Mistakes |

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|With this once-popular, generation-gappy notion of Genesis 5 and 11 as his hermeneutic, Camping then proceeds to reconstruct the Genesis 5 and 11 |

|timelines from Adam forward, into an assumed number of years per 'son'; deeming most of them to be later descendants, NOT direct sons of the 'sire' |

|mentioned in each Bible verse. |

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|However, the many other genealogies, i.e., of the priests in Leviticus, the returnees to the Land to rebuild the Temple, etc. -- where the SAME |

|LANGUAGE as Genesis 5,11 is used -- Camping deems them direct sons. |

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|The laughable Book of Jubilees "iv" might have furnished Camping with some of his imaginative material. But even these, depict direct sons. |

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|So notice: if you get away with claiming UNNAMED 'fathers' in the 'gaps', you can craft ANY AMOUNT OF TIME you want. |

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|So, that's what Camping does. He needs to justify a claim that there are 7000 years between Flood and his latest 'rapture' date, to fudge over his past|

|errors. No problemo! Just ASSume distances between progenitors, make some comments about Hebrew he doesn't understand, and trust that the sheeple won't|

|check up on what he says. |

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|It's really that simple. That's how the Book of Jubilees is constructed, too. That's how someone doctored Genesis 5 in the LXX, to make it tally to a |

|roster of Babylonian kings. (I guess that was the big competition, back in the 3rd century BC.) |

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|It works, with those ignorant of Bible, whose eyes glaze over when reading the many begats, place names, numbers, etc. Sucker born every minute. |

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|Give me any 'rapture date' you want, and I'll 'prove' it valid using Scripture. It will be a lie, of course. But it won't SOUND like one. [pic] |

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|Watch how I do it. In what follows, every date I give you is really in the Bible, really provable as the TIMELINE, as I've been documenting it since |

|2004. So the convergence you're about to see, is REAL, unlike Camping's goofball junk. So watch how I take REAL Divine Data, but slightly twist it at |

|the beginning... |

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|THE SCAM: Say the Rapture date we want to make money on is May 31, 2030. It's Memorial Day, Pentecost, has a nice ring to it. That's safely far away |

|enough so people don't worry about their families, too. Gets everyone hustling. [pic] |

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|Now watch all the convergences: |

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|* 2000th anniversary of Acts 2 Pentecost, to the day; |

|* 2000th anniversary of the Crucifixion +57 days; |

|* 3000th anniversary of David's retiring from Kingship, |

|* 2063rd anniversary of the Lord's Birth, +180 days |

|* 3063rd anniversary of David's becoming King of all Israel, |

|* 3430th anniversary of Israel's entry into the Land, |

|* 3470th anniversary of the Exodus +57 days, |

|* 3900th anniversary of Jacob's entry into Egypt +57 days, |

|* 3960th anniversary of Joseph being sold as a slave, |

|* 3990th anniversary of when Jacob first went to Haran, |

|* 4090th anniversary of Isaac's birth, |

|* 4190th anniversary of Abraham's birth, |

|* 4480th anniversary of the Flood, to the day. |

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|So notice: 180+57+57+57=351-365 equals what? 14! Same as the trebled 14's in Matthew 1's genealogy! So the Church is Complete!!!! |

|Hooorrrryayyyyyaaaayyyy! |

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|See: Camping just crafted what he wanted to sell. You can, too. Maybe pick a Rapture date as a birthday present. [pic] |

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|7. Camping INVENTS 'timeline' to cover his mistakes |

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|Thus Camping derives an inconsistent timeline, with the result that he alleges 7000 years between the Flood and 2011. Hence his conclusion that May 21,|

|2011 would be the 'Rapture'. The May 21 gaffe is handled in the first reply of this thread, and elsewhere in this Forum. |

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|Truth was, he first picked the numbers he wanted and then back-invented the justification for them, just like in Example 2's Chicanery. Fudge a little |

|here, add a little there, twist a little another place. So first he calculated what DATES he needed, and then fudged the timeline to FIT those dates, |

|and then quote-mined Scripture to FIT his fudged timeline. Give me any set of dates, and I can do the same thing. |

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|So CYA, he alleges now the world will end five months later, October 21. But still using the WRONG calendar (thereby proving he picked the date FIRST, |

|without thinking). So his date is 10 days off. So, the NOAHIC date is 'our' Halloween. [pic] |

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|Yeah, All Hallow's Eve, Dia de Los Muertes, right time for bones, in America and Mexico, some other places. |

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|But ooops: Camping's use of Jeremiah 25:33 to make this ghoulish prediction, is predicting against.. him! For what is the passage about? How Israel's |

|enemies will be CRUSHED! I hope you know, that Scripture constantly tells Israel how bad she is. So those who take advantage of God's Judgment against |

|her -- here, Camping -- will be crushed as a consequence. |

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|Jeremiah 25:33 is about that judgment against THEM, and against the SHEPHERDS. Camping of course doesn't notice how Jeremiah 25:3 tells him that his |

|own prediction at the 23-year-mark will be proven a fraud, since Camping didn't listen to GOD. None of the other shepherds, except those hawking |

|Camping wares, are at any 23-year mark. So the judgment is specific against him, not 'the churches', even if we pretended that Jeremiah was referencing|

|'churches' (which he's not, Church wasn't prophesied). |

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|So, verse 33, executes that prediction. Against, Camping &Co. No waiting for another five months, either. But it might take that long, to live down, |

|their humiliation. Which, of course now is obvious: all the Camping followers are dung in the eyes of the world, very publicly, very much lying in the |

|streets. |

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|One wants to have pity; but it's hard to pity those who gloat over the world's destruction. Just as Jer 25:33 counsels. If we pity them, we give them |

|excuse for their actions. Hurts, to be cold. |

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|So what did Camping also miss, in his zeal to see the world turned into a charnel house? Giving rise, to his own exposure, humiliation? The 'bones' of |

|Ezekiel 37:11-14 are ISRAEL's RESURRECTION -- all the SAVED Old Testament and Trib people come back to life, for they get their INHERITANCE in the |

|Millennium, which is the main theme in Ezekiel (see also Hebrews 11). |

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|So noooo biological material flying up from graves like Chainsaw Massacre, rotting topside to 'shame' them. Rather, the Ezekiel 39 Armaggedon dead in |

|Israel -- though the dead are everywhere, it's the end of a world war -- even they get buried. It takes seven months, as there are so many. They aren't|

|coming up from any graves. They are newly dead. |

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|So God's idea is to MEMORIALIZE the dead, as the Rev passage plainly states. Respect for the slain, how the mighty have fallen, even though they were |

|wrong. Same memorializing as for the Flood dead, the Passover dead. 'They died so you could live' is always the theme. |

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|You learn not to repeat their mistake of unbelief, Hebrews 3. |

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|[pic] Camping seems to think God likes to gloat. |

|[pic] God doesn't. |

|[pic] Camping cuts out the Jews and grafts all their promises onto his garbled idea of believers. |

|[pic] God doesn't. |

|[pic] Camping thinks church is a building, |

|[pic] but God says it's the Body of Christ (search on 'church' in the singular, and Body). |

|[pic] Camping thinks you're holy if you keep doubting your salvation, huffing and puffing to be 'worthy' of it. |

|[pic] God says Christ already FOREVER SANCTIFIED you on the Cross, Romans 5-8, Hebrews 10. |

|[pic] Camping thinks Church, therefore, takes OVER Israel. |

|[pic] God says Church has its own 'better' covenant, theme of the Book of Hebrews. |

|[pic] Camping claims that Rapture is followed by some five-month period and then the End of the World. |

|[pic] God says Church is Resurrected at Rapture, 7 years prior to Ezekiel 37's Second Advent, Heb 11:39-40. |

|[pic] After which, comes 1000 years during which we rule with Him, Rev 1:6, 5:10, 1Cor4:8 (sarcastic), end Romans 5, Revelation 20:1-10. |

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|[pic] There's a big difference between what Camping says, therefore -- and what God says in His Word. [pic] |

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|Then there's this problem: five months later in the Flood Account, means..? Nothing. No parallel. The Ark comes to rest on Arrarat, Genesis 8:4. The |

|world is still a bathtub. So that's not the right analogous date to pick for the end of the world. It should have been, when Noah entered. The SECOND |

|end of the end shouldn't be five months later, if the parallel were to Noah. |

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|Of course, Camping conveniently drops parallelism when it suits him. For the 'five months', Camping instead goes quote-mining to Revelation 9, which |

|has nothing to do with the Ark, salvation, Rapture, or anything else. But it's 'five months'. In fact, it's the ONLY place in Scripture with a definite|

|beginning and ending of five months. So Camping WENT LOOKING FOR IT, to justify his numbers. |

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|So let's do that, too: Revelation 9 says what? |

|[pic] Satan is given a key to a bottomless pit, |

|[pic] out from which come (in two stages) a total of 200 million DEMONS who are, using the Greek drama vocabulary of the day, Gorgeous (the hair), |

|and flashy (the breastplate, etc) and SWARMING (locust analogy).. |

|[pic] to TORTURE the unbelievers, having been prohibited by God to KILL them, |


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|Hmmm. |

|[pic] Camping claims these DEMONS who SATAN releases, coming up from a smoky JAIL, are instead, raptured believers. |

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|So, then: God gives SATAN the key to a bottomless pit where RAPTURED BELIEVERS are in JAIL, to let them out so they can torture unbelievers? Does that |

|make sense? |

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|Of course not. So notice: whenever SATAN wants to advertise someone under his power, he makes it SLAPSTICK. Everything about Camping's doctrines is |

|Islamic-slapstick: |

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|[pic] Christ didn't really die on the Cross, Koran Sura 4.157; Koran, not Bible. Camping maintains a mysterious death of Christ 'before the |

|foundation of the world', since he can't read the Greek of Revelation 13:8. Greek says 'written..before the foundation', it's a TEMPORAL CLAUSE. So |

|Camping maintains that the actual Cross was only a 'demonstration'. That's what Sura 4.157 says: It was just a SHOW. |

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|By contrast, Greek verb phanerow means to APPEAR, MAKE PUBLIC, DISCLOSE. Talking about, Christ taking on humanity. Talking about, the fulfillment of |

|prophecy that He would COME IN THE FLESH. Can't die until you are born, duh. Talking about, the disclosure of the for-Church-doctrine which was UNKNOWN|

|prior (yeah, there wasn't supposed to BE a Church). If you want, I can produce a pan-Bible search (from BibleWorks) on phanerow (including |

|morphologies) to show these Bible meanings. Or, you can do the search yourself. |

| |

|Of course, every CHURCHED Christian reading Rev13:8 even in English, already knows Christ really died in TIME, and that 'before the foundation' |

|references WHEN WRITTEN (decreed). Oh well. |

| |

|[pic] Camping says you can't know for sure if you're saved (i.e., in ihgwsm.pdf page 18, 5th para.); just like Muhammed said in the Koran |

|(refrain). Koran, not Bible. Bible says the moment you believe, you're forever saved, Acts 16:31, John 3:16, with Hebrews 10:10-14 explaining why. |

|[pic] "God didn't open eyes". Oh, like Satan's taunt in Genesis 3, or like the Koran says (refrain): "Allah is the best deceiver". |

| |

|[pic] God REMOVES THE JEWS FROM HISTORY. That's the central theme of the Koran, with catchphrases like how Jews will be hiding behind trees, asking|

|the 'believer' to kill them. Everything in Islam is about the Muslims REPLACING the Jews: replacing their text (claim Bible is corrupt), replacing |

|their inheritance (viz., Dome of the Rock is EXACTLY where the Holy of Holies once was, over the SAME ROCK as David was given to buy at end of |

|2Samuel). And of course, the idea is to take over all the LAND belonging to Israel, a battle going on in our nightly news. |

| |

|[pic] Yeah. Per Camping, God loves to make ETERNAL promises to the Jews but instead give those promises to others; God loves to keep 'believers' in|

|the dark, torture people; even hires raptured believers he put in a JAIL UNDER THE EARTH, lol. [pic] |

| |

|Ooops. |

| |

|Moreover, Noah doesn't leave the boat until a year later, Genesis 8:14. Ooops. So October 21 is also wrong for that reason, too. Watch: one of |

|Camping's minions will notice his gaffe and announce a 'new' delay beyond October 21, to the FOLLOWING 'May 21', bet you money. Calling it a new |

|revelation from God, of course. [pic][pic][pic] |

| |

|As of this post, Camping still maintains the October 21 date, and has since changed the character of the May 21 event to 'spiritual' (meaning, no one |

|experienced it). |

| |

|The first thread reply here already demonstrated that since he's not using the NOAHIC calendar to make his prediction, but instead a current Jewish |

|lunar calendar, he's way off. Since the latter is based on the Seder Olam Rabbah -- about 346 years are cut out. Since the modern calendar is also |

|lunar, nearly a year of days are cut out, too. So even with solar adjustments, what is qara shem'd '17 Iyyar' now, can't be. |

| |

|That 'year' difference ends up shortening the shortfall, heh. For there is a recurring CYCLE of months and equinoxes. So the date on the Noahic |

|calendar should have been ten days later, May 31. But the point is, Camping's calculation is WRONG. And he didn't know. So NO Spirit is in him, Deut |

|18:20, Jer 28:15-17, 29:31-32. Scary stuff! |

| |

|Moreover, the '7000 years' which is indeed a concept in Judaism, is NOT measured from the Flood, but from CREATION (or more originally, the Fall). It |

|runs until history ends. It doesn't apply to Church, because Church was never in prophecy, to start with. Christ INVENTED Church in Matt16:18. We have |

|no time limits. |

| |

|The only Promise Time remaining, is the Trib plus the years owed Messiah. Jews today calculate the latter as 2000 years, trying to even up the books |

|with the previous two allotments of 2000 (really 2100). But it's just a guess (and a wrong one), to account for the 'common era'. |

| |

|By contrast, Camping essentially cuts out the last 1050 years of history referenced in Moses' Psalm 90 (first 84 syllables, ending with the famous |

|Day=1000 years). Psalm 90 is the basis for the 7000 years in Judaism (accounted wrongly since at least Rambam, in 50's, since the Psalm is 350 |

|syllables). |

| |

|In short, Camping is totally ignorant of the origin of the INTERPRETATION for 7000 years. And he doesn't understand that the last 1050, is promised to |


| |

|So what other 7000 years must Camping be using? Well, 2Enoch, a slapstick satire on the Bible -- obviously not Canon -- makes bizarre calendar |

|references in its Chapters 16 and 33, using the 7000 years as if from creation to world's end. But that too, incorporates the Jews. Camping, if he used|

|it, cut out the Jews. |

| |

|Or maybe he really got it from the slapstick Book of Jubilees, another Kabbalah favorite -- iii.17, subtitle 'Paradise and Fall', which says that Satan|

|came at the end of seven years, on the seventeenth day of the second month, to tempt the woman. You know what that temptation was, don't you? That if |

|she ate the magical fruit, HER EYES WOULD BE OPENED. Sound familiar? |

| |

|Not, Bible. But then, nothing in his calculations is really from Bible, either, because nowhere IN the Bible is there anything about 7000 years. That |

|entire idea is only extra-Biblical. |

| |

|In his rapture-proof.pdf, he CLAIMS he's using 2Pet3:8's quotation of Psalm 90:4, and then matches that to the seven-day warning God gave to Noah in |

|Genesis 7:4 (also verse 10). So like so many other nutters, he multiplies the days by the 1000, to get his 7000. |

| |

|Not noticing, that Bible NEVER EVER uses Psalm 90:4 in any other context but ONE Day: the Day of the Lord. |

| |

|That's how Peter uses it, as indeed every other reference pan-Bible. |

| |

|[pic] There is absolutely NOTHING in Scripture to support a 'days x 1000' calculation. For Psalm 90 is a timeline from Eternity past through TO the|

|Millennium. ONE Millennium: Christ's. The 1000 years, IS the Millennium. Promised to the Jews via their Savior, the Son of David, Jesus the Christ. |

| |

|We Church will be co-ruling the Gentile nations at that time, Revelation 1:6, 5:10. Camping doesn't recognize the connection. He's too busy cutting out|

|Christ and the Jews! |

| |

|Again, Camping can't read Hebrew, and it's only in the Hebrew, that you know what Moses really says. Since I can read Hebrew, I made videos about Psalm|

|90, here: . |

| |

|It's not hard to follow, though there are dozens of videos to watch. You don't actually have to know Hebrew to watch me trace out the meaning. |

| |

|Christendom doesn't even know about Jewish Dispensationalism, which is based ON Psalm 90. They think that Dispensationalism was an invention of the |

|19th century. Wrongo. It's in the Bible, and this is the ORIGIN of the Millennium -- TIME PROMISE TO MESSIAH HIMSELF. |

| |

|So Peter knew about it: that's why 2Peter 3:8 reads as it does, a RAPTURE verse to remind us that the Millennium So Peter knew about it: that's why |

|2Peter 3:8 reads as it does, a RAPTURE verse to remind us that the Millennium is YET TO COME. |

| |

|Thus Camping's entire timeline is anti-Biblical: for Bible NEVER cuts out CHRIST, never cuts out the Jews. For, they are the INHERITANCE of Christ (as |

|are we), Isaiah 53:10-12. We'd not even EXIST if the Jews didn't reject Him. For the Millennium was supposed to start in the FIFTH 1050 from Adam (4200|

|from his fall), and then end. Meaning, Time was supposed to end in 1144AD (=94AD+1000+50). |

| |

|Um, it's long past that, now. So like Paul says in Romans 11, WE ARE HERE due to Jewish rejection. Let's not get fat-headed. Or, jealous. We have our |

|own 'deal', under the King of Kings, to CO-RULE with Him in the Millennium. Israel doesn't have that. But Time is owed Messiah, and He is Ruler of the |

|World over them, so... |

| |

|70% Bible text is devoted to them; Deut 32:8 says all time is based on them, and Hebrews 1:1-3 upgrades that to say all time is based on their Jewish |

|head, CHRIST. |

| |

|So Camping cuts out Christ, to whom the Millennium is promised, main theme of Revelation. So by his own definition of 'false prophet', he is one. |

| |

|You could just stop reading now, if you want. Camping's 7000-year assumption is flat wrong by any standard. |

| |

|(Nerd Note: Bible accounts 5250 years as the scheduled end of Time in Psalm 90, which employs 70-year sabbatical accounting, not Jubilee metrics. But |

|that point was referenced in the first Reply of this thread. Church's insertion ends up extending time, and for no set amount of time, Eph1:10, many |

|other verses. See for a list of verses -- search on 'catalog' when you load the page.) |

| |

| |

|8. Bible's 'yalad' proves Camping, FRAUD |

| |

| |

|So too, if Camping's allocation of 'sons' in Genesis 5 and 11 is wrong, then all his dates are wrong, even if he didn't use the 7000-year idea. For if |

|'qara shem' and 'yalad' demonstrate direct son of the sire named, then there are no intervening UNNAMED 'fathers'. Whoops. |

| |

| |

|Yalad Verses wrote |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|[pic] So let's see how 'yalad' is used in Bible. I opened BibleWorks, a Bible text software program, and searched on all of 'yalad' verses |

|(including morphologies). BibleWorks returned 473 such verses you can read, here: . |

| |

|Notice how 'yalad' verses in Bible signify DIRECT SONSHIP, unless (highlighted in yellow) |

| |

|[pic] 'sons' is in the plural; |

|[pic] and/or the verse text talks about subsequent generations. |

| |

|So the vocabulary is not the same. This shows up markedly when tandem tracings of different lines are made, such as in 1Chronicles 1, Genesis 4 vs. |

|Genesis 5, 10 versus 11. Notice how the Line is traced per son, but contemporary other peoples' progenitors are summarily listed. Again, given the |

|graphic ACT nature of verb yalad (point #3 here), elaboration is provided, if descendants are meant. |

|[pic] For the entire promise IN Bible is of sons from THE Son, Isaiah 53:10-12. [pic] So the added text references that promise, stressing its |

|fulfillment. |

| |

|[pic] God tells us a Timeline, therefore, to show THE SON ARRIVED ON TIME AND LEFT THE BUILDING, WILL RETURN. That's Bible prophecy, in a nutshell,|

|Rev 19:10. He's not returned YET, because the building of all the sons He PAID FOR, is not complete yet. |

|CHRIST PAID FOR EVERY HUMAN EVER TO BE BORN. Camping's extremely blasphemous, VILE claim is that Christ only died for the elect. That's the crass "L" |

|in 'TULIP' which not even Calvin taught, just read his commentary on John 1:29 at .: You |

|can see there that even Calvin believed Christ paid for ALL the sins of the world. Greek 'kosmos' means 'inhabited earth', i.e., the PEOPLE ON IT, not |

|the ground itself. So that means every human. Of course, many other Bible verses agree, like Isaiah 53:10-11, 1John2:2, Romans 5:8-12. |

| |

|[pic] God is Holy. He gets paid by Christ for ALL sins. To leave even one sin unpaid, cheats God. To leave even one sin unpaid, would argue that the |

|Cross wasn't necessary. |

| |

|See how Camping cuts off TIME OWED CHRIST, and cuts off PAYMENT OWED FATHER. Look: even if Camping's provably-wrong claim of annihilation were valid, |

|the sins were STILL committed by people while they lived. Payment is DUE. Killing their souls will NOT pay for their sins. |

| |

|We kill criminals to stop them. It's not really true that the death penalty 'pays' for the victim. Rather, it only stops the murderer from making MORE |

|victims. |

| |

|So God would be stupid, too, only to get payment for the elect: using Camping's stupid conclusion, then why would God even ALLOW the non-elect to be |

|born? See how silly 'limited atonement' is? |

| |

|So who are the 'sons' awaiting completion? ANYONE WHO BELIEVES CAN BE A SON OF GOD, John 3:16 plus Galatians 3:26-28! So honey, the Salvation door is |

|NOT closed, and Camping is a liar. |

| |

|That's why Luke 3 shows Christ as the 77th son from Adam (with only 1 Kenan/Cainan, the 2nd is a later scribal insertion). Okay, this can't be too |

|hard: 77x30=2310; 77x50=3850; 77*100=7700. So right there, Camping should have been alerted to the fact his timeline was WRONG, given even his own |

|weird methodology. Today could NOT be, 7000 years from the Flood. For most of the 'sons' in the post-Flood portion of the roster, had their sons long |

|before age 100! |

| |

|And thus, the 'door' of salvation remains open. Of course, that's what Bible says. Salvation is ALWAYS possible. Are you breathing? Did you believe |

|Christ paid for your sins? No? Then BELIEVE now, 'while it is yet today', Hebrews 4:6-7. At which point you can REST(=Noah, how cute), for you are |

|forever saved, Hebrews 10:1-14. Whew. |

| |

|Now, that Savior had to ARRIVE at a certain TIME from a certain LINEAGE, in order to competently PAY for sins. That's why the Bible gives us so much |

|information about siring. It's an ACCOUNTING. No gaps. Think: if there were gaps, how could you know Christ IS the Savior, and that He arrived on Time,|

|Galatians 4:4? |

| |

| |

|Galatians 4:4 makes a cultural reference to the Greek god 'Chronos', famous for eating his kids as they were born. Paul uses that then-famous analogy |

|to say that Christ came at the end of the PREGNANCY of Time (get the pun). So if Christ came at the END of Time, then NOW is NEW BIRTHED TIME, and is |

|NOT based on the Flood, get it? Camping didn't. |

| |

|The reference matters, because again, Psalm 90 tracked Messiah's arrival to the 57+40 years prior to the 4200th year from Adam's fall. Isaiah 53, |

|Daniel 9, even Paul in Eph1:3-14, use that same metering tracking (end of first reply has the links to those passages). So it's imperative to know we |

|Church are NOT based on any previous covenant's periods, methods, etc. Therefore you can't DATE anything in Church, for we are NEW. |

|Okay, so now go through the 473 verses and see for yourself, how obvious it is, that the Genesis 5 and 11 listings are consecutive, no one skipped; for|

|there are later listings with the same language (though omitting the siring age), pan-OT. |

| |

|Whew. |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|9. Moses' lineage proves Camping, Fraud |

| |

| |

|Camping applies his God-is-a-Black-Widow-Spider to the genealogy of Moses, to make Camping's numbers look right. So let's look at what Bible says, |

|versus Camping. |

| |

|God 'bumped' Kohath ahead of his brothers, though DISINHERITING Levi's sons, due to the Shechem massacre (Genesis 34, 49:7). This is why Levi's sons |

|became the priestly tribe. Clever play on words, when you know the story and understand what 'circumcise' means in Mosaic Law. Punishment, turned to |

|blessing. See for details. |

| |

|People have long been confused about the Levitical line, for the same reason they are confused about Matthew 1's versus Luke 3's genealogies. Why? |

|Because God uses different accountings, each one precise: there are biological accountings (Matthew), and inheritance accountings (Luke) . They are not|

|the same. |

| |

|So here's a quick summary of the import, re Levi, which is precedental for how God 'bumps' the primogeniture, to Christ Himself. |

| |

|God does this bumping, to honor someone with faith. Because, the ultimate inheritance is always based ON faith, theme of Genesis 15, Romans 4-5, 9, all|

|of Hebrews, etc. |

| |

|Moses had the faith. Israel was spared due to his faith (and prayer), i.e., Numbers 14. Moses didn't want to be God's Mouthpiece, so Aaron his brother,|

|would get that office (Exo4:14). To provide it, however, Aaron's FAMILY would have to get the right of primogeniture. So, God just bumped up Aaron's |

|father. |

| |

|A. ALL Levi's sons were disinherited due to Levi disinheriting (by revenge killing) all the sons of Shechem. |

|B. So the BENEFICIARY inheritance rights go through the daughters of Levi (Num27:8, 36:8 ). |

|C. For CONSISTENCY, lineages for primogeniture are still listed by MALE NAMES. |

| |

| |

|D. So the DAUGHTERS' rights are still listed in the MALE NAME of either their fathers, or (if married) their husbands. |

| |

|E. EXODUS 6:20 and Num26:59 (see LXX and BHS, English is awful) -- Amram was Moses and Aaron's father; but Amram is a 'son of Kohath' son of Levi, |

|through Amram's MOTHER. In short, Amram's mother's father, was Kohath. Amram's father, is unnamed. (LXX of Exo 6:20 says the couple were also cousins |

|through their unnamed therefore non-Levite fathers.) |

| |

|F. Jewish FAMILY line goes through the mother. Amram is thus junior in rank to his wife's MOTHER, who was an actual DAUGHTER of Levi (again, LXX/BHS of|

|Exo 6:20, and Exo2:1, Num26:59). |

| |

|G. Levi had at least one daughter in his old age, so there was a 'GENERATION SKIP' between his earlier sons, and the daughter. |

| |

|H. HER LINE: Jochebed is really Amram's cousin on his aunt's side. For his mother was a daughter of Kohath, so Jochebed's mother, was his great-aunt. |

|(Hebrew for great-aunt and aunt is the same, just as we commonly say 'Aunt X' for a great-aunt, in English.) |

| |

|She wasn't Levi's own daughter. Again, LXX of Exo 6:20 says the couple were also cousins through their unnamed therefore non-Levite fathers. NIV of |

|Num26:59 sorta notices that Jochebed was the daughter of the daughter born to Levi when he was in Egypt. |

| |

|So too, ignore the slapstick Testament of the Patriarchs, which claims she WAS the daughter of Levi, the alleged writer -- for he also tells you how |

|long he lived! So he's writing to you from heaven? Lots of goofy stuff in that book. |

| |

|I. Jochebed married Amram, so her INHERITANCE/title has to be listed in her HUSBAND's name, Numbers 36:8. |

| |

|J. So JOCHEBED's husband Amram, who through his own mother is a 'son of Kohath', results in |

|K. KOHATH being bumped |

|L. to the head of the LINE, in the inheritance (not biological-order) LISTINGS. |

|M. All this, due to MOSES (Exo4:14, again). |

| |

|So notice: the actual inheritance change is valid: Levi forfeited his own rights, when he took the lives of the male residents at Shechem. |

| |

|PRINCIPLE: Revenge killing is against the Mosaic Law, Lev19:18, so God makes an example by 'castrating' the rights of the Levites from the Land. Then, |

|grafting them back in as PRIESTS, through Moses The Teacher of That Same Law. |

| |

|So now primogeniture goes through Jochebed, Levi's grandaughter through one of his youngest daughters. |

| |

|Again: Genealogies are listed by fathers, not mothers -- even when the line goes THROUGH the mothers. Same practice, as in Luke 3 (which references |

|Mary's line). |

| |

|So look how clever: Moses is thus fourth-generation including Levi, see Exo 12:40-41 (esp. in LXX). But also, EXCLUDING him, because Amram is really a |

|generation DOWN, given the great difference in age between the sons and the daughter. |

| |

|See: if you have kids early in life, but then one LATE in life, the grandkids of the early kids, can have an 'aunt' of near-age. See how precise God |

|is? [pic] |

| |

|Just as God promised Abraham would occur, in Genesis 15:13. The year total tallies based on Jacob, and the promise is about Jacob's sons. For it's a |

|post-mortem promise to Abraham, who of course lived long enough to see Jacob reach puberty. (Abraham died at age 175 (Gen 25:7), had Isaac at age 100, |

|and Isaac had the twins at age 60.) |

| |

|So the slavery promise, doesn't include Jacob. Israel wasn't enslaved until after Jacob died, for Joseph would go on living, Gen 47:28. That's why the |

|total is 430 years, but 400 in slavery: 10 for Joseph, +390 for the 'sons of Israel' (Jacob). |

| |

|In accounting, when you see similar numbers, you easily can mistake their derivation. The coincidence of the 400 has long confused scholars. Total |

|consecutive time in Egypt was 430 years. But God SUMS UP the slavery time, when He makes the promise to Abraham. Joseph was enslaved between age 17-27,|

|then in jail for 3 years, then made vizier at age 30, as most Christians know. That 10-year period is part of God's accounting for the 400. (Moses uses|

|the 390+10 in his metered dateline of Psalm 90:3, but there's no way to show it in English.) |

| |

|Amazing how many 'scholars' have been unable to reconcile that, simply because they didn't notice |

| |

|a) Jochebed is NOT an 'aunt'. (English mistranslation, compare Exo6:18,20 in BHS and LXX. My video on it, is here: |

|.) |

| |

|b) Levi's sons were cut off to mirror a judgment for Levi cutting off the sons at Shechem. |

| |

|c) so the LEGAL RIGHTS change to the daughters, but |

| |

|d) the biological lineage is also tracked. |

| |

|So, where Kohath is listed first, it's a legal-rights ranking genealogy. |

| |

|One more time: Thus God fulfilled the promise to Abraham, and the curse against Levi. Instead of Levi's sons inheriting anything, God passes the |

|inheritance to a DAUGHTER of Levi -- type of the later switch to Mary owing to the Jeconiah curse. |

| |

|This cutting-out-and-grafting-in practice of God based on faith or failure, is a common theme of the Bible, starting with Cain (grafted out, in favor |

|of Seth), ending with Christ. (Jeconiah grafted out, Mary grafted in through Nathan, David's other royal line.) |

| |

|Ooops. See what HUGE doctrine on The Inheritance of Faith is learned through seemingly-boring genealogies? See why God is so precise in tracking them? |

|Camping should have learned Bible Hebrew and Greek to avoid this gaffe. Must have cost him countless tortured hours calculating instead, his |

|God-Is-A-Black-Widow timeline. [pic] |

| |

|First rule of hermeneutics is that you compare Scripture with Scripture. Especially, to find out how a word is used. Or, how a genealogy traces, AND |

|WHETHER IT'S A LEGAL LINE being traced (like what Matthew 1 does, leaving out Athaliah's brats) -- or whether it's strictly biological. Camping didn't |

|do that. |

| |

|So, if he was confused, why didn't he CONSULT THE JEWS? Do you know how big Jews are on genealogies? It's part of their eschatology, to keep up the |

|family tree names, for in the future, Messiah will have a special priesthood, and they have to know who those sons will be! |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|But Camping didn't do that, either. Because to him, there is no future for Israel. To Camping, it's a Rapture which No Bible Contains, followed by a |

|weird five months No Verse calls the Tribulation, and then End. Even MESSIAH is cut out, doesn't get His Promised 1000 years. Sheesh. Anti-semitism. |

|Whether Silent and Subsconsious, or loud and obnoxious, clouds Bible reading competence. And makes for some very weird math. |

| |

|Anti-semitism is what shows up here. Doesn't mean the person being anti-semitic, recognizes it. Any time Israel's future role in history is truncated, |

|denied, belittled, or even EQUATED, you're looking at anti-semitism. If you love Christ, you love the Jews. Period. So one's attitude toward the Jews, |

|reflects one's attitude toward Christ Himself. |

| |

|Christians are generally anti-semitic. That's reflected in preterism, Replacement theology, the many sects trying to claim they 'inherit' something |

|that the Jews 'lost', i.e., claiming they are the 'lost tribes of Israel', etc. ad nauseum. The common myth that the Jews are running banks, the world,|

|politics, are rich, etc. -- all these reflect anti-semitism. Weak or strong, hostile or dismissive, what you think of the Jews is what you REALLY think|

|of Christ. |

| |

|Camping doesn't think well of Christ. It shows, in his abuse of Scripture. Which, he uses to cut OUT Christ from the future, as well as the Jews. |

| |

|Think about it. |

| |

| |

|10. Bible's 'qara shem' proves Camping, Fraud |

| |

| |

|Now the finale. 10=Completion of TIME, Ephesians 1:10 (how apt); therefore, the completion of this post. Doubled-5's, God has REDEEMED via His |

|Double-Natured Son, Isaiah 52:13-15! God's REAL factors for time, shown pan-Bible in every date-number and in Bible Meter (Hebrew or Greek), 7*5*2! |

| |

|So, let's see how God redeems His Word versus Camping's abuse. |

| |

|Not only is yalad always used for direct son unless otherwise EXPLICITLY indicated in the same verse, but the vaunted 'qara shem' expression is used in|

|the same verses. |

| |

|So using yalad does not contradistinguish someone as a descendant, nor does qara shem contradistinguish someone only as a son. |

| |

|For 'qara shem' instead stresses something ELSE -- MEANING. Meaning of the Name. |

| |

|You probably get frustrated with Bible names. Sadly, your typical Bible only transliterates the name and in an unpronounceable manner. So you don't |

|know how WITTY the name is. Example: Adam=Earthman. Noah=Rest. Enoch=Dedicated. Jared=Descend. All the priestly courses have names of extreme value and|

|deft wit. But you can't know what they are, from most translations. So of course the begats are boring. But try this, with the names translated instead|

|of transliterated: |

| |

|Earthman fathered Appointed, who fathered Humbleman, who fathered Nester, who fathered Praise, who fathered Descent, who fathered Dedicated, who |

|fathered FLOOD-HAPPENS-WHEN- HE-DIES: that's Methusaleh (Methu+selah). |

| |

|See what you know now? You know the character of the people and the times. |

| |

| |

| |

|The purpose of the so-called 'qara shem' phrase is to tell you the CHARACTER of either the person specially named, or the TIME in which he lives. To |

|stress it. But of course, all you really need is just the name, as in the italicized list, above. So when God slows down to make a whole verse out of |

|the name, that matters even more. |

| |

|Think: Seth=Appointed. Appointed to what? TO CARRY THE NAME. The name of who? MESSIAH. In other words, each of the listed names in the Genesis 5 |

|roster, was someone who had the burden of knowing his descendant would be the one to save him from his sins. |

| |

|And of course, that made these guys a kind of royal line, so guess what? They were attacked. Relentlessly. All that, you can learn from the names. |

| |

| |

| |

|qara shem verses wrote |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|[pic] So here's a listing of 214 'qara shem' verses: |

|. |

| |

|When you read the first page, you'll know how to search on more of them -- in English, even. |

| |

|The real Hebrew expression isn't 'qara shem': that's just the vocabulary form. For example, Hebrew wa qara-et-samo, literally 'he called his[the |

|object's] name' -- followed by whatever name it was. |

| |

|This Hebrew expression 'conjugates' in so many ways, it would take me forever to find all occurrences in Hebrew. Thankfully, literal-translation Bibles|

|like KJV, NASB tend to translate 'qara' as 'call', every time it appears, and almost always translate 'shem' as 'name'. So just search on those ENGLISH|

|words, and you'll get more verses for comparison. |

| |

|This extremely common phrasing is applied to sons, rocks, places, nicknames, even to God (i.e., names given God). |

| |

| |

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|So notice: 'qara shem' tells you NOTHING about the relationship between the callER, and the recipient. You call something a name. You call your spouse |

|on the phone (same verb, qara). You name your car. So the RELATIONSHIP between you and what you name, has to be spelled out in the context, for it |

|doesn't necessarily mean you are the 'father' of it. |

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|Duh: having authority, right, privilege or just plain fun of naming, does NOT mean you 'fathered' what you named! |

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|[pic][pic][pic] Upshot: [pic][pic][pic] |

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|Bible contradicts Camping, so his timeline is bogus. For |

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|[pic] 'yalad' is definitive for direct son UNLESS qualified by other words to show descendants; as we saw in the download for #8, and |

|[pic] 'qara shem' NEEDS text to tell you if it's a fathering, since the expression is GENERIC, as we just saw above. |

|[pic] Camping's 7000 year idea is in the OCCULT, like Kabbalah Book of Jubilees and Book of Enoch (in 2 Enoch) -- but the idea is nowhere in Bible. |

|Nor is there anywhere in Bible a construction where more than one day is multiplied by 1000 years. |

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|[pic] For just as there is only One Lord, in Bible there is only ONE Day that is 1000 years: The Day of the Lord. |

|[pic] When He Comes Back to Earth, He Does NOT Destroy it, but Makes it a Paradise, Ezekiel 40 through the end of the book (Chapter 40 is on the |

|Millennial Temple which God builds); Isaiah 61 and following, many other passages. Pretty much every OT passage promising Israel something 'forever' |

|refers to this future time, like Isaiah 9, Jeremiah 31:31-34, etc. Lots of promises. |

|[pic] And, then He Rules that Earth for 1000 (really 1050) years, Revelation 5:10, 20:1-10. |

|[pic] THEN comes the End of the World, Rev 21:1. Not, before. |

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|Camping doesn't read Bible. He makes up stuff as suits his private agenda, then slaps on God's Name or numbers. This, to seem holy; he expects no one |

|to catch him. But God did. For by his own definition -- and God's, Deut 18:20, Jer 28:15-17, 29:31-32 -- Camping is a FALSE PROPHET. Avoid him, |

|2Tim3:5-7. |

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|PS: If you're interested, Other posts I made in this forum are relevant: |

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|*Qara shem |

|*Matthew 1's genealogy is misunderstood by Mr. Camping. Qara shem versus Yalad: latter's verses pan-Bible shows that yalad is used of DIRECT SON, |

|unless 'sons' is in the plural. |

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