Reality Therapy Intensive Training

Reality Therapy Intensive Training Robert E. Wubbolding, EdD, Senior Faculty WGI, Lead InstructorNovember 19 – 21, 2016 (Sat, Sun, Mon)Both Basic and Advanced Training – Center for Reality Therapy,Robert E. Wubbolding, John Brickell, Instructors William Glasser Institute – Senior FacultyQuestion? Call: 513-561-1911 (Bob and Sandie Wubbolding) Email: wubsrt@Website: LOCATION: Holiday Inn Airport, Erlanger KY (Northern KY/Greater Cincinnati Airport, CVG), There is a free shuttle from airport (7 minutes away). The hotel is approximately 15 minutes from downtown Cincinnati, Ohio. Call 859-371-2233 to book your hotel room (Deadline October 27 for room discount) and be sure to inform them that the Center for Reality Therapy is the sponsoring organization and our discount rate is $99/nite/room for 1 or 2 persons. If you book your room online be sure to list the Center for Reality Therapy as the sponsoring organization for the discount rate. Cost: 3-day training includes lunch 3 days & materials for workshop: $580.00 To register, please mail $100 deposit with form below to: Center for Reality Therapy, Dr. Robert E. Wubbolding5490 Windridge Court, Cincinnati OH 45243 or register online: Continuing Education : 20 contact hoursThe Center for Reality Therapy is an NBCC –Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP) and may offer NBCC-approved clock hours for events that meet NBCC requirements. The ACEP solely is responsible for all aspects of the program.NAADAC (National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors)CSWMFTB: State of Ohio: Counselor, Social Worker CPEs This workshop is for basic or advanced level participants in the certification process of the William Glasser Institute. Pre-requisite for advanced level: basic level training and completed basic practicum with WGI approved practicum supervisor.---------------REGISTRATION FORM: PLEASE COMPLETE AND MAIL WITH DEPOSIT TO:Center for Reality Therapy, Dr. Robert Wubbolding, 5490 Windridge Court, Cincinnati OH 45243Full Name: Level: Circle: BASIC or ADVANCED Mailing Address: City, State, Zip: Telephone and please indicate home, cell, work: Email address: Please indicate if you need special accommodations or dietary needs:Registration fee: $580.00 Deposit required: $100 Make check payable to Center for Reality TherapyAmount included: $ ................

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