News from Blyth Valley CVS - 21

News from CVA Blyth Valley – 30/07/10


Fairshares Funding Farye - Tuesday 7 September - post your booking form now

Blyth Citizens Advice Bureau – various info

Northumberland Primary Infrastructure Organisations – news and bulletins

Blyth Resource & Initiative Centre – computers wanted

What’s on in Blyth, Cramlington and Seaton Valley

Giving World Online (GWO) - free goods available to community groups

Isabella Community Centre – Summer Programme

Funding Information North East – NE Guide to Grants - books for sale

Escape Family Support - vacancy

Blyth Star Enterprises - vacancies

Women’s Health Advice Centre – free taster sessions

Funding Information

Community Foundation - Grassroots Grants

Coalfields Regeneration Trust

Comic Relief

The Woodward Charitable Trust

BBC Children in Need Grants Scheme

Big Lottery Fund

The National Churches Trust

Awards for Bridging Cultures

Northumbria Police Authority


Fairshares Funding Fayre

We are organising another Funding Fayre this year which be held at:

Seaton Sluice Community Centre, Albert Road, Seaton Sluice

Tuesday 7 September 2010

10:00 am—1:00 pm (with buffet lunch at 1 pm)

Our Funding Fayres provide a unique opportunity for local groups to meet directly with

funders to discuss their projects.

There are also a series of funding related presentations planned throughout the day to help improve your funding applications and increase your chances of success.

Our Funding Fayre is completely FREE to local voluntary and community groups, at a fully accessible venue and we also include a buffet lunch and refreshments!

So if you have a good project that you are currently developing and would welcome the

opportunity of discussing this with local funders then make sure you come along.

To download a booking form, please visit our website at .uk, scroll down to event / funding fayre / booking form. Further information about the funders attending can also be found on our communication page / Summer 2010 newsletter.

Please Note: The Vardy Foundation will not be attending this event as stated in our Summer 2010 newsletter.

Fairshares / CVA Blyth Valley

22 Beaconsfield Street

Blyth, NE24 2DP

Tel: 01670 353623 / Fax: 01670 365783 / Email:

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Blyth Citizens Advice Bureau

Withdrawal of banknotes

From 30 June, the Bank of England is withdrawing from circulation the old style £20 note featuring Sir Edward Elgar. The £20 note featuring Adam Smith will remain in circulation.

Retail outlets may refuse to accept the Elgar £20 after this date. Banks, building societies and post offices should accept the notes for deposit to customer accounts and for other customer transactions for several months after the end of June.

Exchange of Elgar notes is at the discretion of individual banks and building societies. The Bank of England will always exchange its old notes.

You can find more information about the withdrawal of the Elgar £20 banknote, including what the different banknotes look like, on the Bank of England website at:

Cap on number of non-EU migrants to the UK

The Government has begun a 12 week consultation on the introduction of a limit on the number of non-EU migrants coming to the UK to work. Permanent limits are expected to be in place by 1 April 2011.

In the meantime, from 19 July, interim measures will be introduced. These will amend the points-based system so that the number of non-EU Tier 1 migrants is capped at current levels and the number of points needed for such workers is increased from 95 to 100. The Government will also limit the number of certificates of sponsorship issued by employers to those coming to the UK to fill skilled job vacancies under Tier 2. Further details are available from the Home Office website on

Sale and rent back regulation

From 30 June, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) has changed the way it regulates sale and rent back schemes run by private firms. A sale and rent back agreement is when a company offers to buy a client’s home, usually at a discounted price, and then rents it back to them.

The new, full regulatory regime offers better protection for clients by:

• stopping firms from dropping promotional leaflets through letter boxes

• requiring firms to check that a client can afford to enter into an agreement and how it might affect a client’s benefit entitlement

• ensuring clients have better security of tenure through a fixed term tenancy of at least five years

• requiring an independent valuation to be carried out where the valuer owes a duty of care to the client

• introducing a cooling-off period of 14 days to give clients more time to decide whether to proceed.

Blyth CAB, Eric Tolhurst Centre, 3-13 Quay Road

Blyth, NE24 2AS, Tel 01670 367779

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Northumberland Primary Infrastructure Organisations

As well as keeping all our members / readers up-to-date with events happening in Blyth, Cramlington and Seaton Valley, members can also link onto news produced by Community Action Northumberland and Wansbeck CVS.

To view Community Action Northumberland News Summer Issue - July 2010 click here, and here for Can e-news bulletin no 5.

News to follow from Wansbeck CVS.

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Blyth Resource & Initiative Centre

BRIC (Blyth Resource & Initiative Centre) is appealing to local businesses for assistance.   If you have any redundant computers or are upgrading your systems, they require 5 additional computers in order to run a computer, essential skills course to help local unemployed people. The course is aimed at increasing employability skills and helping people unfamiliar with computers to get a basic understanding.


Having a useable computer suite will also increase the potential of the centre and allow further computer courses to be provided such as graphic design and digital manipulation.


If you can help and have a spare computer(s) please contact:

Cath George on 01670 353817 or e-mail

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What’s on in Blyth, Cramlington and Seaton Valley

Monday 2 August 2010, 10:30 – 11:30 am East Hartford Community Centre

Exercise for the over 50’s - General seated exercise for people over 50 or those less able of any age, who want to have an hour of exercise in good company.

Improve your mobility, flexibility and stamina, have fun and get fit!

Classes start on Monday 2 August 2010, Taster session FREE. No upper age or gender limit. Please wear comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement and flat covered shoes or trainers.

Wednesday 11 August 2010, 10:00 am – 12 noon, East Hartford Community Centre, Kids Crafts, eg kites, masks, etc

£1 per person 5 – 12 year olds. There will be a tuck shop available. To book please contact Jenny Earl on 07510 942 462.

Saturday 21 August 2010, 11:00 - 4:00 pm - Seaton Delaval & Holywell / Astley Park Harvest Festival

A family Fun Day for the whole village – there are rides, children’s events and competitions best fill plant pots, workshops, bird boxes and pressing of apples, the air is filled with magic from Martin the magician who brings some friends of his - giants on stilts. There is a Falcon display with photo opportunities. All aboard with Marine Support Blyth along with their famous Stocks, Splat the Rat and holding competitions with their heaving lines.  There is a craft village and an area dedicated for Information of ‘What’s on within the Seaton Delaval area’. Also an Exhibition area. The Police and other services will be there too. There is a chance for pampering for the ladies – nails and Henna. Learn how to bowl with expertise from the local bowling club.

If you’re young or old this is a day you can’t miss – book it in your diary! The list of what’s on and what is happening is endless. There is so much to do!

For further information please contact Val Ellis on 0191 237 3683

If you would like a sellers / display table for your group please contact Val 0191 237 3683

Saturday 21 August 2010 - Seghill Day Out, Coach Trip to Edinburgh

For further details and to book a place please call Elsie Harvey on 0191 237 3168

28 - 30 August 2010, 11:00 am till 4:00 pm - Bottleworks 8th Art Exhibition

St Paul’s Church, Beresford Road, Seaton Sluice.

Friday 10 September – Sunday 12 September, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm,

Heritage Open Days Church of Our Lady, Seaton Delaval

Saturday 11 September, Sponsored Steeplechase, St Paul’s Church, Seaton Sluice and St Michael’s Church, New Hartley. Refreshments available.

Saturday 11 & Sunday 12 September, Blyth Battery - The Heritage Open Weekend

To celebrate Heritage Open Days, we are hosting a World War Two weekend at Blyth Battery, with re-enactors, homefront displays, and military vehicles, all free of charge. We will also be offering guided tours of the Battery, and refreshments will be available in the Shelter Building and at stalls around Blyth Links, as well as the ever popular Coastline Fish and Chip Shop!

Sunday 12 September at 10:00 am, Seghill Sponsored walk

Departure from the Community Centre walking around the village which takes about 1 hour just over 3 miles. The route is push chair friendly so come on down and join us. Come in fancy dress or walk backwards the choice is yours - we just would like you to join in.  All money goes towards the centre, all children under the age of 16 years must be accompanied by an adult.

Saturday 18 September 2010, 11:00 am—3:00 pm - Seghill Institute Pet Dog Show

For further details please contact Jenny Adams on 0191 266 3426 / posipup@

Seaton Delaval Centre - The Teen Drop In on Friday nights from 5-6pm is a great success and will continue through the school holidays with additional days during the summer recess.

Astley Park - Anyone wishing to book tennis etc please contact Val Ellis on 0191 237 3683. Birthday parties / private hire £8.00 per hour.

ICT drop-in with added support at your local community centres in Seaton Valley. Staff from CVABV will be in attendance at Seaton Sluice—Mondays from 2:00—3:30 pm / Seaton Delaval—Tuesdays from 1:30—3:00 pm / Seghill Community Centre on Thursdays from 10:00—11:30 am and New Hartley Community Centre on Fridays from 10:00—12:00, Cost for all sessions is £2.00.

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Giving World Online (GWO)

Free goods available to community groups

Giving World Online (GWO) is a scheme set up to help to community groups and charities access free surplus goods from businesses and organisations whilst at the same time helping reduce the amount of goods sent to landfill.

In the next three months GWO will be engaging with businesses in the North East region to encourage them to use GWO's free service to redirect their surplus goods onto charities and groups that could make use of them for their beneficiaries.

Director Rama Bhalla said: "Our service is available to all charities and community groups but we are particularly aware that many smaller organisations are often volunteer-led or operate on very limited funds. We are focussing our efforts on engaging more businesses to use GWO to directly help community groups in their locality access surplus stock which could be of great benefit."

Since GWO's soft launch in December 2008 more than half a million pounds worth of quality goods have been redirected from landfill to UK charities. Plans are to expand the reach of the organisation and Rama added: "Any bona fide community group or charity can visit our website and register to receive goods as well as publicising items that they need. The process is very simple."

For further details visit

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Isabella Community Centre

To view the Isabella’s Summer Programme click here.

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Funding Information North East

FOR SALE - last two copies available

North East Guide to Grants for Voluntary Organisations

10th Edition (2009/2010)

Funding Information North East have a limited number of the above publication for sale at a greatly reduced price of £4 (previously £15).

This guide is a must for any voluntary and community sector organisation looking for funding. It contains information on over 90 charitable trusts.

To obtain a copy please call into CVA Blyth Valley offices at 22 Beaconsfield Street, Blyth. Further copies can be obtained from FINE.

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Escape Family Support - Vacancy

This is an exciting opportunity for an enthusiastic and motivated person to develop and utilise their skills, who would like to work in this specialized area which is both challenging and rewarding. The post holder will take a lead role in promoting the health and wellbeing of children and young people and families affected by drug and alcohol use and provide leadership for other colleagues working with families and carers.

The successful candidate will hold a social work qualification (BA Social Work, Dip SW, CQSW, or equivalent) and have post-graduate case experience.

Closing date: 5.00pm, Monday August 9th 2010.

For an application pack and further information send an A4 self-addressed envelope to: ESCAPE Family Support, 93 Bondicar Terrace, Blyth, Northumberland, NE24 2JR.

To discuss this post email: or call 01670 544 055 and ask for Sharon Spurling. This post is supported for three years by the Northern Rock Foundation. ESCAPE will not discriminate either directly or indirectly and is an equal opportunities employer. An enhanced Criminal Records Bureau disclosure will be required for this post. ESCAPE Family Support is a registered charity: 1063500

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Blyth Star Enterprises - Vacancies

Blyth Star Enterprises have a number of employment opportunities - please click here for further information.

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Women’s Health Advice Centre (WHAC)

Attention Men and Women!

Are you unemployed?


Building Confidence to Find Work

Monday 9 August 2010, 9:30 am to12:30 pm

Coaching For Employment

Tuesday10 August 2010, 9:30 am to12:30 pm

It’s My Life – Preparing for Employment

Tuesday17 August 2010, 9:30 am to12:30 pm

Managing Stress Whilst Seeking Work

Wednesday 18 August 2010, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

1 Council Road, Ashington, Northumberland NE63 8RZ

Tel: 01670 853977 Email: admin@whac.


Community Foundation - Grassroots Grants

Calling all not for profit, voluntary or community groups within Tyne & Wear or

Northumberland - do you answer yes to the following?

• Have you been in existence for a year or more?

• Do you have an average income over three years of less than £30,000 per year?

• Are you working for the benefit of your local community?

• Are volunteers vital to your group’s activities?

• Do you have a written set of rules or constitution?

• Does your group have a bank account in its own right?

If the answer to all of the above is yes, then your group may be eligible for a Grassroots Grant. You could apply for a grant of between £250 and £5,000 to support your project. Eligible activities include the purchase of equipment such as computers or kitchen facilities, costs for a local community event, small-scale training and staffing costs, local community activities and rent costs.

If you are interested in applying for a Grassroots Grant please contact:

The Community Foundation

(serving Tyne & Wear and Northumberland)

Tel: 0191 222 0945

Or visit their website: .uk

Alternatively please contact one of our Capacity Building Officers at CVA Blyth Valley on 01670 353623.

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Coalfields Regeneration Trust

£5,000 CRT Grants Still Available

There is still an opportunity to apply to the Coalfields Regeneration Trust’s Bridging the Gap programme for grant support up to £5,000. 

The Trust would like to hear from community organisations seeking support to deliver activities that make a positive difference to the lives of people living in coalfield communities. 

The programme ends on the 31st March 2011 so groups need to act quickly to submit an application.  Please contact Lorna Hoy on 0191 428 5550 or to find out if you are eligible to apply.

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Comic Relief

Produced by Regeneration Pr

Comic Relief Grants UK programmes are once again open for applications. Through the Comic Relief UK grant making programme funding is available through the following programmes:

• Mental health - This programme aims to promote the rights and support the recovery of people who have mental health problems, and to help them feel more included in society. It also aims to reduce the stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health problems.

• Domestic and sexual abuse - This programme aims to provide support for young people aged 11-25 who have witnessed or directly experienced domestic and sexual abuse.

• Refugee and asylum seeking women - This programme aims to provide support for refugee and asylum seeking women who have experienced rape, torture and other forms of violence in their home countries.

• Older people - This programme is built around supporting older people to bring positive change to their communities, enabling them to contribute their time, energy and skills to those individuals who need it most.

• Sport for Change - Using sport in delivering positive change within the lives of individuals and communities.

• Young People aged 11 – 25 - This programme focuses on young people that are sexually exploited; suffer from alcohol abuse; and suffer from mental health problems.

Grants of between £25,000 and £40,000 are available. The closing date for applications is the 3rd September 2010. Comic Relief also operates a programme that supports disadvantaged communities but this programme is devolved to the Community Foundation Network. Please contact your local Community Foundation directly for details of their funding application procedures.

For more information please visit:

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The Woodward Charitable Trust

The Woodward Charitable Trust is inviting applications from UK registered charities working with or in the areas of:

• social and ethnic minority groups

• prisoners and ex-offenders

• homelessness

• violence and abuse

• arts outreach

• disability

• environment

• addition

The fund offers grants of up to £5,000 through their small grants scheme and grants of over £5,000 through their large grants scheme. Every year, the Trust makes about 50 grants through its small grants programme and around 5 awards through its large grants programme.

The next application deadline for small and large grants is the 30th November 2010.

For more information please visit:

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BBC Children in Need Grants Scheme

BBC Children in Need are inviting not-for-profit organisations (including registered charities, voluntary organisations, schools, local authorities, churches, social enterprises, community interest groups, universities etc) working with disadvantaged children and young people 18 years and under, living in the UK, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands, to apply for funding through their grants schemes.

BBC Children in Need run two grant schemes.

• Small Grants of £10,000 or less per year for up to three years

• Main Grants over £10,000 per year for up to three years. 

Funding is available to organisations that work with young people who are suffering from:

• Illness

• Distress

• Abuse or neglect

• Are disabled

• Have behavioural or psychological difficulties

• Are living in poverty or situations of deprivation

The next deadline is the 15th October 2010. For further information please visit:

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Big Lottery Fund

Reaching Communities

The Big Lottery Fund (BIG) has announced that it is accepting applications to their Reaching Communities Programme. Reaching Communities provides grants of 10,000 - £500,000 for projects that help people and communities who are most in need, and can really make a difference. BIG wants to fund projects that respond to needs identified by communities and those that fund projects that help those most in need including those people or groups who are hard to reach.

Organisations that can apply for funding include; registered charities; voluntary or community groups; statutory bodies, (including schools); charitable or not-for-profit companies.  The budget for Reaching Communities will be at least £100 million each year until 2013.

Applications can be made at any time. For further information please visit:

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The National Churches Trust

The National Churches Trust which was launched in 2007 as the only national,

non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting and promoting places of worship used by Christian denominations throughout the UK provides grants of around £2 million per year for the restoration and modernisation of places of worship. In 2010 the National Churches Trust is offering the opportunity to apply for the following grants. Repair Grants of £10,000 and above for structural repair projects that will cost more than £50,000. Community Grants from £2,500 to £25,000 for providing facilities that will benefit your place of worship and local community, e.g. accessible toilets, kitchens and meeting rooms.

The Grants Committee meet quarterly to make decisions on applications and grant applications can be made throughout the year.

More information can be found by visiting:

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Awards for Bridging Cultures

Community and voluntary organisations that are working towards making a real and meaningful contribution towards the mutual understanding of cultural differences within communities are being invited to enter the Awards for Bridging Cultures (ABC).

There are three different categories of the Awards for Bridging Cultures:

• Voluntary or community groups or organisations running projects to promote intercultural dialogue with gross annual financial income of over £100,000 (in the last two financial years).

• Voluntary or community groups or organisations running projects to promote intercultural dialogue with gross annual financial income of £100,000 or under (in the last two financial years).

• Local authorities, public sector organisations and private companies who can demonstrate their support for voluntary sector projects which promote intercultural dialogue by financing, initiating or supporting grassroots projects.

The winners of each of the two categories for voluntary organisations will receive £10,000 and commended organisations in these categories will receive up to £5,000 each. The deadline for applications is 5pm on the 13th September 2010.

For further information please visit:

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Northumbria Police Authority

Participatory Budgeting Initiative

The first events were a great success with 66 groups receiving funding for their community projects. In this round we hope to build on that and make it even more successful. Participatory Budgeting directly involves local people in deciding on solutions to community safety issues in their area. Community groups and representatives use their local knowledge to suggest projects, present their ideas and vote on schemes to receive funding.


For round three there is a budget of £80,000, with an opportunity for individual projects to bid for a sum of up to £2,500. This round’s bids should reflect the priorities in your areas Community Safety Strategy. These can be identified on the Priorities Sheet attached.                                   


The process is straight forward beginning with completing the application form and returning it to the Northumbria Police Authority by Friday, 20th August 2010. When we have received all the applications a shortlist will be drawn up. The shortlisted applicants will be allocated two places at the Participatory Budgeting Event day.

All groups presenting a bid will have an equal vote on which projects secure funding. The result of the vote will be announced on the day. Presentations are informal and must last no more than 5 minutes. These can be PowerPoint presentations, an interview format or simply community representatives talking about their proposal. Groups are also welcome to be innovative, for example by using drama.

In this round there will be three presentation events which are being held closer to the communities that will benefit from the funding. The details and location of these events can bee seen on the Venue Sheet attached. At least two weeks notice will be given to applicants if they are shortlisted to attend the event day. 


Please don’t be put off from applying if your group has little experience of making funding applications. Officers of the Police Authority will provide assistance and advice for completing applications where required. Alternatively contact CVABV for assistance on 01670 353623.

Please return completed application forms to  by Friday 20th August 2010

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If you no longer require information / news by ezine regarding

CVA Blyth Valley please let us know by return of email or phone the number below and we will remove your details from our database.

CVA Blyth Valley

Tel: 01670 353623 / Email:

Website: .uk

Thom Bradley -

Pauline Blake -

Sybil Pattie -

Gina Robson -

Jill Oxnard -

Nichola Dodds -

Fiona Wardlaw -



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