148590020193000 PUR1308/14Request for ProposalsPUR1703/070------------------------------------------------------------Provision of a Meeting Room Booking Tool incorporating Hospitality Management, Audio Visual Management and Wayfinding------------------------------------------------------------1.0INTRODUCTIONThe European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the “Bank” or the "EBRD") is an international financial institution. The EBRD was established by treaty in 1990 to foster the transition towards open market oriented economies and to promote private and entrepreneurial initiatives in Central and Eastern Europe, the Baltic States and the Commonwealth of Independent States that are committed to and applying the principles of multiparty democracy, pluralism and market economics. The EBRD has 66 members (64 countries, the European Union and the European Investment Bank). Further information about the EBRD's roles and activities can be found on the EBRD's website: . 1.1Definitions:The terms ‘EBRD’ and ‘The Bank’ shall mean the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.The term ‘Supplier(s)’ shall mean a party that submits a proposal in accordance with this RFP.The term “Tender” shall mean the process by which the Bank evaluates and selects a Supplier to provide the Services described herein.The term ‘RFP’ shall mean Request for Proposal.The term ‘Proposal’ shall mean a combination of the documents defined in section 4.1 of this RFP. Specifically the Checklist, the Technical Proposal and the completed Quotation File.2.0PROJECT BACKGROUND2.1Background and ObjectivesThe Bank is seeking to replace the existing meeting room booking tool with a single Software as a Service (SaaS) solution (“the Solution”) for booking meeting rooms that is easy to use and integrated with the Bank’s systems. The solution will provide a front end user interface to book meeting rooms, hospitality, event management, AV/VC, meeting room configurations/set-up and visitor management. 3.0EBRD CONTACT DETAILSYour sole contact for the purposes of the RFP is:Siobhan Hay – Analyst, Corporate Procurement UnitEBRDOne Exchange SquareLondonEC2A 2JNTel: 020 7338 7661Email: hays@4.0 DESCRIPTION OF THIS RFP 4.1 OverviewSuppliers wishing to participate in this Tender will be required to make a submission (the ‘Submission’) comprising of the following documents in accordance with the timetable outlined in section 4.2:a completed minimum requirements checklist (the “Checklist”) as defined in section 4.4;a technical proposal (the ‘Technical Proposal’) as defined in section 4.4; anda completed quotation file (the ‘Quotation File’) as defined in section TimetableDate or Target DateActivity13th June 2017RFP published 20th June 2017Deadline for requests for clarification23rd June 2017EBRD response to requests for clarification and confirmation of participation3rd July 2017Deadline for submissions5th to 13th July 2017Supplier presentations at the Bankw/c 17th July 2017Site Visit to Preferred Supplier’s Installationw/c 24th July 2017Notification of contract award28th August 2017Commencement The EBRD reserves the right to amend or change these dates at any time.4.3 ClarificationsThe process for receipt and resolution of queries shall be as follows:Suppliers may send queries by e-mail to the following address: galet@;there will be one round of queries;the deadline for queries is shown in the timetable in section 4.2 of this RFP.the EBRD will circulate the responses to all queries to all participating Suppliers in accordance with the timetable set out in section 4.2 of this RFP; andthe clarification document will make no reference to which Supplier made any particular query.4.4Technical Proposal4.4.1Minimum Requirements Suppliers wishing to participate in this Tender are required to complete the Checklist provided as Annex A to this RFP. Only those Suppliers capable of answering “yes” to all of the questions are eligible to participate. Suppliers that answer “no” to any question or that provide an incomplete submission will not be eligible for participation in this Tender. 4.4.2Technical Response Submission The Technical Proposal shall consist of: a completed version of the Checklist attached to this RFP as Annex A – Minimum Requirements Checklist and a narrative response prepared with reference to Annex B – Scope of Services –Technical Response. The Technical Proposal shall not exceed 40 pages excluding the Checklist, C.V.s and Supplier’s standard terms and conditions. Responses shall be submitted via e-mail to hays@ in accordance with the timetable set out in section 4.2 of this RFP.Please note Suppliers must submit their Technical Response by email and their Quotation File in an envelope as per the instructions in FileAll Suppliers are required to complete the applicable quotation file (the ‘Quotation file’) attached as Annex C of this RFP. Prices are to be quoted in GBP net of VAT. The Quotation File must be submitted:on a CD or a USB drive by courier in a sealed envelope clearly identified as “PUR1703/07 – Provision of Meeting Room Booking Tool – Quotation File;in an envelope clearly bearing the Supplier’s name; andin accordance with the timetable set out in section 4.2 of this RFP.4.6Quotation File ValidityQuotes submitted shall be valid for ninety (90) days following date of receipt.Demonstration/Presentation Following evaluation of the Technical Response by the Bank, Suppliers that pass the minimum requirements checklist will be requested to deliver a demonstration/presentation for the Bank at its London headquarters. The presentation should last no more than 3 hours and will cover the topics identified in Annex D - ‘Presentation Agenda’.The demonstrations / presentations are scheduled for the period of 5th July to 13th July 2017. Suppliers will be notified by e-mail the date and time they must attend the demonstrations/ presentations. Suppliers will be advised of their time slot following confirmation of their participation as per the timetable set out in section 4.2 of this RFP. The allocated meeting slot will not be negotiable.5.0EVALUATION METHODOLOGYElement of the EvaluationMaximum Score availableFunctionalityRoom Booking45Catering & Hospitality30Video Conferencing/ AV booking10Hardware and mobile Support10Visitor Management5Space & Wayfinding5Technical RequirementsIntegration 15Reporting & User Management10Technical & IT Security Information10Management 5Implementation and CutoverImplementation Plan 20Technical subtotal170Maximum Financial Score 113OVERALL MAXIMUM SCORE 2835.1Technical EvaluationSuppliers’ Technical Proposals will be evaluated and scored by a nominated Tender Evaluation Panel (TEP) of Bank staff selected from operational departments who are directly involved with the services to be provided. A minimum technical threshold applies to this procurement process. A Supplier will be deemed to have passed this threshold on meeting the following conditions:a majority of the TEP allocate it 75% (127.5) or higher of the maximum points available for the technical evaluation; andthe mean of the combined TEP scores is 75% (127.5) or higher of the maximum points available for the technical evaluation.5.2Financial Evaluation Following the review of the Technical Proposals, the Quotation Files of those Suppliers who have passed the technical qualification threshold will be opened. The Bank will calculate a total bid price for each Supplier based on their proposal. The Supplier proposing the lowest total bid price will be given the maximum financial score available (113). Other Suppliers’ (higher) prices will be divided into the lowest price and the result multiplied by the maximum score given. FSa = LP/EPa x Maximum Financial ScoreFSa= financial score for proposal aLP= the lowest evaluated financial proposalEPa = the financial proposal of a.5.3Preferred SupplierThe Supplier achieving the highest combined score following the technical and financial evaluations shall be nominated as the preferred Supplier (the ‘Preferred Supplier’). 5.4Site VisitThe Tender Evaluation Panel will seek to visit a site at which the Preferred Supplier has provided the Solution within the 12 to 24 months.. 5.4Technical Due DiligenceThe Bank may contact the three referees provided by the Preferred Supplier. The Bank reserves the right to speak to any company which has dealt with the Preferred Supplier, whether provided as a reference or not, without prior notification to the Supplier.In the event that the Preferred Supplier’s references prove unsatisfactory, the Bank will consider the next highest scoring Supplier to be the Preferred Supplier and will repeat the procedure described above.It is anticipated that the Solution provided will be a cloud based Software as a Service (SaaS). The Bank reserves the right to undertake necessary due diligence to ensure that security standards of the Preferred Supplier are consistent with its requirements as provided in this RFP. This may include, but shall not be limited to:Technical security discussionsReview of business continuity provision Completion of a questionnaire/auditVisit to any data centre premisesReview of policies listed in the pre-qualifications questionsPenetration testing of the website and data transfer methods5.5NegotiationsThe Bank will move to negotiate a contract with the Preferred Supplier. In the event that a satisfactory conclusion to the contract negotiations cannot be agreed the Bank may consider the next highest scoring Supplier to be the Preferred Supplier and will commence the procedure described above.5.5Right to RejectThe Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any RFP response, or part thereof, and to annul the RFP process and reject all RFP responses at any time prior to award of contract without incurring any liability to the affected parties.6.0CONTRACT6.1Status of the EBRDThe EBRD is an international organisation established by international treaty. As such, the EBRD possesses a special status under public international law which has been confirmed under English law through statute (Statutory Instrument 1991, No. 757, The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Immunities and Privileges) Order 1991), available at: also refer to the aforementioned establishment treaty of the Bank ("articles of incorporation") which lays out the immunities as found in Chapter VIII. These can be found at: The special status of the EBRD requires it to seek specific provisions relating to such status in all contracts with external suppliers and service providers. EBRD is unable to agree to terms that expressly contradict its special status and internal policies as an international organisation.6.2Contract NegotiationThe contract awarded shall be based on the supplier’s terms & conditions subject to the minimum contractual requirements in Annex A of this RFP. The initial term of the contract will be three years with an option to extend for an additional two years. Suppliers shall provide their standard T&Cs by e mail as part of their submission. 7.0 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS RFP7.1AmendmentEBRD reserves the right to negotiate any or all terms and conditions, and to cancel, amend or resubmit this RFP in part or entirely at any time. None of the terms and conditions of this RFP can be revoked or amended in any way by Suppliers without the prior written agreement of EBRD.7.2Supplier CostsEBRD is not responsible for any Supplier costs associated with this RFP, Supplier responses or any contract discussions or negotiations. Nor is EBRD responsible for any indirectly related costs. No statement by EBRD should be viewed as a request by EBRD or justification for Suppliers to increase or change inventory, staff, facilities, business relationships with its suppliers, or internal business processes. All actions by Suppliers in response to this RFP or subsequent discussions or negotiations should be taken with the clear understanding that neither this RFP nor subsequent actions or omissions by EBRD obligate or commit EBRD to pay or reimburse Suppliers for any costs or expenses they incur. This RFP is not an offer to enter into a contract.7.3Professional CompetenceSuppliers shall absolutely rely on their own professional competence in evaluating and verifying the information contained in this RFP. Suppliers must take every opportunity to inspect and verify the information contained or referred to in this document or subsequent to it, subject to the confidentiality restrictions as detailed in section 7.6 of this RFP.7.4Intellectual Property The information contained in this RFP will remain EBRD’s intellectual property. Suppliers are granted a limited, revocable license to use the same for the purpose of responding to the RFP. By submitting a response to the RFP Suppliers grant EBRD a royalty free, irrevocable license to use the intellectual property in the proposal for its internal business purposes in relation to the procurement of the services required.7.5Sole ResponseSubmission of a response as part of this process shall be deemed to be the Suppliers’ only offer(s).7.6ConfidentialitySuppliers shall treat the RFP and EBRD's process of evaluating Suppliers as strictly private and confidential. The contents of this RFP, including specification, designs, drawings or other related documents shall be considered confidential and shall not be disclosed by the Supplier, the Supplier’s servants or agents to any persons, firm or corporation without the prior written consent of EBRD. Any such specifications, designs, drawings or other documents shall remain the property of EBRD and shall be returnable to EBRD within five (5) days of the Supplier receiving either, notification that it has been unsuccessful, or on written request from EBRD.7.7EBRD Logo ProtectionPlease be advised that EBRD logo is a registered service mark and as such should not be reproduced without the express written permission of the Bank.7.8GeneralIncomplete or inadequate responses, lack of response to an item or items, or misrepresentation in responding to this documentation may result in rejection of a Supplier’s Proposal.After receipt of the RFP and until the award of any contract, neither information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of the submissions nor recommendations concerning the award of a contract shall be disclosed to the Supplier, or to any other outside parties, until the RFP process has been concluded and a contract awarded.Any effort by a Supplier to influence EBRD in the process of examination, evaluation and comparison of the RFP, or in decisions regarding the award of a contract, shall result in the rejection of the Supplier’s Proposal.Ownership of documentation or other information submitted in the RFP will become the property of EBRD unless otherwise requested at the time of submission. Any materials submitted in response to the RFP, which are considered to be confidential, should be clearly marked as such by the Supplier.ANNEX A – MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS CHECKLISTPlease note only Suppliers who can answer “yes” to all of the following questions are eligible to participate in this tender. Solution Information1Can the complete solution* be provided as Software as a ServiceYes/No2Have you supplied this complete solution to more than 5 companies within the past 3 years? – Please provide names of companies and dates of go-liveYes/No3Do you have this complete solution installed and working with a customer that we can visit within easy travelling distance of London? Yes/No4Has the software solution been enhanced with product improvements within the past 6 months?Yes/No5Have you been operating as a provider of hospitality booking services for five (5) years or more, managing private dining room lunches, catering functions, associated recharges and reports?Yes/No*’Complete solution’ means meeting room bookings with hospitality, AV requirements, porter requirements, space bookings, way finding and visitor pany Information6Has your annual turnover (in relation to meeting room bookings only) been in excess of ?500,000 in each of the last three (3) years?Yes/ No7Does your company hold Employer’s Liability Insurance of ?5,000,000 (five million pounds sterling) or more? Please send a copy of the certificate(s) with your response to this Minimum Requirements Checklist by the same deadline.Yes/No8Does your company hold Public Liability Insurance of ?5,000,000 (five million pounds sterling) or more? Please send a copy of the certificate(s) with your response to this Minimum Requirements Checklist by the same deadline.Yes/No9Can the Solution be rolled out (software only) across all of the following locations?:AlbaniaTirana ArmeniaYerevanAzerbaijanBakuBelarusMinskBelgium Brussels (Regus office)Bosnia HerzegovinaSarajevoBulgariaSofiaChinaBeijingCroatiaZagrebCyprusNicosiaEgyptAlexandria (Regus office)EgyptCairo FYR MacedoniaSkopjeGeorgiaTbilisiGreeceAthens HungaryBudapestJapan Tokyo JordanAmman KazakhstanAktobeKazakhstanAlmatyKazakhstanAstanaKazakhstanKaraganda KazakhstanKostanaiKazakhstanShymkentKazakhstanUst-KamengorskKosovoPristinaKyrgyz RepublicBishkekKyrgyz RepublicKarakolKyrgyz RepublicOshLithuaniaVilniusMoldovaChisinauMongoliaUlaanbaatarMontenegroPodgoricaMoroccoCasablanca MoroccoTangiers PolandWarsaw RomaniaBucharestRussiaKrasnoyarskRussiaMoscowRussiaRostov-on-DonRussiaSamaraRussiaVladivostokRussiaYekaterinburgRussiaSt PetersburgSerbiaBelgradeSlovak RepublicBratislavaSloveniaLjubljana TajikistanDushanbeTajikistanKhujandTunisiaSfax TunisiaTunis TurkeyAnkara TurkeyGaziantep TurkeyIstanbulTurkmenistanAshgabatUkraineKyivUkraineLviv UkraineKharkiv UkraineOdessa USAWashingtonUzbekistanTashkent 10Availability of Supplier team to commence mobilisation onsite as per the timetable in the RFP. Yes/NoCertifications11Has your company achieved ISO/IEC 27001: 2003/20013 certification or equivalent? Please send a copy of the certificate(s) with your response to this Minimum Requirements Checklist by the same deadline.Yes/NoTechnical Security12Do you have a company policy in place covering Information securityYes/No13Do you have a company policy in place covering Incident handlingYes/No14Do you have a company policy in place covering identify and access managementYes/No15Do you have a company policy in place covering protection of data at restYes/No16Do you have a company policy in place covering protection of data in transitYes/No17Do you have a company policy in place covering data destructionYes/No18Do you have a company policy in place covering mobile device and removable media securityYes/No19Do you have a company policy in place covering application user and device authenticationYes/No20Do you have a company policy in place covering application security designYes/No21Do you have a company policy in place covering system auditingYes/No22Do you have a company policy in place covering physical security of data centresYes/No23Do you have a company policy in place covering human resources securityYes/No24Do you have a company policy in place covering business continuity and disaster recoveryYes/No25Do you have a company policy in place covering data retentionYes/No26Do you have a company policy in place covering data erasureYes/No27Do you have an ongoing independent audit programmeYes/No28Do you have an ongoing programme of management of threat and vulnerabilities including maintenance such as patchingYes/No29Do you perform due diligence exercises in relation to any third parties that you work with prior to engaging with that supplierYes/No30Has your company achieved ISO/IEC 27001: 2003/20013 certification or equivalent? Please send a copy of the certificate(s) with your response to this Minimum Requirements Checklist by the same deadline.Yes/NoMinimum Contractual RequirementsYes/ NoMinimum Contractual TermsThe special status of the EBRD as an international organisation requires it to seek specific provisions relating to such status in all contracts with external suppliers and service providers. EBRD is unable to agree to terms that expressly contradict its special status and internal policies.Suppliers are required to confirm that they would be prepared to vary the terms of any license agreements, terms of use etc. that the Bank may be required to accept through the use of their products in the following respects:The Supplier will agree to vary its license or any service agreement terms to include the Bank’s standard dispute resolution clause as provided in Appendix A below.Yes/NoWith specific reference to any audit rights, the Supplier will agree to vary its license or any service agreement terms to reflect the inviolability of the Bank’s headquarters and archives as provided under UK statute and international law and enable the Bank to give its written consent before agreeing to any audit.Yes/NoIf cloud computing is involved:The Supplier will agree to inclusion of certain changes to its licence or service agreement terms to reflect the archival inviolability and confidentiality of any EBRD data that may uploaded into any cloud environment maintained by the Supplier as part of the service being procured. Such changes include:Agreeing that EBRD owns all rights, title and intellectual property over the data being uploaded into the cloud, acknowledging that the archival inviolability of such data has not been waived;Recognising EBRD’s special status as an international organisation;Agreeing to inform EBRD of any governmental request to receive EBRD data held in the Supplier’s cloud, subject to law;Agreeing to allow EBRD to audit the Supplier periodically to ensure the security integrity of the cloud environment where EBRD data is held; andAgreeing that the Supplier’s server holding EBRD data can only be located in a member country of the EBRD, i.e., a member country which has agreed to the EBRD’s privileges and immunities in the Agreement Establishing the EBRD. Member countries are listed at Yes/NoAppendix A – Dispute Resolution ClauseX.1This [Contract] shall be construed in accordance with [English] law. Any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with this [Contract] shall be governed by and construed in accordance with [English] law. X.2Any dispute controversy or claim arising out of, or relating to this [Contract] or the breach, termination or invalidity hereof or any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with this [Contract] which cannot be amicably settled, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules as in force and effect on the date of this [Contract]. There shall be one (1) arbitrator, and the appointing authority for the purposes of the UNCITRAL Rules shall be the LCIA (London Court of International Arbitration). The seat and place of arbitration shall be London, England and the English language shall be used throughout the arbitral proceedings. The [Parties] hereby waive any rights under the Arbitration Act 1996 or otherwise to appeal any arbitration award to, or to seek determination of a preliminary point of law by, the courts of England or elsewhere. The arbitrator shall not be authorised to grant, and the [Contractor] agrees that it shall not seek from any judicial authority, any interim measures or pre-award relief against the [Bank], any provisions of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules notwithstanding.X.3Nothing in this [Contract] shall be construed as a waiver, renunciation or modification by the [Bank] of any immunities, privileges and exemptions of the [Bank] accorded under the Agreement Establishing the European Bank for Reconstruction for Development, international convention or any applicable law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the [Bank] has made an express submission to arbitration under [Section X.2] of this [Contract] and accordingly, and without prejudice to its other privileges and immunities (including, without limitation, the inviolability of its archives), it acknowledges that it does not have immunity from suit and legal process under Article 5(2) of Statutory Instrument 1991, No. 757 (The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Immunities and Privileges) Order 1991), or any similar provision under English law, in respect of the enforcement of an arbitration award duly made against it as a result of its express submission to arbitration pursuant to [Section X.2] of this [Contract].X.4Unless the [Bank] directs otherwise, the [Contractor] shall continue performing its respective obligations under this [Contract] while the dispute is being resolved unless and until such obligations are terminated or expire in accordance with the provisions of this [Contract]. ANNEX B – SCOPE OF SERVICESSECTION A: FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTSThe purpose of this tender is to provide the Bank with a single Software as a Service (SaaS) solution for booking meeting rooms that is straight forward, integrated and efficient. The Solution will provide a front end user interface to book meeting rooms, hospitality, event management, AV/VC, meeting room configurations/set-up and visitor management across all floors of the Bank. The Solution will have features which allow staff to see, in real-time, what meeting room space is available/occupied across the 2nd floor (and be able to book it) through kiosks at entry points. The kiosks should be free standing and incorporate an interactive touch screen to allow the user to control the view being displayed and also make bookings. In addition, staff will be able to book rooms through an interactive digital display screen on the outside of each meeting room.The Solution will provide a user friendly and integrated (with MS Exchange (Outlook)) meeting room booking system with the ability to book, amend and cancel rooms and all associated requirements simultaneously.1.0GENERIC REQUIREMENTSAs far as is possible, data entry should be completed as a series of drop down lists and cascading drop down lists.It should be possible that when certain options are selected additional time is automatically added as a set up and clear down time to the booking. This should be configurable based on the room and the options selected.As much information as possible should be prepopulated based on the user creating the booking and on the options selected.It should be possible to incorporate the Bank’s brand/logo into any of the system screens; this should include the main booking system, the room touch panels and the desk check in screensIt should be possible to perform the following functions without the need for Supplier involvement, either remotely or on-site::Add a new building location to the Solution.Add or remove a room from the Solution.Change the user group who can book a room.Amend all rooms as a mass update exercise in the event that the Bank moves to another location. Amend the features of a room such as PC, flipchart, size, layout, room photo etc.2.0ROOM/SPACE BOOKINGThe Solution is required to provide the following functionality in respect of room/space booking:2.1SearchesBank staff should be able to search for a room/space based on:LocationTimeSize (including when rooms are to be adjusted for capacity, where applicable)Facilities within the room – e.g. PC, large screen, conference phone, flipchart, VC and presentation capability etc.Catering and hospitality requirements The search may include a combination of any of the above. It should also be possible to view room availability as a calendar showing days or weeks and be possible to select an available slot in the calendar view, and book the room for that particular day. It should be possible to search for a booking that has been made within the Solution by using any of the following criteria (either individually or in combination):User that booked the room/spaceHostMeeting nameMeeting titleLocationA user should be able to list and review all of their bookings and be able to see items booked on behalf of a specific host.2.2Booking Depending on user permissions, it should be possible to book the room/space and enter the following information or select from drop down lists:DateTimeNumber of attendeesHostDelegated booker/AdministratorMeeting titleCost centreProject codeMeeting type i.e. Internal/ExternalAudio Visual (AV) and Video Conferencing (VC) requirements (See Section 4) Network access requiredGuest Wi-FiEquipment in the roomFlip chartsWhiteboardTeleconferencing Audio Visual equipment Catering & Hospitality (See Section 3)Room configurationFlexible configurations - set up needs to display both/multiple rooms in use (within the same group) Fixed configurationsTime to set up and reconfigure the roomExternal visitor management for a meeting (through reception/security)Guest nameCompanyDate of arrivalTime of arrivalHost NameContact numbersUser Experience questionnaire Some of the above items should be marked as mandatory and this should be configurable per room/space.There should be a set of minimum mandatory data required which should be set for each type of booking.It should be possible to display an image of the room being selected with equipment available within the room, indicating whether or not the room is configurable.It should be possible to book a series of meetings/reoccurring meetings (within a specified period).Where a large room is booked for only a small number of attendees it should be possible to display a configurable pop up box to warn the user that they should try a different room. For example, if a room for 14 people is being booked and only 2 attendees are listed on the invitation then a message should pop up and ask the user to search and book a different room. This should be a warning message only and not stop the booking being made if the user proceeds. However, this information should be reportable within the Solution such that a report could be run to identify room size and the number of attendees so that users can be educated to book appropriate sized rooms.2.3Booking Multiple Rooms/SpacesIt should be possible to configure some of the rooms such that they can be combined with other rooms to make larger spaces and the capacities should change as the room size changes.For example if room A, B and C are next to each other with a flexible partition wall between them, it should be possible to book both A and B together and request the wall is removed and a different table configuration put in place. The Solution should allow for time to set up and reconfigure the room, and additional time allocated to return the room back to its original state. Images should be shown to the user so that they can select the room configuration and table layout options available for those rooms. 2.4Amendment of a Booking Within certain time frames it should be possible to make amendments to a booking.Time restrictions may vary depending on the change required e.g. amendments to catering requirements will require 48 hours’ notice. If a straight forward time change is required then that can be done up to the start of the booking. These should be configurable per room. All amendments should trigger and issue email confirmation to the host and the booker.It should be possible to amend one meeting within a series. For example, if a set of recurring meetings have been booked on a Monday and one of the days in the series it a Bank Holiday, it should be possible to amend just the meeting that is booked on a non-working day and leave the rest of the series as was previously booked. If an amendment is made to the meeting information within Outlook, the amendment must be replicated simultaneously within the Solution.2.5Cancellation of a Booking Within certain time frames it should be possible to cancel a booking via the Solution.Where insufficient time is available for the cancellation then a message should be shown. All cancellations should trigger and issue email confirmation to the host and the booker.It should be possible to cancel one meeting within a series. For example, if a set of recurring meetings have been booked on a Monday and one of the days in the series it a Bank Holiday, it should be possible to cancel just the meeting that is booked on a non-working day and leave the rest of the series intact.All Cancelations must prevent pre booked Videoconference calls from being launched automatically and de-activate associated Virtual Meeting Rooms (VMR’s) to prevent unnecessary disruption.If cancellation of a meeting is performed within Outlook, the cancellation must be replicated within the main meeting room booking Solution.2.6Bookable Desk Spaces There will be approximately 200 bookable desk spaces on Level 2. It should be possible to view available desks from within the Solution and the kiosk display panels at the entrances to Level 2.It should be possible to book, amend and cancel desks from within the Solution. Each of the bookable desks will require some kind of interface/panel for the user to ‘check in’ once at the appropriate space. There should also be the capability for the user to ‘check out’ as they leave the space.It should be possible for the user to authenticate themselves via their EBRD swipe card in order to check in to the desk.Once a user has checked in to a desk, it should be possible for the system to the log that user into the Cisco IP phone that is on that desk.It should be possible to view available and occupied desks from the panel on the desk.It should be possible to amend the number and location of any bookable desks by appropriate system administrators.It should be possible to add more bookable desks on different floors or locations to the system.It should be possible to view available and occupied desks from the kiosk display panels.It should be possible to book a set of desks as a working area for a team. Some of the desks will be grouped together and be bookable as a bank for collaborative working. For example if a set of 6 desks have been designated as a bookable working area then it should be possible to book all of the desks as a whole with a single booking rather than individual bookings.It should be possible to book the desks/space a few weeks in advance if required (time period to be agreed).It should be possible to book the desks/space for a number of days at a time.2.7NotificationsIt should be possible to configure various reminders and notifications to all users relevant in the process. This should include at a minimum:Booking confirmation – including all detailsBooking reminder – x hours prior to event (timeframe to be configurable depending on the event type)Amendment confirmation – sent to user when changes are madeCancellation confirmation – when an event is cancelledWhen a booking is made which includes additional services such as catering, AV or porterage, an email should be sent to these service providers for information/action via the Admin Helpdesk system. It should be possible to configure the emails received by the service providers such that there are not too many or too few each day.The recipient of any notifications must be configurable i.e. may be issued to the host as opposed to the user who booked the event. It should be possible to select more than 1 person to receive the notification. Only 1 email notification should be generated for the booking. Separate emails should be sent for an amendment or a cancellation.3.0CATERING AND HOSPITALITY SERVICES When booking a room with catering and hospitality, the Solution should allow staff to:View menus – a selection of menu options, including pictures, when catering or hospitality are selectedView options for the roomSee a selection of sandwiches, refreshments etc.See costs for each option (and total cost of hospitality)Define times for refills (all day bookings)3.1Executive Dining Room BookingIt should be possible for certain users to book tables within the Executive Dining Room (EDR). The process should allow automatic booking for up to 5 tables of 10 on the basis of 1 booking per day maximum between the hours of 12:00 and 13:30.3.2Private Office HospitalityIt should be possible to book certain hospitality to be delivered to private offices within the building. 3.3Billing/ RechargingAll recharges for Hospitality (drinks, foods and labour etc.) for events, client dining, and meeting rooms need to be reported monthly, either directly into the Bank’s billing system (SAP) for cost codes and validation, or by similar means. The Solution should interface with SAP. Charges should be automatically calculated via the Solution and can be updated for additional items such as drinks (alcohol), on a sale and return basis for all functions.Users that book a meeting room should also be notified by e-mail when the catering/hospitality booking is confirmed, changed or completed.4. VIDEO CONFERENCING/AUDIO CONFERENCINGThe Bank currently uses Cisco Telepresence Management Suite (TMS) to manage and schedule calls with Polycom endpoints and a Cisco Meeting Server multipoint bridge. There will soon be an upgrade to Cisco Telepresence Management Suite Extension for Microsoft Exchange (TMSXE).When making a booking the Solution shall allow users to define the following requirements: Set up time automatically applied for all AV/VC requestsAgreed notice periods applied to all AV/VC requests e.g. a meeting cannot be booked within 24 hours if AV support is required. This time should be configurable.Presentation PowerPoint/PDFRoom PC with USB or AV Guest accountClient laptop direct connection or via Barco Click share deviceDocument sharing with VC or unified communications systemInternal Video Conference (to Resident Offices)Point to pointMulti-siteDial in or dial out details from video bridgeSelf-operationExternal Video Conference (Clients/International Financial Institutions (IFIs)) system to provide external VMR details requiredPoint to point with HQMultisite with other external and HQDial in or dial out details from video bridgeDial in details Document sharingOther special services such as Video recording, Web streaming etc.The Solution should be fully integrated with the Bank’s Videoconferencing infrastructure to enable full auto launching of videoconference calls when booked.The Solution should provide all videoconference call details automatically to the end users, chairperson and meeting organiser.5.0 HARDWARE AND MOBILE SUPPORT - LEVEL 2 ONLYThe Bank is currently implementing a 40,000 sq ft pilot concept on Level 2 within the London HQ building. Within this space, it is the intention of the Bank to deploy enhanced features to showcase different capabilities. All of the rooms on this floor will be bookable via the Solution. It should also be possible to search, book, amend and cancel using a mobile device.5.1Touch Panels for Meeting RoomsEach of the meeting rooms listed below will require a single 9” (or equivalent) digital display touch screen panel outside each room (approximately 50)Approx. 30 no. meeting/training roomsApprox. 14 quiet roomsApprox. 3 workroomsApprox. 3 private offices The touch panels should be linked to the EBRD network via wireless protocols to reduce the installation effort. It is assumed that power would be required to these screens – if not, please advise.The touch panels should be linked into the Solution and display information relating to the bookings for that room. It should be possible to view, book, amend and cancel a booking for the room on the panel interface.The user will authenticate themselves via their EBRD swipe card/or another solution proposed in order to make any changes to the booking.Any meeting attendee can ‘check in’ or ‘check out’ on the panel by touching the screen or swiping their card in order to begin or end the meeting.The Solution should be configurable such that a timeout period is enabled. This would mean that if a meeting has not been started /check in is not activated on the screen within the first 15 minutes (for example) of its start time, the booking would be cancelled and the room made available for others to book and use.It should be possible to configure the information about a meeting that is displayed on the panel. E.g. if a meeting is confidential, it should be possible to display only a limited amount of information.5.2KiosksThere is a requirement for 3 kiosks to provide real-time visibility of occupied and available rooms/spaces, with the ability to book the rooms/spaces and, in addition, provide way finding information.There should be 1 kiosk at each of 3 different access points on Level 2.Users should be able to view available rooms, desks and spaces from the kiosk digital display panels.It should be possible to find facilities on the floor such as toilets, Business Service Centre, coffee points, event space, training room, departments, café etc. from the kiosk display panel.The kiosk should be free standing and contain a touch screen display panel.The screen should also provide real time way finding from the kiosk to the facilities/desk/area selected.5.3Booking via a Mobile Device It should be possible for a user with an authorised device to be able to search for and book a room.Similar to the kiosk, Staff should be able to use an App on a mobile or tablet device that will provide the same web-enabled services as they would receive from the kiosk or the desktop version of the Solution This application should be securely available within the app store, or possible to include within a Company Owned Personally Enabled (COPE) solution for Mobile Device Management.A user should be able to do these activities if they are within the office and therefore on the Bank’s secure network, but also when out of the office on a different network.5.4Display on a Tablet or Mobile DeviceIt is required that the Solution supports the use of mobile or tablet devices to show the catering staff, AV, porterage and space management staff information relating to the current day e.g. what needs to be delivered to which room and when.It should be possible to provide reminders to the staff about actions that are due e.g. a meeting is due to finish and the room needs to be cleared/reset/configured.5.5Hardware SupportThe Supplier will be expected to replace or repair faulty hardware items within 24 hours of the fault being reported by the Bank. 6.VISITOR MANAGEMENTWhere external visitors are visiting the Bank for meetings, it should be possible to include additional information for them. It should be possible to select from a list of information to be provided in the meeting invitation.The items should include (but not be limited to)Travel information – transport, area map (i.e. Bishopsgate), facilitiesAccess information – safety, accessibility, local map (i.e. building)RSS feed – TFL feed, BBC News, local news (depending on location)All visitors should be recorded within the Solution. This should include the following minimum information per visitor:TitleFirst nameLast nameCompanyOnce visitors have been invited to a meeting their details should be provided to reception in order for passes to be created and attendance monitored.The information should be automatically provided to reception and should include the above visitor specific information and the following information about the meeting they are attending:Date of visitTime of arrivalHost nameHost contact numberHost alternate contact numberIn the event of an evacuation there must be information available via a report about the visitors present in the building for that day. In addition, should an event/incident occur before the visitor is due to arrive, an alert should be sent to them notifying them of the situation (and if necessary encourage them to avoid the area/building).It should be possible to review information and produce reports about visitors and their hosts from within the Solution.It should be possible to purge visitor information from the Solution if required. At present the Bank stores visitor information for 3 years.Following a visit it should be possible to request feedback from the visitor via a survey and for this information to be stored within the Solution and submitted to reception staff in a reportable format.7.SPACE AND WAYFINDINGIt should be possible to view in real-time rooms/spaces that are available and occupied from within the Solution and from the display panels on the kiosks at the entrances to Level 2.The three kiosks (and in the future the mobile device app.) should be able to provide real-time visibility of occupied and available rooms on Level 2, with the ability to book, amend or cancel the space and, in addition, provide way finding information.Users should be able to view available rooms and desks from the kiosk digital display panel and mobile app which should direct the user to the space (similar to google maps digital direction).The user should be able to find facilities on the floor such as Toilets, Business Service Centre, Coffee Points, Event space, Training room, Departments, Café etc. from the kiosk display panel.The digital display screen/ mobile device should also indicate when a desk/space/room has a fault through a ‘warning’ sign so people are visibly aware of this before trying to use the space, in addition, this fault should be automatically submitted to the Admin Helpdesk for action.It should be possible to search for a room/space/event on the display panel, by any of the following criteria:User that booked the room/spaceHostMeeting nameMeeting titleRoom number/nameDepartmentEventSupport facility (e.g. lounge area, coffee point)Once the room has been identified, it should be highlighted to the user on the display panel and directional signage provided to the user.SECTION B: TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS9.0INTEGRATION WITH EXISTING SYSTEMSThe Bank uses SAP for its employee information. The Solution should be able to receive an interface of data to populate the user information.The Solution should automatically create a user account for a new user added to SAP.The Solution should automatically disable a user account when a user leaves the bank.The Solution should be configured to support Single Sign on for all users.The Solution should be integrated with Microsoft Outlook to book the meetings into the attendees’ calendars.The Solution should allow integration with ServiceNow for the creation of tickets used in IT processes especially for fault reporting of equipment or network connections in rooms or at desks.The Solution should allow integration with Concept (the Admin Helpdesk) for the creation of tickets used in building services and facilities fault management processes – e.g. faulty desk, porterage services etc.The Solution should have the ability to be integrated with Accordant, which the Bank uses for managing workplace occupancy and the relocation process. The Solution should allow integration with Aruba networks for creation of guest Wi-Fi network accounts.The Solution should allow integration with Sateon (security access control) for the visitor management process.The Bank should have the ability to flow all fault management through the various Helpdesk solutions to the supply chain delivering the service.The Solution should be fully integrated with the Bank’s Videoconferencing infrastructure to enable full auto launching of videoconference calls when booked.The Solution should provide all videoconference call details automatically to the end users, chairperson and meeting organiser.9.1Integration with Project PegasusA parallel project is in progress which will replace a set of existing Bank applications referred to as ‘BOLDnet’. These systems manage the Bank’s executive body (Board and Executive Management Committee) meeting calendars and linking these meeting agendas with a dedicated document archive. It is used by 2000+ staff within the Bank and approximately 250 external users.These specific meeting rooms are controlled and managed by Event Management and must only be bookable and edited/viewed by the Event Management Team. These meeting rooms should only be visible to the users from the Event Management Team and not bookable by general users. The meetings that take place in these rooms will be controlled within the new Solution by Event Management. However, these meetings will take precedence over other users for certain key rooms. The BOLDnet replacement has not yet been defined; it is also currently subject to a competitive tender process. It is anticipated that a connection will be required via a REST API, with the Solution receiving booking requests from the Pegasus system. It will not be necessary to send the bookings made via the Solution back to Pegasus, as these bookings are not relevant for the Pegasus users.11.REPORTING AND USER MANAGEMENT11.1User Access LevelsThere should be different and configurable access to the Solution for different users:It should be possible to determine on a room by room basis whether its availability is visible to and bookable by the different user groupsSystem Administrators – should be able to make changes in any area provided within the Solution and have the ability to override bookings and make changes. They should also have the ability to make global changes to all bookings if a user leaves and be able to audit individual bookingsCatering Administrators – able to make amendments and updates to catering and hospitality information.General user – able to make, amend and cancel bookings for centralised rooms.Super user – able to make, amend and cancel bookings for centralised rooms and specific rooms.Department user – in addition to being able to book the centralised rooms, they are able to book specific rooms on their floor e.g. All HR department users can book rooms on the HR floor but a Finance Department User cannot book those rooms.Team Administrators/Booker – able to book, amend and cancel bookings on behalf of other users e.g. for a Director. 11.2Reporting It must be possible to generate the reports relating to the following as a minimum:Catering ServicesAV/VC Services Meeting Room Set Up Guests/ Visitor AttendanceMeeting room reporting – (bookings versus usage)Space report (booking versus usage) 12.TECHNICAL AND IT SECURITY INFORMATION 12.1Technical Specification The Bank currently utilises Internet Explorer v11 and Firefox as the default browsers and use Microsoft Office 2010.13.MANAGEMENT The Bank requires the Supplier to perform the specified requirements to support the day to day management activities, as addressed within this service specification which are namely;13.1Management SupportThe Supplier is required to assign a dedicated account team or personnel to support the management of activities, providing specific contacts to undertake the duties of the primary and secondary contacts responsible for overall performance management.When requested by the Bank, the primary and secondary contacts or nominated representatives shall attend review meetings at One Exchange Square, London EC2A 2JN and frequency to be agreed with the Bank’s Representative. TECHNICAL RESPONSEPlease provide written responses to all of the following questions in relation to Annex B - Scope of Services.The Suppliers’ Response must include the following:Proposed approach, methodology and project governance.CVs of the Project Team which the Supplier is proposing to deliver the implementation, identifying their experience of implementation of the Solution (e.g. a “lead” consultant), their contract status (permanent or subcontracted staff), and their length of time with the company.Work Plan and Team Assignment, detailing key milestones.Any training necessary for Bank staff to administer, configure and operate the software. This may include shadowing the implementation consultants and some formal training for key users.Description of any commitments that would be made to address a situation where a key member of the Implementation team (provided by the Supplier) unexpectedly became unavailable.Outline of the capacity to draw on resources when necessary from other areas of the Supplier’s organisation.CV of the Account Manager proposed by the Supplier for post implementation management of the ongoing relationship.Any assumptions / requirements made of the Bank.Please detail any expected hardware and software requirements the Bank must supply for your proposed implementation.Please detail in your proposed Work Plan the staffing resources the Bank will be required to provide.Please provide details of one customer for whom you have worked and installed a complete solution that the Bank’s TEP can visit within easy travelling distance of London.1.0MEETING ROOM BOOKINGWith reference to ANNEX B – Scope of Services, Section 3 Meeting Room Bookings, please provide detail on how the proposed Solution will meet the meeting room booking requirements. 2.0CATERING AND HOSPITALITYWith reference to ANNEX B – Scope of Services, Section 4 Catering and Hospitality Services, please provide detail on how the proposed Solution will meet the requirements. 3.0IMPLEMENTATION AND CUTOVER PLANImplementation Plan Please provide an implementation plan showing high level tasks, milestones and resources you will provide and require from Bank’s project team. Please address:The resource expectations from the Bank’s project team indicating the type of resource (technical or business);Any assumptions that have been made in creating the proposal; Any specific facilities or environmental requirements given that the assignment will take place at the Bank’s headquarters in London;The implementation plan should also include activities relating to data migration from the existing system as well as a cutover and go live plan.TrainingPlease provide details of how training will be provided for the different user groups defined in Section 11.1 in Section B: Technical Requirements. It is anticipated that some class room training will be provided for the more technical roles whereas the general user training will be in the form of online guides or videos. Please provide details of how these will be achieved.The training provided to the technical administrators should enable them to make all changes defined as requirements in this document.4.0 VIDEO CONFERENCING / AV BOOKINGWith reference to ANNEX B – Scope of Services, please provide detail on how the proposed Solution will meet the booking requirements. 5.0HARDWARE AND MOBILE SUPPORTWith reference to ANNEX B – Scope of Services, Section 5 – Hardware and Mobile Support, please provide detail on how the proposed Solution will meet the Bank’s requirements.6.0INTEGRATION WITH EXISITNG SYSTEMSWith reference to ANNEX B – Scope of Services, Section 8 – Integration with Existing Systems, please provide detail on how the proposed Solution will meet the Bank’s requirements.7.0INTEGRATION WITH PROJECT PEGASUSWith reference to ANNEX B – Scope of Services, Section 9 – Integration with Project Pegasus, please provide detail on how the proposed Solution will meet the Bank’s requirements.8.0REPORTING AND USER MANAGEMENT With reference to ANNEX B – Scope of Services, Section 10 – Reporting and User Management - please provide detail on how the proposed Solution will meet the Bank’s requirements.9.0TECHNICAL AND IT SECURITY INFORMATIONThe Bank currently utilises Internet Explorer v11 and Firefox as the default browsers and use Microsoft Office 2010.Please provide the following details as part of your proposalDesktop browsers supported for user machines.Minimum specification of Mobile devices Staff require on which they can run the Solution.Minimum specification of tablets used by Administrator level Staff for viewing service information – e.g. for catering team, AV managers.Minimum specification of tablets used by general users of the Solution for searching, booking and amending rooms/spaces.Minimum specification of Administrator PC.Technical specification of digital display Touch panels for meeting rooms.Technical specification of Desk check in panels.Technical specification of digital display Kiosk terminals.Technical specification of the systems API’s or other integration protocols which would be available for the Bank to use in order to integrate with internal systems10. PIPELINE AND ONGOING SUPPORT Please provide the following information in relation to support of the product. How often are new releases/ upgrades issued? – What is the company’s roadmap/development pipeline?What Service Levels do you adhere to for support – for hardware and software issues?What is the committed availability of the system? Please provide details of the actual system availability for the past 3 years.Please provide details of support and upgrades included in the package. Please provide details of support and maintenance packages available including service levels, response times, hours of operation, service reviews, upgrade support and service dispute resolutionVolume of change requests included in annual service fee.11.VISITOR MANAGEMENT With reference to ANNEX B – Scope of Services, Sections 6 – Visitor Management, please provide detail on how the proposed Solution will meet the Bank’s requirements. 12. SPACE AND WAYFINDINGWith reference to ANNEX B – Scope of Services, Sections 7 – Space and Wayfinding, please provide details on how the proposed Solution will meet the Bank’s requirements. 13. MANAGEMENT AND SUPPORT With reference to ANNEX B – Scope of Services, Section 13 – Management, please provide detail on how the proposed Solution will meet the Bank’s requirements. Please submit the following in support of the proposed management and support. CVs of the key account management team responsible for the delivery of the implementation services required in this document.The structure of the ongoing support organisation13.1Training Training will need to be provided to defined user groups. It is anticipated that some class room training will be required for more technical roles and general user training will be available via on-lines guides and videos. The training provided to the technical administrators should enable them to make all changes defined as requirements in this document.Additional Information Please provide details of three case studies on recent implementations which demonstrate your experience of similar projects of a similar size with customers with similar requirements to the Bank. These should include bookings of rooms, way finding, hospitality, AV and the use of kiosks and delivery of a Solution that interfaces with offices outside of the UK in locations (similar to our RO office locations).(ii)Please also provide high level details of all such projects you have completed in the last 12 months and associated programme plan for delivery of each project.(iii)Please provide details of three customers the Bank may approach for references. References should be for customers with requirements similar to those of EBRD. (iv)Please provide company financial information for the past 3 years of filings with Companies House. APPENDIXSupplementary information USERSThere are approximately 3000 users across all sites (HQ and Resident Offices).All users should be able to perform activities for which they have been given permission.The Solution shall be configured in UK English only.GENERAL BUILDING – EBRD HQAcross the 12 floors of the HQ building there are a number of different types of rooms. Some of these will be visible to all users and some will only be visible to certain users.Listed below is an example list of the rooms per floor and should only be used for information. The exact details of all the rooms which will need to be managed on the new system will be provided during the project.This does not include the rooms that are being built as the refit of level 2.NO.FLOORUSEROOM No.CAPACITY11Event Management Auditorium – Event Management28621Event Management Green room – Event Management1231Admin16712-2041Admin16812-1851Admin16912-1861Admin1701073Admin3381283Admin3371093Admin33614103Admin33522113Admin32716123Admin32624133OCCO32414-16143Risk3146153Risk3156163Risk3168173Risk3176183Admin3416193Admin Dpt3484203Admin Dpt3494213Floor3536223Floor3546233Floor3556244exIT409e8-10254exAdmin410e6264exAdmin404e17274exAdmin403e14284President40512-14294Admin491 (Volga Room)14-33304President405a4315Admin511a6325Admin530 (Neimen Room) 14336Admin6188346IT6066356IT6096366IT6193376IT6203386IT6213396Floor6283406Floor6293417OGC70612428HR8084438Admin8096448Admin81118458Event Management 813 (Lee Jackson)30-50468Event Management 81012-14478Admin81410-12488Admin81512499HR9177509HR9186519HR9196529HR9036539Evaluation9008549HR940/923 (Training)14-16559Admin92718569Admin9258579Admin926125810Admin1004/Pegasus145910Event Management Boardroom 29/586011Floor1107126112Floor121766212Floor12056-8RESIDENT OFFICESThe Bank operates offices in a number of different countries (38):Albania ArmeniaAzerbaijan BelarusBosnia & HerzegovinaBulgariaCroatia Cyprus Egypt EstoniaFYR MacedoniaGeorgia GreeceHungaryJapanJordan KazakhstanKosovoKyrgyz RepublicLatviaLithuania Moldova?Mongolia Montenegro MoroccoPoland RomaniaRussia SerbiaSlovak RepublicSlovenia Tajikistan Tunisia TurkeyTurkmenistanUkraineUnited States of AmericaUzbekistanBOOKABLE MEETING ROOMS – RESIDENT OFFICESSome countries have more than 1 office and each office may have multiple bookable rooms.All of the rooms should be available on the new Solution.Annex C – Quotation FileANNEX DPresentation AgendaAn outline of the demonstration / presentation is as follows, however EBRD will confirm exact timing and subject matter upon Supplier confirmation of participation as per the timetable in section 4.2. Brief introduction of the Supplier’s organisation focusing on its track record in implementing a meeting room/space booking Solution in a company similar to the EBRD. (max. 10 minutes)Introduction to the proposed Solution and demonstration using examples. (max. 90 minutes)Introduction of the key features of the SolutionDemonstration of how the Solution will meet the requirements described in this documentKey benefits of the Solution for the EBRDPlease note - a more detailed agenda will be issued to all Suppliers meeting the Minimum Requirements. It will include specific examples of functionality the TEP would like to see demonstrated. Overview of the implementation process and product support (max. 20 minutes)Outline and description of the implementation process and plan using case studies of similar organisations.Details of the skills and experience of the professionals who will deliver the implementationDetails on how the product is supported during and after implementation During the presentation, the Supplier shall demonstrate how the Solution will meet the Bank’s requirements. iv)Q & A ................

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