Negative Effects of Social Media - Weebly

Negative Effects of Social Media Hugo GarciaCentral Piedmont Community College Negative Effects of Social MediaSocial media is used every day by people all around the world. It has become a part of people’s daily life and is utilized for many different reasons. Social media is used in politics, marketing, communication. It has become an important tool not to only people, but business as well. It is a way to spread an idea or message over different platforms where it can be viewed by a multitude of people. Although, the ideas and messages that social media can convey can impact individuals negatively by inflicting their psychological state or mental health. Social media keeps on growing and so will problems that will arise from the use of these social media platforms. The Effects of Social MediaBeing that social media is in everyone’s daily life, many people don’t think about the effects it can have. Unquestionably social media have positive effects as it is a way of connecting with people that can be on the other side of the world and using it to create a positive impact. Although many of the negative effects of social media start with health related problems and ethics of using such platforms for evil instead of good. Health Everywhere you walk you see someone out with their phone probably on social media. Social media has become an addiction to people, especially adolescents in this 21st century. Social media has been so immersed in an adolescent’s daily life that it’s hard for them to put the phone down. According to an AAP Gateway clinical report “The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families” brings up that “22% of teenager’s log on to their favorite social media site more than once a day.” (Gwenn O’Keeffe, 2011) Being that the article was written in 2011, that percentage has increased drastically as newer trends and newer technology begin to develop.Many of the negative health impacts that social media can have can be caused by unethical use of social platforms. Such unethical uses of social platforms can lead to cyber bullying, sexting, or depression from using social media. Cyberbullying has been a growing problem with teens using social media. According to a McAfee survey about “20% percent of teens have engaged in cyberbullying behaviors.” (“A Parent’s Guide”) Not only that, but according to research done by the company Harris Interactive “43% of teens report that they have experienced some sort of cyberbullying in the last year”. (Moessner, 2007) Cyberbullying just like any harassment causes emotional trauma leading some teens to even commit suicide. Sexting has become another big affair within teens using social media. Although sexting is not done directly through social media, people and especially teens use these social platforms to post profane pictures of themselves whether it’s a nude picture or an explicit picture of themselves. “About 20% of teens from ages 13 to 19 have shared a nude or seminude picture of themselves.” (Kim, 2011) This unethical use of social media to post explicit pictures of themselves and sometimes of others can lead to teenagers becoming harassed which goes back to cyberbullying. Mental illness in teens and adults has become a popular topic in recent years as social media has helped people understand what some people go through on a daily basis. Depression is definitely a big issue nowadays with people and sometimes the cause of it are these social platforms. For some unknown reason the social platform Facebook has been seen to cause most cases of depression. Addiction with media platforms such as Facebook tend to cause people with depressive tendencies. Research done by the University of Leeds psychologist found evidence of social networks being the cause of moderate to severe depressions. With their research they concluded that “Excessive use use is associated with depression”. (Kate, 2010) During their study, they found that young are most likely to be addicted to the internet with the average group being twenty-one years. (Kate, 2010)Business and Politics Social media can be a very important tool when it comes to a business or in the field of politics. The influence that social media can have on people is greater than it’s been in the past. But just like any technology, it can be used food good and evil. Operation “blue virus” was an event that happened in 2013 that exposed how social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are used by politicians to boost their popularity and help them against their opponents. The group Cobrapost exposed how IT companies “engaged in a racket reputation management, offering fake fan-following on social platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, and negatively publicity to sully the reputation of a political leader or corporate house, for money.” (“Operation Blue Virus”, 2013) Such malicious acts done by politicians and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies used social media to gain an advantage in every shape or form they could. Social media can make a huge impact in our lives. Whether we don’t notice it’s happening all around us. Many researchers have tried to find a way to combat this addiction to social platforms. Social media is going to grow exponentially these upcoming years. The new technology will find some way to implement this social media in such a way that we can access it with just the touch of a finger or a voice command. Hopefully within the neat few years there will be some regulations or enforcement in social media, as it is affecting not only people but also their health. References A Parent's Guide to Social Networking Sites [PDF]. (n.d.). McAfee. Cyberbullying. (2010, February 2). Retrieved April 22, 2016, from , K. (2010, February 3). Facebook use associated with depression. Retrieved April 22, 2016, from Moessner, C. (2007, April). Trends & Tudes: Cyberbullying [PDF]. Harris Interactive. O'Keefe, G. S., & Pearson, K. C. (11, April). The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families. Retrieved April 22, 2016, from Operation Blue Virus. (n.d.). Retrieved April 22, 2016, from Painter, K. (2011, December 5). Study: Sexting not epidemic among minors. USA TODAY. Retrieved April 22, 2016, from ................

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