
Introductory Paragraph SamplesExample 1 – Traditional, straight-forwardCyberbullying on social media is linked to depression in teenagers, according to new research that analyzed multiple studies of the online phenomenon.Victimization of young people online has received an increasing level of scrutiny, particularly after a series of?high-profile suicides?of teenagers who were reportedly bullied on various social networks. In 2013, for example, a spate of suicides was linked to the social network Ask.fm, where users can ask each other questions anonymously. The deaths of teens who had been subject to abuse on the site prompted Ask.fm (which was acquired by in 2014) to launch new safety efforts. Twitter, likewise, announced plans in April to filter out abusive tweets and suspend bullying users.Pappas, Stephanie. “Social Media Cyber Bullying Linked to Teen Depression.” Scientific American. 23 June 2015, . Accessed 1 May 2018.Example 2 – Beginning with a rhetorical questionIn an instant-messaging conversation, you might respond with "lol" (laugh out loud) or "brb" (be right back) . . . but what about SOS, a cry for help? Bullying is not a new problem, but what about when bullies use the Internet as a tool to hurt someone? It's called?cyberbullying.?You don't have to be physically pushed around to be a victim of bullying—you could be sitting safely in front of your computer at home. Cyberbullying is when the Internet is used to harass, embarrass, or threaten someone. It's become an issue in the last few years, and many parents still aren't even aware that it goes on. Police forces are still figuring out how to deal with cyberbullying, and how to find the real identities of bullies who hide behind Internet identities.?Cyberbullying is just as painful as any other bullying. It may not leave any physical scars, but it can be emotionally damaging. There is no way to escape cyberbullying—the threat can now come into your own bedroom.?The Star Wars KidLast year, a teenage boy in Canada became a victim of cyberbullying in front of an audience of millions…Berhane, Genet. “Cyberbullying.” Scholastic News Online. 2018, . Accessed 1 May 2018.Example 3 - StatisticsThe numbers indicate that cyberbullying and harassment are huge problems for young people on social media. A 2016 report from the?Cyberbullying Research Center?indicates that 33.8% of students between 12 and 17 were victims of cyberbullying in their lifetime. Conversely, 11.5% of students between 12 and 17 indicated that they had engaged in cyberbullying in their lifetime.Cyberbullying is different from “traditional” bullying in that it happens 24/7. For victims, there is no escape. It’s not confined to school or the playground. Kids and teens connect through social media, so for many, there is no option to simply go offline.Quora. “ Cyberbullying Among Teens: Prevalence, Impact, And The Path Forward.” Forbes. 14 March 2017, . Accessed 1 May 2018.Example 4 – Powerful statement and anecdote Raul Vela, who watched his daughter die two weeks ago, doesn't want peace or quiet. He wants action.Brandy Vela, 18, shot herself in front of her parents after being relentlessly cyberbullied. The Texas teen, who was described by her school as well-liked and friendly, was buried December 7. By Friday, someone had opened a social media page in her memory, but it was quickly filled with disturbing posts about her; the cyberbullying literally following her to the grave.Her father is fighting back."The continued harassment reported by Mr. Vela is being investigated," Texas City police Capt. Joe Stanton said. "We currently do not have any suspects or persons of interest identified."The harassment continues"Two days after her funeral, somebody opened up a social media page in her name," Vela said, "and people thought the family did it, so it started with people putting sincere condolences. After a few minutes, either four people or the same person posting four times said some things harassing Brandy about?…Hassan, Carma. “Teen Who Shot Herself in Front of Her Parents Is Still Being Bullied.” CNN. 14 Dec. 2016, . Accessed 1 May 2018.Example 5 – Connecting through common/shared experiencesA lot has changed since we were children. As a society, we’ve traded Pogs and Polly Pockets?for Smartphones and Playstations. Although we aren’t as concerned about choking hazards or toxic paints, our son’s and daughter’s love for technology can open them up to numerous hidden dangers. Just like stepping on Legos in the middle of the night, parents can still be caught off guard when it comes to technology and our children.“Cyberbullying Facts and Statistics.” TeenSafe. 4 Oct. 2016, . Accessed 1 May 2018.Example 6 – An unexpected statementCyberbullying is not a new phenomenon. But an alarming number of teenagers are anonymously posting mean things online — about themselves.About 6% of kids from the ages of 12 through 17 have bullied themselves digitally, according to research conducted by Sameer Hinduja, a professor of criminology at Florida Atlantic University and co-director of the Cyberbullying Research Center.“It’s a new phenomenon, and this is definitely happening" for teens across the U.S., Hinduja said. “We have a tendency to demonize the aggressor, but in some cases, maybe one out of 20, the aggressor and target are the same.”Yancey-Bragg, N’dea. “Cyberbullying's Chilling Trend: Teens Anonymously Target Themselves Online, Study Finds.” USA Today. 8 Nov. 2017, . Accessed 1 May 2018. ................

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