MAY / JUNE 2018

MAY / JUNE 2018

2018 Officers

Linda Vinsanau


(504) 909-9927

Yvette Ragas

Linda Camnetar

Linda Bergeron

1st Vice President

(504) 813-4909

Recording Secretary

(504) 454-0460

2nd Vice President

(504) 888-1224

Debbie Bush

Corresp. Secretary

(504) 913-7937



Brenda Higgins


(504) 889-2244

Linda Daigle

3rd Vice President

(504) 887-3285


Metropolitan Republican Women held their May meeting at Chateau Country Club in Kenner on

Wednesday, May 2nd. The guest speaker was Kellie DiMarco, Regional Turnaround Manager of the Louisiana

Department of Education. Ms. DiMarco explained how the state is handling failing schools and implementing

federal requirements to get those schools back on track.

Annually, Metro awards a $1,500.00 scholarship to a college-bound high school senior. Metro

Scholarship Chair, Pam Clower, presented the scholarship award to the 2018 recipient, Grace Davidson from

Cabrini High School. Grace¡¯s parents, Ruth and Hale Davidson, attended the May meeting and luncheon at

Chateau Country Club. Grace read her winning essay titled "What Elective Office I Would Like to Hold and

Why". Grace will attend LSU to major in physics, then plans to attend

Graduate School to study forensic chemistry. Her goal is to become a

medical examiner and ultimately run for the office of Coroner.

Congratulations to Grace.

Grace Davidson, 2018 Metro

Scholarship award recipient

Pictured above (left to right) are the parents of the

scholarship recipient Hale and Ruth Davidson;

Scholarship Committee Member Nan Cornfield;

recipient Grace Davidson; Scholarship Committee

Chairman Pam Clower; and, Metro President Linda


Pictured on the left (left to right) are Metro 2nd VP

Linda Bergeron, Metro Secretary Yvette Ragas,

Scholarship Committee Chairman Pam Clower, guest

speaker Kellie DiMarco; and, Metro 1st VP Linda




New Metro members Carole McGinity and

Valerie Hart; and, Associate member

Tony Ligi

School Board member Melinda

Bourgeois; Metro member

Bertha Smith; and, guest Dr.

James Gray

Metro members Linda Camnetar, Debbie

Bush, and Diane Rawls

Metro members Vivian Albarado and Pam

Schafer; and, guest speaker Kellie DiMarco

Dexter Bosarge; School Board member Sandy

Bosarge; and Acadian RW member Patricia Soulier



Community Service

Ann Malbrough, Chairman of Metro¡¯s Community Service committee and ¡°Caring for America¡± program,

and fellow committee member Kim Perez assembled 40 bags filled with toiletries for the residents of the

Veterans Transition Home. The toiletries, along with clothes donated by a generous Metro supporter, were

delivered in early May to the Home by Pam Clower, Ann, and Kim. Ann and Kim extend a big thank you to

Metro members and guests who donated items and cash to fill the bags with over 200 items.

The Metro Club will continue to supply needed items throughout the year to the Veterans Home. We

have donated bedding, throws, kitchen items,

toiletries, and clothes as well as hosted a

football tailgate party with catered food last

November. The veterans are always very

appreciative of our visits. Please consider

volunteering on this committee with Ann and

Kim. Contact Ann at (504) 450-1424 (cell).

Residents from the Veteran Transition Home, Metro members

Pam Clower, Kim Perez, and Metro Community Service

Committee Chairman Ann Malbrough

STAIR ¨C ¡°Start the Adventure in Reading¡±

Eight second-grade students from Schneckenburger Elementary School graduated from the

STAIR program on May 10th. Site Director Linda Bergeron presented each student with a graduation

certificate at a reception attended by the students¡¯


Metro Literacy Committee Chairman Linda

Bergeron extends thanks to the members of Metro

for supporting the program during the year. The

book donations and monetary donations helped

supply books for the students to start their own

libraries at home. The students are tutored oneon-one every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 to

5:00pm September through May. Because of this

tutoring program, several of the students jumped

one or two letter grades from when they started

and even achieve the honor roll. If anyone is

interested in the program, please email Linda at




The Louisiana Federation of Republican Women hosted ¡°A Day at the Legislature¡± on May 30th in Baton

Rouge starting with at the Pentagon Barracks¡¯ apartment of Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser. We were welcomed

by the Lt. Governor and a group of Louisiana legislators. Attendees then met with their Senators and

Representatives and attended a Committee hearing in the State Capital. We had lunch in the Capital Visitors

Center and returned to the Capital to be recognized from the floor of House and the Senate. The visit

concluded with a crawfish boil at Lt. Gov. Nungesser¡¯s apartment.

The Select Committee on Women and Children was created to study and make recommendations on issues

regarding women and children, including but not limited to, advancing their well being, particularly concerning

access to health, promoting equity in education, economic advancement, health, and criminal justice, and

reviewing state law to ensure the inclusiveness of the concerns of women and children. Pictured above (left to

right) are Rep. Beryl Amedee Dist. 51; Rep. Polly Thomas (Dist. 80); Rep. Malinda White (Dist. 75); Sen.

Sharon Hewitt Dist. 1); Sen. Beth Mizell (Dist. 12); and Sen. Regina Barrow (Dist. 15).

Republican State

ChairmanLouis Gervich

US Representative

Garrett Graves

La. Sen. Beth Mizell (Dist. 12), and

La. Representatives Dody Horton (Dist. 9)

and Polly Thomas (Dist. 80)

La. Representive

Dody Horton (Dist. 9)



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