Eu cv format

|European |

|curriculum vitae |

|format |

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|[pic] |

|Personal information |

|Name | |FETAHAGIĆ, Sead S. |

|Address | |88 Džemala Bijedića, 71000, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina |

|Telephone | |(387-61) 74 57 58 mobile |

|Fax | | |

|E-mail | |sfetahag@ |

|Nationality | |Bosnia and Herzegovina/Serbia |

|Date of birth | |3th November 1964 |

|Work experience |

|• Dates | |march 2010 – present |

|• Name and address of employer | |Centre for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies, University of Sarajevo, BiH |

|• Type of business or sector | |higher education, academic and policy research |

|• Occupation or position held | |Academic Tutor - Master Program in Religious Studies |

|• Main activities and responsibilities | |Instructing, tutoring and evaluating students' academic performance. |

| | |Master's Degree academic performance coordination. |

| | |Quality assurance and follow-up recommendations of the program's development. |

| | |Teaching at the modules “Religions of the Contemporary World” and “Religion and Nationalism in the |

| | |South-Eastern Europe” |

|• Dates | |december 2006 – february 2010 |

|• Name and address of employer | |European Union Police Mission, Sarajevo, BiH |

|• Type of business or sector | |legal, security, international organization |

|• Occupation or position held | |National Legal Adviser |

|• Main activities and responsibilities | |Prepared legal analyses covering local legislation and legal reforms especially regarding the legal |

| | |framework of BiH police forces. |

| | |Drafted reports and summaries on legal issues in cooperation with supervisors and colleagues and actively |

| | |participated in the legislative drafting within the working groups as well as within legal teams. |

| | |Translated legal documents and guided translation of legal documents (laws and by-laws, indictments, |

| | |judgments etc.) performed by interpreters. |

| | |Maintained contacts with the local authorities, governmental and non-governmental organizations and other |

| | |institutions in order to gather up, analyze and disseminate information in the areas of criminal justice, |

| | |rule of law and other fields of work of EUPM. |

| | |Assisted and advised International Staff of the Mission on all legal issues. |

|• Dates | |august 2006 – september 2006 |

|• Name and address of employer | |ACIPS, Sarajevo, BiH |

|• Type of business or sector | |NGO, civic initiatives |

|• Occupation or position held | |Election Campaign Analyst |

|• Main activities and responsibilities | |Monitored and analyzed the BH daily press in relation to the general elections campaign. |

| | |Analyzed and evaluated campaigns of major political parties and candidates in relation to the 12 main |

| | |requests of GROZD civic initiative. |

| | |Prepared daily, weekly and the final analytical reports covering the behavior and communication of the |

| | |major political parties towards the set goals of the project. |

|• Dates | |july 2006 – august 2006 |

|• Name and address of employer | |Centri civilnih inicijativa, Sarajevo, BiH |

|• Type of business or sector | |NGO, civic initiatives |

|• Occupation or position held | |Researcher |

|• Main activities and responsibilities | |Research and analysis of political and legal status of the City of Sarajevo, including its territory, |

| | |formally defined competencies/responsibilities in relation to higher and lower authorities, analysis of |

| | |legal inconsistencies and gaps. |

| | |Comparative analysis with selected European cities, the Council of Europe recommendations as well as with |

| | |European practices in urban governance. |

|• Dates | |january 2006 – april 2006 |

|• Name and address of employer | |Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA |

|• Type of business or sector | |Religious Studies in the Global University Curriculum: An Educational Partnership Linking Arizona State |

| | |University and University of Sarajevo |

|• Occupation or position held | |Research Visiting Scholar |

|• Main activities and responsibilities | |Prepared three professional academic syllabi for incorporation in the new MA Program in Comparative |

| | |Religious Studies at the Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies, University of Sarajevo |

| | |(“Religions of the World”, “Religion and Nationalism in Southeastern Europe” and “Religion in America”) |

| | |Attended seminars and symposia and participated in discussion on diverse topics regarding the role and |

| | |relationship between religion and society and the academic study of religion |

|• Dates | |march 2005 – december 2005 |

|• Name and address of employer | |High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kraljice Jelene 88, Sarajevo, BiH |

|• Type of business or sector | |Legal Department - Project: “Support to the Prosecutors’ Offices in BiH” |

|• Occupation or position held | |Lawyer/Investigator |

|• Main activities and responsibilities | |Analysed legal and practical issues regarding prosecutors offices in BiH |

| | |Drafted legal correspondence and performed analytical legal research |

| | |Assisted colleagues from the department in daily office administration, communicated with stakeholders and |

| | |international agencies, occasional translation of legal documents |

| | |Took part in working groups, drafted laws and by-laws, followed legislative development during the judicial|

| | |reform |

|• Dates | |SEPTEMBER 2003 – february 2005 |

|• Name and address of employer | |European Profiles S.A., 11B Kodrigtonos St. Athens, Greece |

|• Type of business or sector | |Europaid CARDS Project: “Support to the Prosecutors’ Offices in BiH” |

|• Occupation or position held | |Office Manager |

|• Main activities and responsibilities | |Correspondence with stakeholders of the Project and with partner international organisations in BiH |

| | |Events management (seminars, round-tables, working groups etc.), drafting minutes, overall coordination |

| | |with services providers (hotels, transport firms, interpreters etc.) |

| | |Interpretation at high level meetings and supervision over translation of documents |

| | |Office running expenses and petty cash management, preparation of budget requests for events and office |

| | |supplies provision |

|• Dates | |july 2000 – may 2003 |

|• Name and address of employer | |United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Aleja Bosne Srebrene bb, Sarajevo |

|• Type of business or sector | |Administrative/Medical Services |

|• Occupation or position held | |Secretary to Chief Medical Coordinator |

|• Main activities and responsibilities | |Maintained and systematized personnel files to be archived |

| | |Filed and dealt with sensitive/confidential information |

| | |Drafted correspondence |

| | |Scheduled appointments and meetings |

| | |Prepared monthly reports and statistics |

|• Dates | |september 1996 – june 2000 |

|• Name and address of employer | |United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Aleja Bosne Srebrene bb, Sarajevo |

|• Type of business or sector | |International Police Task Force |

|• Occupation or position held | |Language Assistant |

|• Main activities and responsibilities | |Written and oral interpretation/translation from English/local language |

| | |Attended and interpreted at high level meetings |

| | |Maintained liaison with local community/institutions |

| | |Assisted and advised international staff on local affairs |

|• Dates | |may 1994 – june 1996 |

|• Name and address of employer | |Kamerni teatar 55, Titova 56, Sarajevo |

|• Type of business or sector | |Theatre and Cultural Activities |

|• Occupation or position held | |Secretarial/Public Relations Assistant |

|• Main activities and responsibilities | |Liaison with press and electronic media |

| | |Prepared press material and publications |

| | |Maintained files and archives |

| | |Drafted correspondence |

| | |Translated correspondence from local/English |

|Education and training |

|• Dates | |January 2006 – April 2006 |

|• Name and type of organisation providing | |Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA |

|education and training | | |

|• Principal subjects/occupational | |Intensive semester of advanced study in the field of Religious Studies |

|skills covered | | |

|• Title of qualification awarded | |Certificate |

|• Dates | |April 2003 – November 2005 |

|• Name and type of organisation providing | |Centre for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies |

|education and training | |University of Sarajevo/University of Bologna in cooperation with London School of Economics and Political |

| | |Sciences |

|• Principal subjects/occupational | |European Studies; |

|skills covered | |MA thesis defended: “Principle of Secularism as a Historical Development of the Church-State Relationship |

| | |in Europe: Review of the Bosnian Case”. |

|• Title of qualification awarded | |Master of European Studies |

| | | |

|• Dates | |October 1984 – November 2002* |

|• Name and type of organisation providing | |School of Law, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina |

|education and training | | |

|• Principal subjects/occupational | |General Legal Studies |

|skills covered | | |

|• Title of qualification awarded | |LL.B (Bachelor of Laws) |

| | |*the studies were prolonged due to the war circumstances 1991-1995 |

| | | |

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|Personal skills |

|and competences |

|Mother tongue | |Serbo-Croat/Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian (reading/writing Cyrillic) |

|Other languages |

| | |english - United Nations English Language Proficiency Certificate 2000, Effective Written Communication |

| | |Training 2002, English Grammar Workshop 2002, Certified Court Interpreter for English since 2009 |

|• Reading skills | |excellent |

|• Writing skills | |excellent |

|• Verbal skills | |excellent |

| | |french - Beginners course at Centre Andre Malraux/UNMIBH 2003 |

|• Reading skills | |basic |

|• Writing skills | |basic |

|• Verbal skills | |basic |

| | |german – Themen Neu 1a 1998, Themen Neu 1b 1999 |

|• Reading skills | |basic |

|• Writing skills | |basic |

|• Verbal skills | |basic |

|Social skills | |Communication skills, including consecutive and simultaneous interpretation at meetings, courses and |

|and competences | |speaking for media |

| | |Ability to adapt to multicultural environments |

| | |Team spirit: translation of documents within a pool of translators, participation in working groups |

| | |Member of Association Alumni of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies (ACIPS) since 2004 |

|Organisational skills | |During the work on CARDS Project I actively participated in planning and organisation of meetings, |

|and competences | |seminars, working groups and similar events with the stakeholders and Project key experts |

| | |Whilst working in Kamerni teatar 55, I organized and coordinated the work with guest performers from abroad|

| | |Voluntary work for Sarajevo’s NGO Art Association “Ambrosia” 1995-97, co-organizing “Forbidden Fruits Of |

| | |Civil Society Festival” in 1996. |

|Technical skills | |Advanced computer skills: installation, maintenance and settings of DOS/Windows OS, competent with standard|

|and competences | |office software (MS Office, Lotus Notes), printing, scanning, CD writing, basic Linux skills, basic Mac OS |

| | |X user |

| | |Internet skills: MS IE/Outlook, Netscape, Opera, Mozilla, Internet user since 1996, basic knowledge of DTP |

| | |and HTML |

| | |European Computer Driving License obtained in 2003 |

|Artistic skills | |Writing articles and reviews on popular culture and music, published in magazines “Homo volans” Zagreb |

|and competences | |1996, “Lica” Sarajevo 1997 and on the Webzine: |

| | |As a member of Art Association “Ambrosia”, I participated in a radio show as music and script editor, |

| | |Studio 99, Sarajevo 1996 |

|Other skills | |Able to deal with sensitive and confidential information |

|and competences | |Able to act in non-partisan manner |

| | |Hobbies: music, literature, computers |

| | |Sport: walking and swimming |

|Additional information | |List of Publications (selected): |

| | |"Religija i popis: Problem (samo)identifikacije", Novi pogledi XIX, ACIPS 2012 |

| | |“Islam in Socialism and Post-Socialism”, chapter in the book Contesting Female, Feminist and Muslim |

| | |Identities: Post-Socialist Contexts of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, Center for Interdisciplinary |

| | |Postgraduate Studies, University of Sarajevo. 2012 |

| | |“Povijesni (dis)kontinuitet konstitutivnosti naroda BiH i zahtjevi (post)moderne drzavnosti”, Status 15, |

| | |2011 |

| | |“Historical (Dis)continuity of the Constituency of Peoples: Genesis of Constitutional Framing of the |

| | |Subject of Sovereignty in Bosnia and Herzegovina following the ECHR Decision on the Discrimination of |

| | |'Others'”. paper presented at the conference “The Status and Position of 'Others' in the Constitution of |

| | |BiH and the Future Constitutional Arrangements for Bosnia and Herzegovina”, Social Research Institute of |

| | |the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Sarajevo. 3 February 2010. |

| | |“Zloupotrebe principa garantinarinih mjesta: Politicka participacija nacionalnih manjina BiH u lokalnim |

| | |izborima 2008”, with Katarina Crnjanski-Vlajcic. ACIPS, 2009 |

|Annexes | | |


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